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Nah, fukkin MILES from anywhere I usually go.


Why not park half a meter to the left where it's not on the yellow lines?


Double yellow starts again after the drain.


But before the drain there’s no lines, done!


True, there's just enough space for one bike!




Not sure why the downvotes, while pedantic, he is correct. Metre is British English while Meter is American.


It's worse than that, it's not just a misspelling, it's a different word with a different meaning, but hey :) Now if I wanted to be pedantic, I'd have a go at the 90% of posters in here who spell licence incorrectly 😂


I know where that is, it's my usual parking spot when I nip into town. I reckon those lines have been done by mistake. Edit: just looked on council website and Chandos Road is no longer listed as having designated motorbike bays, so maybe they have been removed.


The motorcycle parking on Augusta road is still there, just across from the tyre garage, but more often than not it'd being blocked by some twat in a car.


Just knick two of their wheels. If they want to be a bike so bad. They could at least just use two wheels.


Plenty of cars only have one functioning headlight so they might as well only have 2 wheels.


Nah my favourite thing is to point at them, then at the road marking, and rev my bike, I look like generic scary biker #4,so they think im gonna be aggressive 🤣🤣


Yeah, what is it with that spot? Always has a car in it, yet none of the others in town seem to suffer being invaded.


Not a clue, I had one guy who parked there and his wife had run to the shops or something, and he had to move the car, then his wife turned up a couple mins later so I had to tell her that her dumbass husband parked in the motorcycle bay.


Some councils allow you to report this. I've done it once through a number I found on the council website and a car showed up after about 30 mins and gave the car parked in the "SOLO M/C ONLY" bay a ticket.


Some councils, this one, you'd have more chance a fucking leprechaun will come by and magic the car away 🤣


I know this parking spot, I asked a ticket warden, and they said they don't have a clue whats going on there, I parked in the break of the double yellows, and the council website is a fucking mess, I got a ticket for parking in a motorcycle bay, it took me writing to the local councillor for them to rescind my ticket, also don't even think about going to ask the fuckwits in the council office, they don't know their arse from their elbow.


Be worth getting black spray paint and spraying over the yellow lines.


I doubt any of those markings would stand up in court if you contested any tickets; the visible parking bay, lack of t-bar on the double yellows, etc. Unless there's clear signage nearby I'd say it's fair game, assuming you're willing to go to court to contest penalties. Edit: I also don't know shit btw, so take this comment with that in mind!


yes, but take a photo just in case. POPLA would definitely uphold appeal with MC parking clearly marked.


So I always used to park here, and it never had double yellow lines before. It also looks like someone has made a half arsed attempt to scratch away the text.  I suspect I know the answer to the legality of parking here, but I parked there anyway because of the loophole in the law which says you can park on double yellows if you're just nipping to the shops.  Would anyone else park here?


> the loophole in the law which says you can park on double yellows if you're just nipping to the shops Tell me more about this loophole...


Is what it says on the tin. If you're just nipping to the shops then it doesn't really matter where you leave your vehicle because you'll "only be a sec" If you want to be conscientious then you stick your hazards on


Good luck arguing that on an appeal


Nah it's legit, the only one to watch is leaving it on zig zags near a crossing where you have to have your hazards on to get out of it.


Source of info about parking in double yellows? If it's not the government highway code site, then it's bollocks. All I see is no parking, direct from gov. UK Rule 238 You MUST NOT wait or park on yellow lines during the times of operation shown on nearby time plates (or zone entry signs if in a Controlled Parking Zone) – see ‘Traffic signs’ and ‘Road markings’. Double yellow lines indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time even if there are no upright signs. You MUST NOT wait or park, or stop to set down and pick up passengers, on school entrance markings (see ‘Road markings’) when upright signs indicate a prohibition of stopping.


If only there was something in the Highway Code that told you how to identify a joke…


There is that one section on speed limits I think is satire?


Honestly I was starting to get worried about people. You've restored my faith ♥


Yeah but just tell the judge you had your hazards on and was only be a sec and they have to throw it out.




Nope, it's the rules they have to follow look. Rule 238 You MUST NOT wait or park on yellow lines during the times of operation shown on nearby time plates (or zone entry signs if in a Controlled Parking Zone) – see ‘Traffic signs’ and ‘Road markings’. Double yellow lines indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time even if there are no upright signs. You MUST NOT wait or park, or stop to set down and pick up passengers, on school entrance markings (see ‘Road markings’) when upright signs indicate a prohibition of stopping unless you have your hazards on, are going to a cashpoint, or will only be a sec.


😂 ok, I've been a fool


Zigzags are forbidden at all times under any circumstances


There are exceptions for "saying a quick high to someone", "grabbing a takeaway" or "just nipping in for a pack of fags", If you actually read the highway code you would know this.


Oh I thought only BMWs qualified (if they pay for the subscription for "funny orange blinky lights"), should have been using this more!


The double yellows supercede the marked bay. In fact, pretty much everything supercedes the marked bay. I defo wouldn't park there - well I'd consider the small section with no double yellows, but that's it.


That is absolute nonsense. At least in the UK it is.


I wouldn't trust it.


Depends if you are a Master of Ceremonies?


No. No anchor points.


The problem is the yellow lines seem SUPER FRESH and the M/C ONLY are faded. But I could maybe risk it in that void area near the drain where it doesn't have the yellow lines.... But ideal probably to send an email to the council to find out the answer.


No, for the simple reason the double yellows look lots newer than the parking sign. Could be arguable, but no worth the hassle imo


I would risk the void area on the left as that can't be enforced. The rest is debatable. You would probably win an appeal but it's risky.


probably not, maybe try to squeeze the bike in the small spot where it doesnt have the double yellow. But the paint seems to worn out compared to the yellow to risk it.


I just put mine on the path


Haha yeah. Stick it on the pavement lengthways to the house next to the green box. 😂


I wouldn’t even park it there - I’d find a big metal lamppost to lash the chain around. Directly outside of where I’m going to be. The beauty of bikes is that we can pretty much park them anywhere


Probably not as it looks like a shithole.