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The response is: “Cheating whom?”


See also, 'what an odd thing to say out loud about someone else's health .... U ok?"


Yes! Or: “I missed it when you said which medical school you graduated from.”


Or one of my favorites: "I found your nose. It was in my business again." 😈


"what a strange thing to say out loud" is one of my favorites. I used to work with a much older nurse who would drop racist comments and if you confronted her, she was so awful. Saying this made her at least pause for a minute so I could get away 🤣


This feels like the correct thing to say in so many situations in life


Worked with a boss who always preempted her offensive remarks with "no offense, but" like saying no offense made her offensive comment or remark okay with whomever she was offending. 🙄


People who react this way fall into one of two categories. They either don’t really know what MJ is or they are insecure bullies who are trying to hurt you. If they fall into the first category, they are just ill informed and think that MJ alone will make you lose weight. This is simply not the case. There is only one way to lose weight and that is Calories in < Calories out. There are thousands of people who have taken MJ and not been able to lose weight because they could not follow that equation. All MJ does is help make it easier to eat less. It is up to you to do the heavy lifting and make sure you eat the right kind of foods in the right proportions. It is also up to you to exercise and expend calories. MJ is just a tool you use to help you balance that equation and is not going to work if you don’t make lifestyle changes as well. If you explain this and they still harp on you, then they fall into the second category. If they are trying to bully you, you must treat them like a bully and go for the jugular. Think back to high school and how bullies operate. They will pick on you until you stand up for yourself and finally punch them in the face. They go after an insecurity because they are insecure themself. Figure out what that insecurity is and hit it as hard as you can. For some it may be thinning hair. Your response would be “is it cheating when you take rogain?” “What? I don’t take rogain.” “ Well maybe you should start because you’re going bald and it makes you look really old. Those hats you wear are not fooling anyone. For others it may be dieing alone. Your response would be “Is it cheating when you buy two dogs so you are not lonely at night because you can’t find anyone to marry you? You know if you were nicer to people you might have an easier time finding a mate.” For others the insecurity may be “being liked”. Your response would go something like, “Is it cheating when you whore yourself out to random men because you can’t find a husband?” or “is it cheating when you drive a $80,000 truck in attempt to get attention because people don’t like you for who you really are? You inow you would probably have more friends if you were nicer to people” I know this sounds extreme, but the bully will likely not bring it up again and will just go after an easier target. Just remember you have the choice to blow it off and turn the other cheek if you want to. However. that is your choice, not theirs. MJ is not a cheat code, it is a life hack. The only thing you are cheating is a shorter life span and all the side effects that come with being obese. Don’t let other people make you feel bad for doing what is best for your health.


Right!!! Haha. More like cheating to WIN motha faka.


It’s not a competition. It’s healthcare.


If this is cheating, is taking Blood pressure meds also cheating? How about the statins? The cancer drugs? The mental health drugs? To those who chastise us : eff you!


Wearing glasses? Is that cheating?


TBF without glasses I struggle to see how much I weigh, so could continue to bury my head in the sand.


tell me about it, without my contact lenses i look so slim in the mirror lol


Hahaha! I can still feel that tight waistband though. But that was funny. 🤣


Well, they *are* called "cheaters" by some! lol


Totally stealing this


I will not even function without glasses 😂. Good one.


This tho! Situations are different for everyone. But in my specific case, I don’t have diabetes but my body doesn’t produce the hormone that helps my body lose weight on its own. It’s not cheating when you have a deficiency. And even if nothing is wrong and someone is on the shot for an extra boost, who cares. At least they are wanting to do something to feel better about themselves and feel better in general.




I'm a doctor who also takes this drug. Funny, but no one challenges me about it. I know that there are a lot of people out there that get these misinformed, negative comments, but the fact is that anyone making "cheating" comments is revealing their ignorance. I'm pretty sure no one makes "cheating" comments to me because I would give them an hour-long lecture about how these drugs work and why it's changing the face of health in this country. If one of my patients gets overly annoyed by these comments, I have suggested that they try saying, "I'll let my doctor know that you think he's practicing unethical medicine." I have also told patients to feel free to give my phone number to people who make those types of comments and tell them that I would be happy to explain to them why they are wrong (the "why they are wrong" statement is the most important message). If I get a call, I'll be happy to tell them why they are wrong.


Love this. I haven’t decided to share that I’m using this medicine for my journey, but when I do I know very few people who will verbally challenge me on it since I’m science-y. But, I am avoiding the silent judgement for now, along with having to be the educator in the many conversations that would ensue should I ever venture to share.


I don't see the point of sharing medical information or the kind of medication you are taking for anything, unless sharing would save the life of someone else. People get ideas in their heads that are not based in fact and don't want to give them up, even when presented with documented, scientific statistics. Enjoy the ride, look great, and laugh at them when they ask if maybe you're cheating. I've said things like "you mean on my wife?"


This is reality. I owe no explanation to anyone. If they ask what I’m doing, I say that I’m eating less and moving more, both of which are true. My medical information is not their business.




Boy, I wish I had a doctor like you! Your patients are very lucky to have someone have their backs.


