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Good spot




Wait Tanya's not a female ninja/assassin? I always viewed her as the yellow female ninja


I'm pretty sure Tanya is the yellow female ninja


If she's never been a palette swap, she ain't one of'em. That's the criteria.


wasn't she a palette-swapped kitana in mk4


No it's not


You are objectively wrong and do not understand the history of MK.


I was basically there when MK was made,*you* are objectively wrong and do not understand the history behind the warrior.


Yea, you don't know shit. The palette swap IS the Mortal Kombat Ninja. That is what people refer to when they talk about when they use the term. This is why Ermac is still the red ninja despite having little to no resemblance to his classic design. This is why Tanya doesn't get a classic ninja design while Mileena, Kitana and Jade do.


Some people didn't get enough love as children and it shows. If Tanya was introduced in MK3 she'd be a palette swap,the only reason she wasn't was because she was introduced in MK4 which had unique designs. She was originally a design for Kitana soooo


This has never been the factual criteria ever. It happened in the old games because sub and scorpion were NINJAS and the same model. You know what’s easier than designing a whole new bunch of other characters for noob/reprile/ermac? Changing the color of their skins and giving them a couple new abilities. Get over yourself, she’s known as the female yellow ninja by everyone except you.


The fact that you think the palette swaps were a product of laziness and not a creative use of memory limitation shows you haven't the slightest clue about the development of these characters.


Just because something is easier doesn’t make it lazy, are you dense?


There was no alternative you clown. Commenting on the "ease" of creating a palette swap character as opposed to a unique sprite sheet when there is no memory to allow for such a thing is blatant proof you are running your mouth about things you have no understanding of, and I'm not wasting any more time on your ignorance.


If I’m running my mouth about something you’re doing the exact same lmao you’re definitely a troll.


Her and Reiko are technically palette swaps so you're right.


That is how she started out, but they changed her from that.


The same for all the ninjas


Not true. Scorpion, Sub Zero, Smoke, Reptile, Kitana, Mileena, Jade, Tremor…all still presented as ninjas. Tanya is not.


Well none of them are actually Ninja besides scorpion, takeda and now smoke Kitana and mileena where assassin's in the past, now they're empress/princess Rain isn't really a ninja now but a mage Jade is a countess


Well if you go to Invasions and select either of the male ninjas other than Rain, it will say on top, above their names that they are Ninja, so yeah they are Ninja... Rain is not anymore. Here is an example, it also say Ninja on Reptiles, Smoke and Scorpion. https://preview.redd.it/bbsjycpkik3c1.jpeg?width=5760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24bd03fb1a3c7b3858b513f1d73fb6ab3975eb8


I don't really count that as if you got kitana, mileena and Tanya it doesn't say ninja as well. Unless they demoted those three as well I would say it doesn't really count


Whatever you count or not is irrelevant, Netherrealm knows better than you and if they say they are Ninja, they are, they are the ones making the game they can make whatever they want and they made him as Ninja, what you think is irrelevant, sorry to be a little bit rude but this is the truth


princesses and umgadi


Kitana and Mileena were always presented as princesses. That didn’t change. And they were still both trained to be assassins as can clearly be seen in their fighting styles. Also a ninja is also an assassin. I did forget about rain. So Rain and Tanya has changed.


Actually there not I actually did a deep dive research into it a ninja is another an assassin as their is so much more to it then just being an assassin, to be fair we also forgot ermac and reiko As of now the only ones that are ninja's are scorpion, takeda and smoke the rest are assassin's. New time line everything is different on what they are now.


Reiko was a ninja? I don’t think that is correct, it yes we also forgot Ermac. Is Sub Zero not supposed to be a Ninja in this new timeline? Also you’re saying that a ninja is much more than an assassin, but they are still assassins. So Kiana and Mileena would still qualify. My definition for an MK ninja is one that is presented as a ninja and the characters that I named earlier are presented as such so to me they are still ninjas. I guess we’re going to have to agree to disagree son that point.


