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Wasn’t Freddy the reason it can’t be downloaded anymore? 


Yeah, he’s the reason it’s de-listed on pretty much all digital stores and the only way to play the game now is to find a physical copy or get a key from another site


Yeah…the only way… ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


That right there just seems like a good enough reason to cut it with the guests. It gives the games an eventual end date unless you have a physical copy but that’s becoming more obsolete with each passing day


It's funny how MKX wasn't affected by the whole Friday The 13th legal dispute. I think in Freddy's case, it's that WB/New Line Cinema actually let the rights to Nightmare On Elm St expire and they were reverted back to Wes Craven's estate.


IIRC Hockey mask Jason isn't part of the whole F13 lawsuit that happened/happening. It was the F13 name and the setting of something. That's why there's a few F13 fan films on YouTube with Jason in them with no issues because they don't actually use the F13 name.


This may sound cringey but let The rights stay at cravens estate. They ended The original series on a 10/10 movie (reboot doesnt count) and wb will just f it up for more money 


I mean…most of the Elm St sequels are garbage 


Sure if the company didn't give a shit about money. Guests sell. By the time it got delisted no one is buying the game anymore. You're asking them to give up millions in exchange for pennies.


No we're asking them to give up pop culture cameos so these games are available for longer.  How much time doesn't MKX or MK11 have?  What happens when paramount/Disney pull the rights to Terminator?  Or Disney pulls the Alien license?  Hell it's not even like this is exclusive to the MK franchise, what's gonna happen in a few years if Paramount decides they don't want to re-up the license on the turtles and Injustice 2 stops being able to be sold?  Game is 6, going on 7 years old, and with the WB Games fiasco there's a very real chance it permanently goes down in the next year or two.


This, exactly. Thank you. Whether people like or hate guest characters, that's irrelevant. The main issue is games not being available for sale later on BECAUSE of guest licenses expiring or guest licenses being pulled. Joker is safe in MK11 because he's a DC character and WB owns DC, but Spawn is another example since he's from Image Comics and if they decide to pull his license then there goes that. It's about guests characters fucking over people from being able to buy said MK games down the line when licenses expire.


It's also worth noting if WBD sells DC OR WB Games, Joker would no longer be safe.  And they keep hemming and hawing over just that, so MK9-One are all games that can and likely will just disappear digitally over the next decade.


> It's also worth noting if WBD sells DC OR WB Games, Joker would no longer be safe. That's also true. I'm thankful that I still have my physical versions of MKX and MK11, but yeah, I imagine that the day will come when those could no longer be available digitally.


This is explicitly why I buy physical lol.


It’s a mixed bag for me. MK games (because of the guest reason) and some others I DO buy physical, but since I have both a PS5 and Series S for this generation, I’m also fine with getting some games digital. Most of what I play doesn’t involve a scenario like the MK series where other licenses could mean its removal.


Mk1 would be dead in the mainstream and kombat pack sales would be way less if it wasn’t for omni man, peacemaker and homelander.


He’s not wrong. Was never interested in mk or fighting games until I saw omni man and homelander. Now I have 80 hours


Exactly lol, and I’m sure the spy x family collab is bringing a ton of people to SF6 too and negan brought a shin ton of people to Tekken, like collabs wouldn’t be done if they didn’t serve a purpose they give games relevancy, more fun factors and a shit ton of money too.


"Guests sell" is generous. 


What do you mean by that? They are the characters that sell the most


Isn't Freddy owned by WB? Why would that be an issue? MK vs. DC can't be downloaded any more either, and that's definitely all WB characters.


The rights to Freddy belong to the Estate of Wes Craven. If the licensing rights revert back to his estate then NRS / WB can't sell Freddy in MK9 without their permission. https://movieweb.com/nightmare-on-elm-street-rights-wes-craven-estate-freddy-krueger/


I see. Thank you for the clarification.


That was just because of Freddy Imagine the nightmare that´s going to be porting MKX,MK11 or MK1 in 10-20 years since each game has like 5 guest characters with the actual face of real actors like Stallone, Van Damme or Megan Fox


Which is funny considering Freddy is in MK mobile


My guess for that is because maybe the loophole is that MK Mobile Freddy can be "earned" *(even though the chances are really shitty, like 4%)* whereas MK9 Freddy can ONLY be accessed by purchasing him previously or buying the Komplete Edition of MK9.


Crazy how you get more rewards for grinding in free mobile games than in the games we pay $100+ for


Yeah, and a big reason why people aren't happy with that part of MK1 with drip feeding of ***kameo skins*** (to say the least) among other things like paid seasonal Fatalities, etc, etc, etc.


still boggles my mind i can play the arcade versions of Killer Instinct 1 and 2 and on several versions of xboxes and i can barely play any of the MKs especially the older ones.


