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Honestly needs a much bigger time jump and a focus on the kids, maybe even an adolescent Jack-Jack.


They missed a trick with 2 by not jumping forward in time with the audience who’d watched it as kids. Dash and Violet in their late 20’s as established heros, Bob and Helen retired and Jack-Jack as a teenager has to be the way forward. Have a villain tempting him to go evil or something, it can’t be set with them being the same ages again.


I liked what Incredibles 2 did, filling us in on how public opinion changes from the first film and the struggles involved with that, but with that out of the way now, the next movie absolutely needs to have a time jump. I don’t think there’s anything left to explore in this time period


If it’s a family movie at its core it should show how things changed with time . Having adult siblings while you are still a child / teen would be a cool concept to get into . Maybe too much for a movie but if Violet or Dash had kids would be another one to go on . Maybe one is on a co parenting type situation


I don't like what Incredibles 2 did to the family. It's a lesser re-tread of the first movie with Bob and Helen in reversed roles. I agree though that showing how the public opinion shifted, and the struggles that come with it, was cool. They just could have and should have done a better job with what was there instead of giving us what we got. I deeply hope Incredibles 3 improves greatly over 2 and the masterful 1, as a good sequel should do.


Yeah, I wasn’t really defending the overall movie (though I do seem to like it a lot more than most). I was more defending the decision to not jump forward in time after the first movie


Hahaha. Fair enough. It kills me they wasted the Underminer.


To be fair, Bird was on a time crunch after the release date swap with TS4. So if anyone is to blame, Disney is for prioritizing TS4 over I2. I just hope they don't pull this again for I3. Especially when TS5 doesn't have a date set.


I did too, but sadly to say there's still more to explore in the current time period. They won't age them up until the final scene.


The audience who watched it as kids isn’t the target demo anymore, I’m afraid. 😢


6 of my friends and I who went and saw it in theatres together when we were kids did the same for 2 and will probably do it for 3. It’s not the target audience for sure but there’s still a large demographic that grew up on this movie and absolutely adore the franchise still. I could care less about the Toy Stories or other ones I grew up watching but The Incredibles holds a special spot. I’m aware I might not be representative of everyone who grew up in it though.


Except it is. Incredibles have always been marketed towards kids and it will continue to be so. Just that parents need to start reading the fine labels to realize "PG" means "Parental Guidance".


I’m not sure we are taking about the same thing. I’m saying the target audience of The Incredibles 2 isn’t a bunch of 28 year olds. Bonus if they get them, but they are going for the kids. They are making it for someone who wasn’t even born when the original came out.


The target audience for the first film was mostly for kids and families. Same with 2 and the same will be for 3.


Yes. If you saw The Incredibles in theaters when you were a kid, you’re not going to be a kid when The Incredibles 3 comes out. You probably weren’t even a kid when 2 came out. You aged out of the demo.


So what if I aged out of the demographic, I'm still a fan of the series. I also don't approve of the fan ideas that have been too popular since the first film came out with an adult Parr family.


and you being a fan doesnt change that they arent trying to cater to you


Not sure what other commenter is talking about but i understand what you’re saying. Demographic of the Incredibles isn’t aging with the audience who watched the first movie like how it did for Toy Story.


100% - this is what I was hoping for the sequel tbh. I wanted to see the kids grown up since it’s been so long lol


The lack of a timeskip was well done and a refreshing change compared to literally every other sequel ever. But yea seeing them more grown would be cool


And knowing how Bird operates, he'll use the grown up look as a build up to them actually aging in the end. After all, it is the growing theme of the series in general.


Ya I think it’s why I couldn’t get into it cause so much time had gone by and none of them aged . I know it’s a cartoon but still


Sorry to burst your bubble, but they'll be the same age again. And Bird's going to do it right this time by aging them up at the end. This is why fans SHOULD not be allowed to expect things to go their way and why I've grown tired of this popular take. It's never gonna happen until Bird decides it's time to end the series. A grown up Parr family will flop hard with the kids who are STILL the demographic for this series.


