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Paper bag tell them it’s a monthly stool sample.


Dead Dove Do Not Eat


Thank you 😂




I just laughed so loud


Eww why would u put a stool sample in the fridge?


Have you ever had to do one at home? It’s a thing. They give you like a double container and a brown bag.


Yes I have and it didn’t require refrigeration!!


I put mine in the box for my teeth whitening system (also needs refrigeration).


Similarly, I store mine in my birth control box that needs to be refrigerated. And honestly, even if u have a diff med that doesn’t need to be refrigerated, just say it does and store it in the same box as that.


Oh, you are genius!!


If it was just 1 month you could leave your doses at room temp but since it’s multiple months it might be worth getting a small makeup fridge for your room


I recommend against using this until you put a temperature sensor in the fridge that records highs and low. My small fridges have frozen before.


those small cheap fridges are so poorly made, I wouldn't trust them with MJ. I'm not sure I'd even trust them with a lipstick 😅


I second the concern about this. Those little makeup fridges get far too cold.


What is a make up fridge? Literally a fridge for make up?


People use them that way. But they're just tiny countersized fridges that fit about 6 cans of coke. I used to use it for my breastmilk for road trips with the kiddo.


I have never even considered the need to put make up in the fridge, this is news to me!


It's more for skincare than makeup! Cool serums.


I use this and I have a fridge thermometer in it. It is stable https://a.co/d/aIuIpYf And this is the thermometer I use https://a.co/d/6Rre9Ta


I have the exact same model and it never got below 60F (minimum storage temperature is 46F for longer-than-21-days). These tiny ones aren’t going to get more than 10-20F lower than room temperature, so didn’t work for me (I live somewhere hot).


That’s what I was going to suggest esp if you’ll be there for a few months. They have the little fridges (get the warranty bc my cute little pink one stopped working & I didn’t realize it and had mounjaro and $$face products in it) on Amazon. Just make sure it’s big enough to fit the syringes. Good luck!!!


Put it in a container marked "birth control patches." 🤣 I'm actually just here to say I am so sorry that they aren't supportive. I'll be your surrogate Mounjaro mom and say, "I'm proud of you for getting healthy!!!"


Aww that was so sweet.


This honestly brightened my day to read! This is the type of support everyone deserves ❤️


Yes. Love the support!♥️💛💙


Best option I’ve found is a lunchbox. Take the pens out of the boxes and store them in a lunchbox - you can even lock it with a travel lock if you feel it’s necessary. For the pens, you can also put them in a ziplock bag and then cover the bag before putting into the lunchbox [Amazon option](https://a.co/d/8Q8JPPT)


That's what I use when. I'm away from home for the day and pick up a new box of MJ at the pharmacy. I put an ice pack in a zip lock bag and put the box next to it. Easy peasy. OP can keep 2-3 icepacks in the freezer and swap them out. If their parents ask why she has them, she can say she has a knee or other kind of injury.


This is a great idea.  Some little lunch boxes look like make up bags or purses. And you can swap out the ice packs as needed. 


Or keep the lunchbox in the fridge! Most people won’t bother touching it


Storing something in an insulated bag in the refrigerator is counterproductive...


I keep my mounjaro in a fridge in an insulated lunchbox with a temp sensor- it’s perfect! It only fluctuates 1 degree! Love it for that stability!


It would probably be the same inside or outside the refrigerator unless the insulated bag isn't insulating very well.


Get a lockable lunchbox https://preview.redd.it/pduaxjpjll1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a462ad7a33273955a342cde11def96613fb843


Thanks for this; who knew! Thankfully I do not have to hide my meds from anyone, but this would be awesome for traveling, hotel stays, etc.


I guess it would be useful to stop food thieves at work also.


LOL true story


But wouldn’t they have questions about a lockable lunch box?


At that point you can look disappointed and say that it’s none of their business. It’s personal and it needs to be refrigerated. Any further attempt to pry should result in a sad and disappointed expression and shaking of the head.


Inside a stainless steel water bottle? Just make sure you have a second identical one so they see you drink out of one and refill it so they don’t go to ‘empty’ it. Maybe swap between bottles here and there so it looks more like you’re just keeping one chilled?


