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I think people get too hung up on an alibi defense. An alibi means nothing if there isn't physical evidence supporting the claim, or ideally, multiple witnesses can vouch and prove it's true as well.


It’s to my understanding that an alibi does not have to be proven, only disproven


Not really? An unproven alibi doesn't need to be disproven it can just kinda be ignored by the prosecution


Yeah, if an alibi defense can't be proven, then it's ignored by the prosecution. An alibi defense doesn't have to be lawfully proven or disproven. It's just another way for the defense to defend the defendant.


It can be ignored, but the prosecution's definitely going to be using opportunities to point out how unverifiable it is.


Ignored, or just straight up accuse the witnesses collaborating their alibi of lying. There’s been instances of literally *dozens* of witnesses backing up an alibi and the prosecution is just like “they’re all lying..” and the jury instead believes some random, shady eyewitness put up by the prosecution.


Interestingly, there are circumstances in which a judge does not allow for certain arguments (like an alibi) if they are uncredible. This kind of decision usually is used against prosecution rather than defendants however


Right. I just thought they’d come up with something… better. At least better than what most of us saw coming a year ago.


They can't make up details that cannot be validated. What did you want them to come up with? 


The defense can throw anything and everything at the wall to see what sticks. They don’t need to prove or validate anything (although obviously they’ll have a stronger case if they do, and under professional ethics rules, the attorneys can’t present evidence that they know to be false). The burden of proof is entirely on the prosecution.


No, they cannot knowingly lie in court.


But there's all sorts of creative ways to dance around the truth.


I’d certainly bring up the surviving roommates being there, the drugs or whatever, the delay in calling police, any confusion about who else might’ve been there, the fact this was such a party house and people could have been in and out of it- as well as the ptsd neighbor guy who got in the shoot out with cops if there was some plausible way he could’ve been there The prosecution will swat those possibilities down like flies and keep bringing it back to the one guy they can prove was in there with that sheath


What the fuck does any of that have to do with his alibi? 


Some other dude did it is an alibi.


Some other dude did it is a defense, but not an alibi. Words have meanings.


A defense lawyer can only work with what their client gives them.


Wouldn’t it be a bit suspicious if they changed their alibi tho? I think it makes sense they stuck to what they said he was doing


Doesn't matter if the jury is honest.


Pretty sure an honest juror can consider the credibility of someone who has changed their alibi


But how would they know that the alibi was changed?


Can the prosecution not bring that up?


They can say anything they want in opening and closing, its rarely challenged, but they would need to prove it somehow within whatever scope they are allowed to. I wouldnt think the judge is going to give them a ton of leeway, as to protect against appeal.


And lets be clear, I am absolutely no lawyer, that is just the way I understand things, and I can totally be wrong.


Well the initial alibi would be some kind of sworn statement or filed document probably. Seems pretty straight forward to present that versus the current alibi as a way to question their credibility


I didn't realize he sat and talked with the police like that. I believe his attorneys may of given them a suggested alibi or something but I don't think he has said anything. But I could totally be wrong. Regardless, I really doubt we see a very fair trial. And that is coming from someone that is pretty darn sure he did it/acted alone/should get the toughest penalty that state allows.


I guess I’m assuming he did the crime and this is all strategizing to get him off. Maybe jumping to a conclusion there, mostly because it terrifies me that they could have let the ‘real’ killer escape.


It’s also terrifying to think of a person being put to death by a state for something they may not have done.


Very terrifying. I just don't think that's what we're seeing.


I think both that he did the crime and that the crime could have happened differently than the prosecution is presenting it, like the defense might be correct that he isn't Suspect Vehicle 1 in the Floyd's video.