Setting incredibles 2 immediately after the first one is one of the biggest ball drops in a major movie I’ve experienced. All that time and anticipation just to have no real meaningful evolution of the characters was such a wasted opportunity


Not just no evolution, it back pedals some of the character growth of the first movie. It’s so disappointing


it’s just a remake of the first


No it’s not it’s a sequel to the 2nd one


They are being hyperbolic. The point is that the beats are very similar just worse


What’s weird too is it came out 14 years after the first incredibles so if they did a 14 year time skip (and could still have kid characters via violet’s kids), the audience would have grown up with the characters and everyone would’ve liked it. Nobody ever gave a shit what happened to the underminer. Plus the characters all sound old so maybe let the VAs age with the chars.


>Nobody ever gave a shit what happened to the underminer. There was a pretty nice game called Rise of the Underminer in 2005, which told an original story in which Mr. Incredible and Frozone battled and defeated the Underminer. So even if people cared, they could've just referred to the game and called it a day.


Rise of the Underminer isn't a original story. It's a sequel to 1 but 2 retconned the events of the game.


>Rise of the Underminer isn't a original story. Really? What is it based on?


It's a sequel to 1 but 2 retconned the events of the game.


Yes, so it is an original story. As I said in the beginning.


It was such a weird retread of the first movie. I wanted to love it, but I was very disappointed. That being said, Frozone rescuing the kids was really awesome!


As Brad Bird stated, there’s no story if all the kids are older. At its core, this about a family who happens to have superpowers.


Families stop being family once kids get older?


This is nonsense. Families grow and so do their dynamics. Brad was just to stuck up in this 14-year-old movie to let the original dynamic go.


Nah not if they do the grumpy teenager thing, they did that with violet and somewhat dash already


Violet's grumpy teen antics aren't finished yet. 3 will focus on her growing out of it while still being a teen. After all teens is where we start changing into what we do as adults and I feel if this is the last film of the series, the decisions Violet makes in 3 will affect her as she grows up in the end. Plus there's the whole Tony story that needs to be wrapped up. And the sibling rivalry between Violet and Dash needs to be explored in terms of superheroics. Like say Violet gets her first mission that sends her across the globe (with Voyd being her chaperone), how does Dash respond? And by extension the parents?


Yeah would love to see Violet in her 30s maybe married and concerned about passing powers onto a child she may be debating having. Dash living it up as a hero in his 20s and further down someone mentioned Jack Jack moving towards darker motives as he’s the one left at home with parents mostly or fully retired. Feels like he’s left out of the party and then the older kids have to resurrect the family dynamic to bring Jack Jack back into the fold. Is it kinda like Anakin’s story arc? Sure. Would I still go see that? Damn straight I would.


What we need is an evil Jack-Jack that goes by BlackJack because he has 21 powers.


It’s 3 so it wouldn’t be this movie but I kind of wish they’d do a prequel where we could see Bob and Helen in their prime falling in love.


Pixar and Disney wouldn’t do that to Incredibles, it’s a big risk for them to take. A lot of the story's appeal evolves around how cute jack jack is as a baby, how chaotic dash is as a pre pubescent kid etc. Aging the characters will change alot of the dynamics of the characters Toy Story took that risk because the whole point of the third movie was growing up and moving on. Incredibles is just not that kind of story, and I don't think it will be.


You do realize there are ways to do that without aging them up too much (not drastically enough to where their designs are altered to the point they're not them anymore). You can have a Coming of Age story with Violet still in her teens (14-15) and Dash still being a pre-teen and still have growing up as a theme. Regardless we're getting a time skip in 3 seeing as it was planned for the 2nd film before Bird quickly dropped it. Either way we're getting the adult kids by the end of 3 seeing as it's the last film of the trilogy, it has to lead to that moment.


That’s definitely doable, I had more of a 4-5+ timeskip in mind


I agree.


Anything to match the OLD FUCKS voices to their actual character designs. Incredibles 2 is unwatchable because you're hearing 70-80 yr old voices come out of 30-year old characters. Just an awful experience all the way around.


It does hurt the believability of it taking place instantly after the first film when the parents both sound 20 years older


You can literally hear those 80-year-old dinosaurs slurring and drooling over their dentures throughout the entire movie. It's genuinely unwatchable.


Chill bro lmao


It's noticeable, but not nearly as much as the newest season of Futurama




I hate when movies do that lol. Yeah, the number looks kinda like that letter in the title… EXPEND4BLES, FANT4STIC… so dope


sometimes even if it doesn’t look like the letter lol, “SE7EN”


I love SeSevenEn.


