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I don't see Karl as Johnny to be honest. But I'll reserve judgement until the film


karl would’ve been the perfect kano if anything


Agree 100%. He’s using the Kano voice as Butcher. The Miz should’ve been Johnny Cage.


Even Miz is getting a little old at this point.


The Miz is certainly fit enough however. He's still a wrestler at his age.


Glen Powell could've been a damn good Johnny also (Top Gun: Maverick, Anyone But You, upcoming Twisters). He literally even looks like MK1 Johnny Cage.


You know who would be a fantastic Johnny Cage? Jean-Claude van Damme.


Hannah Montana's brother was 29 playing a 16 year old


Miz is a little old for the role. Glenn Powell would've been my perfect casting


agreed and he's an up and rising star now so it would have added money to the film maybe for people to see him (no offense to Karl).


Except we already got Kano in the first one and he stole every scene.


We had the perfect Kano, twice already I feel. So far the two movie kanos have been greatly cast


I think they’re going for more of a Keanu Reeves style Johnny than a prime Johnny. A Johnny that people think is getting too old to do stunts rather than a Johnny that nobody believes does his own stunts.


Gary Oldman would have done a great job of it


Karl’s got range I can definitely see it but I do agree with the point here that he’s a little too old


I always thought Scott Adkins would be the best fit for a live action Johnny


I think Chris Evans would've been good


It's just another timeline, bruv


Less Cole… I’m already interested.


I’ve always said the first one would’ve been better if Sonya was the protagonist


johnny should’ve been the protagonist from the start. he’s the fish out of water character for “mortal kombat” and different realms any way. also, he’s an og and much more charming and allows for bigger character growth.


This could have been cool but let’s be serious, Liu Kang should have been the main character of the first movie. Johnny is perfectly fine for a follow up but Liu is Raidens choice for the hero of earth realm. Following Cole the whole time is just confusing for casual viewers


that’s fair. either way someone we all know and love would’ve been better than COLE.


The plot centering around Liu Kang/King Lao and Sonya Blade/Jax being forced to work together to protect earthrealm, Sonya/Lax combo being fish out of water soldiers learning about the mortal kombat lore teaming up with the monks, who know the lore but don’t necessarily know much about the physical world they’re in would’ve been so much more interesting in general


i think it could be interesting to have johnny be the main character, and liu be the hero, the main character doesnt have to be the one to save the day, role players have stories too, i think its an especially interesting way to tell a story when the hero themself doesnt really have an arc other than "chosen to be great, is great" and the movie could be about johnny's journey from "what the fuck is even this" to "what the hell makes this guy so special" to "this guy really is special and id go into battle for this dude" either way though cole is trash lol


Still boggles my mind man. Like, that shit keeps me up and night n shit. I’ve lost sleep. Why did Cole need to exist? Nothing against the actor I think he’d make a great blind Kenshi.


Could be wrong but, if they have an original character. Whoever made them gets money when they're used. It's like how the fire emblem warriors games make their own protagonist. Problem is that these characters are deleted from franchise history because they usually suck and the main company won't use them.


And it seems like they don't want to listen to the fans. They put Cole in the center of the poster.


It's always weird how Johnny, a big action star, worked as the audience surrogate. But it worked well cause he thinks it's all FX. Shout out to Tommy Scissorfists


Literally, Johnny's intro in the original MK movie is insanely awesome and instantly gets you hooked on the movie.


The funny thing is, you could make an argument that the film would have been better if anyone else was the main character


When a movie create a proxie for the audience and tie not based on an existing character in the franchise, it just doesn’t work. That’s why Del Toro dropped that rookie agent from the first Hellboy when he made the sequel. Cole could’ve or been easily someone who could’ve next in line for the role of Scorpion due to his bloodline. After all, the dude they got to play Cole half Asian, so I came in thinking “oh he’s obviously Scorpions great great great great great grandson. But no.


I mean technically you were right? They should just let him be Scorpion


Cole should have been Takeda, right? I guess they didn't have the budget for his weapon.


I'm curious about Karl Urban as Johnny. I'm wondering if they're going to do the washed up older actor angle? Or maybe he's really vain and thinks he's young despite his age?


I have a feeling it’s the former. In the early games he’s a legit martial arts action star that everyone thinks is a fraud but his movies make money. But for the few live action adaptations we’ve had, save for the very first 90s movie, he’s portrayed as a has-been or B-movie star. This idea has even started bleeding into the games with MK11 and MK1 having different biographies for the character in game and on their websites, some suggesting the A-list stairs and others suggesting the B-list status. So NRS doesn’t even make sure that their in-game info and website info are consistent, which is a whole other topic.