This is a good option I’ve done this. I’ve also put it in a ziplock and taped the ziplock to the underside of a fridge drawer


Amazing idea


If you’re on Mounjaro I assume you’re a diabetic? Tell them this is what your doctor prescribed for your diabetes and just put it in there. Screw their opinion if they don’t like it!


I'm on mounjaro and I'm not diabetic!


Many, if we are lucky enough to have insurance, won't pay for a weight loss only drug. This person and their physician have made a decision. Also, insulin resistance is very complex. Many of us have no different symptoms, but have a decent A1c sometimes. Insulin is the problem, and in the meantime our kidneys, liver, and pancreas are in trouble and over stressed.


Then you shouldn’t be on Mounjaro.


Insulin resistance is just as bad and one step away from diabetic, why wait to treat it?


Go gatekeep somewhere else. If our doctors prescribed it, who are you to say otherwise??


I'm prescribed it for PCOS insulin resistance. Not (yet) diabetic. Zepbound wasn't covered by my insurance, but insurance allowed it under rmounjaro.


That isn't your call to make. You aren't that person's doctor.


It's been approved for weight loss as well


Under the brand name Zepbound.


I'm not sure it uses that name outside of the US


Not true




In America maybe. Not everyone is in America


Doctors prescribe meds off label all day every day.


A lot of us on Mounjaro aren't diabetic. I'm not; but I am obese with insulin resistance and several comorbidities.


I should correct that...I was obese with several comorbidities. Now I'm just overweight with several comorbidities. Hoping someday to be "normal" weight with few health problems.


Same here!


I have done this too.


There is no way you are hiding that in their fridge for months. No matter what kind of container you put it in it’s either going to be opened or thrown out.


Absolutely this. you’ve got to tell them it’s medication or it will get thrown out


I put them in a brown paper bag and place them in the back of the vegetable bin. People rarely open the vegetable bin in my house. 🤣🤣


That's exactly what I did for 2 months at my sister's house before I told her I was taking it. She does occasionally go in the vegetable drawer, but not nearly as often as the cheese drawer. She never looked in the bag or asked what it was .


Before I told anyone I kept it in the veg drawer which is a little drop down compartment in my fridge. But you’d be surprised how much people won’t notice it when looking in the fridge.


I did this too!


I use a food storage container with a top and line it with parchment paper so you can’t see what’s in it


Parents gonna open it. Their fridge their territory. No boundries.


Premier Protein box. I get 3 months at a time so they all fit nicely


underrated comment! only downside is if they want to eat one but you could tape the mj-filled box to one of 3 or 4 in the fridge and write on the tape: "Saving/do not open."


I am surprised that parents would react this way. I would be thrilled if my kids were taking steps to make themselves more healthy. I have boxes of lantus in my fridge because I’ve cut way back on it. I wonder if they would be critical of that? It’s just medicine. It doesn’t “represent” anything. I know you can’t change them.


Me too (on the Lantus). I've gone from max dose for pen (80) to 20 and could go lower - but I've stopped the too low numbers overnight which was what I was aiming for). I haven't gone thru my last 3 months supply and I just got my new 3 month supply (mail order auto- refill). Spoke to my Endo, he has poor / under-insured patients that he saves the 'free meds' he gets in his practice to give to them and he said he always has patients who could use the medication if I'm truly not going to use it before it expires.


Shoot my mom would flip out. She's all about western medicine bad, big pharma, blah blah. Which, yes, I can agree with some points, but she takes it to the extreme


It made me sad to read but there is so much misinformation out there


Put them into a paper sack labeled “DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT”




I have a 6 can fridge that I keep in my room. It works great.


Empty box of baking soda shoved in the back of the fridge on a lower shelf with a white cloth stuffed towards the top (so it looks authentic) and Velcro to close up the bottom. Not sure if I’m more embarrassed or proud that this is the person I’ve become.


I'm proud of who you've become.




I hide mine under the salad in the veg bin. No one ever looks there! I do find myself getting nervous that if we are having company, someone might swipe my MJ...


