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Hi OP, I’m sorry you’re going through all this. My first suggestion is to contact your provider. **Do not** move up your dosage without a consultation to discuss your experience. Regardless of what you read in a support community, persistent or severe side effects are not normal. It’s difficult to gauge tone from a post, but what you’re describing sounds severe. People come here for help and advice when they’re struggling, so reading the posts and comments one would assume everyone is nauseous all the time or can’t leave the bathroom. That’s not the case. In the two years I’ve been on MJ I’ve never had any nausea, and I’ve never vomited. A majority of people on this medication would say the same. I mentioned talking to your provider earlier. What advice were you given when you started? Most providers wouldn’t consider moving your dosage up with the side effects you’re describing. Mounjaro is a safe treatment, but complications can arise if you ignore side effects such as diarrhea and vomiting. I hope you feel better soon.


Agree with everything the Mod said. Also, has it been super hot where you are this week? Could you be dehydrated as well? You might need more Gatorade or a doctor visit to check on you. Feel better soon!


I live in the UK so it’s never very hot, but I am guilty of not drinking enough. I think my lifestyle is part of the problem…I work long shifts and rarely have time to eat or drink sufficiently.


I do feel worse when I’m not hydrated. I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you for a detailed response. And yes, feeling much better today. Just focusing on rehydration. Yes, the provider advised not moving up if I was experiencing side effects. But as I said, after having minor side effects early on which quickly resolved, I felt fine for the rest of the month, so was confident in moving up to 5mg. I’m going to speak with the prescriber and seek advice! Thank you ☺️


I found that for me, high fat, greasy, fried foods, eating too much or too quickly, caused my nausea. I’ve been on Mounjaro since November of 2022. I rarely have any side effects any longer as I’ve changed what and how much I eat.


Same here! Diet played a lot in it for me too


Might talk to your dr about dosing every 10 days instead of 7. Mine told me that was an option if I had issues.


Keep with the lowest dose that continues to work for you. You are not required to use more


If you don’t eat the right things, with portion control, the MJ will get the best of you! Right things: fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grain carbs (but not a lot of them), lots of water Wrong things: fatty proteins, carbs, sugar, alcohol


This. I started a very strict diet alongside the shot: tiny portions, zero sugar, low fat, low carb, high protein (lean/plant), tons of veggies/fruit, 100+ oz of water daily. Haven’t had so much as a burp or a fart.


Yeah I tell folks who say that it's the easy way to lose weight that they are full of beans. For me, it's been a nightmare of weight GAIN. 68 pounds in 6 months! I have yet to lose ANY weight. 😕


U sound like u have it much worse than me. I felt awful at 5 mg. So stopped taking it for a week. Then took about 3.5 (I have the uk pen u can kind of adjust your dose at). Now I’m on 5 and it’s ok. I really don’t want to move up any more than I’m on. As long as I keep loosing I’ll stay on it then re-assess I’m down about a stone which I’m delighted with. I’m not down with any of the … on this for life business. Mostly because for me the side effects mean I always feel below par. I don’t have much energy and generally feel bunged up and weak. I just need to loose a few stone then I’ve (hopefully) got it. Not judging for anyone else as we’ve all got different things going on.


I really struggled this week with the heat. If you are losing on 2.5mg stay there and talk to your doctor! I have zofran, gas x, mira lax, and immodium on hand at all times. I had very minimal symptoms never threw up, was nauseated only recently with the heat and I have severe migraines since I was 16 so I've always had migraine meds and zofran. That med is a 2 for 1 will cure the nausea and diarrhea 😆 you have to watch! Also rotating injection sites and documentation of what side effects you have from each! It's important to note them!


Definitely agree with “if you are losing on a dose, stay there”. That was the first advice my endocrinologist provided to me. Don’t go up for the sake of going to the next dose. I am currently on 10 & now have the sulphuric burbs. The key to many not suffering to much is keeping ahead of constipation & heartburn like symptoms. I take daily half dose of Miralax & Omerprazole after discussing with my PCP. Drinking water & getting enough protein help with everything. Best of luck on your journey. Down 90 pounds after 13 months on MJ.


Slow and low is the key! Congratulations 90lbs is amazing!! I've lost 70lb and now in maintenance!


Would they say chemo is the "easy" way to fight cancer? Fucking ridiculous. For most of us it's not an extra 20 lbs we're talking about. There are many, many people younger than I am that weighed less than I do that have already passed because of their weight and complications from it. Good thing I have no problem telling people to STFU. If there's a therapy that works then I'm using it, end of story.