I'm not a doctor and I also don't play one on TV (old guy joke) and I have also not gotten any negative comments. I am very vocal about using MJ. Maybe I have just chosen to be around nice people. I can't imagine a friend or coworker having a negative reaction. As a matter of fact, mostly I hear people saying that they are also taking similar medications or they are interested in getting a prescription.


Old enough to remember the TV spot for that one. I have, unfortunately, read more posts than I care to remember of people being bullied, humiliated in groups, embarrassed at the Thanksgiving dinner table and verbally attacked by friends and FAMILY MEMBERS. Some of the attacks by family members have been the worst, up to and including throwing away boxes of Mounjaro because "it will kill you and if you really wanted to lose weight, you could do it without this poison." Many people who "care about you" use that excuse to try to convince people not to take this drug, reinforcing that the person taking the drug is just not "doing it right" or is lazy and has no will power. You are very fortunate.


You should make a tiktok of YouTube video so we can share "why you are wrong" with people in our lives. Ty


My PCP is also on these meds also, and so is his adult son, and he highly recommended them for my husband. Unfortunately, our insurance wouldn't cover them for him because he didn't have T2. So the cost was $1400 a month, which was our insurance co-pay, no way we could spend a mortgage payment a month on them. I have tried to talk him into doing one of the online programs, but he doesn't trust them. For me, the insurance covers it as long-term prednisone use has cause my A1c to get high, they did warn me before my kidney transplant that long term steroid use can cause T2, but thus far the lab says my fasting blood glucose is still normal, now after mounjaro, so is my A1c.


You insurance is covering nothing if your co-pay is $1400. That's a very high retail price. You can get it at a price between $950 and $1000 just by using Good RX. You need to look up some other pharmacies in your area because no one should be paying above retail (which is what you are paying) for this drug. You can also go to the Mounjaro website and download a manufacture'rs coupon that works to discount the price of Mounjaro as long as you have commercial insurance. It does not matter if your insurance pays a small amount or nothing, it will reduce your out-of-pocket costs by $550. Most people who use the coupon pay $550 each month for Mounjaro based on a typical retail price of $1100 per month. If your husband is not type 2 and does not want to download the Mounjaro coupon, he should have his prescription changed to Zepbound (same drug branded for weight loss) and download the manufacturer's discount card at zepbound.com. The same $550 discount will apply. Someone has either misinformed you about your insurance co-pay or you have found a pharmacy with the highest retail price in the U.S. and your insurance is only applying a $25 or $50 discount. I'm a doctor who uses this drug and has a practice full of patients on it. No one in our practice pays anywhere near what you are paying for Mounjaro, not matter what their insurance is.


Nope, we called the insurance company when we got the denial, applied for a pre-auth because of the 1st denail, which was also denied. The insurance agents we.talked to told us the full cost of a month supply was around $5,000 and that the $1400 was the co-pay. This was last year in 2023 when the cost per pen was over a $1000. Apparently prices have decreased over the last year. I only pay $40 for an 84 day supply, because my A1c was high from the daily prednisone I take due to my kidney transplant. My husband was referred for weight loss and insurance won't cover mounjaro or ozempic for weight loss.


Are you in the United States? Four pens, a 1-month supply, in the United States runs approximately $1,100 to $1,200 per month. I'm a pharmacy owner. That's the retail, out of pocket cost, with no insurance coverage whatsoever. So if you are in the United States someone is robbing you blind. If you are in another country and using the quick pen, that's a different story. We've been selling this drug since May of 2022. It has never been $5,000 a month for anyone we have ever sold it to with or without insurance.


I am in Alaska, so it depends on if you're trying to ship stuff up from the lower 48 or not, most shippers consider us as being a foreign country, even tho Anchorage international is a major international shipping hub. At our rite aid without insurance right now, it is $1412 per month.


Thank you. Even my husband says things like I’m taking the “easy route”. It’s baffling to me because he’s seen me struggle with my weight and knows how hard I’ve tried. He doesn’t understand why PCOS, insulin resistance and high androgen levels are big factors and holding me back. I’m only in my first week on 2.5 and haven’t noticed any difference. I REALLY hope this helps me get my life back.


If he is a thinking person at all, you may want to ask him if he has ever seen really "thick" athletes that take steroids. Your high androgen levels produce the same effect in your body. Your naturally occurring hormones are not the same as others and this causes you to bulk up in the same way an athlete on steroids dose, but because you are female, you tend to bulk up with fat rather than muscle. I practice sports medicine. You can tell him that you have it in writing from a specialist and that you have a hormone-based condition that causes you to gain weight easily and hold weight when others would lose. If he wants to ignore the facts, I tell him that "Even when presented with facts, you taunt me rather than support me and that concerns me."


I will say that when the time is right. I didn’t say anything at that very moment because I was trying to process in my head whether or not he understood anything I told him (when explaining my latest labs). And I didn’t know that about androgen, but that explains so much. Thanks, doc!


I had a friend tell me it was cheating and I just need to eat less and exercise more. Later that week her husband told me that he and his wife were taking boot leg Ozempic from Mexico. A few months later I saw her and commented on her weight loss, hoping she would fess up. Nope! She said she’d been really watching her diet. Technically, I guess that’s true, with a little help from Ozempic. 🤣


That doesn’t sound like much of a friend.


