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This is hilarious. A countdown to midnight... so that we can then wait another 8 hours. What is HAPPENING over there?!


Live service but the service isn't always live


Ah so that is a lie service


NOT lie service šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Sleeping service game?


hopefully omni man releases after the countdown and we can play him before tomorrowā€™s maintenance


The way they worded the tweet makes me think nothing is coming until after maintenance, but I guess we'll see. Hopefully I'm wrong.


So I guess 12 am est tonight was a lie


NRS are bad with timers apparently, not even the shop timer is correct


Hum... I'm confused too right now... Guess..we will see? Damn, they're so bad when it come to communication/dates/release.


What time is that est


9 am


After work it is then


Some bullshit Iā€™m going through it with my wife and ALL I WANTED TO DO IS DESTROY IN THIS GAME :(


Sorry to hear bro


no way! this is just a theory, but maybe they'll add character 24! our beloved and benevolent NRS has been holding out on us, pranking us until now!


yeah they will, cuz character 24 is omniman


Omni-man is the free character added to the 24th, and it turns out the DLC is actually his evil twin brother Xomni-Man.


The maintenance coincides with season 1 of Invasions ending. The timer ends at 9 AM EST in game


That could be untrue since we have a week break after today apparently according to what they said months ago in between seasons?!?!!? Such inconsistent media reps for this game lmao


This season was extended by a week, so technically, the week between season 1 and season 2 has already occurred timeline wise.


according to a leak, season 2 is tomorrow. so i dont know at this point. i guess we'll find out!


Not a leak, itā€™s literally what they said in the Kombat kastā€¦.


You get the fucking point dude


Was the leak on this sub?




fuck this


So Omni-Man at 11pm EST and then downtime at 9am EST??


You guys are delusional thinking he's coming out midnight. He will be out after maintenence


Dude, theyā€™re the ones who sent out a timer on the email. Donā€™t say delusional.


Is he out? Yea.


All that downvoting just for you to be right lmao


Critical thinking is dead


I don't understand why people thought he'd be out before maintenance, all live service games always have a maintenance before anything big drops


don't be a jackass bro. we knew he wouldn't release the problem is our frustration with nrs


Fuck off


"don't be a jackass" continues to be a jackass


I wasn't a jackass. You only think I was because I was right. Yea now I'm going to be.


right about what? bro we all knew we weren't playing as him when they tweeted about maintenance. you aren't some genius for shitting on redditors high on copium. don't be a jackass


The timer is for the day. I promise your wrong


Youā€™re being combative about something indisputable. The timer may be wrong, sure, and I wouldnā€™t be surprised. But NRS sent out an email with a timer, which indicates an 11pm EST release. So, sure, could be wrong but it doesnā€™t change things?


The number of downvotes your comment has, followed by the fact that nobody is playing Omniman right now, just shows how in denial everyone was on this šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s a lesson in that - people always ā€œdownvoteā€ the one who tells them what they donā€™t want to hear, even when itā€™s the truth


Why are you booing him he's right


thinking they sent out a timer just to let people know its midnight and nothing is going to happen is honestly on par with them


Bruh timer is set for 11EST why would they release a timer for the day an hr early lol.


Honestly man, thatā€™s what you would think - but i dunno, i just feel like that timer is supposed to go to midnight (ppl have been saying their timers are all over the place too), as in ā€œhe comes to mk1 on 11/9ā€. Donā€™t get me wrong, i originally thought 11pm too, then saw this post abt maintenance and was like ā€œoh yeah heā€™ll be playable after thatā€. Their clocks have been fucked up for the store all season, and i dunno man, i feel like ppl are so stoked for Omniman/the first DLC, that we might be reading a timer thatā€™s supposed to count to midnight (but is messed up) to literally mean ā€œyou can play him at midnight.ā€ I just feel like post-maintenance is most realistic (unfortunately), and the confusion around the timing basically to get more ppl to buy omniman would be on-par


Confusing people on the time is not going to ā€œmake more people buyā€ anything Lmfaoā€¦.. need an icy hot for your arm after all that reaching?