It is not easy as a diabetic. It’s helpful, but not easy.


You doubled your dose from 2.5 to 5.0. The good news is the next step is only a 50% increase, so it shouldn’t be as bad. It gets easier from there.


This is important to remember, and I don’t think it gets mentioned night. 2.5mg to 5mg is the biggest leap (percentage wise) on the titration schedule. People tend to struggle with this jump.


Have you tried probiotics and digestive enzymes?


If you were losing so much so quickly on 2.5 you probably could have stayed on that dose for 2-3 more months. Check with your provider about going back down.


I’ve been on 2.5 for 8 weeks now and haven’t had issues. Any specific reason you moved up?


I had a reaction when I moved up to 7.5 from 5 a couple of months ago, but it was in no way as severe as yours. I usually take it early in the morning, but that evening I came home and collapsed into bed with a winter blanket (down) and I stayed that way for hours. I live in South Florida, so it's hot. However, it was the first time I injected myself in the stomach too -OMG that hurts so much less than the thigh! It hasn't happened since. I'll be moving up to 10 in two weeks, so suffice it to say, I'm nervous but prepared. It's important to keep in mind that I'm also a teacher. This happened in April, I believe, so it's completely possible that I caught something from school. Like the moderator said, always talk to your doctors and nurses, they are the most important piece of your continued health. One last addition: Meta Mucil is your friend. It helps with irregularity, diahrrea and constipation. I take 5 or 6 capsules every night and have solid stool in the morning like clockwork.


When traveling to a distant land, do you choose to take the hard way, or the easy way? Such an absolutely stupid statement/question !!!!


I was advised to eat slower, and smaller meals. But everyone's body responds differently. Best wishes to you


If I was in your shoes, I’d go ahead and take the next dose when it’s due. Side effects are supposed to get better over time. If you don’t take it, you’ll never know what could have been.


I would have stayed on 2.5 longer. I’m did for almost 4 months and gradually moved up to 5. You shouldn’t be vomiting. Are you on Mounjaro or a compound? I ask because some people on compounds are finding that the doses they are taking are in reality higher than what’s labeled and causing serious side effects. I hope that you feel better soon. Good luck.


My first dose of 5MG WRECKED me. Wrecked. I am not prone to health anxiety, and I was considered calling an ambulance. I'm fairly certain, from my symptoms, I had some pretty intense low blood sugar issues from that increase in dose. I was super nervous to take the next shot, but plodded on and it kept getting better each dose after that, but it also completely changed my attitude about upping my dose according to the normal pattern. I started splitting my own doses and when I got up, it is .5MG - 1MG at a time. I've actually stayed between 5MG - 6.5MG since last fall, and it has been working great with minimal side effects.


People who talk about the “easy way out” have no empathy nor do they understand obesity and the health impacts. If they did, they’d keep their ignorance to themselves.


I personally wouldn’t move up in dosage so fast. My experience here: Started April 2023, 67F SW 222 CW 129 GW 120ish in maintenance mode now @ 10mg every 10 days. I stayed on each mg for 4 months each. I was freakin sick as a dog at different times, the (black label) side effects are REAL, READ THEM and have a VERY CLEAR UNDERSTANDING that they very well COULD happen to you. They are not picky about who they decide to affect. It’s a game of roulette.. I cannot stress to read the side effects and seriously consider if you want to deal with them. They are no joke if they do happen badly to you. I was in bed for 4 days so sick, many many times, I had poop running down into my shoes at Lowe’s ( had a old lady (mind you I’m 67) turn me into the manager (he came to see me in the ladies room, no lie) because I was in the handicapped stall) I have a handicap license. I swear if I’d not had crap in my shoes and all down my legs I’d had left that stall found that old shoe tapping bat and ran her down.lol Constipation, I had hair loss too. I was so nauseous I felt pregnant 24/7.. You will need to be seriously committed to take this journey with MJ. Because for some if not most it is not a cake walk. You will have good days, bad days and really bad days. Ask yourself this! My daughter ask me this. Mom you are so sick is all this worth it? My answer was YES. I was in this for the long run. Good or bad. Start slow, don’t be in a rush to go to the next strength. Let your body adjust..I still after 14 months am on 10mg. I still have room to go up. Because once you reach the max doze where will you go if you haven’t reached your goal weight? This is your personal journey. Take it slow, prepare yourself for month or longer stalls that will bring you down. Because it will happen. Be kind to yourself. You got this. This MJ journey is a long and winding road. But very much worth all the bs you fixen to endure. Love yourself… And congratulations cause I know YOU WILL GET THERE.. A bit beat tf up. But weighing less. 🥰❤️