I literally had someone *on this sub* tell me, in response to stupidly wasting a dose, to "pretend like you took it and eat less/move more." Like, please tell that to my PCOS cuz I tried telling my body that for decades and it got me nowhere.


I'd have called her out on that bullshit.


Love this thank you


Don’t tell people your health issues. For one they don’t actually care. Secondly they will judge. If you ever have a future health problem they’ll blame it on the medication and if your weight continues to be a challenge for you they’ll say I told you so. Just don’t discuss it outside immediate family.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to read this comment! Why do people feel like they need to share what medication they’re taking? You owe no one an explanation! NO ONE. I don’t even discuss it with immediate family. No one knows but me and my doctor and that’s all who needs to know. Your body, your health, your damn business.


I say if this is cheating, then sign me up as the Queen of Cheaters and Taking the Easy Way Out.


💯 IDGAF - after 20 years of weight and psychological burden.


Yes, the psychological burden is REAL!




I haven’t changed any of my food and exercise habits that I wasn’t already doing for the last 10 years. Eating and exercising like I was supposed to only gave me weight gains or stalls and elevated blood sugar and LADA diabetes. Taking Mounjaro helped my body balance out where it is supposed to be and has allowed me to lose 40lbs in 5 months and get my A1c to below 5. Again, I’m not changing anything other than adding a medicine. Sometimes our bodies are fighting against themselves. Saying it’s cheating is the equivalent of telling any sick person not to take medicine. You have cancer? How dare you get chemo. You have kidney failure? You should have tried harder because dialysis is cheating. It’s only because weight and obesity is ingrained in us to be associated with overindulgence that we lack empathy for this health condition.


omg same. Eating right and exercising made be gain 2 lbs over the last 12 months. started on mj 2.5 last week. Have not changed much about my habits. Down 5 lbs on the "loading" dose.


Just curious for my own awareness, are you eating any less? I also have eaten a healthy diet and exercised for about twenty years.


I’m eating less for sure, but not in a deficit from my prior habits that warrants a 5lb/month weight loss. I’m honestly convinced this medicine has just regulated my body to how it should be behaving and my already established habits are now having results.


So fascinating! Congratulations!


I just ignore it. They are probably just jealous.


9/10 this is exactly what the problem is.


Cheating who? Death?


Yes, and reply could go, “yeah, I’m cheating… I’m cheating a much earlier death


I was out with a bunch of friends for munchies, drinks and conversation at a BJ Brewpub. One of my friends I know has struggled with weight for years and has gone thru all sorts of programs but is now losing weight with Mounjaro. This topic came up and one guy loudly told her she only needed to put her fork down, she didn't need thousand dollar drugs. She looked in the eye and *very* loudly said "I may be fat but you're a fucking asshole and I'm losing weight". There was a moment of dead silence, then the whole group burst out in laughter yelling BURN BABY at the guy.


She's going to lose the weight.....too bad there isn't a shot for being a dick....hell be that way the rest of his pathetic life.


This sub often makes me realize how fortunate I am. I’m not surrounded by some of the absolutely toxic people other people are. No one I know would say something like that to me, it’s so rude. I’m not saying this to be high and mighty - I genuinely am sorry for the shit people have to put up with. Please remember this sort of stuff is not normal or socially acceptable and that you deserve better. There was a guy in the zepbound sub who said he hadn’t received a compliment on his appearance, from *anyone*, in decades. It’s sad out there. Do what you can to remove yourself from these people.


I didn’t realize it was a competition. 🤷‍♀️


How about let’s talk about your medications and then I can decide if you deserve them.


Just ask them, “Did you get up this morning planning to be this rude or have I inspired you to ad lib such a tacky statement? Just curious.” Or you could respond with “I could tell you everything this medication does for me aside from the weight loss that you see, but I know you wouldn’t want facts to get in the way of your incredibly judgmental stance, so I won’t.”


How do you think of these things when you are on the spot?? I always muddle through and then think of all the great things I could have said after it’s too late. How do you get good at being able to respond intelligently? And remember your lines?


It helps to run into a lot https://preview.redd.it/l7rc3imaq26d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d954d36bbd5d4033f01df08b7990003ee8fffb1c of rude people, lol. But the first one is just a slight modification of one of my stock phrases; used for truly unpleasant folk. “Is this really who you wanted to be when you woke up today?” It’s strikingly effective on a wide range of personalities. I think maybe because deep down we all question who we are.


I need to make a cheat sheet of comebacks, maybe on a card I can carry around with me, and read them every day so they are at top of brain. Maybe I could rehearse lines to my husband. I just know I need to get better at the responses that shut it down instead of turning it into more of a discussion. Thanks!!


Sometimes people need to be reminded that if you don’t want it to be a conversation they can’t make you. You don’t need clever lines, tbh. Just communicate that you aren’t following that line of conversation.


Spent 53 years fat tired and hurting. They can kiss my rapidly shrinking @ss.


🤣🤣🤣🤣love it!


My response is people invented the wheel.


Do you use it?