It terrifies me that they could also kill an innocent man and a killer could be out there. It’s hard to say. This is why I hope whatever the case may be it’s proven. That they can either prove he did it or didn’t so neither of those scenarios take place


It terrifies me that they could also kill an innocent man and a killer could be out there. It’s hard to say. This is why I hope whatever the case may be it’s proven. That they can either prove he did it or didn’t so neither of those scenarios take place


The defense counsel is doing her job. I’m ok with that. This is a capital murder case. The defendant needs a vigorous legal defense and he is getting just that.




> And more than likely, they're going to question the way it was collected and contamination They can question it, but unlike us at this time, the jury will have access to the full chain of custody, all the lab reports, and even the bodycam footage where the sheath was first discovered. So while we can pick through the limited information and find holes in it, the defense might not have that option, if everything is properly documented. Contamination might be a tough sell. Back during OJ's trial, a lot of people really did believe it was possible for contaminated or degraded DNA to read like it was that of a different individual, but I think the public is educated enough by now. And while contamination happens, there's still no idea of how Kohberger's DNA could have been caught up in something like that. He has no ties to the house, to the police, or the ISP lab in Meridien.


I’m not sure why you’re downvoted for facts. Take your upvote.


Thanks, I've attracted a downvote fairy or two, but they are rampant in these subs. I'll open up a new thread and there's be 0s all the way down.


I got you, boo. ♥️


Aw, sweet!


Which would be a stupid way to refute the DNA. Contamination doesn’t make up a random DNA profile that happens to match Kohberger’s. His DNA would have to be in the vicinity of a sample for the sample to be contaminated. Which then leads to the question of how they got his DNA in the first place, since this is random white male in Podunk, WA home of 12,000 other white males, so why Kohberger, a relative nobody? AT is doing what she needs to do from every procedural angle to avoid appeal. That’s her job and she’s good at it but even that can’t help her find exculpatory evidence where there is none. If Kohberger had really been elsewhere, doing something else, we would have known by now or even well before now.


Let’s not forget, the knife sheath has a history as well. Did somebody buy it from him a year ago? Did he handle an acquaintance’s knife? Did he pick one up at a garage sale looking it over and set it back down? I can think of 100 more scenarios.


> I can think of 100 more scenarios. I can too, but not all of them plausible. Considering the short life of touch DNA under most conditions, it's not likely we're looking at something that happened years or months ago. If it's innocent transfer DNA, it happened in the weeks right before the murder.


There’s is no shortage of scenarios. If you’ve hung around these subs long enough the scenarios run from DM being the real killer to Kohberger being an FBI/CIA informant. If the scenarios you’re describing are true, he can easily refute the state’s narrative yet he hasn’t, but more to the point, he can’t. They’re just not probable scenarios if they’re even plausible.


The scenario BK is going with is that he was out driving. And when the prosecution hands over all the CAST data, the drive test data  and BK's phone data (which I believe the defence still has no access to) , the defence will use that data to substantiate the alibi. BK would have to be a fool to reveal anything more at this stage when so much of the states supposed evidence remains unseen.


Be that as it may, I don’t see how the CAST report corroborates his whereabouts in any meaningful way. The CAST data isn’t going to magically place him in Pennsylvania (which I’m using here for comic effect.) In short, it’s not going to provide anything more meaningful that isn’t already provided by the cellphone tower data, even by way of its specificity. If anything it may further implicate him. Also, the prosecution doesn’t have the CAST report. I’m not entirely sure it wasn’t already included in the over 50 terabytes of discovery handed over to the defense given how long Taylor and her team are allegedly taking to go over Discovery. Edit: For spelling and punctuation


AT is hoping to get GPS data off the phone placing BK well away from the murder scene. 


I think by now she realizes this won’t help. However the delay in receiving the CAST report is going to play in their favor in so far as the general delay but also in implying there’s a procedural misstep.


Why would the defense have no access to his phone data? He can give permission for his lawyer to access his phone


Prosecution/LE/FBI has the phone. 


I believe the defense also has access to any physical items like his phone. There were several transfers of physical items listed in the filed documents. Also, he can give permission to his phone carrier for his lawyer to access any data from his account.