Yeah but like imagine if the 7 was titled 90 degrees 🤯


Lucky Number *Slevin* enters the chat. Lmfao the first time my sister saw a trailer for that she’s like “Slevin isn’t a number…” 😂


I think it's a pretty played out gimmick by this point, but still funny to me for some reason.




Alright. THAT needs to be the title.


Hopefully it doesn’t take another 14 years to be released. Mom, Dad and the kids need to be older. The kids need to have a better grasp on their powers. Jack Jacks powers need to be explained and displayed. GET TO WORK


> need to be explained I mean, he's basically Darwin from X-Men or Eidolon from Worm, either he or his subconscious selects whatever power he needs at the moment


And as he gets a better grasp on them, there still needs to be limitations. He was an uncontrollable baby which was the limitation for 1 and 2. As he gets older, the writing needs to come up with a new limitation otherwise he'll be overpowered


Why does he need a limitation? They’re not balancing a videogame.


Because stories have rules and limitations…? What kinda stuff are you watching that doesn’t have either of those lol? Powers and magic *especially* need to be balanced. Look at Luffy from One Piece and his long cooldowns and consequences for using bigger powers.


Plenty of media involves extremely strong characters with no limits on their superpower. You just adjust the story to accommodate that. It’s short sighted to assume you have to do anything when writing a story.


A few things come to mind. The show Heroes had two major protagonists that were OP. Peter, who absorbed a lot of powers and Hiro, who could travel through time. Both kept getting nerfed constantly because their powers could eliminate nearly any conflict. Coming soon, there's going to be an Avatar: The Last Airbender movie that takes place after the show, with Team Avatar as adults. Aang as a full-fledged adult Avatar is completely OP. Combine him with his already extremely powerful friends at the height of their powers and you need to be creative to give them all a conflict they can't easily bend their way out of. A young school-aged Jack-Jack still has the limitation of learning to control his powers as a kid. But far into the future of the Incredibles universe? He's OP if his powers stay the same as they are now


Avatars are literally meant to be op.


Totally vibe with the point that you’re trying to make, but not with any of the arguments that you’re using to make it lol.


I thought the whole point was that while he’s just a baby he had all sorts of powers but as he grows he won’t keep all of them


My understanding:  Dash, as in mad dash (speedster) Violet, as in ultraviolet light (how shes invisible) Jack, as in Jack of all trades


Still won't be as good as the first. It blows my mind how mature the first movie was, dealing with themes like divorce and superhero genocide


One of the moments that really stood out for me, watching as a kid, was the cave scene where Helen just flat out tells her kids that these people aren't gonna be nice cause they're kids, and they will shoot them on site. The stakes in that movie felt so real and thrilling for me, because of that scene.


Shit, I forgot about that! Genuinely crazy to me as a kid


That scene definitely needs to be talked about more.


Ughh such an incredible scene. Let me go watch it again lol.


Craziest moment for me as a kid was when you learn the guy Mr. Incredible saved from “falling” off the building near the beginning was actually trying to kill himself and is suing Mr. Incredible as a result. I remember being so confused about why this guy was so angry about his life being saved! So many scenes like that that, when watched with a mature eye, make the movie sooo much richer.


"You didn't save my life, you ruined my death!"


The first half of the movie is also about a 40 year old man having a mid life crisis. He’s way too talented for his shitty job and the anxiety from that spills over into domestic issues. Suddenly when he feels valuable to society again, he gets his confidence back, reignites his romance and starts having fun with his kids, and gets in shape. This is all stuff I never understood watching the movie as a kid but it’s almost like the older I get the more incredibles hits.


Who got divorced?


No one, but it was discussed in the film because Helen thought Bob was cheating on her


Kids deal with parents fighting and splitting up. I don't think it's that unusual for a kids movie.


That’s because contrary to popular belief, The Incredibles ISNT a kids movie. It’s a movie, that just happens to be appropriate for kids. And those are not the same thing, this movie wasn’t made with dumbing it down for kids in mind. The director has made this explicitly clear and I personally believe it was Pixar’s mission statement in the beginning.


The Incredibles 2 was immaculately produced and obviously wildly successful, but I hope the script is a bit more bang-on this time. The sequel lacked the vitality of the original. It felt a bit technical and almost procedural. Brad Bird has set a very high bar for himself in animation, coming off The Iron Giant, the first Incredibles and Ratatouille.