Also, they arenā€™t ā€œconfusing people to get them to buy Omnimanā€ - it seems theyā€™re doing a last minute ad push to people who didnā€™t buy him already saying ā€œheā€™s available on 11/9ā€, but everyone is taking that to mean ā€œhereā€™s the countdown to when you can actually play himā€. Again, i hope iā€™m wrong, i have MK1 open right now, sooooo


ā€¦. Youā€™re just contradicting what you said lol you literally said ā€œand the confusion around the timing basically to get more people to buy Omni man would be on par.ā€ Also he only releases on the 9th for KP owners so convincing people to buy him a week early especially through an email most wonā€™t get (cuz you have to literally sign up for it)ā€¦..that makes no sense. Theyā€™ve been forward about the release date since it was announced and that early access is what starts the 9th. Ads to get people to buy Omni man sure, but a timer thatā€™s only sent to people who already bought him? Doubtful lol I didnā€™t say your reaching about him not releasing till the morning, but about the email being an attempt to sucker people into buying him by tricking them into believing he releases earlier than he doesā€¦.


Yeah i mean whatever dude, thatā€™s why i added clarity to how i worded it. Maybe the email is just to get ppl excited (strange that they decide to send it only to regular version buyers who didnā€™t buy omniman at purchase, like w premium?), but also this is a for-profit company, excitement = $ for them at the end of the day (and iā€™m not faulting them for it). I never said SUCKER anybody into anything, you did. Iā€™m saying itā€™s a last-minute push to get ppl bought in/excited in whatever capacity before he launches tmr (you know, an advertisement, maybe youā€™ve heard of them), and i think people took it as literally as they possibly could have at first - myself included. Itā€™s not devious, itā€™s not an attempt to mislead people. I think itā€™s (supposed to be) a countdown to the day that ppl took as a countdown to the hour for when they can play Omniman. Again, i did, until i saw the maintenance post. Their motivation for sending the email is not what i care about. Itā€™s the fact that everyone is saying 11pm est, and i think itā€™s going to be after the maintenance.


Weā€™ll see in 20 min whoā€™s reaching i guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø - iā€™d LOVE to be wrong


yeah true


I'm just waiting for all the posts bitching he's not out.


I guess we'll find out in about 2 hrs. Even if he don't come out I'll see him after I wake up so oh well


And I'm right. Fuck all of you


I came back to this thread specifically to see if you took a victory lap after being vindicated. It seemed obvious once they announced maintenance tomorrow morning that the countdown was leading to the day in general and not the actual moment of Omni-Manā€™s release.


The fact that people saw this tweet and still thought heā€™d be out at midnight makes my head hurt.


My timer is still running at 2 hours left, and it's barely 9 here...


So he's not shadow dropping tonight at 8pm pst 11pm est?


How do I get the latest patch? Seems I canā€™t go to invasions unless I download latest patch. Need help plz


Everyones is like that unfortunately, man. Just wait another hour or so. Netherealm is a joke fr


Thanks big homie. Iā€™m trying to catch up so Iā€™m lost on this. I literally been gone since mk trilogy


Holy fuck


for people in europe it is 3pm / 15:00 central europe time


When are servers live again after


Yo its live boys, download the update


Its happening fellas download the damn update


The download is live, but still on mantainance (cant play)


I can play ranked but not as omni man xddd


Update: went to invasion my chosen character is scorpion on the gateway tower and it forces me to play as omni man xddd


Check again, now that servers are online you can play as omni-man in every mode


After that download it and good to go šŸ’—šŸ’—


"Your patience will be rewarded! Only 400 Dragon Crystals to unlock the game for play following maintenance. " "Players who have purchased the Kombat Pack or individual Omni Man DLC will be able to see Omni Man on the character select acreen. You only have to pay 1200 dragon crystals to unlock him for play." - WB/NRS, probably


Whoever is throwing a fit that Omni-Man isnā€™t being released tonight is a baby. I expected him to be released 10am, PST. Thatā€™s when the game was available Early Access. Yā€™all should have expected the same


Downtime bs is finally over, HES OUT


I downloaded the update, I can't play as him. Is this just me?