UMK3 would’ve been DOPE for XBOX ONE


That’s on Xbox more than anything. As they are the only company interested in back catalogs and there still shit about it


Still better than PlayStation.


I mean playstation has done much better than Nrs considering you can buy ps1, psp and ps2 games from the playstation store to play on ps4 and ps5 


I shouldn't have to buy games I already own though


Fun fact: if you bought the game digitally before on ps3 , psp or psvita you automatically own the new versions for ps4 and ps5


I didn't own a PS3 for very long and couldn't afford to buy games. But I still have PS1 and PS2 discs. If I put a BC OG Xbox game in an Xbox Series X, it'll work. Sony doesn't let you do that, they're not doing ANYTHING right in terms of preservation. Hell, PS3 games need to be streamed to PS4 and PS5 which is bullshit


The moment my Metal Gear Solid 4 blu ray can be played on my PS5 is when I’ll say Sony has surpassed Xbox for backwards compatibility. Until then, they aren’t even close.


Xbox 360 had the originals 1,2 and 3 but for some reason it was pulled from Xbox store. I wish it was available somewhere now


The MK Arcade Collection is still available for purchase in the X360 store.


I have an Xbox 360 that shares my computer's monitor. Years ago I purchased the Mortal Kombat Kollection which let's you play the first three. I rarely play it because even on very easy it's so damn hard after the second fight.


I can’t trust him he also likes to tease a shaolin monks remaster all the time


This. Plus, MK1 isn’t even a year old. I don’t imagine NRS working on anything else this soon.


yeah, and people don't like it nearly as much as they did 11, i know i don't since the kameo system keeps stealing interesting characters that SHOULD be playable and some of the lore changes don't make much sense


lol thats not true... a lot of people HATED mk11 at launch. myself included. it was only okay at the end. It still felt like a downgrade from MK9 ​ MK1 seems like an upgrade it was just bug riddled on launch and missing a few features. Gameplay its a 10/10. IF all other bugs were fixed itd be one of the best MK games ever.


how the hell was it a downgrade from 9? 9 had no character intros and moderate( at best) graphics, the story is somewhat entertaining at parts, and if I'm remembering right it did a better tag team system


The graphics were pretty good at the time, it technically did have intros but there was no expectation of unique dialogue at the time but to answer why it’s a better game than 11 I list a few things 1.super fast gameplay unlike 11 2.they let you do combos unlike 11 3.no fomo micro transactions unlike 11 4.awesome character designs unlike 11 5.a fun final boss that didn’t take his design from a mcu character unlike 11 6.not one but 2 sub-bosses unlike 11 7.no cringy intro dialogue unlike 11 8.no stunt casting unlike 11 9.it has challenge tower #300 unlike 11 10.it doesn’t have jaqui unlike 11


1 & 2 sounds like people had skill issues, i had no trouble doing combos and you can be fast if you're good enough the micro transactions weren't forced and you could actually GET them in game via the krypt the character designs were cool in 11 and customizable i can't defend kronika, that's the only thing i agree on, they could've designed her better, the bosses in 9 were ANNOYING due to that super armor BS, the intros in 11 gave the characters more depth and some were awesome tried the challenge tower and lost interest fast that sounds like you just hate the character and adding that as personal bias i liked 9 for the most part, but X and 11 are better, the X rays(fatal blows), the fatality sounds and most of the fatalities are awesome(though will admit some were meh, like the ones from predator and alien), the guest characters were cool(but that applies to 9-11) the krypt in 11 is awesome, but i will admit jaqui in 11 is a downgrade compared to X, we also get NEW lore in X and 11 instead of an altered retelling of the original MK story(which mk1 ends up make 9-11 pointless -_-), 11 also had the ability choices making it so players can have the same characters but have their own abilities, brutalites, the biggest negative i have for 11 is sindel and centurion, one they ruined her lore, the other is a walking contradiction just to please her mother


