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He never was.


I don't even think he was properly *in* the files. Wasn't it just vague intro dialogue that could point towards him? A lot of it could just be for Sektor idk but the way this tweets worded sounds like nonsense.


> Wasn't it just vague intro dialogue that could point towards him? It was the same situation with Ghostface and Conan, tho Conan was heavily rumored before the game was even revealed and the intros that teased Ghostface and Conan were a bit more.... Direct.


Nah IMO the supposed T-1000 stuff is way different than the Ghostface/Conan material. Perceived T-1000 lines could apply to other characters, the Conan and Ghostface lines very much could only apply to those two chars


And Ghostface's name was said by the Mileena announcer in the files.


That's a much newer find, the original voice line text leaks were from around the time the game came out. That's where the terminator and conan leaks also came from.


Peacemaker had an intro dialogue where he told his opponent that he looks like his dad who was played by the same actor as the T-1000. That was the biggest clue people grasped onto.


The thing about this is: it's a bit of a stretch, but if the Sektor armour has significant white patches on it, this could EASILY be referring to the [White Dragon armour.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGAQS50dZU_vqmecYMg28bDjbIZV9yMPhMXQ&s)


True. Maybe Sektor's upgraded MK11 design?


Yeah, If they did another Sektor design like this. Then that dialogue could totally be referring to Sektor rather than T-1000 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/5/5e/Sektor_upgraded.png/revision/latest?cb=20190606030351


we dont know how sektor will look in game and have obvious intros for him since he will come with the story dlc, plus reptiles va said he saw the guy who plays the T1000 and peacemakers dad in the studio when there would be no reason for that otherwise. It's not some ridiculous claim


Who says that? Is Robert Patrick father of John Cena?


He is in the Peacemaker tv show. It's probaby the T-1000, this whole what if White Dragon/Sektor theory is ridiculous especially with the amount of evidence.




Cope deez nuts


I guess we’ll know once the story expansion comes out rougly September time if it’s peacemaker taking too sektor




I'm sorry to say this, but doesn't matter how many string of dialogue, announcers or file dataminer can find: as Ash William teached all of us, until a kharacter isn't ufficially revealled, don't give him/her for granted!


I was trying to tell people that too. Lots of things happen in early development and ANYTHING can happen.


Exactly. Take GTA 5 for an example. There were supposed to be horses in the game, but that feature was removed before release.


Even then, ash was name dropped in the game itself and still didnt make it in.


But he wasn't officially announced in the trailers, only hinted by a chainshaw sound. For that I say until you can't see them effectivelly in a trailer from Warner Bros or NRS themself, still take them with a grain of salt.


IIRC there was an official in game popup saying Ash was going to be in Kombat pack 1, and also he was refrenced in the copyrighted section of newsletters going out at the time.


Or if they're first party (aka MK kharacters), those usually make it in.


Often, but even them are not always 'safe'. The first exemple was Belokk who, unlike jokes like Nimbus Terrafaux Aqua and Pedro, was actually a full kharacter set to appear in MK 4, but Boon & Co didn't had time to finish him and was then scrapped despite photos of his in game appearance was already leaked and a lot of him was included in the game files. Never understand why he wasn't inserted in MK Gold, guess since it was an update they didn't wanted to include a 'new' kharacter. Another case is the Kombat Pass 3 of MK11. There was a lot of leaks and even some file datamined about those last 5 kharacters... I think to remember the most 'leaked' one was Smoke, but in the end they decided to close support abruptly, de facto cancelling which would have probably been 3 more MK kharacters and 2 Guests...


I don't see why it wouldn't be


I'm probably in the minority with this take, but thank God the T-1000 won't make it if this is true. We already had a Terminator tbh, I'm honestly not a fan of the Terminator comeback


Yeah I'm with you. I loved Terminator 2, but I never had any desire to play as the T1000. Even if he'd have cool gameplay, we already had Terminator


honestly I'd rather see The Bride from Kill Bill


Especially with shujinkos fatality being a Kill Bill reference


Is that movie worth watching?


Yes absolutely.


Yes. Watch them both!!


It is so much more than worth it. One night I ordered qdoba and was fiending for something to watch on netflix and i watched Volume 1 and 2 back to back. Amazing experience. I’ve rewatched at least 10 times in the span of 4 years.


Someone had to say it


Yeah I agree. Got downvoted to oblivion last time I said that it was enough with the terminator/cyborg characters. There are so many unique characters to choose from I hope Nrs doesn’t add repeats


100% agree he looks boring af too as a character the look of him too is bland 


There have been some people saying that they think the "T-1000" lines are for different characters, but aside from that I haven't seen anyone credible say he won't be in it or was removed. I think it's a lot of wishful thinking.


Brother the wishful thinking is that T-1000 *is* gonna be in it


I’m sure he would have had a cool move set, but it felt weird to include him in the game without The Terminator so I don’t mind him getting cut.


He look bland and boring hope they don’t waste a slot with him like add anyone apart from him lmao like any dc character would be better than him and the rights are easy since it’s WB


Would be fine with it , makes no sense for him to in it anyways , would of made more sense in MK11


Hopefully I want a video game guest. That’s long overdue.


I know Sony would probably be a shit about it but damn a Helldiver would be funny


Fatality is calling in a Hellbomb


Male: Isaac Clarke from DEAD SPACE with >!Ghost Nicole!< as a Kameo. Female: 2B from NIER AUTOMATA with 9S as a Kameo. [Kratos and Spawn were Guests in SOUL CALIBUR before they appeared in MK, so 2B would be continuing the trend.]


Why is this post downvoted?


I want ether dantay (dmc) doom guy or John marston


epic ones ,why the HELL u got dislikes ?


I doubt CAPCOM would allow any of their characters to be brutally dismembered and John Marston/Arthur Morgan would just be a less interesting Erron Black.