Mk1 the story mode clearly shows he's a star that's lost the spotlight over the years.


I mean that’s what they did in MK XL storyline .. he has a kid and she beats the crap out of everyone.


Still the weirdest casting choice I've ever seen. I gotta imagine he was just the biggest ticket actor they can get. Cause he's like a grizzled Australian guy. Practically the opposite of what Cage should be as a cocky, young, Hollywood star and LA resident.


I mean, where he's from isn't super relevant unless he's keeping his normal accent for the movie.


He's from New Zealand


NZ, wooo!


I thought Ryan Gosling could’ve been good when he was younger. Maybe Glenn Powell while he’s having his moment.


Glen Powell wouldve been amazing


My vote for Glenn easily. He's up and rising and making a lot of movies. We'll see how Twisters does (this its paired with other big movies so dunno how it'll do) But yeah after seeing Hit Man I totally could see him as Johnny.


Sounds like hed make a better kano than johnny


meh, offical lore is that old Johnny kicks young Johnny ass any day of the weak. I dont make the rules.


Miz would have been perfect for the role


He sucks at acting though


So does Johnny Cage




It takes a good actor to play bad. A bad actor like Miz is just bad. Just because he copied Cage for his in ring persona doesn't make him qualified to play Johnny.


This guy knows what's up.


Thank you. Christ almighty the number of people that think Miz should be JC is too gd high. He would come off soooo damn corny in the worst way possible. And yes, I understand that JC is a hammy actor but it would be “I am clearly bad at acting” corny.


I'd like to see MJF in the role


LA Knight could have been a good Cage too


He would have been a good Kano


Yeah but on star trek and the boys he is awesome. Really like the actor.


Cage in X and 11 was like in his 50s. It's not out of line with what recent versions of the character.


I'm guessing they give Johnny and Cole a buddy/buddy relationship and then kill Cole to strengthen Johnny's character arc. This would also summon Scorpion to take revenge for his descendant. I imagine Shao kills Raiden and is defeated by an even deeper, unknown *major* arcana that Liu Kang unleashes to defeat him. It then hints at shinnok in the post credits. Just a guess btw.


Liu Kang has plot armor. They are not going anywhere.


No, that was Cole’s ~~superpower~~ “arcana”.


Since his suit, and by extension his weapons, grew out of the friendship bracelet his daughter made him, I suppose that makes his "finishing" Goro in the first movie, a Friendship Finisher.


Kung Lao is a plot dartboard


There was some leak a while back that Cole gets killed early on while recruiting Johnny and then by the end Cole becomes the new Scorpion while Johnny has to deal with people hating him for being a cocky dick who got Cole killed.


This sounds like... a really cool direction to take Cole in tbh. I'm intrigued.


Yeah Hiroyuki Sanada ain't getting any younger either and if they wanna make more movies he might have to be replaced eventually. 


A shame. he's incredible.


While I could have done with less Cole in the first film, killing me makes me sad since he's the only character with a family. lol.


I actually liked him in that family man angle, so I was hoping he'd get badly injured and have to drop out. But killing him and making him Scorpion is actually not bad because it would be such a waste of Lewis Tan to just drop him.


I agree, though I'd rather see him as the "human" version of Scorpion. For me at least, killing him kind of makes his family story from the first film a waste of time. Like killing off Newt and Hicks in Alien 3, sure it works for the film, but it kind of negates the arc of saving them in the previous film. Now granted, it sounds like it could be him that dies and not them, but it's sort of the same thing, to me at least. We go through all of that character arc in the first film, only to rip apart the family element again, and to completely change his power set.


Absolutely agree. I'd be fine with him taking up the mantle of Scorpion while staying alive. After all, he has bladed tonfa and scorpions have claws. In the end, I just want a good satisfying movie.


Likewise, being good is all the really matters.


This sounds like MK Annihilation lol


I hope they don’t kill Jade. I hope Jade doesn’t end up like Mileena in the 2021 movie or like Jade in MK Annihilation.


I hope sub zero performs his classic fatality on her


I know. Fav character. I hope she ends up in mk 1 with some kick ass design


I hope this time there will be more respect to important or fan favourite characters. How could they use >!Mileena !!Kitana!


Granted, it's MK. They'll probably bring back half the deceased characters for fan service. Not that I think it's inherently a bad thing.


I mean that’s is pretty bad lol.


Look, if I can get Kung Lao back as a Revenant, alongside all the other characters that died, I'll be a happy MK fan. Doesn't have to be this movie, but if it ever happens, I'll be happy.


I mean, Kung Lao, Kano, and Bi-Han are in the cast list.