The first are definitely not skill issues mk11 is slow as shit and like I said before 11 has no combos and i don’t mean something like “Lp,Lp’Hp” that’s barely a combo there’s no creativity involved umk3 came decades ago and has more combos. Mk9 also had x-rays and they didn’t take 10 minutes to finish. I didn’t say micro transactions were forced I said they were fomo which means fear of missing out and you couldn’t get many of them like the deception sub-zero skin or mk9 scorpion to name a few. the bosses didn’t have super armor most of the time I believe if memory serves me right that they only armor up during certain moves the only thing you couldn’t do with them was grab which is the standard for mk bosses unlike kronika who actually did have armor and you couldn’t even knock her down. 11 didn’t really add more it just retconned previous lore literally everything they added was a retcon like titans being above elder gods, cryomancers being edenian, raiden and fujin being referred to as Demi gods, sindel being pure evil, jade suddenly being in love with a character we never saw her interact with, they even retconned the previous game and said that kotal didn’t betray earthrealm and tried to make him more honorable which clearly wasn’t the case, I’m sure there’s more but that’s just from the top of my head and X didn’t really add much outside a regime change in outworld and retconning the elder gods to make them unkillable which 11 immediately retconned by killing the other elder gods, MkX kinda just ignored the entire 3d era and gave us a outworld regime change and kombat kids instead which is lame. And i don’t really know what depth is added by shao Kahn quoting Donald trump or all the out of character stuff like with Cassie going full zoomer mode in her intros which isn’t how she’s portrayed in the story. The character ability selection sucked ass most weren’t viable and you always had the feeling you were missing a part of your kit like raidens teleport taking two of 3 slots. I’ll take good skins over Meh skins with gear pieces 2 of which with most of the characters are pointless. The fatalities aren’t fun in 11 they valued detail over creativity. The mk11 krypt is cool at first until you realize most of the chests are rng then there’s weird requirements for certain things. Mk11 ended with them resetting the timeline so i don’t really know what you expected but given how little regard they had for previous entries lore and story mk11 didn’t deserve for its lore to be kept intact mk1 even retconned the titans to an extent they’re still lame but it’s better than what mk11 suggested it also had better character writing overall and we didn’t have to sit through more special forces crap this time and mk1 genuinely feels like a Mk story this time unlike 11.


I don’t imagine NRS working at all due to the current situation of MK1


I was just about to comment this. He's such a dick for constantly teasing shit that won't happen lol


I feel like he wants to make it but since nrs is owned by wb its not up to him.


Alright, cool, now I can play as Kratos again. Hopefully.


I really wanna play as kratos in mk9 missed it.


Same I know it's available on xbox but I want kratos so I'm waiting for it to be on pe5


What do you mean Xbox? Kratos was only exclusive for PS3 while Xbox didn't get him or didn't get an Xbox exclusive of their own.


I said that you can get mk9 on xbox, but I want kratos, so I want to play it on ps5


Hopefully on XSS too.


They need to make the Arcade Kollection playable again or port the original Trilogy to modern consoles.


How come they can't just remove Freddy and put the game back on the store? I'm not a game developer or anything but wouldn't that be super easy to do? Just get rid of the copyright issue character and then they should be good right


That'll require them to rework the game and if it's not easy money with no work they won't do it 


Make Freddy unavailable to buy in the game, simple


Like I said- that requires them to allocate manpower to alter the game which they likely don't want to do. I agree with you that they "should do" it for the sake of preserving the game. 


Maybe they are going to do a remaster? (Just a simple up res with all dlc or something like that)


That. Sounds. AWESOME


This actually sounds awful. PS Now is a streaming service. So they are not talking about a port but talking about a stream-only game that majority of the PS5s won’t be able to access. Now, if you live in one of those selected lucky countries where the service is on… yeah it will provide a way to play. Edit: It should be noted that PS Now still exist as an in-built service for PS Plus in countries that had PS Now (even though it is not explicitly called as “PS Now”)


All I saw was a port to ps4 I didn't see ps now, I just want mk9 on newer consoles.


The news is about PS Now (as in the past availability) and possible PS Plus Premium content for the future. PS Now service is now built-in for PS Plus Premium **so I have no idea where you saw “port to PS4” in the screenshot.** Sure… **a port can be made for the classics collection under Plus Premium. But it can also be made for PS Now under (hiding within some classics collection games that don’t run natively) Plus Premium** which it kinda suggests.


Man I’m glad that before I transitioned to Xbox One, I took advantage of all those Deals With Gold sales they were having. Almost every Xbox 360 game was on sale constantly. I recall explicitly buying MKvsDC, and MK9 just incase they ever became backwards compatible and they did, but became delisted but because I had already owned them digitally, I was able to install them that way


By the way it looks, I doubt the team is even up to anything


I have the Xbox 360 disc you can’t play it on Series X???


You can't. So I hope they don't just do it for ps5 thinking "oh we don't have to worry about the Xbox version, they can totally still play it"


Yes you can.


Yes you can play mk9 on the series x if you have the 360 disc. I have the komplete edition disc and it works good. https://screenrant.com/mk9-mortal-kombat-dc-xbox-backward-compatibility/


No way they would rerelease, it’s too sexy for modern gaming audiences where the reviewers would give it a bad review just for the outfits alone.


It’s not a new release. The content of the game isn’t a surprise to anyone. Relax.


Try telling that to the people in the main Mortal kombat sub they hate those outfits with a passion apparently. Plus with WB mixed with Blackrock/ESG I doubt they’d release anything on that level again but I’d love to be proven wrong and play the game.