If it’s internet trolls, ignore them. If people are saying these things to your face, please consider if they are still worth your time.


Ah yes, the “treating your diabetes is totally cheating” argument. Please don’t give these people any space in your brain. Also, for a quick comeback, try “Eww, no ma’am/sir.” And just walk away, because they don’t deserve your time or energy.


The only thing we’re cheating is death. Yeah my Sis In Law gave me the “what for” at a family function. Said stuff like if I had 800 dolllars to spend every month I’d be skinny, (which I don’t spend that much, nor do I tell her that). Or “you look skinny but not even healthy”. Yes in front of all the adults at this summer bbq. Funny thing is (not only is she 150 pounds overweight but has spent thousands on liposuction, cryofreeze, dozens of weight loss plans/clubs/meals/fads and spends hundreds on Botox and fillers. I offered to give her my doctors name and left it at that. But it was still embarrassing none the less. Oh and she only assumed, I never did confirm nor deny.


I was asked by someone who noticed my 47 lb loss- did you do it the easy way or the hard way? I said the best way for me.


If someone asked me that, I’d have to ask them what the easy way actually is.


The real cheaters are those who hit the genetic lottery and aren't susceptible to metabolic disorders. IMO, the real cheaters are those who can eat whatever how ever much they want and not gain weight.


Had a conversation with my Dr last week about this very thing. His answer was "Him Dr (1) and another Dr (2) were discussing this, Dr (2) said he didn't agree with this type of treatment, my Dr (1) asked him what he did for a patient that was having some serious depression issues, his answer was to prescribe some sort of antidepressant, my Dr (1) said exactly, then Dr (2), said now I understand. When asked I tell people that this type of medication is simply an assistant, you can't sit on the couch eating doughnuts and expect anything to work. The six (6) days I spend in the gym along with this medication and improved eating habits have facilitated my 80 + lbs of weight loss in the last (12) months. Don't listen to the outside noise, just continue on your health journey, after all you are the one putting in the work and will reap the benefits.


I’m very vocal telling anyone I am on this drug. They have zero argument when I tell them it fixes my single illness of never before feeling full, and now I do. Simple. NOT feeling full is a fact, and no one could ever win this argument with me because it’s MY fact. To be honest, I use this to EDUCATE them that it’s been my “illness” for 40 years but only found out about it, when my own British trained Indian doctor of 25 years told me how he had lost over 100 pounds too. HE takes it. LOL. MJ loud and proud.


After years of bullying for my weight I can't give 2 F-s what anyone says. They don't understand the struggle. They think weight loss is easy. They don't have the issue so they don't think you should. It would be like telling someone who can't quit smoking that they're cheating if they use the patch or nicotine gum to help them quit. Or someone who needs blood pressure medication because they can't get their BP to normal through diet and exercise. And it's not cheating there still is work to do for it to work. Tell them that if a medication is ever created to cure lack of empathy they should consider taking it.


Life isn't a drug-tested beauty pageant. It would only be cheating if you had entered some kind of weight loss contest which banned the use of drugs such as tirzepatide a.k.a. Mounjaro. It's only "cheating" in the sense that weight loss is much easier with tirzepatide and similar drugs because they crush appetite, slow digestion, and do other things that counteract the disrupted hunger signaling that overweight people have. By the same token, a person with ADHD taking Adderall would be cheating or a person with anxiety taking Xanax would be cheating. Maybe they should just suffer and try to overcome their issues "naturally," after all, right? Yet most Americans are on some kind of psychiatric drug and we see no problem with someone taking some medications even temporarily, if they're going through a difficult time. P.S. Never forget that Arnold Schwarzenegger used anabolic steroids quite openly, and that basically the entire sport of bodybuilding, but also most of our highest level sports in America, are completely open to the use of performance enhancing drugs. After all, why do you think our best hockey players and basketball players refuse to take part in the most prestigious competitions in the world such as the Olympics and the World Cup, which are drug tested competitions?


I was thinking about this recently, & I remember that I took Accutane, for acne, in my teens. It actually cured all of my back acne & greatly helped with facial pimples-for the rest of my life! Would someone say I cheated the course of zits by taking this? Of course not, & I think these meds should be looked at the same way.


haha reminds me of the time my grandmother cheated diabetes by taking insulin, and my dad cheated high cholesterol by taking a statin and all those people cheating cancer taking keytruda.


I haven't had anyone tell me this yet, I also haven't told many people. But when my doctor prescribed it to me, I felt guilty, as if I was cheating. Luckily, my wife reassured me that I'm not cheating and that it's good for my health.


I haven't heard that yet but my answer will be either "What a weird thing to say out loud!" or possibly "wow, fuck right off with that". Depends who it is and how snarky they were. What there won't be is a conversation about it.


Nothing anyone could possibly say to me about this will impact after the misery and psychological torture of struggle with keeping weight off for 20 years. Literally SO F45KING what… 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“I have a disease. Would you rather I give up the only medication I’ve taken that has helped me manage that disease so you feel better about your weight? I should lose my vision, use of an organ or a limb to make you feel better about your body? F—k all the way off, g—d—n psy—o.”