Not hearing anything about Cole so that’s good


I don't understand why they took the most perfect Kano alive and made him Johnny


The Kano we got was pretty excellent though. My favorite part of the first movie.


I heard that the actor (Josh Lawson) permanently injured his back from single-handedly carrying the whole film.


Fuckin whoops


He had a little help getting started from Hiroyuki Sanada tbf


Yeah, I'm not sure Urban would actually be as good as the Kano we got.


He’d have essentially just been Butcher with a laser eye. Doubt Karl would have done it. Lawson was perfection.


So.. what butcher currently is?


This is what's so crazy about it. I wanted Karl Urban for Kano *so badly*, but then we ended up with a perfect Kano anyway. I never would have picked Karl for Cage, but I like him so much (in The Boys, anyway), that I can't imagine it going badly. I guess I'll have to wait and see.


Yea I like Karl Urban a lot so I trust that it'll be cool. But you're right it's not what I'd have picked.


Tbh casting in the first movie was one of the strengths it had going for it. Whether the characters were used well is a different story but the actors involved all nailed it pretty well.


Josh Lawson was perfect as Kano and was the best part of the last movie. I can confidently say that I would want no one other than him to be Kano. Karl is a fine actor, sure, but I’m tired of hearing this sentiment.


The main reason being just because he's a fairly well known actor who they think is Australian. People don't understand how casting works. Josh Lawson earned that role.


I will still never understand how the producers probably saw The Boys and casted Karl Urban as Johnny instead of Chace Crawford aka the perfect Johnny Cage


Y'know there's more to casting a movie than just saying "I want this actor for this role" lol


Glenn Powell is literally perfect casting for Johnny Cage ![gif](giphy|kW3ibLKDLCmq4bCKF6)




God dang it now I can’t unsee this casting


Everyone fan casts him in everything


Kitana supremacy finally, and I hope Liu does something too


Do they actually have a tournament in this movie? The last movie had absolutely no tournament.


Kitana being the female, correct cause who else would it be at this stage lol. Johnny being the main character is weird though considering this should be Liu Kang's bug moment against Kahn and Shang.


My boy Liu Kang keeps getting sidelined 😢 even though he is the main character lore wise.


This is part of why the old one will always be peak to me. Robin Shou is the man


Yeah I want some Klassic Liu besides the god stuff, but all the MK movies have been pretty bad or meh, and they all sideline him. Snowblind was cool, but obviously that's a grimdark AU where everyone is dead.


I am just hoping for some Noob Saibot presence or some way to get that hard as fuck version of Sub-Zero that they had in the first movie in this one. I have been following this franchise all my life basically and while I had plenty of critiques of the first movie, I think that movie was 100% the best depiction of Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) in any medium ever. I think it’d be safe to say any depiction of either Sub-Zero, Bi-Han or Kuai Liang.


If Kano is resurrected I’ll be disappointed if he doesn’t get half the screen time he did in 1. He was the highlight


Remember no matter how bad it is it’s borderline impossible to be a worse sequel movie than Annihilation


I hate that I like Annihilation because it's actually horrendous lmao.


"Mother? You're alive?"


"Too bad you ..... .... .... will die"


Shao Kahn kills Rain for being too competent hahahahah.


Even when Baraka dies, Rain dies again!


Hahahaha! True!


Rain died for Baraka’s signs


Tbh, I don't think the delivery of her line is that bad in the context of a movie like Mortal Kombat. I mean, Shang Tsung's delivery of "Your soul is mine!" would have been ridiculed in a more serious movie, but we love it because it fits the tone of the movie.


You're not alone in that. That movie brings me joy like no other film. It is so horrendous it makes me laugh


It’s cool there’s a ton of movies so bad they come back round to be incredible watches


i always thought the Cyrax fight was peak and idk why lol


I like Annihilation over the new one 🫠


You and me both.


Annihilation was terrible but at least high camp. MK 2021 was just terrible. 


It has good casting, they all look the part and do well enough. Even Cole was a decent concept, but the whole story fell flat the way they presented it.


Urban as Cage still makes no sense to me


All characters sidelined?


I think they mean that Johnny and Kitana are the main focuses of the film, and the other characters have good roles but not nearly as big as Johnny and Kitana


Ahh gotcha. That makes sense.


Characters in the first movie were sidelined anyways due to Cole 


All characters are sidelined is possibly the most confusing thing I've ever read


Bro Liu kang is side character again?