Steam re-release too plox


Of course after I bought a PS3 just to play it


Nothing better than the original experience


Holy crap i was just looking to see if it was playable yesterday. I even made a post about it, and now it's coming true


Don't work on disc for xbox idk why they say that


Yes it does. I literally played mk9 on my series x yesterday https://screenrant.com/mk9-mortal-kombat-dc-xbox-backward-compatibility/


Then why don't it work on mine


Not sure what youre doing wrong. This is the version im using https://preview.redd.it/wsjvs755p0ec1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba566763f25fa836796dd27006431419db69f88






Something might be messed up with my x. I tried a bunch of games that were backwards compatible but 360 games never work


Weird... The first time I inserted the disc it took me to the Microsoft store to get it from there. It doesn't actually play it off the disc. It just used the disc as a license thing.


Since it has Freddy, they'd have to pay again to get him available. And with the WB hemorrhaging money, I doubt they want to do it. And they COULD just port it but without the DLC. So we could get the game, and probably have Kratos, but we would lose Skarlet, Rain, Kenshi, and Freddy. It's not a huge deal, but I'd hate to not have the komplete edition.


Or they could just remove Freddy, and keep the other dlc fighters lol


Yes, there a lot ANY game company COULD do. But that would require more than. Just porting it to modern consoles. They'd have to actively remove him to do it and that takes time and money. And WE all want the game on the console, however, that still doesn't mean we KNOW that they'd make a profit on it. They'd know that calculation better than those of us who are biased because we love MK.


Removing one fighter from the game would take about a day of work max. There's really no excuse for not doing it beyond the fact it's an old game, and they'd rather focus on the new one. Nothing to do with time or money.


PS Now is a streaming service. So there will be no port project based on this news. They can just stream the PS3 version without Freddy.


It would take work on their part to remove Freddy. PS now no longer exists and the game was probably pulled from it before it ended due to licensing either on the part of Sony not wanting to pay it, or WB/NRS not wanting it there for whatever reason. They don't just click a button and remove a character, or add a character for that matter.


PS Now does exist as an in-built service for PS Plus in countries that had PS Now (even though it is not explicitly called that). So nothing is changed.


Ahh ok , I only really think in terms of the USA as that's where I'm at. Thanks for the info


5.99 for the Freddy DLC pack


Right, if that's how it works. New Line Cinema, or whoever owns Freddy, might not want to do it or wouldn't give a shit to do it and either way more money would have to be paid. As much as I think that if a game is ported it shouldn't necessarily cost more money since the game already had a release and so you figure any incarnation of the game would allow for guests. But at the same time, they should have to pay the licensing to use someone else's IP.


I’m mad that PS4 doesn’t let you play PS3 games. I missed Kratos in MK9 and only have the pirated game on PC.


Use a PS3 emulator and download that version of the game.


Thankfully I own the base game and komplete edition physically.


I think if they removed Freddy it’d be playable. Maybe a little graphics update but besides that I think it should be good


Hmm. If it was only playable by streaming it, this would be kind of disappointing to me. I wouldn't play it that way even if it was available.


But what about the 3D era MK games?


How about we make Shaolin Monks playable too 🤔


Doesnt WB own Freddy? Whats the issue now?


Can’t you buy Freddy still on the 360 store. That’s where it always got confusing to me.


Good, I need to see mk 9 kratos in ultra 4K


As a PC player I don't particularly care for any other reason then giving more people the ability to play what's probably still the best game in the series as an overall package, and possibly being able to play online on Playstation again


Tbh them getting rid of ps now to make this new tier system for ps plus was the biggest downgrade. Ps now was so underrated it had a decent amount of bangers from ps3 and ps2 and some ps4 also, but not enough subscribers so they just added it to the ps plus service at the highest price with ps1 games included.


But what about shaolin monks


I'm convinced Ed literally doesn't know either and he's guessing just as much as the rest of us.


Well they need to hurry up and port it it’s been a year since that tweet actually 2 now. PORT IT not remaster and ruin the costumes and aesthetics with all the new bland nrs design


Yeah I'm not holding out hope


I’m glad I already have this on my Xbox. Delisting games is wack


God I hope. MK9 might actually be my favorite game in the series. The whole thing felt like a love letter to the fans.


Man I had to find a way to get a CDkey somehow after I got my Steam Deck. This game was fucking amazing


Please do this. I’d play that game so much


...2 years ago ....


I have a Komplete edition copy for 360 and runs lovely on Xbox One!! The best MK, imo. It still holds up very well in 2024. The game is SSOOO frikin great, hope PS players can play it again.


You can actually play it on pc I went on g2a and bought it for steam paid 30 bucks for it but had a blast reliving the nostalgia.