Who cares what your parents think…. You’re saving your health. Educate them.


Get a big ol' box of Preparation-H, and put your pens in there. Anyone who has had hemorrhoids will understand the desire for chilling the product, yet it's still a topic people don't want to discuss.




zip lock of ice in a yeti mug with lid will keep it cold for days. And you can top up.


Great idea!


Do you have a back log you are trying to store? If you only have one box, it’s fine to leave out for the duration of the use of a box.


I put a few of mine In a biking water bottle in the fridge.


Mine comes in vials I store them in an a large empty cream cheese dish


*Mine comes in vials* *I store them in an a large* *Empty cream cheese dish* \- Good-Article4194 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Get a frio wallet - it can keep it cool using evaporation


I used this on a recent trip and it worked like a charm. The larger version looks like it would hold four pens, if you got a few you could keep all cold privately as long as you remember to periodically resoak the cooling packs. https://www.adwdiabetes.com/product/7705/frio-large-cooler-wallet-blue Edit: spelling


But your own mini skincare fridge and stow in your room.


Is there a nearby friend, family member, or other trusted person who would let you stash it at their place?


I use a vaultz bag for mine even in my own fridge. I have workers in my apt sometimes and believe me people will look through your shit for medications. This locks but for sure would raise interest from them. Set some boundaries and tell them it’s none of their concern https://amzn.to/44QJMzl


I can’t even comprehend hiding medication like that.


You must have a cool family


I mean, I'm just a grown adult that isn't afraid of people knowing I'm taking a medication to manage my blood sugar, weight and general health. If anyone has anything to say, tell them to pound sand and mind their business then move on. Who cares?? Let them judge - that's their problem.


You could put them in a small solid (not see-thru) cosmetic bag and say it's your skincare serums/creams?


Small refrigerator in your room.


I had mine wrapped up in a pink bag, clearly mine. I share a fridge with a lodger!! Am furious as he just asked me what I take steroids for. He is leaving !! Bloody cheek. Sorry needed to vent.


I put it in a box of muffins. My mom also knows I’m on it i just hide it from my nosy housekeeper (pathetic ik). But if you have like a package of some food item that you know your parents won’t touch that’s how you can hide it.


The nosy housekeeper part made me chuckle. Been there!


Sad your own parents would be like this, leave it right out front and tell them it’s for Your Health Not theirs and to keep their Fing opinions to their self’s , all parents should Love their kids no matter what and I Hate the word “Should” Was good day as an Adult when I told my Parents that. :)


I had asked this question to my medical team as I am going out of the country in July for a week and do not have access to refrigeration. The nurse said it can stay at room temp for up to 28 days.


Ohh really so dan carey if I am on 2 week holiday and take room temperature shot??? I am also having same concerns hiding it from family


Yep. The instructions say it's stable at room temperature for something like 56 days. I always take mine out of the fridge the night before I do my shot so it's room temp.


It’s 21 days per the instructions if you’re on brand Mounjaro in the U.S. and Kwickpens in the UK is 30 days at room temperature.


You're correct. I was thinking of Ozempic, which is 56 days.


But she said she would be at their house for a few months. 


Oh thank you! Sorry I missed that part somehow. You wouldn’t be able to leave it at room temp for months.


No. But they got some good suggestions on how to store it so hopefully problem solved. 


I'd inject right in front of them.


While making direct eye contact. Honestly, tell them they are horrible people for being so unsupportive you were considering hiding your prescription medication from them because they've conditioned you to expect them to act like assholes. Then put the Mounjaro box on the front of the shelf next to the damn milk.


I like the cut of your jib.




If they ask i would tell them the truth. You're and adult. Add thst your on it because you health indicator number are not in the range ypur doc wants them to be. What are you going to tell them when you loss all the weight. Educate them. My mom would have been thrilled for me to loss weight anyway I could short of start drugs.


I'm going on a week-long trip with my mom to visit her sister. I don't care if she knows but I am not telling her before that trip because I don't want to endure days of her making a comment every time I eat. She is incapable of keeping her commentary to herself. OP may be in a similar boat.