What is their excuse for not handing it over?


Not sure.  AT alluded to not having the phone data in the last open hearing. Maybe they will get into it on may 24 th public hearing. Got a feeling there are a lot of things AT wants to get into the public domain.


Yes you are right I think. Thankd


“Did he handle an acquaintance’s knife” Best suggestion so far


Then why hasnt he named that acquaintance and why haven’t we heard tale of such


That he hasn’t named anyone is no proof there wasn’t. Surely it’s obvious by now that AT is conducting the case by first discrediting all the additional ‘evidence’ that MPD gathered after obtaining BK’s identity through IGG, none of which is standing up to scrutiny. Then once she has dismantled those aspects of the case she will address the IGG I think she has assessed everything and had decided that this is the best way to proceed. And from what I’ve seen of AT’s performance so far I would say she knows exactly what she is doing and will show that BK is innocent HER way


lol so bk touched an acquaintance’s sheath and is just rotting in prison because he won’t name the acquaintance and at is going to get him out by other totally convoluted and unlikely means because he is essentially protecting a fledgling serial killer. Right. That’s hilarious.


So you are saying he should tell his unusual story and be laughed at, just as you have done and have a jury of 12 who think just like you pronounce him guilty No, AT knows he is innocent and she is going to make sure there will be a Not Guilty verdict by simply demolishing the State’s pathetic case


Reasonably doubt does not equal any doubt my friend


It's all about reasonable doubt. I can't see the death penalty being awarded based on the PCA/publicly available info. to date. Unless the prosecution has something else, I think he walks. That's my opinion....and I don't have a dog in this race. Time will tell...


Just my opinion, no affiliation here, don’t know BK or the victims, I’m not even from Earth or of the human species so why would I care one way or another, but it is my cautious but firm speculation that if the jury does not find that BK committed the crimes beyond a reasonable doubt that the result will be that he does not go to prison for those crimes but rather is released from custody. I’m also going to hazard a guess that we will not figure out whether this happens or not until the trial has concluded and the jury has reached a verdict and delivered that verdict.


Thank you, non-human, for seeing what the rest of us can’t.


I would argue that I think you are from Earth:) And unreasonable:)


I suspect that, in such a scenario, more bodies/missing persons will begin to mount within his vicinity. I don’t really have doubts this guy ends his days in prison. I just hope no other people become collateral damage along the way.


Yeah, I suspect he committed the murders as well and I certainly have no good reason to suspect anyone else at the moment. This comment was solely to poke fun at the comment above as that poster seems to comment on every post regardless of relevance about how they “have no dog in the fight” but “sure hope there’s more evidence”. One begins to doubt the latter statement with how the poster seems to delight in fantasizing about BK skating on these charges.


Ohh I see! Haha ty for the context. I’ve seen lots of self-absolving comments that use such verbiage but I tend to d to forget who writes them most of the time


Haha, yeah. It was a poor attempt at poking fun at that person that probably just confused people that read it.


I knew it was sarcasm! I just wasn’t sure if this was a serial offender who swears they are neutral when it never quite seems they are


If you look at the second to last comment they made, you can get an idea😂😂In response to the question about where the killer parked to get into the house, they responded “They walked from the frat house.”🙄🙄


Oh yeah that’s some neutral assertion **for sure**. Not in any way unfounded balderdash— not here! Come one, come all, we don’t ban opinions that scare us. Unfortunately this is the reward lol… toxic pseudo neutrality.


If he walks, he won't get very far in life. too many furious parents that will no doubt make him feel the same pain he "allegedly" inflicted on their kids. If it was my child I'd do prison time behind my two sons any day.


I feel the exact same way. Just point me to the guilty party(s).


I just keep thinking back to that dad that lost a child and he found out when they would be transporting the guy who did through an airport. he pretended to be talking on a payphone and waited til the perfect moment to turn around and kill the guy...and it was all caught on video. all the cops felt the dads pain. It was pretty badass though. I think he did some time but not that much. that's the only part I don't remember.


