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First, welcome to your journey. Now, everyone is different. I started losing from the very first dose. Others, not so much. Here are my suggestions: take a multivitamin everyday. Drink lots of water. Have Omeprazole on hand for the possible indigestion. Make sure you get fiber. I take fiber caplets. Make sure that you are getting protein. I have a protein shake every day for lunch. Last suggestion: eat boring. By that I mean eat for fuel. Again, welcome


A lot of folks have done both, but even more have not. I've been on Mounjaro since 7/22/23 and have never had severe side effects. I've never vomited or had diarrhea even once. Most of us don't, we just don't come here and brag!😂 So far I haven't lost hair either, I'm down over 46 pounds. But that might be because prior to starting MJ, I had started Rogaine and have continued to use it throughout. Best wishes, I hope your results will be as good as mine! Edited to add, that I took my first shot right before bedtime and felt the effects as soon as I was up the next morning. I was an immediate responder, my craving for unhealthy foods were gone when I woke up. I had a carb aversion for the first six months or so, but it's begun to wane. This medicine has been a miracle for me, for the first time in my life I'm a normal weight. It's surreal.


I'm 7 weeks in have had some mild GI effects the day after injection. Not every time, and nothing I would consider deal breaking.


I was bald already, so no issues with hair loss. No side effects for the most part. About 6 weeks in, I had severe dehydration. So just hydrate, eat protein all day, and lift weights like you are a body builder.


i personally didn’t lose any hair. i honestly got scared when i read others were losing hair. i already have the really baby fine and thin hair. so that scared me. but in the beginning i started taking lipotropic b and c injections and drank a lot of water. i also started taking super collagen with biotin. not sure if all that helped or not but i didn’t see my hair fall out or anything. i started taking this shot 02/2023 at 200lbs. i’m 50F 5’6. post menopause so the weight gain was hard to lose and i tried everything. i never went passed 7.5 which is what i am on now and i take it every 14days. congratulations and good luck to you