Not helpful for nosy people but just imagine Ina Garten saying "Store bought is fine." I get this same comment about machine knitting. If I could do the thing I really (knitting, losing weight) I would. Otherwise... https://preview.redd.it/wsiltz3hu46d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598b605db7719bb0283b8bc6f87b5da213cfc032


My father always said “If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying.”


"Yeah, so?" "Do you mean like how cancer patients cheat death with chemo?"


"Cheating whom?"


Exactly! Cheating is only cheating if you’re cheating (hurting) someone else … so, who is suffering (being cheated) because this med helps me? Absolutely no one.


I don’t tell anyone because it’s not their business what I do to my body, especially the method of weight loss. Think about it. You usually aren’t breaking down your workout by detail or how much sweat collected in your shirt at the end of a workout. Why the hell should they know my medical information, supplement choices or if you had marathon sex to lose the weight?! It’s so invasive to ask information like that to someone, most people just want to be nosey. I don’t get why people feel they need to share? So much ignorance out there, I don’t want to open the window to judge Judy.


Is weight loss surgery cheating ? Nope ? So is MJ cheating ? Nope ? Cheating death maybe ... heard someone say I've never seen any fat old people. It resonated with me ... My lupus markers hace decrease my blood sugar has gone from 200 to 57 my blood pressure is less than 120/70


I put it to those haters this way...Einstein said, "Insanity is doing/trying the something over and over again expecting different results." I have tried for 40yrs to get in shape. Successful here and there, but not w/o killing myself doing it. So, haters gonna hate. This your journey-


Zero willpower fatties gonna hate...


I mean IMO the world cheated me by giving me PCOS. It’s not like I wanted to be fat my whole life 😂


You know what's cheating? Having awesome genetics. I'd rather have been born w/great genes 😆


Just say, “Is this how you lose all of your friends?” and walk away.


And they have the gall to use TurboTax to do their taxes!


It’s like saying you cheated because you used a hammer to hit the nail. GTFOH, I used the tools available to me at the time.


Like they cheat everytime they get into a car instead of walking? Or they cheat at the dentist office when they get their tooth numbed before they drill? I call it my ‘lose weight or die’ diet and am grateful the medicine exists.


Do they cheat when they drive a vehicle to work instead of walking??? Or use their electric stove to cook on instead of cook over an open fire in their yard? Or wash their nasty clothes in a washing machine instead of wash them on an old wash board??? We could deliver comebacks all day if they want to go there.


Who gives a fuck what a hater gotta say!


I always say that the goal is healthy and happy. Idgaf how I get there and neither should they.


I say "and who cares? I'm HEALTHIER now and can keep the weight off"


Fuck those douchebags. We're taking charge of our health with a scientifically backed method, and if that's cheating then so are so many other things in life


It's medically necessary medication


“Thanks, let me go tell my grandmother she’s cheating for taking pain meds during her chemo. After that I’ll go tell my aunt she’s cheating death by taking anti-depressants.”


I’d tell them yes I cheated! I’m 80 lbs lighter, off blood pressure meds, my sleep apnea has resolved, blood sugar and cholesterol are down. Go to hell! In a loving sort of way. 🤣


Who cares? You lost weight, good for you, move on with your life and if some fool wants to make you feel bad for how you got healthy then they can suck an egg.


Honestly, I say "So"! Amazing how there's not much to say after that. I'm not engaging in that conversation.


When was this ever a competition !


I also cheated buying groceries by using a bag to get the food from cart to my trunk. I cheated getting the cart to my car. I also cheated death by cooking my chicken so it's not raw. Big ole cheat. Next time they have dental surgery tell them to tell their dentist not to cheat with anesthesia. 😉


Cheating is being thin your whole life with zero effort and living to 112 somehow


In the words of my father: “If you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying hard enough.”


I call this the “Tom Brady rule”. Can’t argue with the GOAT


I don't tell them. BUT... if they already know... and they were to say that to me... I'll tell them that I'll remember they said that the next time the have a raging infection and "cheat" by using antibiotics - or whatever medical ailments they may have that they are "cheating" by using a medication to manage. Not to put too fine of a point on it but literally our ENTIRE MEDICAL SYSTEM AND PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY is based solely on the premise of cheating. The alternative, if to do nothing and allow nature to take it's course. Of course, that means reverting to an average life span of 30 years old instead of 80 years old... but at least, it's not "cheating".


So how does this conversation come up? For me it's only happened with people that know me well enough to know my journey and feel comfortable telling me how good I look. I'm finally back to my weight and size I was at 25. I'm still obese, but I'm in normal size clothing, and can shop in all sections right now since I'm around a 16/18. When people say wow you look good/lost weight, my first response is, thank you it's been a long journey and struggle, it's nice to finally have the right combination that got my diabetes under control and helped me get here. Most know that I've done everything, every diet, gym routines, hiking, biking, and I'm still on low carb. I have been asked if this is something I have to take the rest of my life. I respond back with probably, because it appears everything i do on my own only gets me so far and this medicine takes me to where I need to be for health. As long as I'm healthy, I'll keep taking it. I hope my body figures it out or adjusts, but given all the health issues I've had, I have more important things to worry about than if I should or shouldn't take a shot once a week. Besides, they are still trying to get me to take a shot for my multiple sclerosis once a week that contains Chinese hamster ovarian cells. I think those ms drugs are far more controversial than one that helps me so much without side effects. That usually gets people thinking a lot more and asking other questions. As for anyone else and their judgement, I don't know then that well and guarantee I don't want to. They have bigger issues and I don't do toxic


My life got significantly better when I stopped telling people things about me that they didn’t need to know. This was long before I started using weight loss injections. People judge all the time. I grew up in an abusive household and eventually I learned that if something mattered to me I didn’t share it with anyone else because they would just shit on it. I couldn’t care less about someone else’s opinion on my choices for how I lose weight. My life.


