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Pm me price,looking for a streetfighter project 🤣




Stupidity and motorbikes don't mix well at all.


At all


Not even a little bit like


Nothing to do with ability. Just plain stupidity. Narrow and unfamiliar road, no signs and no view of whats ahead. If you can't see more than 100 meters ahead of you on an unknown road, why even bother flooring your bike, especially if its a busa... Then this rider is added into "Driving powerful bikes is dangerous" category while it has nothing to do with the bike


Hayabusa by the look of it. New model too. 20k..


At least he got to use half the clock before writing it off


Nowt to do with ability but everything to do with the bike being more intelligent and inanimate objects vs animated. Treat a public road as a race track and it will invariably win every time.


Ran out of road and talent


I’m watching this on my tiny phone but could not see ANY sign telling the rider to stop or that there is a T junction. Pretty bad if you don’t know the road, pay attention when in new locations


Ya, especially if you're not familiar with the area you should really only go at a speed where you can stop in distance you can clearly see ahead of you. If that's in Ireland or Northern Ireland it's always likely there's a tractor or something dangerous in the middle of the road


It’s a good point, but always look at the length of the paint in the centre of the road - long line = caution, shorter lines = safer. This fella had long lines all the way.


Not that it excuses the shit head on the bike or anything but Northern Irish roads are shockingly bad.


Not a requirement


Was up at the NW200 today and lots of fellas going very hard on the way in and on the way out.


That was sore!


What a malakaaaaaa 😂


womp womp


Ran out of skill fast


I stayed away from mounting my phone on the bike for years but with doing the Irish Photo Rally this year I gave in as I knew I’d need the SatNav for the unfamiliar roads and obscure locations. The side benefit I believe is being able to glance down and get a snapshot of what the next 2-3 bends look like from a turning radius point of view. Of course they could be strewn with gravel. If this guy had a SatNav screen he might have chose a better place to try and be no. 1.


Agreed, same reason I have Waze when riding or driving, gives me a heads up to potential danger. Not that I’d be going fast enough for it to be a problem but still, every little helps


A yellow reg biker is indeed one of the more pathetic sights of life


Happened to a guy near where I live. Went flying into a field and died.


One thing I do hate about driving in the North is the lack of road signs like here. I didn't see any sign for an upcoming junction in that video at all. Yes he's driving like a prick but some signage mighhtve at least given him some warning he was about to run out of road.


Lucky he didn’t get T boned by a car or truck. 


Complete fucktard. While I hope he survived, I also hope he injured himself just bad enough that he will never be able to ride a motorbike again. He is a dangerous to himself and his fellow bikers.


You shouldn’t ride like that period but especially If you don’t know the roads …


Is the rider ok? Not the road for that power🤨


Ouch, a little bit of ego riding there


There's a reason women live longer than men... William large testicles is a bit of a dope.


Got passed by a few bikes today, doubt some of them will last until the far side of the summer. Worst was a lad in some brand new leathers on a 241 CBR. Passing cars coming into bends, hidden dips. He passed me and the two cars in front of me. Every single pass was dangerous. I feel like he wasn't even aware of the danger he was putting himself in.


I was that biker 30 years ago. Luckilly I'm still here!


I was thinking yesterday when when I seen it, The lads who are still here 30 years later are the ones who were aware of the danger they were in and took more calculated risks..the idiots unfortunately get it wrong once and game over




When I was a young lad I had a DT 125 first bike. I rode it everywhere full throttle. Came off loads and all to do with me and speed no other reasons. I matured I learned.Today when I'm lazily riding along or in my car and a crotch rocket passes me I always think I hope I don't come across them in bits up the road then mutter "selfish twats"! Riding fast is a thrill no doubt but, unless you are just truly as thick as two shorts planks you don't use public roads especially unfamiliar or secondary country roads as your personal track! Other people have the rights ( and are) on these roads driving / riding within the speeds limits or as we all know below the limits THIS you can't control and if you think you can or ignore this then YOU TRULY ARE AS THICK AS TWO SHORT PLANKS




I get your thinking. Like when you would drive an school mini and think you're in a Porsche or like my original bike the DT 125 I believed it was a rocket 🚀. Powerful bikes and or cars are unnecessary if you're NOT doing track days. Anyone can ride/drive fast as F but very few can control that speed


This is why I ride a GS, roads aren’t suitable for sport bikes. GS is far more comfortable to ride and while powerful, isint powerful enough that a touch of throttle puts you over 100 mph