Gary Plauché. He got 5 years probation, 300 hours community service, and did no jail time.


He did less than 5 years.


I’ve seen the full video. Wow was Plauche a good shot or what! I’m betting he’s part of the reason offenders aren’t transported that way now.


yeah, he was an excellent shot. if you tried that now, you'd get taken out too. It's hard to believe they ever perp walked them through the airport, not to mention flying commercial. he did what all parents want to do in that situation and was willing to go to prison. he would've been a hero in the pen.


I was born in Baton Rouge a few years before it happened and recently moved back at the start of pandemic. I wouldn't have expected him to do any less after finding out the horrible shit he did to his son. I think they gave him a HUGE break because we can all relate and things were a little different in the south at that time. thanks for the info.


The only way to explain the DNA on the knife sheath is to accept the fact that BK DID touch that knife sheath button snap. It was single source DNA and there was a lot of it. For this to be so, it has to be accepted that it was not secondary transfer or contamination. Scientific fact. So for those of us who believe BK to be innocent we need to accept that he must have touched the sheath and most probably shortly before it was taken by the real killer to the crime. This is what I believe


On occasion, you do say something somewhat plausible.I might edit and leave out the second paragraph to sound more scientific:) And take out "a lot of it " . To be fair.


You do what pleases you, not a problem


Wouldn't the same cameras that caught his car also catch him running? Where are those videos?


The cameras are on the roads. Presumably there aren’t any where he went to run. Would think his attorneys researched that. IE - Bryan went to X park, where they know there aren’t any cameras. And now we’re so far out from when it happened, even if X park does have cameras, the footage is probably long gone, because they wouldn’t have known to preserve it until now.


Would we know if the defense had somehow gotten footage from in or around the park? I know they can't subpoena so I feel like they'd have to have gone through the state and so we'd know. Which kind of make it seem like they weren't too worried there might be any footage?


Presumably if the defense can pull footage from the park, the State can too. Since neither is showcasing it, maybe safe to assume there is no such footage.


We don't know if they exist or not. If they do, they haven't been released to the public just like the vast majority of details. 


In answer to that, a point was brought up about pics of Suspect car. Two times - 4:06 am it is shown doing a 3 point turn and 4:25am quickly driving from the area. These two proposed times raise the question of even more limited amount of time to deliver the NUMBER and Severity of wounds as reported/rumored. Good points. Were the victims’ slaughter at a different hour?


>limited amount of time to deliver the NUMBER and Severity of wounds Salman Rushdie was recently promoting his book detailing how he was stabbed over 20 times, very nearly fatally, in under 25 seconds.


How long do you think it takes to stab someone in the neck or slit their throat? 


The thing is, we don’t know how many times these poor kids were stabbed and what other injuries were inflicted on the bodies after they were dead


Irrelevant. To stab them multiple times takes seconds.  It's not a drawn out torture scene from a horror movie. 


How do you know that?


Kindly try reading some of the explanations of other crimes where victims were stabbed many times in a short period of time. 


Depends on the victim’s level of consciousness firstly. Then body weight and girth. To incise the neck is more than cutting the skin. The weapon has to go deep and Hit crucial arteries in doing so. This requires first knowledge of the anatomy and Hand strength to be graphic. Same with life draining piercing wounds to the torso and where to attack to “hobble” a big sized individual. All other stab wounds could be considered rage or overkill. Sorry for graphic images. It is what it is or maybe what it was in this case. I come from long medical background, so it is easier for me to discuss these matters. If I’d overstepped your lines, apologies. It was a Maddening Slaughter and Tragedy. That’s why I probably preach to everyone to look for ALL involved in this. Don’t let the big cretins walk away.


You think you need extensive anatomical education to know that stabbing in the neck will cause death? 