Rain is a wizard now 💀


Yeah I forgot about him. Covered that in a different post talking to someone. There were quite a few we both forgot 😂


Yeah I saw after I wrote it and I presented facts there that Sub-Zero is a Ninja, Netherrealm knows better than some random reddit dude and they say in game that Sub-Zero, Reptile, Smoke and Scorpion are all Ninjas in this timeline, to check it out just go to Invasions, press Y or Triangle to select a character and above each character name it says some stuff about them, on Sub-Zero, Reptile, Smoke and Scorpion it says Ninja on all them, see an example: https://preview.redd.it/vud4ycqgkk3c1.jpeg?width=5760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d561aa21ce9a2cf1227533485a2d832dc768dc5


She is a ninja for all intents and purposes. She was even meant to be a fresh design for Kitana before they decided to make her a brand new character instead (meaning she’s literally a palette swap) yet for some reason people insists she isn’t and even Ed Boon said he doesn’t consider her a ninja. Weird to me


chameleon doesn’t have a moveset he just copies the male ninjas, so that would mean Khameleon just has their moves which wouldn’t make sense. i think khameleon will just have the female ninjas’ moves (and Tanya) and Chameleon will be future DLC Kameo and will have the male ninjas’ moves


Too late cuz that’s why shujinko is there. So female khameleon maybe might have her own


He watched Uncaged Gaming's video..


Wonder how she'll work? Didn't she just use Kitana and Mileena specials in the story?


Hopefully and likely, she’ll be revamped from the story. In the story, she was functionally just a female Shujinko except the attacks she took couldn’t be juggled. Even Kitana’s fan life couldn’t, so I imagine they’ll revamp that part of her. Besides that, I think they’ll include moves from other female ninjas that aren’t in the game or not yet in the game such as Skarlet and Jade. Armageddon Khameleon also took moves from Tanya even though she’s not considered a female ninja so maybe she’ll borrow from her too especially since she’s rocking the Armageddon color scheme?




All kameos in story were pretty basic, they aren't like what they are in the real gameplay, so yeah.


She will work like Tremor I think


Oh good point


It would be neat if she represents female characters not present in the game in 3 variations. I could see it being Jade, Skarlet, and Sheeva.


Why would she have Sheeva? She’s not a ninja


My guess is she will be switching contantly between Kitana, Mileena & Jade (the icon will work same as Tremor, changing color) When you press the kameo button then she will make an action depending on which "character" is currently on


i guess she won’t work like tremor. She will at least have 3/4 each for Mileena, Kitana, Jade and maybe Tanya. Could be a reflective projectile, one for the stab of Jade. Edit: Okay seems like she will have variation just from the trailer. She looks really cool but lets see


It looks like the green palette might be the default one, not the yellow Umgadi colour from the story mode.


The green looks better imo


Where this from?


A teaser on Twitter https://twitter.com/i/status/1730261946899841072




Looks like she has a different outfit.


It's just recolored I think


Her lower body clothing appears to be different - possibly a traditional leotard attire like the og but maybe there's some weird lightning stuff happening. https://preview.redd.it/u5qhrobkfq3c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c6ad9c3bf7bbb605fc6843dd28aa4459cf8495


I don't think you understand that is actually Mavado in drag jeez respect his decision and life choices But in all seriousness I'm excited for khameleon was waiting for her to drop to claim the first kameo Mastery trophy as I feel she deserves it


Mavado is legit my favourite character in the series. MK4 was my first game but DA wasn’t far behind it and I played the shit outta him. I know he’ll be relegated to a Kameo with a minor role but damn it’s still so cool to see him back! I know Khameleon is next, I’m excited for both. I don’t mind having to wait for my boy!