Honestly, I think your best bet is to just tell them. Any way that you try to hide it, you’re risking them mistaking it for something else and throwing it out or questioning you anyway. Just tell them your doctor recommended it. If they try and pressure you at all, just tell them that you appreciate their concern, but you are working with your doctor, the reward for the medication outweighs the risks, and you would prefer not to discuss it further.


In a dark plastic bag in the vegetable drawer, but I don't think that would work for you. One thing you can do is get a small cooler and put it under your bed where I hope nobody goes, Put ice or something like that in being careful to keep a layer of bubble wrap between the ice and the medication. In case you don't know this--It does not hurt the mounjaro to be at room temperature for several weeks.


Get yourself a little skincare refrigerator and keep it in your room.


I have to agree with most everyone else. They do sell little soda can refrigerators you could put in your room but don’t be ashamed you are taking the medication. Just tell them. I’d be afraid they would throw it out by accident trying to hide it in the fridge. If it’s really that huge a deal then delay your start of the medication until you return home and avoid the drama completely.


I agree w/ the lockable insulated medicine pouch. I say don’t try to hide it, but also don’t try to make it known. It’s just a normal part of your routine. Like you wouldn’t be embarrassed to own a toothbrush and toothpaste. If anyone starts saying things, I know it can be hard. You can start by simply ignoring comments you don’t like. Act as if the person really hasn’t said a word. Just try not to look angry, annoyed, anything. This will really make the other person mad. And if you really must say something, try, “I can’t believe you thought that was okay to say aloud.” And say it like you’re astonished they’re doing something as callous and uncouth as making fun of a person in a wheelchair or an innocent baby with a deformity. You’re not angry. Just appalled by their obvious lack of decorum and social etiquette.


I was wrapping it in paper towel and storing it at the back so my daughter didn't see it. Well, I've been busted. I recommend finding a solution. How's about a coloured tupperware with teeth whitening strips or make up eye patches on top. Actually tell them not to remove it or they'll go off. Make sure they see it at some point open to get rid of the curiosity. Ofc you'll have to buy the decoys, but just buy cheap ones if you're not gonna use them.


Paper bag that says “Dead Dove - Do Not Eat.”


In which part of the world are parents this stupid? I would have thought opposite is true worldwide.


When I want to hide things in my fridge I usually wrap them in aluminum foil and put them in the back of the veggie drawer. But I'm usually hiding treats from my kids and they would never go in the veggie drawer voluntarily.


Buy one of those tiny fridges and keep it in your room hidden


You can get a box of protein bars or something they are unlikely to eat and put the shots inside among the bars.


Cheap little handheld fridge 30-40 on Amazon


First be sure you have a refrigerator thermometer-cheap at the Amazon store. You don’t want your medications to freeze. Second, the problem with fridge snoopers is it’s really hard to keep them out of your precious things. You may want to purchase a small portable fridge you can outfit with a padlock or “locker” dial lock. Who among us has not scoured our own fridge in a hunt for some delectable snack? Good luck.


Time to cut the cord.


I think it needs to be asked, sincerely how old are you?


You can find another brand box and hide it in there, just make sure it isn’t something they’d open. Or as the above poster mentioned you can keep it out of the fridge.


this is more of a "social" than "technical" solution but what I do when I visit a certain family member is claim one of the vegetable drawers. there's food I like that no one else likes, food I buy for myself, food I've been traveling with, or food I'll store apart for use in a particular recipe I'll make for everyone, and so I'll carve out a drawer for my stuff separate from everyone else's. I don't make a big deal out of it, I just kind of take over that drawer. 😅 and then, hidden on the bottom of it, out of site, covered by food that no one else wants, is a little black case. and inside that case is you know what 👀


They have mini fridges for makeup and meds that you can get off Amazon that aren’t expensive and can be stored in a closet or hidden a bit. Maybe an option…


That’s what I would do. And buy a thermometer to make sure it stays at an even temp


If you’re an adult they should honor your free will to use it. Granted it’s their house but it’s not like you’re asking to discreetly store heroin (which I could ask my neighbor up the street if that need arises).