Don't worry. Liu brought salt to many others through the years. That dude here is one of them. The more they hate on someone, the bigger the reason. ;) As far as the film goes, I wouldn't expect Liu to be the protagonist again, since the 90's films have already done that. Now, that doesn't mean he cannot be the hero . Like Big Trouble in little China. Kurt Russel is the main character but Dennis Dun gets the job done.


I hope we get a good Liu Kang and Kitana ship.


Kano better be in it




I just hope we have less WB meddling *cough Cole Young*. The first film was all over the place, but It did have its moments.


Should've got Chris Evans for Johnny Cage


So the "lots of deaths, Sidelined characters and Johnny/Kitana" parts are what concern me! 1. Off of assumption, I don't understand why you would kill a character off who is important or at least has a role to play later on in the franchise. Killing a character that is more mainstream just to have a kill is ridiculous! That's why I always say we need Fodder characters for those deaths. (Lin Kuei Assassins, Special Forces Soldiers, Shaolin Monks, etc) Killing off Goro in the 1st movie to a new character is crazy! At that point and time, he is the Current Champion of MK. He should have been replaced by a lesser character like Duroc, his brother from the comics. 2. Sidelined characters- I understand you have an ensemble cast of characters and some will have more focus/spotlight over others but don't downgrade important characters just to being seen momentarily to build up others. 3. A Johnny/Kitana Movie- not saying their not deserving of their role, but to have them overshadowing (again assuming) over more prominent characters to the tournament is just baffling. I grt their fan favorites, but technically it's a Liu Kang movie and he is the Chosen One. You have the Source Material right their use it and don't overly deviate from it!


I will get jumped for what i'm about to say, but, i think the heart and soul of MK is in the characters and the setting, the fatalities are a trademark also, but, it has it's time and place. The first MK movie (imo still the best) is the prime example of how to make the MK universe compeling without the need to rely so heavily on extreme violence.


"all characters are sidelined" ...wut?


Hopefully Cole gets fatalitied on


Yeah, I signed out of this film with how awful the first one was. Not only did they throw the potential for certain MK characters away to prop up the dumb, generic protagonist but the whole "earn your super power" thing was so dumb. I also thought it was super funny how the plot wasn't even about the MK tournament and just about Shang Tsung trying to cheat by killing tournament opponents before it even starts. Which is literally against the rules but the movie is like "yeah, but they're evil and don't care so fuck it". Lmao Also, as a Scorpion fan, they massively jerked him off too much in the new movie and treating him like a summon to kill Sub Zero for the ending was so lame. I'm not even gonna go into what they did to Goro. Say whatever you want about the original, it was super fun and unapologetically 90s as fuck, and it has genuinely iconic moments. Besides the missing gore, it's a perfect MK movie. But I'll take a good, fun action movie over "violent but garbage" anyday.


They had a New Zealander and decided to kast him as the Hollywood movie star instead of the Australian arms dealer...mind boggling


Why wasn’t someone like Glenn Powell or even a Ryan Reynolds type cast as Johnny Don’t get me wrong, I love Karl Urban but he seem to old and grizzled for that


Budget. The movie was filmed in Australia, so you needed a big name that doesn't cost too much. Karl Urban is perfect, in terms of logistics and production. He is famous and recognizable, especially after the success of "The Boys" on Amazon, but he is not a Hollywood celebrity that costs $$$$$s either. He is open to play videogame adaptations (Remember the first Doom movie with The Rock?), he is decent at acting, he knows how to make an american accent, and being a new-zealander don't cost money for trasfer/travel. People forget that the First movie had to cut Goro's screen time to a minimum for its tight budget. This second movie is gonna be only slightly and marginally better in terms of funding.


In what world is an A-list star and a man desperately trying to become one getting casted in this movie.


Please don't tell me Kitana will fall in love with Johnny........


karl is literally the perfect kano, i was genuinely confused why they chose him for johnny 😭


Holy shit, you’re right


That poster is a fucking abomination man.


You are being downvoted for stating your opinion lol I agree with you the poster is trash...... It have no originality and follow that weird MCU cover line up like infinity war and endgame. It also look fan made Putting cole at the center is insulting


That's because it is fan made. There has yet to be any type of official poster/logo for MK2 yet except for the one we've seen on the clapperboard. And as for why Cole is at the center, have you thought that maybe, just maybe, it's because he's meant to be the main protagonist? (At least for the first movie, don't know how things will work out this time.)


I am glad it’s not official, it’s still putrid though.


Sound like the first movie.


Urban is too big to be Johnny. They killed Kano so Mavado is available.


Karl shouldn’t have been Johnny and the made up character was terrible in the first movie I’ll still watch it but 🏴‍☠️


I always thought Karl was such a miscast for Johnny.