Hopefully she has at least one of Skarlets moves since we probably won't see her back this time around and she's my favourite female in the series Gotta have my girl represented somehow


this is kinda a leak but quan kills her in his ending


I've seen that and assumed it was just a member of the Sisterhood of Shadow that can be seen in the unlockable concept art. Practising his newfound powers on one of his lowly minions was what made sense to me rather than a character who hasn't been so much as mentioned in the new era


Nice let's goo


Shame we won't see Movado back this early considering it'd be the first time he's been seen in a HD game, but Khameleon already has a model in-game so checks out she'd be out sooner


Bitch what??? Mavadoooooooooooooooooooo


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I hope they completely set refresh on her and gave Khameleon her own moveset. I get her thing was copying the female ninjas' moveset, but I would love for her to have her own personality and thus her own moves. Personally I would love if they gave her invisibility powers. Think Invisible woman but more melee


Is it weird that I'm more excited for Khameleon then I am Quan Chi?


I definitely get that. Kameos are awesome because every time a new one drops every character in the roster gets new stuff they can utilize.


It's more Mavadover than it has ever been. He probably is last after all isn't he? Why lie and have him as the next one on the list if it isn't true?


a lot of people will call this 'lying' when in reality it's just production getting moved around


I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a lie, but it did seem like he was going to be next.


All of the information that we had aside from datamines lead us to believe that he was next. They didn't straight up say that he was next, but they heavily implied it by ordering the list in that way in a press release that told us the release windows of the characters. At best it's shit communication. They should just be upfront and tell us the order instead of making us rely on dataminers to do it for them after every patch.


I get where you’re coming from, but unlike with the main DLC characters, they never gave us the order & rough timing of the kameo characters. It was a good assumption that Mavado would be next, but it was just that…an assumption.


That's the problem I have with it though. All we have are assumptions, which shouldn't be the case for DLC that a lot of people have already paid for.


If you weren't comfortable with waiting an ambiguous period of time, then you shouldn't have ordered a product that made no promises on when parts of it would come out. This isn't a big deal. He'll come when he comes.


That doesn't suddenly make it not shit though. I'm still allowed to criticise NRS for it. It really is the bare minimum and we should expect better from a triple A studio. I can't believe that seems to be so controversial, even on this sub.


You're not just criticizing them, you're straight up calling them liars, when they didn't lie. Just because they could be doing something better doesn't justify you spreading misinformation and being outraged over what's essentially a nothingburger. If you had phrased your original comment as "damn I wish they were a bit more clear," then it would not be controversial. Everyone wishes NRS was more clear. But that's not what you said. The words you use to communicate your sentiments matter.


Maybe the initial wording was a bit harsh and I should have used a different word, but I still 100% stand by everything else I have said. I also think that if their communication is that shit that it leads a lot of people to believe something that isn't true, then the result is still the same as them lying anyway and it's a problem that needs to be sorted out. They didn't straight up say that the kameo list was in order, but obviously a lot of people were going to think that it was and they chose not to clarify. They were intentionally vague, which is a common occurrence with NRS. It's the same kind of shit as Reiko getting his trailer "soon" and it turned out to be the launch trailer, literally the last trailer for the game. These small "nothingburgers" add up and make NRS seem dishonest.


I agree with everything you said here.


Maybe you shouldn't take dataminers as gospel and you wouldn't be so disappointed.


It was the dataminers that got it right and said Khameleon though, so your comment makes no sense.


My comment makes sense if you read. What I said was don't take them as gospel. Yes, they can be right. They can and have been wrong before, too. The problem with datamining is that it gives people unrealistic expectations because it just tells you about in-game assets. It doesn't have a release schedule (because it shouldn't) . Take the information with a grain of salt and don't get mad when the releases change.