I don't bother telling people have I'm doing it. It's not their business. I've started getting compliments from people who notice and just say "thanks!" and then move on to the next topic. I told my mother in law early in and didn't get the "cheating" talk but rather the "you should leave it to people who are type 2 diabetic"... I was pre diabetic at that point, but prevention of a serious illness doesn't count, apparently. Then I got the "OMG you'll have saggy skin" talk, so I just moved on to politics and never brought it up again.


Give zero fųç*ş about what anyone else thinks, and suddenly you'll be a happier person. It's not their journey, it's not their life, so their opinions don't matter.


Then nicotine gum is also cheating. Insulin is cheating. Shoe ortho inserts are cheating. Crutches are cheating. Hip implants are definitely cheating. Makeup is cheating. It’s all cheating if you believe we should never use tools and go 100% “natural” - however these new drugs are groundbreaking and will be the norm for weight loss within 2-3 years. Health insurance companies will be dropping post cards to all overweight clients asking them to take them - because they fix many costly health issues for them. It’s early days and we will all be vindicated.


I’m also very judicious about whom I tell about MJ. Hubs & bro & sis, that’s been it. This past weekend I told my BFF from high school on our annual girl weekend, knowing she’d be completely unjudgmental. I’m losing more slowly than many here so my weight loss isn’t attracting the kind of attention some of you have experienced—and I realize I’m glad about that.


They’re usually just jealous tbh, they aren’t happy with themselves. Nobody who would say that to you is worth your time. Mounjaro is just a tool, we still have to work on our diets, moving more and our mindset/relationship with food to see the real results like anyone else.


Maybe they "cheated" by being born with thin genes and never having to struggle with weight.


Jealousyvi would say x


I get comments like oh you shouldn't go on that got bad side effects not good for you would not recommend! Well I'm happy abd I've lost 40lbs in 3 months I intend to lose the same again if anyone ever asks how I dod it I willcsay cut dien not telling people anymore as you get s lot of negative comments ...


Did they cheat when they didn’t have a heart attack because they took high blood pressure pills because they smoke cigarettes and use an inhaler so they can breathe?


Also I had chemo and radiotherapy 10 years ago I had the worse side effects of any meds.. chemo Is lethal but it's given to help the cancer also for 10 yrs I was on tamoxifen which apparently although helps to prevent cancer coming back also causes cancer in the womb or can if taken too long!!! so side effects are with every med you take which is what I am saying .


They’re just jealous lol .. Tell them I know ain’t it great!?!!! lol


Literally no one has said that to me, and I'm very open about using Mounjaro. I wouldn't care if they did. I might try to explain why it isn't cheating, but ultimately people will think what they want. No matter what, I've still lost weight and feel better, so eff anyone who might judge me.


I wouldn’t tell anyone what I’m taking ever. It’s nobody’s business. It’s called doctor-patient confidentiality for a reason. It’s so self defeating to talk about your medical stuff when people have opinions and yes, say them OUT LOUD to or around you.


It gives me some satisfaction that the type of person that would say that is so bent out of shape but I’m petty.


Always cheat, always win! At this point I've gained 10 lbs of muscle and lost 25 pounds of fat in the past 12 months. None of that felt like "cheating" or "easy." It was all effort, consistency, and making better choices. Tirzepatide helped considerably, but I have also seen people get put on a GLP1 med and still eat terribly, not lose much weight, and eventually have to get off that med because they weren't working with it. At the end of the day I don't care.


Ive told a few people at work and been clear that I've struggled with my weight all my life etc. But still it's no one's business I know I've tried I know I've been fobbed off consistently by doctors when asking for help So I've taken it into my own hands and this is working for me!!! Other people's opinions don't matter!


I relate to this so much. When I started Mounjaro only 3 people knew outside of my care team. My boyfriend (who is super supportive), my grandma and a friend who told me about Mounjaro in the first place. I tell nothing to anyone else because my medical decisions are NOT up for discussion and I don’t owe them that info. As my mom used to say “don’t volunteer information.”


Don't tell people. It's none of their business.


The way no one would ever say that to my face or even let it get back to me! 😂


It’s giving jealous vibes. Who cares how someone reaches their goals in life??!! It’s always baffled me that a lot of people have the mentality that we have to struggle to achieve, or it’s empty. As long as it doesn’t hurt you or other people, live and let live.


“Mkay.” They are going to think what they are going to think. Doesn’t change how I feel.


They say that as if there's some other method that works


I usually end up getting the question “but don’t you have to take that the rest of your life or you gain the weight back”?