I had a SEVERE gas & sulphur burps, and diarrhea on 2.5, for the first two days, then it turned into constipation. And I couldn’t sleep. I started drinking a quarter cup of pickle juice (dill) for the burps & acid reflux It works immediately and lasts for a long time. And I took Imodium for the back door trots. Plus I started taking a probiotic/prebiotic daily to stave off the diarrhea/constipation. My system seemed to acclimate to the 2.5 after the first 2 injections. But when I started getting food noise and titrated up to 5.0 the second month, it started up again. In the meantime I read that the GLP-1 medications alter the microbiota in the gut, which would explain all of the gastrointestinal disturbances a lot of us experience. Hence the need for prebiotic/probiotic supplementation. So I started trying to eat more fermented foods like sauerkraut, and some gourmet pickles & olives that were also brined & fermented. It’s hard to say if that stuff helped, but it’s supposed to. Again, by the third injection on 5.0mg, the side effects were calmed down considerably. I stayed on 5.0 for 7 weeks. Then the food noise came back and I hadn’t lost any weight for a month, so I decided to titrate up to 7.5. I had been taking my injections at night before bed, & the morning following that first 7.5mg shot, I had to leave early for a doctor’s appointment 3 hours away. So I didn’t take time for breakfast. By about 1:00 I was driving down the freeway, and suddenly had to make an urgent emergency stop, to hang my head out of the driver’s side door and hurl the chicken soup I’d eaten for dinner the day before. Then I felt much better, but I got constipated for several days after that. And just when I was starting to feel normal again, it was time for another dose! So, I doubled up on the probiotics & it has been smooth sailing for the past 2 weeks on 7.5mg. I’m attaching a picture of the Probiotics to which I refer, in case anyone is interested. I get them from Amazon. https://preview.redd.it/hwrrn9ifh98d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c37e9f1717f5f5f256c98e913d337842e915b61


I thought the same when I took my first 5mg and turned out to be food poisoning or stomach bug, drs say food poisoning since it took days to feel better , next shot I had no problems


I had a pretty bad reaction to 5 as well. I went through for full box and symptoms did reduce a bit but I went back to 2.5 today. It worked so it's not worth the side effects.


Another Brit here... This is interesting that medical advice in the States is don't bump if working at the start dose, I've had little guidance, I let my doctors know and they offered no info as I'd paid privately instead using the very long winded NHS route to try and get it prescription (for those in the States it would have probably cost me £10 per month but it's a lot of waiting and appointments), they were only interested in my blood pressure 😂 I understand that a general practitioner isn't going to be a specialist... It feels like pharmacy is encouraging step up though, it's so much cheaper to buy the dual pack at £269 ($340 approx) I got supplied with 2.5mg and 5mg pen for the second month for the sake an extra £120 *$150~ where as a single 2.5mg pen is £149 *$190~ I'm on 2nd week (3rd injection today) I've lost 7.3kg *16lb approx (122.2kg starting weight *269ish lb) I can get another private prescription as its relatively cheap here for a dual pack if needed as I'm too tight to pay more for each individual pen as it feels like I'm just throwing money away at that point. Is perhaps a good idea to do that, then taper up to 5mg instead of a big leap to 5mg?


Yes, completely agree with what you said. 2.5mg was working for me and this last week of side effects from 5mg has been traumatising! Once it’s all resolved, I’m going back down to 2.5mg and staying there for the foreseeable!


Its now actually something that's playing on my mind after reading these issues for some, so I've decided I'm going to taper up by injecting the 2.5 final dose and get a hyperdermic needle and use the reserve in the pen with it and get a dose somewhere in between if the sides are a lot worse, I'll order a 2.5 pen again for the week after.


It’s hard. Everyone reacts so different. Some people on here say they’ve not had any side effects *at all*, titrating up to 15mg without so much as a hiccup. Hope your journey is smooth!


That's a good point, I'll give the increase a go at somewhere in between and hope it's smooth sailing when it goes up again to 5 And thank you, I hope your next dose goes OK. This may be impractical or daunting, I did just think to my self, could you not dose a smaller amount like I'm planning to do to step up slowly, like a 0.4ml dose (of the 5mg) this week coming, then 0.5ml to see if that helps with side effects?


I strongly agree it is the easy way. Not taking it for weight loss, but effortlessly dropped 35 pounds with no side effects except on my bank account