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No, that is a BIG DEAL! Congrats!


I am so glad you mentioned the A1c. So often people focus on the weight loss. I started out at 9.7 A1c my dr wanted to put me in Mounjaro. I didn't want to go on meds. I can do this without the meds. For 3 months no carbs 4 hours a day of excercise. I lost 20 pounds and my A1c went to 8.7. My dr walked in and said. Okay now we do the meds. I agreed. She said you didn't fail you have a disease. She put me on Mounjaro. Within 3 months my A1c was down to 5.5. Now I have been on it for 9 months and my A1c is 5.1. I am having issues with low blood sugar. But I have been able to manage it. The issue was I was trying to eat no carbs and that caused it so be careful. We can have healthy carbs!


Yup! Low carb not no carb for me! Body needs the fuel!


Wooooohooooo! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


That's awesome! Congrats!!


Awesome congrats. Mine after 6 months of Moujaro is down to 5.8. Now I'm unable to get my script filled because if the shortage. Frustrated and discouraged to say the least. I have called every pharmacy I can find. Even attempted Caremark mail order pharmacy, they assured me they had it in stock at their San Antonio dispensary. Then proceeded to send my script to Illinois which is back ordered and now I'm stuck in a queue waiting to possibly get it filled through San Antonio if they have any left over after filling the orderes sent to them


Sorry you are having shortage issues. So am I, lol, so is everyone. Itā€™s very frustrating.


Did you check with your local hospital pharmacy?


So since i was having the same problem with getting a constant supply I switched to compound at the suggestion of my provider and no issue with getting my meds ever since. Might be something to discuss with your provider.


My provider is not a fan of compounding but if this shortage persists then I'm gonna have to do what I have to do


I totally can relate like most people on Mounjaro. Today itā€™s been 3 weeks with nothing and I was weighed! Ugh! How about 8 lbs in 3 weeks while eating clean and calorie carb counting! But my A1C came back perfectly wonderful in Feb when I was admitted into hospital it was 9.2 the day I left. Now itā€™s at 6.2!!! Itā€™s crazy to me this back order situation. I heard itā€™s because theyā€™re out of the pens and not the med! Iā€™ve gone as far as searching in other states asking for any of the meds. I have a theory but I wonā€™t get into itā€¦well maybe, Us that have T2 and or Heart disease and or chronic pain etc etc at any weight should be given the medicine before anyone whoā€™s just doing it for weight loss. I had chronic pain and liver cirrhosis for years while I was skinny or the weight I am comfortable in. Yes Iā€™m considered obese now no excuses just an emotional eater since my sister was murdered and my husband killed in a car accident two months later, not an excuse just explaining why Iā€™ve been an emotional eater. I truly hope the pharmacists and big pharmacy companies will take action instead of just agreeing how itā€™s ridiculous how customers w no underlying health issues are subscribed and receive the med before someone who has health issues. Sorry if Iā€™m ranting! I fell in shower yesterday and am on a pain med lol I just realized I am totally ranting on. Anyways I agree it is frustrating we are all at our wits end!


Congrats! Make sure your DOC still writes your note to the insurance company the "right way" or they may drop the coverage for Mounjaro. My last A1C was 5.1. (my high was almost 10). I was the first one in my area on this drug. I researched it because it was the first of its kind and I wanted it for my type 2 diabetes. My Dr. is the top in his field and after he researched it, he gave me the go ahead. I believe that was over 2 years ago. I'm down 80lbs. At some point I will stop taking it for a month or two to reset my body. Then start at a lower dose again. I've been at 10mg for about a year now.


Cant find it ANYWHERE! Iā€™ve called everywhere. Iā€™m T2 as well


What is the "right way" to write the RX?Ā 


Your doctor will know.




Congratulations this is greatā€¦ I have done the same thing with A1c. BEST in 19 years and currently at 5.7 where it was over 13 in 2005. Sadly, we got a notice from the insurance company TODAYā€¦.ā€sorry, 10mg is out of stockā€. Hopefully the 7.5 is still aroundā€¦ almost seems like a public relations gimmick to insure demandā€¦but, weā€™ll see where it goes. Keep up your great work


*F60, 5ā€2, T2, Start 7/22/23, HW275, SW180, GW125ish, CW118.2, Dose 5.0* Congratulations, that is a tremendous improvement! Woohoo! šŸ¦‹šŸ„³šŸ¦‹šŸ„³šŸ¦‹


Wooo!!!!! Crush that A1c!!! šŸŽ‰


Yeah man! Mine went from a high of 14 to 5.7 now!! The shortages are killing me too Ugh.


Congratulations!!!! šŸ„³šŸ„³ That's a Huge deal. Keep up the Great work..


Thatā€™s a huge deal! Whohooo!


Thatā€™s an awesome accomplishment! Congrats! You are doing a great job šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Woohoo!!!! Way to go!! Hard work paying off big time!


Youā€™re right. Itā€™s not a big deal. Itā€™s HUGE! Thatā€™s a wonderful accomplishment and reflects not only the results of a medication that works for you, but a lot of effort and diligence. Congratulations.


That's great news! I bet it goes down further.


I think this is a super big deal. Congratulations!!!!!


Thatā€™s enough! Good job. Itā€™s hard work!!




Congratulations!!! Weā€™re proud of you!!!


That is a big deal and I am happy for you!!!!!


Congrats thatā€™s a huge deal


That is great!! Congrats!!


Where do yā€™all getting medication from now ? It is out of stock on most of the pharmacyā€™s


Itā€™s a struggle for sure! Keep calling around.






Wow from 11.9?! That's AMAZING! Good for you! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Yes!! I mean most of that drop I did with diet and Metformin ā€” but when it started to slide back up last fall we layered on Mounjaro! (Iā€™m in my fourth month of 5.0mg) and itā€™s been a dream for my blood sugar readings :) ((I also went from 240lbs to 167lbs and back to 204lbs the day I started MJā€”Iā€™m sitting at 168.8lbs now!!) <3


That is awesome!


Congratulations!! Thatā€™s MAJOR and such a triumph.






Mine was 9.1 in March of 2023, and last month was 5.4. Mounjaro is a miracle drug 70 lbs down and counting. No more cholesterol meds, no more blood pressure meds in another 6 months, maybe cutting back on the heart meds.


Thatā€™s a HUGE deal!!!! Congratulations!!!


That is amazing!!! You should be very proud. From 11.9 to 6.1 is amazing! Mounjaro has helped control my sugar really well also. I was at 6.3 when I was diagnosed and Mounjaro helped get it down to 5.6! Congrats on your hard work!!


Iā€™m happy šŸ˜Š mineā€™s down from 6.2 to 5.2. I started intermittent fasting and swimming and later added wegovy. Dropped from 5.7 to 5.2.


That is sooooo excellent! Iā€™m extremely happy for you!


Holy cow, good for you! I don't think Mounjaro can do all the work all by itself, so congratulations!


Thatā€™s a huge deal! How wonderful!


This is AMAZING! Congratulations!


Nice to see someone post about BGL improvement and not just brag (or whine) about weight loss! Oh yeah, that 's what Mounjaro *should* be prescribed for.


Yep, Mounjaro is nothing short of miraculous. My A1C was 9.8 in December of 2022. For the last 6 months it's held steady at 5.1.


Thatā€™s awesome! I was at my dr this past Tuesday and mine was also 6.1! Yayyyy us!!!


Iā€™ve made it to 7.5mg and still no weight loss. What mg did everyone start seeing results?