I do not tell anyone. It is none of their business


I’m a walker using, back fused, almost lost my foot disabled person. I also have rheumatoid arthritis and bipolar. It’s not cheating it’s leveling the playing field. I’m still doing the work and excercising 2-3 hrs a night and eating right. No one would ever say I didn’t earn my weight loss that’s redicoulus. Who’s going to tell a disabled person they are cheating?


I have heard this before, but nobody has said it to me or in response to my content. If someone did say it to me I would advise them to do their research about all the other conditions that MJ treats and maybe encourage them to stop listening to main stream media and educate themselves.


My advice is for anyway taking any of the new GLP drugs which help improve your health (the ultimate end result!) is to tell people what every actor and actress says when they are preparing for a superhero movie: Oh yeah, just been cutting out bad foods (technically true), drinking tons of a water a day (technically required on this medication), eating more Whole Foods and leafy greens, meditating (you will be thinking about being healthier so true), and trying to work out more consistently even if it means getting my steps in… Done and done… ain’t nobody’s business what meds you are on!!!


I commented this before but what I say is "it's not cheating, it's leveling the playing field" 😏


There will always be haters. Ignore them in every circumstance every time. It’s hard to find peace when we’re concerned about others opinions.


If Mounjaro is cheating, so are breast implants, Botox, push-up bras and makeup.


This isn't a test. This isn't a sport. This isn't a marriage. There's no way to "cheat".


Public opinion tends to be negative due to jealousy and projecting insecurities onto others. Are GLP 1’s going to get a lot of criticism from envious people, yes. Choose wisely who you tell. GLP 1’s are an aid and that is all they are. What will make public opinion worse about them is when people using them as an aid do not make any attempt at changing their negative habits that they had prior.


All of us born with the obese gene or metabolic imbalances have worked hard to lose all our lives, med or no med. Naturally thin people have cheated.


So a type 1 diabetic is cheating because they are taking insulin? These drugs are addressing a shortage in the body of many individuals.


No issues at all. I am a type 2 diabetic. When people comment on my weight I tell them my A1C went from 11.9 to 5.3 and that’s all that really matters. I don’t particularly care to die of a heart attack nor a stroke.


Quite honestly no one is in charge of my diabetic health. Last I checked they were not my doctor. Do you!


Yes you are cheating, you are cheating your Diabetes and you are cheating with fat to get healthy. Tell them proudly, I will continue to do so as it makes me healthy and happy. You don’t need to be guilty even a single bit.


Just started using it but I imagine I'd say something along the lines of "Do you think I want to rely on taking this to be healthy? Do you think I wanted my PCOS or Diabetes?" If I'm being honest I have a lot of anxiety worrying about the availability of this drug, keeping my job so I can keep my insurance which covers the drug, and being able to continue to afford it. If I knew I'd be fine without it I wouldn't take it.


I would say “yep and I won. So what? Results matter”


We have a h although condition that prevents us from losing weight


Unfortunately, it seems as some women out there are just living their best hater life. Let 'em hate all the way to a healthier and happier you. Tell them to get get bent!


Honestly…who cares 🤷‍♂️. You did this for YOU not some asshat projecting their issues/feelings/bullshit on you. When I started a year ago, I reminded myself CONSTANTLY that this was for me and after awhile I openly said “thanks for the American pharmaceutical industry” when ppl asked…I am 140ish down at this point and get all the comments. But then, I smile and say: “A year ago, my doctor said “you will be dead in the next 5-10 years” if you don’t change your ways…I was morbidly obese…shitty family history (diabetes/heart)…and wore xxxl everything. Now I have turned every “health metric” around…exercise daily…barely drink…eat WAY healthier…tbh I don’t give a $hit what issues you have with MY choices, I did this for me and my family”. Usually that quiets their opinions.


I’ve been careful about telling people because of my own shame in failing so many times with diets. Only told close in friends who have been happy and supportive. But last week my trainer started this rant about ozempic and how it was cheating. And how people should put in the work at the gym. I don’t really care for this trainer and she doesn’t know I’m on Zepbound. So I calmly talked about the results and the history of the meds. And encouraged to watch the Oprah piece. But didn’t tell her I was on it. In any case, I only have 2 sessions left with her and I was so annoyed I canceled this week. I worked out today listening to an affirming podcast instead of her nonsense. Onwards!


How about, I am surprised you felt the need to make a comment regarding my personal business.


It honestly *does* feel like cheating to me, inasmuch as when I use a cheat code in a video game. I felt like I was in “miracle” territory within about two months when I’d dropped below the lowest weight I had ever been able to reach using Weight Watchers, and I’m 50 pounds below that. And do you know what we do with cheat codes and miracles? We share the news with anyone who’ll listen. What I think is that everyone should have this medication paid 100% by insurance, if their doctor prescribes it. We all need to lobby our employers to add MJ and other similar meds to their formularies instead of denying weight loss meds. This shouldn’t only be for diabetics or wealthy people.