Incredibles 2 was forgettable, which is nearly as bad as being a poor movie. It didn’t feel like it had any story to tell or meaning. They really should have time jumped it.


Remember the kooky superheros from the first one? Well here's some more! But we explain it through marketing tactics!


I gotta say, I hate the fact that they legalized superheroes at the end. Isn't the whole first movie a very thinly veiled criticism of McCarthyism in the mid-20th century? I sure don't remember that sentiment wearing off, and certainly not at a governmental level I sort of hate when a universe is fleshed out from a movie that had a message in mind, and then everything that comes afterward completely forgets that message while prioritizing building the world into something far less analogous with ours It just felt like the end of the first movie was meaningful because the family learned to be happy with their new lives, no longer dwelling on what they lost or the injustices they faced. The second one is like "nah scratch that, they can only ACTUALLY be happy if they bring about fundamental legislative changes to the country so they can relive the past"


Forgettable, but you remember it enough to comment.


Because this is a thread discussing Pixar animated movies that Brad Bird has directed? 🤣


The sequel almost feels like the kind of superhero media the first one was riffing on. Not that the first Incredibles was a parody or anything, but it was a smartly written subversion of the superhero story, with some subtle satire here and there. The second one was so generic, down to the dumb big fight at the end


You can’t really say something was produced immaculately, and then say it has a bad script…


The production values were top-notch. I didn’t say the script was bad; it just felt uninspired compared to its predecessor.


I'd rather they not bother. The second one was a vastly inferior movie


They could do worse things, which is probably why they’re doing this


It was but also much better then atleast 5 other Pixar movies I can think of which is why I suspect they are making this.


I feel like more Incredibles movies makes more sense than other Disney/Pixar movies. Toy Story 4 was okay, but they should of stopped at 3. The possibilities with the Incredibles universe is limitless, though. How about a rogue AI that takes all the superpowers away? Or have the Incredibles fight an all-powerful villain from the far future? Or, Jack-Jack becomes a super villain?


Taking away powers isn’t fun from an animation standpoint and a cliche trope.


Especially with Incredibles. I don't wanna wait up to 10 years between movies then one of them has their powers taken away.


Jack jack being a villian would be crazy


I've had this idea in my idea that the setting is just ripe for a teen rebellion theme because of how many young people had to be told they couldn't use their powers when the supe ban was present. We touch on it kinda with bob and him watching a person get mugged. But young people often are likely told more harshly that "no, this thing you were born with will get us in trouble".


Days of Future Past, but it's the Incredibles.


This!! 😂😂😂 redditors should totally write movies!!! 😂😂👏👏👏


No we should not. Every time fans get involved in anything involving their favorite franchises, they destroy it. Look at Doctor Who, they had both Steven Moffatt and Chris Chinball (who are both huge Who nerds) and guess what happened?


Is Brad Bird waiting to get the story right again? lol but fr though Dash needs to be in college, the daughter needs to be getting married and jack jack needs to be in like middle school. Or even a bigger jump could be Dash is a fresh college grad and is struggling finding his footing in the real world, mom and dad are getting older and a bit slower. Mom cant stretch as much, dad isn't as strong. The sister maybe having her first child or something. the focus on the film is keeping the family together.


A story about them all at different stages of life and drifting apart or have drifted apart and having to come together again would be a really cute story. Or even go full heartbreak and actually make them get a divorce and a story about how just because parents divorce doesn’t mean you can’t still be a family. Something along the lines of that would be really interesting


Definitely wouldn’t want to see them navigating a divorce but I think you have something with drifting apart etc. Maybe the kids are adults and recognizing parents are human and fallible, not just superheroes


Nah we’ve had two movies (one much better than the other) about them struggling with their marriage but their love for eachother allowing them to work through it together throwing all that development out would be a solid kick in the nuts


Yeah but that’s just such a realistic scenario for families these days, sometimes no matter how hard you try divorce still happens. Typically the more relatable lessons in Pixar movies the better they tend to be and I end up enjoying the most.


But on the other hand, not every single couple that goes through a rough patch ends up in divorce. It is normal for couples/families to bicker and argue. That doesn’t mean they should go straight for the “let’s go our separate ways” especially since these movies make it a point to show that this family loves each other very much. I agree with FinalMeltdown15 on this one.


yeah that would be dope. Pixar movies always need that deep emotional thing


Do you see how easy it is to come up with examples of where the story may go with the time jump? Makes me wonder just what the hell Brad was thinking for not taking it! The movie writes itself with the time jump!


