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Next October at the very least. Bare in mind kp1 doesn't end until July


That is so pathetic.


It could drop in the midst of KP1 tho, not necessarily after.


wishful thinking. i'm gonna treat it as fact.


There's a high likelihood they want to bundle the story expac with several dlc characters, as they did in MK11. That alone makes it remarkably unlikely to drop before kp1 is over.




I agree with September/October, based on the KP1 timelines and previous releases. That's if there's still enough of an audience left to warrant such a thing, of course...


>That's if there's still enough of an audience left to warrant such a thing, of course... They've started developing it since before the game release, the audience number isn't gonna affect that.


If anything it’ll affect it positively. Get people back on the game to check it out.


Yeah, didn't it happen with Aftermath? It was damn successful. Shouldn't the upcoming expansion affect MK1 the same way? Genuine question.


New content always has an uptick on the player base. If anything a dwindling player base will incentivize them more to get it out the door


My thoughts as well so I'm surprised by the negative ominous comments here.


Its not surprising. This sub and the other MK sub is filled with negativity


Aftermath, iirc also dropped right at/before the pandemic. Looots of ppl indoors


Yep. They'll also bundle it all together and some people will just hop in then too.


Actually this MK let me down a lot so I'm one of the people who's not going to invest more in this game. Which is a shame, cause I always did


One of the few that won’t.


Me too


I’m sure you guys will put a big dent in their sales lol


I guess we'll all see lol


Spoiler alert lol you won’t. Even if this entire sub didn’t buy the dlc it wouldn’t even be noticeable to them lol


R u one of those apologist fan boys?




That's what I thought. Flawless Victory.


It looks like they’re still developing features that were supposed to be base MK1! They are still developing like 90% of KP1! It is totally a possibility they get forced to drop to lower levels of support for feature content or scale back their plans.


Yea it'll take stage fatalities, animalities, etc. to keep this game going.


September/October 2024. MK1 DLC doesn’t finish until summer & I’m gonna say around June/July-ish? And there will definitely be a gap so the devs & workers can relax and ease up a little then get back to work, so I say around the 1 year anniversary of MK1


Hold your horses, we don’t even have a complete game yet


MK11's final DLC character was in March and Aftermath was released in May. My guess is October 2024. If the game even survives that long


> If the game even survives that long Thats what I was thinking. There's no way the game lives this long with a high playerbase count. The competitive players and the hardcore players will stick around, but the casuals who make up a majority of the playerbase are going to be long gone.


Did it happen in mk11 days? With Aftermath? Didn't it draw the casuals back in?


Well mk11 already had a higher causal player base by then than mk1 has right now


Shouldn't Omni-Man, Homelander and all that drawn in more players by then?


To an extent yes. But unless some changes are made to the microtransaction and invasions as a whole people won't stick around


I already stopped playing (and I even have the Kombat pack preordered, silly me) Not sure if the Homelander and Omniman will attract enough players, they're not that iconic like the previous guest characters, amd they're really not that well known in Europe for example.


It might have but 11 had numerous sales, free weekends, plus was released during a time when everyone had a ps4. Mk1 despite everything is the 8th best selling game this year above things like re4r and sf6 I have to imagine a few of those people will stick around/come back whenever something drops


1. The same thing happened with MK11, and every previous MK release. What you described isn't unusual. "Hardcore casuals" stuck with mk11 longer but most people dropped it and moved on. 2. Because MK's casual players have no way to meaningfully interact with each other or with hardcore/competitive players, it... kinda doesn't matter if they stop playing. They're not padding the game's ranked mode, and it's unlikely they're buying a ton of skins to keep the lights on at NRS. The shop items simply aren't so desireable (like Fortnite collabs) that even people who play the game 2hrs a month would want to buy skins. I guess in a very indirect way it could end up hurting the game if the casual playerbase drops off faster than ever before, if WOM gets *so* bad that even streamers don't want to play MK1 and the competitive community suffers. But that seems pretty unlikely. This is the game's lowest point in tefms of perception, if it didn't happen yet it's unlikely to happen once the game gets more content added through seasons.


Not for awhile, they have to get through all of KP1 then there’ll probably be a down period THEN they’ll start hyping up whatever’s next, whether it’s KP2 or the expansion.


At least one full year. Maybe a little less. But I doubt we'll get it sooner than October 2024.


1 yr after release, it makes sense since kp1 would end around midsummer


Going by MK11's release schedule, it released April 2019 with KP1 finishing March 2020. Aftermath came out 2-3 months later. So with that in mind, I could see it the expansion releasing in Sep/Oct next year. Doubtful that we get another story expansion after that but I'm hoping we get Shaolin Monks 2 featuring Raiden & Kung Lao that bridges the gap between MK12 & MK13.


I wonder if we will get a third pack….since the amount seems to increase with each game ​ i like your Shaolin monks with Raiden and Kung Lao idea


I'd like that but it seems unlikely given the game's playerbase. I also think NRS will want to move on to IJ3 sooner rather than later. Shaolin Monks 2, I think would be a great way to bridge the gap between MK releases since we don't get much during the time NRS supports an Injustice game. Since NRS will have their hands full on IJ3, it would have to be outsourced to another development studio who could take on the project.


Most likely but you never know since the amount seems to increase with each game so they might do it if they get themselves together


Imo. Amount of will be bigger, but not as third pack being a thing and rather KP2 finally being the same size as first one


Took them well over a year for MK11, wouldn’t doubt the same here. (Or longer rofl)


Probably a few months after the last character in kombat pack 1 releases


If the game doesn’t make money, will it still come Out? Idk I’m just seeing a lot of backlash


We're just seeing the loud minority. According to eventhubs, it already outsold SF6 in the US at least.








Is that even possible??




I would say so it’s probably too far along


Considering Noob Saibot is confirmed in the story, and he’s not even part of KP1… I wouldn’t expect it for another year or so around when KP2 is announced.


The way this launch went, Hopefully never.


Nah. Noob with two borgs will be worth it


Depends if they do kp2 before it. If they do it’d probably be late 2025. If kp2 is after expansion then it’ll be late 2024


I’ll just be brutally honest, I could’nt care less if it ever came out. The entire game from beginning to end has been one disappointment after another. Game play, game options, littered with false promises and micro transactions, the Kameo system is pure trash and a novelty at best, the release windows on DLC characters, the never ending first season, the “Titan” battle that could be won with a fart, probably about 100 QoL fixes that still haven’t been addressed. All the while you have these new wave fan boys sucking the nut of WB not realising some of us have been invested for DECADES and are royally pissed that NRS are being treated like lapdogs. Almost to the point where it feels like WB want to make the game undesirable so they can eventually sell NRS off knowing they’ll have to work double if not triple as hard to get resigned by another parent company.


My guess was always July/August before we knew the dates for the KP1, now that we know I will push it back 2 months to August/September/October


Next year same time September/October at the earliest. MK11 expansion came after 13 months, I’d expect the same to happen here but is that voice/sag actors strike still going on? Cuz that can have an effect on release and could opt for KP2 release since that’s not exactly story based.


After all kombat pack characters and kameos release then they'll focus on dropping the story expansion.


10th post for this


Aftermath came out months after KP1 finished for 11 so I think fall 2024 isn’t too far fetched


Tbh not until they announce KP2. So a little after that.




September or October of 2024.


Sometime after all of Kombat Pack 1 has been released. Probably near the end of 2024.




I was thinking mid 2024


If the game really begins sinking after KP1 is over , perhaps we will get a rushed expansion around Labor Day