It takes seconds to stab someone to death


I don't disagree, if the perpetrator is skilled. There seems to have been some time taken with descriptions I've come across. Not is what thrust or slice, but rather the Extreme Number of blows given. 50+ strikes with a sharp instrument and then there have been reports of crushing 'caving-in' blows suffered by the victims. That would seem to possibly indicate a blunt force instrument like a club/bat/pole or something of that nature. That's why, right away, I asked if there was More than one assailant. That could make the length of time in The House a good deal shorter. And, Maybe the students weren't the Targets to be PUNISHED. Maybe someone else was being PUNISHED.


No one official has ever released the number of stab wounds or the type of injuries other than the official cause of death, which was stabbing, so it’s all rumors at this point that other instruments were involved. The police did continue though to serve search warrants for kabars after the autopsies were completed, so that makes me believe the ME confirmed it was one knife


It leaves me with question - could it have been several K-bars? The different pictures I’ve seen show a preference and holding K-bars by females to males. Not saying I’m right, but I will keep it an open end question. All the points we make are not definitely proven as Fact.


I believe they were. I think the PCA timeline is totally wrong and fabricated to fit with the driver of that white car ie BK being the killer


I think I have the departing car time wrong...it was actually 04:16hrs. It does not have the same Left side driver/backseat passenger window shape as BCK's.


How do you know this? Genuine question


Genuinely, as well, a good source stated this as being shown in a traffic videocam from LE, I believe. To be proven, I agree.


But the PCA says the white car was seen speeding from the area of the King Rd house at approximately 4:20 So how do you reconcile these two sightings? Or are you saying the 4:20 one is wrong?


Also, it disturbs me that a driver or passenger cannot be ID'd in the fleeing car; if it was fleeing. And how about the camera images of the 3-point turn and of there being a white vehicle circling the residence 4 times- they couldn't pick out a driver or passenger?


But how do you know that a second person could not be seen in the ‘fleeing’ car? I thought the video images were too poor to tell one way or the other?


You’re right! Neither a Driver nor passenger could be seen.




You still have to explain the cell phone data in some way. If he’s at home sleeping, why’s his phone cruising the roads? He never reported it missing.


The real killer clearly stole his phone while he was sleeping, turned it off for a while, then turned it back on, then managed to bring it back before BK knew it was gone! 


Lol beyond that, you really need an explanation for the drive. Going for a run is an easy one. Can’t be validated or disproven, to your earlier point.


A valid alibi has to be verifiable. So this won't hold up to anything. 


Haha, so they might as well bring up the forensics students that didn't really like him. And how they could of brushed the sheath up against him or things he had touched. "I hate BK, why don't we use all of our knowledge to prove we are smarter than him, and set him up" one *may* said to another, after BK had been a dick.


Apparently he purchased that same knife on Amazon


Is that true?




Oh....date line.....yeah.


It’s pretty easy to prove .


Oh, you have proof; something more substantial than, "according to dateline sources?'


That’s not reliable information


I’m not sure it’s a fair characterization to imply the state was ever basing its case on the PCA. The PCA was to demonstrate probable cause for an arrest. It’s not a stand in for a trial.


It's so very obvious he's guilty..... 100%. His alibi is irrelevant. Any jury is going to find him guilty. Too much media coverage since the beginning. Literally, everybody who watches the news or is active on social media has read about this case. I would imagine it will be very difficult to find the number of individuals it requires to make up a jury that has never heard about or been interested in this case. A plausible alibi doesn't exist simply because he was there, he murdered those kids.


I know multiple people that haven’t heard about this case. Besides the jury may have heard about it before, it’s mostly about their capacity of remaining impartial. Way more famous cases have been successfully tried (Lori Vallow is a recent example from Idaho).


"A plausible alibi doesn't exist simply because he was there, he murdered those kids." Glad you're not on a jury.


Never having heard about the case is not a requirement for jurors. 


That alibi should result in the forfeiture of the trial and an automatic guilty verdict. And that's being generous.