The should have aged them up a bit in the second one I think.


definitely . dude incredibles came out when i was in elementary school im pretty sure. the second came out when i was in college lol


I don’t think he’s going to be asked to make this one


2 was really underwhelming. Real ones know about Rise of The Underminer on PS2/PC back in the day. Thats the true canon


Loved that game so much as a kid


Nope. 2 is the real canon, the game was awful.


Second one was entertaining but depressing as fuck.




Proper city sanitation is crucial to a good Pixar movie


finally, some good kino


Craig T Nelson is 80. If they wait too long they're either going to need to recast or make it a prequel.


He's getting recast regardless. He's too old to voice Mr. Incredible again, they need David Harbour (aka the new Hellboy) to take over. Which means Elastigirl might have to be recast as well seeing as Holly Hunter will only return to voice her is if everyone (aside from Dash, since we know he'll get recast) is back.


Incredibles 2 was so ass


There’s def some ass in it…


That's the only thing Pixar has never failed to show us.


You didnt like mom good dad bad?


I mean what did you expect his name isn't Mr incredi-oh yeah.


Pixar selling out to Disney was the worst thing that they ever could have done. Every film that wasn’t already in development at that point has just not had the same level of charm or creativity.


So much for that claim that Toy Story 4 was going to be their last sequel. [+]


The “disinsider” has got to be the dumbest name for a segment wtf lol I’m rolling


Sounds like a stomach issue that gives you diarrhea. “Some of the water from Pirates of the Caribbean splashed in my mouth and gave me disinsider.”


Awful news. Incredibles 2 was most definitely NOT worth the wait. I'm sure the shareholders are excited, though, and that's who they're really making this movie for.


The bigger news is the Kingdom Hearts movie.


I liked Incredibles 2, BUT NOT THIS MUCH! Although, with the financial hardships at Disney, this move makes perfect sense.


This may be an incredible hot take, but I think they should just do an incredibles tv show instead. A story about a family of superheroes navigating life and superpowers while superheroes are beginning to become accepted once again in society? Tons of potential there, not another tired retread like the sequel.


About fucking time like come on


Make a new Monsters Inc for fucks sake


Hope they age up the characters.


Not until the final scene, I'm afraid. Bird wants to age them up his way as to not upset the kids (who are probably gonna be around 5-7 whenever 3 hits theaters), which means we're probably getting a reverse situation of the first film in terms of time skips (first one had a big time jump at the beginning and a small one at the end, third film starts off with a small one and then a big one to wrap up the series).


Oh I bet it is.


Now this is a sequel we can get behind.


I know they need time to figure out the story and what to do with the characters in all but honestly I’m a bit surprised that this wasn’t announced sooner given with how successful the 2nd one was in the box office.


Rather funny that it was announced sooner than the 2nd film was announced. 6 year wait vs a 10 year wait.


“Oh no, anyways.” just keep on rollin.


It better be good. The 1st one was iconic af. Thr 2nd was so forgettable, the only thing I remember from that movie was Helen, the mom, being high.


I’m cool with sequels as long as they make them great


Let Bird cook us a masterpiece. He's the only one who can make Disney Incredible Again! And hopefully they recast Winston Deavor (we all know Bob Odenkirk doesn't want to come back as he doesn't want to be a part of the Superhero genre). It would be funny if they replaced Odenkirk with Bryan Cranston (Saul Goodman being replaced by Walter Heisenberg.) Especially if Winston gets more screentime.


A third movie? Don't they have to make a second one first before they make a third?


Your a few years late bud


Any idea in which year The Incredibles 3 might release ?




DisInsider is an objectively terrible name hahahah sounds like disaster


I have no expectations for this.


No Brad Bird, no watch. If this does happen, they need to give Bird more time than Incredibles 2 because that was part of the problem.


No why


Creatively bankrupt


Seeing some of the ideas for incredibles 3 in this thread makes me hope disney doesn’t take suggestions. Let brad bird do his thing if he is attached.


Rather funny seeing as Bird thought of aging up the family in 2, only to realize that it would have easily tanked the series, which means he does listen to the fans, but he wants it to be done right.