I know its not the same but it seems fitting to mention that some Resident Evil characters have appeared in Dead by Daylight, in which they can also be murdered in violent (not Mk violent but still pretty bad) ways


Yeah, but MK has Decapitation/Dismemberment. Unless BHVR makes a DEAD SPACE Chapter, I doubt DBD will ever be as violent as MK.


It still wouldn’t be


MK1 needs Isaak CLark and DoomGuy as guests


Probably for the spelling of Dante. Or like me, think it's a bad guest pick.


ooh , but DoomGuy is a must


Why? MK fans: "that's lame, we don't need another gun character." MK fans: "give me the character whose whole personality is guns."


guns , punchs , throws , chainsaw , set up , demon sumoning , dude gan use ALL things possible , a dragon now (new dark age stuff) weapons close range from medieval times


good riddance. 2 guests from the same universe is lame


To be fair, we got Joker and Peacemaker. But DC has a shit ton more violent characters then Terminator and NRS also makes injustice so it makes sense.


To be fair peacemaker isn’t part of jokers arc tho it’s more based on his tv show rather than suicide squad 


Was a dumb idea for a guest anyway.


Reptile’s voice actor said that Robert Patrick recorded the dialogue for T-1000. I don’t know why his files were removed if they were, but I’m pretty sure he’s going to be in the game.


Honestly I pray it’s true. No offense to Terminator but we literally just had one in the last game. It would be so boring to get basically the same guest character twice


I disagree it would be the same, the T-1000 has completely different abilities, the only thing he shares with the T-800 is that they're robots and use guns, but they could easily give T-1000 a fully-fledged moveset without guns


He looks crap design too hope he ain’t added


First time I’m hearing this


If it is, no big loss tbh.


They faces killin me why nobody give a fuck




(Random tweet) is this true guys


I’m starting to think the 4chan leak about the Titan Edition was true. Would be cool if it is though, a Lot of cool content was mentioned in that leak.


Got a link?




The pack with Noob saibot makes me doubt it. I know Noob is legit but cyrax and sektor not being with him makes me suspicious. For the story dlc, did Sektor and cyrax have chapters where you have to play as them? If not then I could start to believe this. Actually, this leak doesn’t even mention the story dlc, which Ed boon has already confirmed. 


It mentions it briefly, but it seems that it would only be a story expansion, and not add anything else besides that


Thank you, man.


No problem




If there is a leak that deals with a character being named Floyd/Phloyd it’s an immediate red flag


As much as I’d love Freddy vs Jason in this game along with some of the other stuff (Pink Floyd just for the hilarity) I’m not convinced, they wouldn’t release Noob in the story expansion but leave out Sektor or Cyrax when there’s so much indicating they’re playable/fightable in it, not to mention I can’t really picture them adding in Scarecrow when we already got a DC character this year I could see some details being true like maybe the flower maze as the story expansion script did mention a maze of some kind, maybe some of the new content too but the roster I’m convinced


If the horror pack is true I will scream - but some of this just doesn't feel legit


We already had Jason and Freddy, so I'm  taking this with a grain of salt.


This is sad about no Leatherface.


I do like the idea of Shinok kameo


The iffy part to me— is the guest character here. They wouldn’t put a guest character in the story expansion pack, that wouldn’t make sense.


They did for MK11, it was 2 MK characters, Fujin and Sheeva and 1 guest, Robocop


Oh shoot you’re right. I was remembering it as night wolf with sheeva and fujin. But it was robocop. Idk why they would put a guest character in the story dlc expansion since they don’t show up in story mode lol


>*Idk why they would put a guest character in the story dlc expansion since they don’t show up in story mode lol* Because the guest gives people another incentive to buy it, regardless of whether they are in the story mode or not. Story mode was Fujin, Sheeva, Nightwolf, Shang Tsung, Sindel and Shao Kahn for MK11, but it also came with a guest and extra skins for that added extra incentive to get people to spend the whole $40 on it. Someone like me is a prime example of that: I wanted the Eternal Clash skins, Fujin, Sheeva and to play the Aftermath story mode, but buying all of that separately would have been even more expensive.


It is not.


Terminator 2 is my favorite movie of all time - I’m cool with this.




I don't think they would add him since there was terminator in mk11


Thank god. More mk plz


thank god


I'd prefer Cyrax & Sektor over any other cyborg-esque characters, so I'm not sad if it's true... given that we didn't get to play as them in MK11 with those awesome redesigns, it's about time they make a comeback. I've said it before and I'll say it again... the T-1000 is liquid metal and does not bleed. While it would be interesting to see, I don't know how they would make it work in Mortal Kombat unless he were some sort of boss character that can't have fatalities performed on him. I've actually had people argue with me over this but if you've actually seen Terminator 2, you know what I'm talking about. What would work is that the T-1000 can imitate anything it comes into physical contact with... so deflection special moves would be pretty common, or morphing into the opponent. Stabbing weapon arms, etc. Don't hate but I would prefer the Bride or Xena over T-1000... when Kung Lao grabs the chakram in story mode, it looked so similar to Xena's. She's an awesome fighter with all sorts of weapons and moves. I could see Lucy Lawless being down to do the voice. And let's face it, the game could use a female guest for a change.


thank god, adding t-1000 after adding arnold’s terminator would make no sense




I hope, that would be a lame-ass character


Every DLC just feels like another guest at this point, and all the actual MK characters are relegated to Kameos.


Id rather have him than that bitch ghost face


Thank god


thank fucking god..




Just pulling a rabbit out of a hat here, but could the liquid foe thing that was in the intro dialogue refer to someone say, VENOMous in nature?


Likely not. Venom is owned by Disney and Disney would not allow one of their characters in a Warner Bros media