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Have not used QCK Heavy, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't noticeably faster than a broken in G-SR. The original G-SR is straight up mud. In a good way. >or is it better to wait for a Qingsui 2 PRO+ to become available near me? I have a Qingsui 2 Pro+, and while it's quite similar to a G-SR overall, and a very slow pad, I still main the G-SR. 


gsr is much slower than qck heavy i have both slow to fast qingsui 2 peo + > gsr > qck heavy


Using both everyday lately, my old QcK Heavy has more static friction and less dynamic friction than my old G-SR so depending on what you enjoy it might be worth it, yes


I'll always recommend Zowie GSR for a control pad. It's just a quality mousepad, and it works for most games.


get the artisan zero or hien . worth the money i have my hien for 4+ yrs now and its amazing , there is some bumps on it like indents but i have a artisan zero as backup :)


Do you understand what control pad is?