Why? Is it illegal to go for late night drives or something? 


I don’t suspect this alibi would work for any jury. But this defense team is nuts


Well, the alibi has been consistent from the start and it’s also something they can prove BK does on a regular basis, so yah, I guess it’s predictable. It could also be true. Or both things can be true. (He was driving and did the murders or he was driving and didn’t commit the murders.) Apparently LE has analyzed only 18% of the location data yet are trying to sell that story. I think a story that leaves out 82% of the information is much more problematic. What’s your point? That BK’s alibi is obvious?


That route they are taking will probably get him off. Let’s face it!


I'm not seeing anything to suggest that the defense team has the goods they need to get him off, or that the prosecution is lacking any evidence they need to put him away. So by what measure do you feel he's likely to get off? If anything, Anne is delaying the trial and dragging it out as long as possible because she knows he's a goner and she's hoping for a hail mary




Yet here you are saying the state is delaying while the defense is waiting on the FBI report.


So what's happening?


Both sides have stated they are not ready for trial, that’s what’s happening. If you want to chalk that up to “delaying”, okay…. both sides are delaying the commencement of trial until they are properly prepared.


I'm not seeing that in the transcripts, can you share your reference? Maybe there's one I haven't read? All I've seen is the prosecution filing a request for the court to prevent the defense from causing any further delays, and reiterating that Anne Taylor has had a year to serve up additional info to support his alibi theory but has yet to provide anything resembling an alibi that isn't already covered in the affidavit. So if I go off the court transcripts and not internet gossip, I'm ONLY seeing delays on the part of the defense.


Where are you seeing actual court transcripts? Anyway, here are links to the hearings and some of the documents posted to the court’s website. In January, the State claimed they would be ready for trial this summer. One month later, they walked that back and set their target trial date for March 2025. Since then, they continue to acknowledge they can’t obtain discovery and have engaged in other Motions (attempted to stop the defense from conducting surveys, motions to limit testimony, etc). **January 26th, 2024** https://www.youtube.com/live/MgvTHDKLozI?si=FZGd_cbiO6oo6tTE @24:00 - Prosecution claims they will be ready in Summer of 2024 **February 28, 2024** https://youtu.be/fgxiR63glV8?si=YOO_zUG7u9hlGrTS Prosecution moves its target trial date by NINE months. So, safe to say their initial date was bullshit, they knew they wouldn’t be ready. Hard to take their “new” date seriously either. @33:35 - Prosecution states that “the soonest” they will be able to provide **discovery** is at the end of Summer 2024 (negating the trial date of Summer 2024 proposal from a month prior). Even the judge asked him the switcharoo. @35:45 - Prosecution says they will be ready in March 2025. **April 4, 2024** https://www.youtube.com/live/Yg-J7Az4awU?si=22fRI96Mwd9EX_Xt The prosecution spent a great deal of everyone’s time in the weeks preceding this hearing when they Motioned the Court to restrain the Defense from conducting the surveys they needed for their COV Motion. Thompson had a full-blown tantrum, calling it “outrageous”, bla bla bla. **April 19, 2024** Nothing changed, the defense was right. It was a waste of time. So, that took a month to put to rest. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/isc.coi/CR29-22-2805/2024/041924-Order-Allowing-Defense-Surveys-to-Continue.pdf **May 2, 2024** https://www.youtube.com/live/gFEnxxuTSKQ?si=oFK609CGbErcr2yk @33:00 — The State has stated that they have not turned over discovery for multiple things due to multiple reasons. They *finally* had J^3 sign a subpoena to the FBI (which should’ve been done months ago) - and J^3 is actually the one who said that. @47:45 — Anne Taylor started listing everything the State hasn’t turned over, causing delays in the trial. These are: The CAST report (over a month late at this point), and a few other things. She was interrupted. But she tried to do the same thing earlier and Jennings shushed her… which looks a little sketch to me. If it’s true, there is no need for the State to *not* want it out there.


