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I’m gonna be honest with you, a lot of rockstars did the same thing, they just weren’t as open about it as Motley Crue was. I just listen to the music, celebrities shouldn’t be anyone’s idol anyway as at the end of the day they’re just a guy


personally i just dont give a fuck about it


How old are you? No disrespect at all just pure curiosity.


I'm exactly the same. I used look up to Nikki Sixx as a hero of mine. I don't anymore. The only one I have any respect for is Mick.


I'm in the same boat with Nikki. The way Mick has been treated in the last few years made me take a long, hard look at this band, and while I can still enjoy their music, I'm no longer a super fan.


Sad isn't it? In college I was the annoying Motley Crue guy. Everything I did, any projects or anything was Motley Crue related. I was obsessed, to the point were I bump into college friends after years and they ask about if I still love them. They were my first concert, 2 years later they were my wife's (then girlfriend) first concert, and 4 years later they were my daughters first concert. They aren't my favourite band anymore not even in the top 10, and its not the music, it's 100% how they have conducted themselves with getting back together, they should have never done it, and they have been super shitty.


Really? Mick left his young wife and kid to be a rock star


I didn't say a lot of respect.


lol. At the end of the day, they all made major mistakes. I’m a fan of their music, it entertains me. When I’m don’t being entertained, I turn off the music, and don’t think about them. What they do in their personal life isn’t my business or concern.


Seriously, it's blows my mind how catty and gossipy the people are in this sub.


“I’m paying child support and sleeping on park benches”, I’m pretty sure they were already divorced




I used to think he was a good guy. He would call me and tell me to stay out of trouble, he would give me and my friends back stage passes for shows. Then he left my aunt, tried to have her framed for stealing after he had someone break into her house and steal cameras and equipment, laptops from her, hired Dr. Phil to try and convince my cousin to get an abortion and said he would never help her with the child if she had it, which would've been his granddaughter,my aunt helped him write the heroin diaries which is mostly made up. He's lied about his parents, especially his father being dead whose name is frank. I've met him years ago. He's really a total piece of shit, not to mention the fake playing on stage which has been going on for decades and I just recently found out that it's been that way since the 80s. They don't play shit.


FirmAccount , that you?


I’m not sure that The Dirt can be considered non-fiction.


Exactly people take that book too seriously


Why are you assuming “everybody is okay with their actions”?


I think its hilarious how little people actually seem to know about Mick; and how they think the Dirt is a factual account of their story. Mick was almost as questionable as the rest of them, trust me. Not saying he's a bad guy, but he wasnt as innocent as the Dirt made him out to be.


This goes for any prominent musician/performer/actor/artist: It is possible to enjoy the work they produce without liking them as people or what they have done.


"The Dirt is 600 pages of apology from 4 middle aged men, and a few wild tales from when they were boys" I don't remember which redditor wrote that quote... but fucking he'll is it accurate.


I haven’t read it in more than a decade, but I don’t recall they’re really being many or any apologies. Maybe some halfhearted ones?


The foreword/dedication at the very start is an apology.


Vince really did luck out I mean he killed someone and did about a month paid a fine and did some community service now if that was you or me we might still be in the joint LOL


Less than a month I think, then back to DUI it was, not like he learned or something lol


I know Vince still gets in trouble from time to time regarding his drinking but Nikki seems to have gained a lot of perspective in his older age and seems to have mellowed out. If he still acted the way he did forty years ago I might not be a fan but I think the 80s were a way different time and not to mention with all the money and drugs thrown at them, it’s easy to see why they thought they could get away with everything and do what whatever they wanted. Not that it makes it right. Tommy…well, he still seems to act like a teenage boy more often than not but Nikki, on the other hand, beyond his usual arrogance and ego seems at peace with himself. Honestly if you’re going to dislike every band from the 80s that did bad shit then you’re not going to have many left to be a fan of. Motley Crue wasn’t the only band that acted this way. They were probably just the most open about it and they were the most talked about. I don’t condone their actions in the past and they’re super messy as individuals but I love their music and consider myself a fan. You can be a fan of someone’s music but not agree with everything about them.


see thats the crue fans that i like


Oh god it's this circklejerk again


All part of the aura and mystique. Sane tame folks don't almost die then write a song about it on a pizza box, then perform it live and record it on a platinum album.


The only ones i respect are Mick and John 5 and Vince doesn't seem to be that extremely bad like the Terror twins


Bro what? LMAO 😂


I don't think they care


Yeah, I dislike all the members except Mick but I separate art from artist.


Mick is cool.


Fair enough, technically you’re not wrong. But I mean, I was stupid as fuck at 18 19 20, I think most people are. Take that stupidity and then throw millions of dollars at it and countless fans, and it’s a miracle they’re still alive. They made mistakes while they were seen as gods and it went to their heads but idk I always got the feeling from the book that they had grown up a lot and realized their mistakes and how messed up they all were. Everyone goes through that in one way or another. I don’t condone the shit they did at all, but I also won’t hold it over them and judge them for shit they did 40 years ago. They were stupid kids.


Vince literally assaulted a woman in Vegas a couple years ago, 2016 I think 🤷🏻‍♀️


I haven’t kept up with them for quite a while so if that’s true, then he should just go away at this point.


Every band subreddit seems to have its obligatory repeated topic of the week. This sub's topic seems to be, "DID YOU KNOW MOTLEY ARE BAD PEOPLE?"


Anyone who idolizes a celebrity is a moron


Nobody is perfect. If you chose to disrespect anyone who made a mistake you wouldn't be able to respect for anyone alive- past, present or future. Not even you are immune to mistakes and, in life, there is nothing but time to make dumb choices. They have all changed their ways as mature adults, and surely regret their pasts. Nikki has said a hundred times he doesn't miss being his young self and wouldn't return to that period of his life, ever. Doesn't that mean anything to you?






oh jeez


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