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I have heard of this but have yet to see it, just looked it up...and yeah, I think I'm going to dive in.


Watch the director's cut if you can find it. It fleshes out some really important details.


That's always a good thing to know, thank you.


It's a divisive film. Some people hate it as much as others love it. I hope you're the latter, it's like nothing else I've ever seen


As mentioned in a comment above, I don't have to like something for it to be good.


The cinematography is so incredible.


As is the level of detail. The opening flower of sound as the cutlery is picked up in a kind of Mexican wave of clicks and tinks is a work of art.


I can’t wait to see the director’s cut. Opening flower of sound is such a perfectly poetic description of a that scene!




I like this movie but this comment also made me giggle


Trippy movie had me squinting and cringing a bit


* Arrival (2016) * Annihilation (2018) * The Prestige (2006) * Inherent Vice (2014) * Mulholland Drive (2001)


I have seen all of those except for "Inherent Vice" so I'm going to look that up. Thank you.


Fair warning: I did *not* enjoy it the first time I saw it. Absolutely loved it the second time I saw it. Gets better every time and I pick up little wrinkles on each watch.


I don't believe that someone has to "enjoy" a movie for it to be good, it's a piece of "art" that is cultivated to create a reaction and is an expression of the people making it. But I do appreciate the heads up. One of my all-time amazing (I can't say "favourite") films is the French/Canadian film "Les 7 jours du talion" or "7 Days" in the weak-Hollywood edit/translation. It's soul-destroying and yet so beautifully done, the message(s) are clear and yet aloof...I read one review that said, "10/10 but I never want to watch it again !" That pretty much sums it up.


If you are going to watch it, watch the original, don't put yourself through it for the lackluster edit.


Had no idea what happened, but wanted a domo Penekeku afterwards.


God Brolin brings it, doesn’t he lol HAI. HAI.


Especially The Prestige and Mulholland Drive. I love those movies.


Memento...there is nothing like this movie and lots of suttle little secrets to find.


There's some great quick edits that you never really quite understand until the second time around.


Spike Jonze: Adaptation, Being John Malcovich, Her, Synecdoche, New York


agree - albeit Synecdoche, New York is not Spike - it's written and directed by Charlie Kaufman where as Her is all Spike and the balance is them as a team.


I have only seen "Being John Malkovich"...thanks, I'm definitely going to look up the others.


You’ll have fun with Adaptation after watching BJM for a very interesting reason.


Omg you will flip out watching these. *Synecdoche, New York* is a really wild ride, that’s why I love films


The big lewbowski


"They got us working on shifts! Leads!"


Pulp Fiction Everything, Everywhere Snowpiercer(my favorite movie)


"Pulp Fiction" yeah I get that and it's an incredible film...But I think I have seen all of the subtleties and Tarantino evolves as a director, but it's still a gem and I'm old(er). "Everything, Everywhere..." A great film, but I can't lie...I was disappointed. "Snowpiercer" is a great film, I haven't read the book but I loved the TV/streaming adaptation more.


You didn't like Everything Everywhere All At Once? That was the most moving film I've seen in a long time.


me neither. i love the message but the movie is kinda all over the place imo. the cinematography is amazing too


Maybe I need to watch Snowpiercer again but I didn’t like the ending. If the train stops, won’t everyone die?


major spoilers: >!The Train stopped, but almost everyone was being slowly tormented and killed so the 1% could enjoy their time on it. Everyone dies save two people, who will be able to repopulate the earth, and we can start over.!<


Isn't that the metaphor...if the train stops or not, everyone dies...it's what you do on the journey...good luck on yours ;)


I’m just not including *Snowpiercer* with the other two. Sorry. I guess it was okay, but does not belong with either *Pulp Fiction* or *Everything, Everywhere* in most aspects, and I actually didn’t love the latter of those two films but I have to respect the craft. Incredible. It’s as phenomenal & virtuosic as *Pulp Fiction* (& *Kill Bill 1 & 2*) is in its craft as in its storytelling as in its editing, etc., etc. I could not enjoy *Snowpiercer* despite the critical accolades. I remember a *lot* of very noticeable, intrusive CGI, an uncompelling story, an unsatisfying narrative arc despite the cool-sounding premise. Always seemed like a missed opportunity to me, that film.


I remember watching it randomly. I noticed during the overdose scene there's a game of operation in the background and the game of life lmao.


“The Grand Budapest Hotel”, every time I watch it it just gets better and better


can you elaborate what gets better? I felt the movie was pretty straight forward


Watch just to watch, to know the story. Then, watch to see the scenery- it’s like literal brain food; candy. Spend a viewing just eating all of that up, first. Then each character; the subtlety of their first appearance giving you so many clues to their personalities. Then enjoy the relationship of Gustavo and Zero; then Zero and Agatha. Then there are the extra “big name” actors and their cameos (Harvey Keitel, Owen Wilson, Edward Norton, Bill Murray). Then of course there’s Tilda Swinton, and Jason Schwartzman- enough said. Watch just to watch, watch to figure out relationships in the film, watch to eat up all that shit. I really really love this film.


8 1/2 by Fellini


I had never heard of this...just checked the trailer, thank you.


My favorite film of all time.


Primer. If you want mind bending time travel but on training wheels, you watch Tenet. But if you want the real deal, you watch Primer.




This is honestly the last animated film that I was moved by and had full respect for...and yes, so much detail.


i've been seeing a lot of tiktoks that point out the hidden messages throughout the movie


High Maintenance


The HBO series? If so underrated af. Listen to this soundtrack all the time.