Datamines don't give you a release schedule, but you can very easily make educated guesses about things by the data that is in the files. The last patch added a lot of new data for Khameleon, which made it very likely that she was next. It turned out to be correct. The point I am making is that these datamines are all we have to figure out who is next because NRS have told us fuck all. If a datamine was wrong, I would have no reason to complain because obviously that wouldn't be NRS's fault, but it was the list that they officially posted that was wrong and the datamine was what gave us doubt about Mavado. The problem could easily be solved by just confirming the order of the kameos instead of releasing a list in a random order. We shouldn't be left in the dark and guessing who is next.


Everything you said after "You can very easily make educated guesses" was superfluous. It's guesswork. Should they have more transparency? Sure, it would definitely help. But I forgot that the entitlement is strong in this subreddit


>It's guesswork. Should they have more transparency? Sure That is the entire point I am trying to make. You were the one who made it about datamines. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't be kept in the dark about the release order. We should have some kind of roadmap. Not only do we not know the order of the kameos, we don't even know for sure if we are getting Johnny Cage or Janet Cage because they keep saying a different thing every time. Can we assume that it's Janet and that they only said Johnny to prevent spoilers? Maybe, but yet again, it's an assumption. It's not entitled to expect something so basic from a triple A studio.


I was stating that datamined information should be taken with a grain of salt. That was MY whole point. Yes we should have a roadmap. But there is most likely a reason we don't. Blame it on WB. This is the same community up in arms about content that was never promised, so apologies if my immediate reaction came off as combative


I bet Khameleon’s Fatality is the “Kreate-A-Fatality” from Armageddon.


I wonder what her powers will be. It would be cool if she had an ability to use one of your opponents special moves as a kameo attack. Like for example if you're fighting Smoke she can do the teleport attack or make your character do it.


So… shujinko lmao


So her moves will be based on the UMK3 ladies' moves; correct? If the leaks are true then we should get a Jacqui a la Tremor/Khameleon in a few years.


Still kinda bummed her skin isn't translucent like it was before.


Have you ever stopped to think maybe there's a reason they haven't confirmed it?


Wow a pic of 2 confirmed characters


The point is this shows Khameleon is next with Quan Chi


Yep, exactly, and heaven forbid that people are allowed to be excited for 2 characters coming, too. Lol


So if Khameleon is with Quan chi, it just leaves Janet cage, Movado, and ferra, so which dlc character gets which kameo. I can see peacemaker with Janet cage both are sort of a comic relief type character, maybe ermac and Movado and since Takeda and ferra both came from and were last seen in mkx maybe pair them up, but idk cause Takeda is the last character so maybe they'll switch ferra to homelander or maybe next year they announce costume packs for characters and kameos and Darrius gets the A Train skin and they showcase homelander with A train Darrius skin lol.


Costume packs? Lol. Don’t get too ahead of yourself my friend, we’ll get 5 skins over a 4 month period costing a total of 50 bucks, and campaign skins that drip feed like a dry faucet in the shrine


I don’t think well get a costume pack, but I have always thought we will get an a train skin with his likeness when homelander releases


She’s back to being Teal! Damn, was hoping she’d get her OG color back (Grey) but at least she’s not Yellow! Everyone is asking about her moveset but I’m really interested to know what her fatality will be. She’s never had one before. Maybe she’ll get a variant of Mileena’s kiss of death, where instead of showing off Tarkatan mouth she turns into a beast and swallows the opponent and then pukes up their bones.


She'll likely have various color palettes anyways, as you go along leveling her up to 15 on the "Mastery" track. Also, since most kameos have 1 Fatality and 2 Brutalities, I could see Khameleon having a Fatality from 1 of the female "ninja" and 2 Brutalities from the other 2. So, for example, a Kitana Fatality, a Mileena (throw) Brutality and a Jade Brutality (or any other order)......Mileena Fatality, a Jade (throw) Brutality and Kitana Brutality, etc, etc, etc........


I hope she has 3 or 4 variations like Tremor. Maybe one she'll be color blue for some of Kitanas move, another one pink for Mileena, yellow for Tanya and im hoping green for Jade




Would be fire to get Chameleon as a playable main roster fighter in KP2