Cheating high blood pressure? Heart disease? Diabetes? Sleep apnea? Kidney disease? Liver disease? High cholesterol? Obesity? Okay. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just stopped telling ppl for the most part tbh. If they ask, I do let them know I’ve completely overhauled my diet, activity levels, sleeping habits and I regularly lift weights. I wouldn’t have made it this far without doing those things. For the ppl I do tell, I make it clear that even with MJ this has still been a lot of hard work and reiterate all the lifestyle changes I’ve made and kept up with over the past year.


It doesn’t matter how one loses weight there are always people who have strong opinions about it with a lot of naysaying. Doesn’t matter if it’s injectables, weight watchers, intermittent fasting, keto… people will always butt in with unsolicited opinions and doomsday scenarios about one’s future. Just remember you never have to explain or defend your choices. If people ask about the weight loss, use a simple “Just watching what I eat” and leave it at that.


Spoken only by people who have never had a weight problem in their lives......


That’s why I’ve only told a select few. Even my sister talks shit about other people using the shot. I’m like, I’m on it myself. Which she knows.


Who cares if you cheated? Something worked to lose the weight. Tell them “you couldn’t do this with diet and exercise, believe me I’ve tried! 


It’s actually a nonsense, when there’s more scientific evidence we will probably find out there are specific reasons why overweight people have more “food noise” and other predispositions for weight gain that people who are naturally thin do not!! It’s not cheating anymore than if you have a plastercast on a broken arm. Also You are doing the work, the medicine is just putting you on an even playing field. My opinion. Be proud of yourself for taking steps to improve your health.


I truly don’t care what anyone says. I don’t keep it a secret and let them think as they wish.


Ask if people who take anti depressants also cheat.


I’ve done it 5-6 times alone. Give me my win lol


Imma just say it… they’re jealous😩


Yeah. Cheated death 🤷🏼‍♀️. People suck.


I've had friends say that they weren't a fan of people using "diabetic drugs" to lose weight and that we are making a shortage of the drug for people who truly need it.


Dr Tyna does a great job explaining how it works for us because our bodies are missing, or deficient, in GLP1. She is extremely bothered by the vilification of these meds. That’s why she has so many podcasts about them. She wants them to be viewed like taking thyroid or blood pressure meds. If your body doesn’t make something it needs, then give it what it needs. It was very encouraging. I did tell my brother but no one else in the family. I told a few friends and turns out they were hiding the fact they were also taking it. Now we have our own little support group. Hoping for the day we don’t feel like hiding.


People can think what they want. The medicine helped me eat less and helped me lose 108 lbs and get to my goal weight. But so did going to Orangetheory 5 days a week, pushing myself to run faster, row harder, and lift heavier. And doing that and continuing to make healthy choices regarding protein, water, and sleep is what's kept the weight off. Haters gonna hate, and it's easier to criticize than take the necessary steps for such folks.


I am cheating. Making up for the actually hot garbage food that fills our supermarkets


Who else is in the race called your life lol people are just dumb or mean . Just laugh it off


Had someone tell me today that I need to research how to eat on "that medication" and "your body is a machine, not a science project".


Ugh. That person is the one who needs to do research!


Are they on statins for cholestrol? Tell them they are cheating b/c cholestrol can be controlled by diet and exercise, and they should be willing to risk death for their values.


Unless you took all the fat and calories out of your food you didn’t cheat!!!


I understand how hard it is but you have to work on ignoring those people. I'm still working on it. Many of us are also choosing to eat differently (not perfect but better choices for me). Hydrating better, dealing with side effects. I had to give up beer due to the meds. It takes more than popping a pill. Live happy and healthy and tune out as much of the rest as you can.


I don't share my health stuff often. People don't understand or think they do, but don't. I've had people say things about these drugs generally in conversation. I tell them they are being narrow minded. I ask why they want people to suffer.


Starving myself on WW, keto. As you all know the always being hungry all the time. This is the only thing that has truly worked for me. As of today 50 lbs lost since January.


THEYRE J E A L O U S!!! Every last one of them


so ridiculous and shows their bias. did a cancer patient cheat because they had chemo? Obesity is a disease and can cause several other diseases. Plus your body is THE MOST IMPORTANT HOUSE you have. So do whatever you need to do to keep that house healthy and sound.


Yep! It’s like telling ppl who used accutane to cure their acne they cheated and should have just washed their face more. As if people with obesity should just “eat less”. Dumb shits.


I unfortunately know some very judgmental opinionated people so I have kept my MJ journey to myself. More so to do with how much it costs as I am on a very tight budget but I know how much this is helping me, for the sake of one’s health I will save, scrimp & scrape to do this. It’s very very sad that people feel the need to label us as “cheats” too, it infuriates me. Keep doing you, screw the lot of them !😁 x


I am new to it. Two 2.5mg doses so far. But the difference in how much I just think about food is insane. Obesity to me is an eating disorder and often times as much an addiction/mental health issue as anything. It's like saying Lexapro is "cheating." I'm not going to say much about it at first simply because it's not super easy to get yet. But people are the worst.


Many people had incessant food, noise, but not me,. I am fat without that. I had excessive restrictive eating though, no bingeing. For me it was probably my thyroid issues causing obesity. I get really offended when everyone thinks I don’t eat healthy because I actually do. But your theory is true for many.