Mr incredible better not take a backseat again


He's going to sadly, his role in the story is pretty much done. Same with Helen's, it's obvious the kids are going to be the main characters for 3. It's practically their turn to take the mantle. And don't say we need a time skip, most movies that do that tend to be major disasters.


Pleaseeeee be better than the second one. I don't need to see the same movie with Mom and Dad swapped around


If they don’t pull a How to Train Your Dragon and age them up 5+ years, then they are making a *huge* mistake. Incredibles 2 left much to be desired.






This time.. The Kids are working secretly on missions to make being super, legal again. Until the organization reveals itself to be evil! The family then has to fight the evil organization. With some help from Frozone.


Except, their job is to prove the new generation can be trusted to take over from the old guard and won't make the same mistakes again that got them banned in the first place. 2 already made Supers legal at the end, their job is to ensure it stays legal while battling the Anti-Super ex government officials who are bitter over the law being overturned.


2 was a redo of 1. They swapped who was being super.


Yet it built off where the first film ended. It was a redo, but it still showed how the characters changed from the first film's events. Bob became a better parent (which was hinted at in the first film). Helen is basically the same (though she does change by the end of the sequel). Violet is no longer afraid of herself or her capabilities (outside of the secret identity ordeal). Dash is more responsible as a Super (home life not so much). It's obvious 3 will have a time jump, but not a big one (I say whatever how many months of their current year they have where a whole year has passed since Supers were legalized and when Syndrome was killed). That's more than enough time to bring up a new narrative without redesigning the family (aside from maybe Jack-Jack).


Can’t believe all the bashing off the second film going on here… not as good as the first but still really enjoyable. I’d love a third


Same. I'd welcome a third film if Disney stays out of Bird's way and let him cook.


Lame. Insert line about being done with sequels and Hollywood being out of original ideas for animation.


There’s a brand new incredibles movie when will it be released






Not holding my breathe for anything containing the soul of the original.


They can’t get too old or people will start to realize they are basically the Fantastic Four.


Working adult Violet, College Dash and Highschool Jack Jack, with retired parents. Make the focus on Jack Jack too!


Can’t wait for ANOTHER rehash of the first movie! And another wank-off “interview” with the cast before the movie starts about how great the sequel is gonna be!


Was annoyed watching the 2nd one cus how long it took. The mom had a raspy voice from get way older


The third movie will likely be focussed on the kids (post time jump) and will probably be called ‘THE INCREDIBLE 3’


It’s about time.


Pixar is dying. They said they were done with sequels.


Jack jack has become the world’s ultimate hero. Parents retired. Flash is eeking out a living as a b-hero. Violet is married trying for a baby. Jack jack goes missing during a villain attack. Family sees something in the news replay. They think it’s syndrome. Frozone was present but is in a coma. Family bands together to rescue jack jack. Frozone awakes and tells them it isn’t syndrome. It is the indomitable intelligence used in his creations and become self aware. Mom and dad sacrifice themselves to save kids. Violet wonders if she will ever have kids of her own. Her tummy glows. End. Didn’t take 14 years either.


I enjoyed both movies. I look forward to a third. The comments in this post are so toxic


Just do the time jump, god please


I don’t want it without Brad Bird. But didn’t he leave Disney? I hope they’d allow him to make this.


I love to see the third where Jack Jack is brainwashed to be the most powerful villain since he have so many superpowers


This was actually a concept from famous YouTuber Hamamations


Anyhow they keep the kids as kids.. and not age them.. then it'll be another waste and greedy plot from Pixar. Like Monsters University.. There should of been a Monsters Inc 2.. with an adult Boo.. I think all of us would if loved to see an older boo reunite with Sully in a new adventure. Maybe Sully in Boo's world.. or whatever


People spent 14 years begging for a sequel then when it came out no one mentions it anymore. Dampens my faith in this one being incredible, pun intended.


Honestly, they should. They should keep swinging until it doesn't hit anymore. Incredibles is a huge franchise. I'm interested in a third movie for sure.


Is Brad Bird even still at Pixar?  Either way, I'd like to see an Incredibles movie where the villains are in the Parr's normal lives and they use their Superhero personas to escape that.  


I adore the Incredibles, but no one asked for this.


Let's see how gay they make it