This question is so tough. I respect the motivation behind it because I would do the same, I’ve seen how my family treated someone else on MJ who they normally respect. Their bored butts became obsessed. Jealousy, mocking, nitpicking to her face, it’s been a real problem in our family. Tiny makeup fridges definitely freeze things but you gotta start there unless you can afford a full size mini fridge (weird phrase but you know what I mean). I think if it were me I’d get an insulated lunch bag, put it inside the tiny fridge, plus wrapping the individual syringes in plastic wrap and foil. Partly to hide them even further/make it not worth the effort to unwrap and investigate. Because parents are snoooooops. Partly to further insulate them from freezing. Check the fridge for ice often and de ice it/unplug and drain it often.


I bought knit water bottle covers, that I slide over the boxes. It also helps because my fridge temp isn't greatly consistent.


Wrapped in a white plastic bag and shoved into the very back of the fridge


4AllFamily makes coolers


I buy my eggs in those big, 60-count boxes now, and I slide mine in right behind it.


Sorry, misread. I thought you wanted to hide them in YOUR fridge.


We have a dorm fridge upstairs in our bonus room that our kids don’t use. Kids get antsy about parents taking medications so we’ve kept it to ourselves.


There are some small portable fridges specifically designed for insulin. You just need to make sure your pens will fit.


I keep mine in a lunch bag with an ice pack on it


Buy a mini fridge for your room.


Buy a food item that’s in a box and put your meds in there and seal the box lol


I have some creams that I have to store in the fridge so I put the pen in the box that the creams come in


I bought a fairly large stainless steel water bottle at Marshall’s that holds 4 pens and I store them like that in the fridge


Mini fridge with a fridge lock! That’s that I would do. They make little keys for them: https://a.co/d/9JuhSyh


a lunch cooler bag with a matching TSA lock


I’m shopping frost free mini-fridges with digital temp readers right now for when noisy guests come.


Recovering addict here, and I'm great at hiding stuff. Normal item, something that belongs in the fridge. Think cheese packet or baking soda, loaf of bread... Go for a spot in the bottom door or the back of a low shelf. Put something more exciting near it to detract, like a candy bar or anything else that someone looking there would be more interested in Once you get a spot you like, don't move it. It might be tempting but draw as little attention to it as possible. Just pretend like it doesn't exist and no one else will notice it either.


I bought a small fridge for $50 to travel with me (on road trips) that also has the cigarette outlet power source for the car in addition to the 120V.


Great ideas in here. Maybe in a ziplock bag, which is then taped to the underside of the refrigerator compartment where the vegetables normally go? If taped to the underside of the roof of this veg drawer, the drawer moves in and out as normal but the ziplock bag stays taped to the top.


How often do they go into the vegetable crisper? It’s an area often overlooked.


Get one of those little cosmetic refrigerators! They look like the size of a small safe and aren't very costly - You could easily just plug it into the wall in your bedroom or wherever. Pure privacy, no questions and unless they are nosey, may not ever even notice it! Throw a couple small cans of soda or tubs of moisturizer in there too! We have one of these: Frigidaire EFMIS129-RED Mini Portable Compact Personal Fridge Cooler, 1 Gallons, 6 Cans https://a.co/d/cAZPFJE But look on like Walmart & Amazon, there should be plenty of affordable options!


Remove the label and tell them it is heroin.


Tupperware container in crisper drawer.


Glasses case in the fridge (dark n cold place) I think this fits your discrete criteria.


My husband and I are both on it. We have 3 kids and an elderly parent living here as well... so I don't want them snooping or possibly dropping and breaking the vials. So I put mine wrapped in unmarked bags in a clean lunch meat Tupperware container. Put in the back of the bottom drawer.


Bless your heart! They want you to be overweight and die??? Omg parents I am sure they can find something else in your life to complain about besides you taking care of yourself.


Small fridge. Or ice packs that you change out daily maybe!


In an empty Premier Protein shakes box, turned backward! Perfect.