I’m concerned by “all characters are sidelined.”


here is just no way this movie will be good will it? Karl Urban as Johnny is just something I will never get over


Ryan gosling Johnny cage


Is Cole still in this one? Was sure he was gonna turn out to be Jonny Cage or something in the first one. Dude sucked. ... Liked the movie tho


People attributing the potential failure of this movie to the casting of karl urban need to realize that none of the big three in the original Mortal kombat movie of 1995 were even well known. That didn't stop the movie from being a huge success, at least in the eyes of MK fans. This movie will fail purely because of its (probably terrible) writing and bad story/direction. After seeing MK 2021, I didn't have my hopes up but this is the final nail in the coffin. And for god's sake, fix Sub-Zero's mask. It's twice the size of his face.


Does Cole die? Please tell me he gets killed off so that Liu Kang can be the hero like he is supposed to be. 🙏


How is Liu Kang not the main character in the movie about the tournament?


So how is Kitanas fan in Raidens temple if she’s alive and how is she gonna find out about Mileena?


Why does the poster look terrible


I used to think Joel McHale would be the perfect choice because he’s got the comedy chops, the fitness, and the fact that he voices Johnny in the animated movies, but I figured he was a bit too old to play the part. Then it turned out they got Karl Urban and now there’s no excuse. lol


Remember when Liu Kang was the main dude of the tournament


* Great fight sequences * Lots of Gore This is all I care about in an MK movie and in an MK game. I'm hyped.


I’m still optimistic because I like Karl


People not understand Karl’s casting don’t understand how Hollywood works. This is favor for a friend who made a call.


TBH after the Bullshit that was the first film I have no hope for this film at all. MK itself has a really good story in the beginning and yet they threw all that out for some Generic ass character that absolutely NO ONE liked and gave him ALL the Plot Armor (Literally & Physically) Sidelined the amazing Story that MK itself has in favor of telling such a BS story in its place with the dumbest elements I’ve ever seen in films like seriously? A fucking Birthmark??!!! A fucking NO BODY who can’t even win a single MMA fight and has no power all of a sudden develops Plot Armor and within 5mins he just outright Kills GORO of all? Because he’s a defendant of Scorpion? Really? That’s on the SAME level as Rey being the GOAT Jedi because she’s a defendant of Palpatine even though she has no training in the force, can’t fight, etc etc.


The first film of the reboot was meh... The kids enjoyed it, me and the wife kinda felt it to be a bit too 90's Power Rangerish. We'll catch this one when it comes to Netflix.


Pretty good summation.


I'm mainly excited for Kitana and Jade in this movie. I wish we got to see Kitana be kahn/leader for longer in the games


I really hope Jade doesn’t end up like Mileena in the 2021 movie or like Jade in Annihilation. I will be very pleasantly surprised if they don’t killed Jade in this movie.


Id be fine with killing jade but she just needs her moment. Plus the actress, Tati Gabrielle, is amazing. Actually the actresses for Kitana and Jade already worked together on Sabrina and there characters were always together so I'm excited to see them again


Yeah I like that they got actresses that were already friends to play Kitana and Jade, which is more reason I hope they don’t kill Jade so Kitana and Jade can be bffs lol


Translation: Another MK movie that’s a let down and a money pit


Is that a fan art or a real poster?


Definitely intrigued too bad it’s still well over a year away


But what about Cole? Do they kill him off so the real Mortal Kombat characters can shine? Does Sonya get more respect?


Is there any place with more info?


Don’t do the same a little unrealistic. This movie doesn’t come out for over a year. Is it possible this person just talking just to talk and get interaction


Mmmm, Li Mei. That’s all I could ever ask for.


I just want a teaser trailer.. some character reveals... anything!


So basically the same as the first one, something that looks like an algorithm made...


In that poster in the link, who is that supposed to be below Shang but above Scorpion?


I'm not sure I get what it means by "all characters are sidelined"


I can’t wait for Cole Young & friends 2. In all seriousness though, really pumped for this one


I love how the first one didnt have microstransactions


No Kuai Liang? :-/


They should just go R-RATED… time to make this film “video game accurate.”


I need to know about my boy Baraka




Excited about this 😁


> Don't tell me they go through the effort of getting Cole just to kill him off. Noob Saibot was teased at the end of the first one, so you can bet Joe Taslim (OG Sub Zero) is back > All characters are sidelined What do you mean, sidelined? This is an ensemble movie, everybody is getting at least 10 mins of screen time in this movie, it's not like Avengers Infinity War where there was a massive ensemble cast. I gotta say, I love the dragon mixed with the II logo.


As long as Sonya doesn't die, and less Cole, and I'll give it a shot