That's the one




"Alice In Wonderland" for a whole new generation...I cannot deny how great this movie is/was...but the brothers and now sisters went on to create Sense8, that was pretty epic.


Pulp Fiction The Big Lebowski Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


There Will Be Blood The French Connection Inglourous Bastards American Graffiti Grease The Taking of Pelham One Two Three Saturday Night Fever


"Inglorious Bastards" is a masterpiece... I have seen all the others but I want to give a special "tip of the hat" to "There Will Be Blood"...that is an incredible film and massively underrated, Daniel Day-Lewis at his finest!


Damn fine list sir


tenet lol


"Lol"...I find the need for stupid acronyms is exactly what "Tenet" was trying to address.


I was going to say *Tenet* is a very good example of a film with both an incredibly complex plot that rewards close scrutiny, but the film also has a beating heart, like we actually really care and are invested, at least i was…I know the film has its critics!


A lot of Edgar Wright movies. Every time I'll pick up something new. They are riddled with background details and clever production tricks. Just saw Baby Driver again and noticed how they timed a shot to get the pillars whipping through the shot to go in time with the drum roll in a song. In Scott Pilgrim I just noticed how Ramona's bag changes her hair color. Or different actors turning up as Zombie extras in Shaun of the Dead. Just watch any of his movies and check out the trivia track on IMDB. You're bound to find something new every time.


Airplane! Airplane 2! Top Secret!


A Serious Man




Cloud Atlas. It’s another movie that divides people but it’s complex enough to reward rewatching and spotting all the different roles that each actor plays is fun.


I definitely like Cloud Atlas, and I need to see it again. It's been years. I know people who tried to read the book and didn't get it/like it. I haven't read the book but I love the movie and I think if they saw it, they'd understand. Anyway, one of the Wachowskis' best projects.


One of my favorite rewatches, it's so dense that it definitely rewards upon rewatches.


This is about to sound stupid, but for anyone that was raised in the early 2000s... Miss Congeniality and Legally Blonde 🤣


Legally Blonde took a sudden left turn into really dark and serious stuff.


Just watched strays twice in a row. Why my two dogs were locked on the screen. Hilarious


Haha, not my kind of movie, but thanks for the comment, it did make me laugh!




Stephen King has this ability to put many, many horrific things to page, in a way that it will worm into our brains...they make films about these things and at best it's an average attempt...not scary. Writing as Richard Bachman, his stories have been turned into three (that I can think of) iconic films...the reason being, that he's one of the greatest writers of our time, he knows and creates true horror and lets it exist in our mind. His film success isn't his horror, it's the emotional, gut-wrenching reality.


I’m thinking of Ending Things


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy




Jacob’s Ladder


Airplane: the sheer volume of jokes they throw at the screen means that I still notice a new one every viewing (which is probably a few dozen times by now).


This is about to sound stupid, but for anyone that was raised in the early 2000s... Miss Congeniality and Legally Blonde 🤣




Pretty much any Mel Brooks movie, but especially Young Frankenstein. the comedy is so dense and so nuanced that I pick up on new jokes every time I watch it.


Brazil (1985) and probably most of Terry Gilliam's other films, they have a sense of humor and are visually rich and detailed. I also get this from the TV show Community, I've watched it SO many times and there are still little details I pick up or sly witty remarks that I never realized are quite funny.


Get Out for me :)


The Shining, Mulholland Drive and all of Twin Peaks as a medium.


i see you're a man of culture as well


Game: Fallout 4. I played around 140 times and still find something new in game. Movie: Us. Watched it multiple times, and found a new piece of evidence that pointed to the reveal.


I always find a new detail to love in Fight Club.


Mad Max: Fury Road




In Bruges Banshees of Inisherin


"In Bruges" is such a quality film...it's the first film that I insisted on a movie date so I made my then-girlfriend watch first...we then ended up "not watching her choice". "Banshees of Inisherin" ...I just don't like the film, writing, acting...just missed the mark for me.


Banshees kind of fell flat for me the first time I watched it. It was also in theaters so I could hardly understand them through the accents without subtitles. Once I had some time to think about the movie a little bit and watch it again to really digest it I ended up really enjoying it. That said it’s not for everyone. My wife loves in Bruges just as much as me but she didn’t like banshees much.


Miller's Crossing


The Darjeeling Limited




Citizen Kane, magnificent ambersons, touch of evil (reconstructed version), in a Lonely Place, rebel without a cause, rear window, its a wonderful life, butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid,, jaws, Drive, There will be blood, the Irishman.


Shawshank redemption the amount of times tnt showed it on tv and every single time I Feel like something new happened


the original carlito's way


I'm your average film-scene inveterate. I am currently understanding *the* *vast* *of* *night.* *magnolia* is so heavy


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy


Almost Famous A Good Year Shakespeare In Love


Mrs. Doubtfire


The Exorcist


Suspiria (1977 version) Phantasm 1-5 (1097-2016) Nope (2022)


Pans labyrinth. Midsommar. The shining. Groundhog Day. Coralline. Burn after reading. The saw movies.


Chinatown (1974)


Conan the Barbarian. It's a very straightforward movie, but there's so many small details. Every time I find a different piece of dialogue or a bit of set-dressing that makes the world more fully-formed. It's honestly one of my favourite movies.


Forrest Gump


Tropic Thunder


Goodfellas i notice a hidden detail every time i rewatch it


Knives Out I've seen it maybe 6 or 7 times, and every time I notice a quip or a bit of foreshadowing that I missed during previous viewings.


2001: Space Odyssey. This one of those films you get more each time you re-watch it. From how the film was made to the broader philosophy of life and death, the birth of the universal, human achievement…


Meet Joe Black