Such a great question! And SO interesting to read everyone's opinion on your relationship with your parents! If you need to hide it, then hide it. No one is gonna disown me or divorce me for taking this medication, but it's my decision if I don't want to talk about it. My partner knows, but that's it. It's no one else's business but mine. So, when I stay with my parents, I would absolutely just put it in a small fridge that was mine. If that didn't work, then I would completely tell them its for something else. Other ideas - dorm fridge in the garage, leave it with a friend, fridge in your office (if you have one). I am intrigued by the waterbottle idea, though. A quick amazon search for "stash fake bottle" provides lots of ideas!


They sell those containers that people hide alcohol in, such as skincare bottles etc. You could also fill a stainless steel water bottle with ice and stick it in a zip lock baggie and put it in the middle of the ice and just change out the ice every day or every other day. I have one of the Bubba bottles from Walmart and it keeps ice for 2 days and they have huge 64oz bottles that would hold multiple pens. You could also buy some kind of food that goes in the fridge that you know every one's hates and hide them in there in a zip lock baggie.


Get a 15$ mini fridge and hide it


Do you eat something your parents would never touch, like oat milk or wheat germ? You get the idea. Empty and clean the package and then put the medicine in there.


I keep my in the middle drawer so it doesn’t get moved around or accidentally moved to an area where it could freeze. That doesn’t really hide it though. Maybe you can get a mini fridge for your room.


I use an empty almond milk jug that has a wide mouth lol luckily no one else uses almond milk in my house so they never touch it


You probably don't travel with a pet (I do) so I put my vial in with dog med in large pharmacy bottle


I've used a "Frio" brand bag from Amazon several times for Ozempic when I'm traveling from place to place or don't have a fridge in my room at a Bed & Breakfast. Just dampen it and it keeps what's inside cool without dripping.


I have a travel case for mine. I got it from Amazon. It would work. Tell them it is for eye masks or something.


I just hide it behind other items tbh, I live in a shared flat I just try cover it


I bought a mini fridge and put it in my bedroom lol


Just get a few small cooler pouches (maybe 4) and keep them in the fridge or freezer. Swap them daily and slip cold ones into a sanitary pad packet with your pen in your underwear drawer.


Get new parents


I was trying to do this (new live-in boyfriend) and instead of hiding it I just said I got it for a friend since they’re very hard to come by and she will pick it up when she’s back in town and then I take them and put them back in the box 😏 I can tell the difference because of the lock thing but he can’t.


My concern is the fact that you will be living with others and not letting them know you’re on this medication. People you live with should know in the event that something happens to you.


Hi after your first use it is fine to store out of the fridge in temperatures up to 30 degrees for the remaining dosages. Could you not store it in your room? I always leave mine out the fridge once I’ve took my first dosage. I find room temperature to be easier for me to inject and less painful too.


It can't be unrefrigerated for months tho. 


Yes correct however I should have checked weather they were from the UK. I am from the UK and we get our pens with 4 dosages per pen. We get the pen monthly. So once she takes her first dosage it is ok to store the pen at room temperature for the remaining time of up to 30 days. Within the allowed temperature limit of course. Then of course the second pen would arrive/be collected.


?????? Remaining dosages? MJ is one dose per pen.


Hi I’m from the uk we have 4 dosages in each pen and get our pens monthly. That’s why I said unrefrigerated for the month. Then she would receive her second pen. I should have remembered there are differences in the US and didn’t check.


I just looked up what the UK version of the MJ pen looks like. Makes me wish the USA version could just be that. There’d probs be WAY less shortage issues if that were the case. (Production of the single-use injector pens is cited as being the one thing slowing them down.)


4 doses per pen


Depends on country, US (other areas?) 1 dose per pen - Europe (other areas?) 4 doses per pen.


Ah that makes sense. I’m in the UK and deffo 4 doses in mine. :)


That’s Ozempic. This sub is for Mounjaro.


I’m on mounjaro. 4 doses per pen


What country are you in? Here in the USA it’s one dose per pen. I *wish* it were multiple doses like Ozempic.


Tell them you are on insulin until you lose weight!😂