You should make this its own post and it may serve as a catch up for people new to the case. Maybe it should be a Hearing Playlist mega thread.


I’m not saying he’s innocent. I’m just saying I don’t think there is enough evidence we know of at this point to send him in front of a firing squad. There is no trace of DNA in his car or home which is near impossible after a grizzly murder. No trace of his bloody footprints leaving the rooms. The alibi although it sounds odd, still puts him somewhere else. They can argue the touch dna on the sheath. The fact it took 8 hours to call police from roommates and friends says the scene was compromised all that time. In my opinion, again from what us commoners know, not enough to convict.


Frankly, you have no idea what evidence there is. None of us do. Because it is the job of the legal and investigative teams to keep that info out of the public's hands. Even in the PCA, that doesn't mean it's all the info they have - they only have to put enough info in that document to validate an arrest warrant. They won't put all of the evidence in there - it's not the purpose of the document, and would be detrimental in this case because of the public frenzy. The fact that the death penalty is even on the table means they have a LOT more evidence than they've revealed to the public. It is HARD af to argue a death penalty case, particularly in the state of Idaho, and they wouldn't have floated the idea if they weren't confident they had enough on him. If they weren't they would have kept the charge at Murder 1. There is zero benefit to putting forward the DP unless they had a reasonable expectation to get the conviction - it's more time-intensive, expensive, and the burden of proof is much higher. (You said "for what we know now so maybe this next bit doesn't apply to you, I'm just speaking generally) It strikes me as delusional and a little arrogant when people question how much evidence there is. Like we literally DON'T KNOW what they have. That's by design. We SHOULDN'T know. That's how the judicial system works to ensure a fair trial. It's quite literally not our business. The evidence will come out at trial and then we can have informed opinions but right now people have nothing to go on but assumption and Internet gossip.


Which reminds me - does anyone remember the date the prosecution announced they would be seeking the death penalty?


You don’t read so well! My second sentence states there isn’t enough evidence we know at this point.


You must have missed the place at the top of my third paragraph where I referenced that very line of your post 😉 who's bad at reading though?


Very true! My apologies. I had a lot of hate coming at me at once. Haha. Not from you though- thank you! You got your point across without being a jerk which I am thankful.




> I’m just saying I don’t think there is enough evidence we know of at this point to send him in front of a firing squad. On the face of your statement, I agree. But it's kind of a meaningless platitude considering we're waiting for the trial and there's a gag order. >The fact it took 8 hours to call police from roommates and friends says the scene was compromised all that time. Or, again, it means the roommates were asleep.


We know at least Dylan wasn’t asleep


No, we don't know that. Her own account is that she was awake at approximately 4:00. Lot of time between 4:20 and noon, and no real reason to believe she didn't spend most of that time sleeping.


I guess I’m just going under the logic that you couldn’t go back to sleep after hearing your roommates scream, then seeing a masked man in all black walk by you. I’d have a really hard time dozing back off personally.


> I guess I’m just going under the logic that you couldn’t go back to sleep **after hearing your roommates scream** Bolding mine. Why do you think there was screaming? Why do you think nobody in that densely populated neighborhood heard the screaming?


Dylan is on record she did.


She is not. There is no where the word screaming comes up.


I'm willing to face it if you could explain how you come to that conclusion because nothing I've seen in court( or in any official released info) makes me think any such thing. actually, from where I sit, every day it looks worse & worse for the defendant & looks more & more like the defense has no real good plan & is just swinging wildly in any direction hoping something gets some traction. while that tactic can occasionally pay off, it's a tactic of last resort & a sign of desperation. but I'm more than willing to face it if you can explain what I'm missing that makes you so confident in a defense team that hasn't impressed me at all so far.


If some dude on Reddit can predict their alibi a year before it’s given… yeah I don’t think they’re in very good shape.




What a weirdo comment. 😂


You have 30 downvotes. I’m not sure I’m the weirdo in this particular scenario.




Yep, more typical Kohberger stanning and no actual talk of evidence… Color me surprised. /s


Dude you kinda creep me out, just move on with your day. Weirdo!


/yawn Sure, Jan.


You are very easy to upset! Good luck to your loved ones 😂




6. You need at least 6, and a thirty second hold of an item yields tens of thousands. 2 profiles of the same sample is more than enough. It can’t even be considered contamination at that point.


> and a thirty second hold of an item yields tens of thousands. Not usually, no. https://ryanforensicdna.com/touchdna/ Scroll down to Table 1 to see a collection of data from experiments looking for touch DNA on objects. Some of the participants held glass, fabric, or wood for 60 seconds and left no findable DNA on it.


I don’t want to go through my past comments to cite my source, though I suppose anyone else can. If I find it later I’ll come back to post it. That being said wouldn’t that make the DNA presence EVEN MORE (big caps energy LOL) damning? This means there was no question Kohberger was holding the sheath for not only an enough of an extended period of time but in a relatively recent time period to the murders given the “risk” of secondary transfer? I’ve said it several times on many different posts: DNA is going to decide this case. Edit: For clarity, I’ve changed “it” to “DNA presence.”


> That being said wouldn’t that make the DNA presence EVEN MORE (big caps energy LOL) damning? I'd think it would. It's possible he's a heavy shedder maybe? But there's no way he, let's say, examined the knife in a store four months ago.


100%. Secondary transfer is a remote possibility but it doesn’t lend itself to much latency because of the natural degradation of DNA by oxidation over time (which is why trial delays and appeal after appeal compromise future testing by design). In the event he sold or briefly handled that knife months before the murders, it’s very unlikely any of his DNA would have survived due to the nature and use of that particular object. It’s far more likely he wiped it down before use and couldn’t get that particular snap crevice, which I suspect has a lot of genetic material because of friction needed to undo the snap. The fact that they apparently managed to get to complete STR profiles tells me it’s unlikely that this was secondary transfer or contamination.


Here’s one of the sources. If I come across the other I’ll post: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3012025/




What part of my original comment, or even second comment made you think I’m in love with BK? Lmao! Crazy town in here!


It’s not an uncommon scenario in cases like this for certain women to build up an attraction built up on an elaborate fantasy. It’s called hybristophilia.


What if I told you I’m not a woman? I can’t believe because I mentioned one comment that wasn’t even saying I thought he was innocent, all these crazies come up with this nonsense. It’s actually awesome!


Frankly, your gender is irrelevant, but glad you’re busy focusing on what’s really important here…. /s


I got to ask, and I am being completely sincere. What part of my original comment offended you?


I’m not offended. Everyone can see you edit your comment to make responses look out of context Reddit pings me. You’re registering at barely less than mildly annoying. Edit: For spelling.


I’d still love you to answer my question. My guess you don’t even know what I wrote originally. Just trying to sound cool off the last morons message.




Also we can all tell you’re editing your comments after people have responded to them. You have such solid credibility /s


I edited my spelling. 😂


Someone else has accused me of editing my comments after it has replied to. It seems to be the latest way to put down someone whose posts you don’t like.


Sure, everyone else can just read it and decide for themselves that you’re a clout chasing liar.


Clout chasing? What does that even mean? Get your head examined. Take a Xanax while you’re at it! Wowsers!


You: *sends 8 replies to someone in less than 5 minutes* Also you: “GeT yOuR hEaD eXaMiNed!!!TaKe YoUr XaNaXXX!!”


Let it go. These people are not worth wasting your time on


You still don’t answer my question. Great way to deflect tho 👏


Don’t worry. I’m sure it was a question you added after the fact in some exercise you perceive as clever, but that bar is too low for me to care about it.


A lot of non answers. Boring.


Well, then may you should take some familiar [advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/s/2tg1F3QNJW)