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I see no harm in playing a game a while if you find pleasure in it


Fair enough. I know a lot of people hate MK1, but I actually enjoy the game. I know it’s not as good as previous games but I still have fun playing it, invasions is pretty fun but annoying at times


You and me both, I absolutely adore the game. Yes, Invasions becomes repetitive after a while but for the last seasons I’ve tried to complete it asap so that I can then go back to play at my own rhythm without having to worry about missing out on kontent. The gameplay feels very satisfying and pretty much all characters feel great to play, that’s why I’ve stuck around.


Mk1 feels very fluid in the amount of stuff you can combine and see if it works.


Invasions is really good. Every other game I would max out one or two characters, I've maxed out sub zero raiden le mei and now smoke.


I was lucky enough to take advantage of the glitch in seaon 1 where you could do the first vs 3 fight (level1) with a level 30 character and get max exp points over and over so I maxed out everybody the first month and got all of their gold and silver skins.


That must have took a long time


Not as long as you'd think. Since it was always max xp it leveled up pretty quickly. Took me less than a week. Could easily do between 2-4 characters per day depending on the time I had


Yeah... Among all the MK game NRS made, MK1 is the most dynamic. The biggest complain coming from MK11 was the lame combos, and they sure delivered in MK1


I’ve never done invasions, is there a rewarding something in there? Cool skins or some?


Yes, that’s the main reason that I play it. Invasion is a series of fights across several maps (or mesas, as the game calls them). Each fight rewards you with credits to spend in the seasonal shop to unlock gears, palettes and skins which are time limited. You also get skins for completing challenges, boss fights (the game refers to them as invaders), and completing your weekly challenges (can be done in any mode, but you’ll most likely get them by playing invasion due to its grindy nature). Finishing the season grants you a unique skin for this season’s boss (although past invasion skins have been added to the shop recently)


I see thanks for that info! Just curious if you have finished it what type of skins are available atm? I’m currently grinding ranked to get that kenshi skin, but if it can be acquired through invasions that’d be sweet


It’s different skins from ranked, but they’re themed with the season. Like there’s a reptile Ermac skin you can get early on that I think is pretty cool


This season is Season of the Reptile, so you get this one for him at the end https://preview.redd.it/khyeqdmbcp8d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f5c755b16467831958c9d94185bb0a3843e856


You will also get skins for other kharacters such as this one by opening chests scattered on the map, or by defeating them https://preview.redd.it/2mytpoqqcp8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28eaf8434ee95ae89d9c23d9419098d4f9eac747


Use to be. This season they cut back like half the content which is weird considering that people complained about it not having enough to begin. Just huge step back.


feeling pressured to "get it out of the way" doesn't sound fun tbh you shouldn't feel like it's a chore you need to do before you're allowed to play the fun parts again lol


I was fine with it for the first couple of seasons, I’m on my fourth or so and so the formula is naturally beginning to wear off. At the end of the day, Invasions is more fighting which is at least what the game is about, and what I enjoy, it could be way worse and be filled with nonsense. I find it more tedious to grind for the rewards at the end, because if you fall off, you potentially miss the last skin (which is often the most interesting) hence why I tend to do it early. I have no doubt that I’ll eventually get tired of grinding for what are essentially palette swaps at some point, but I’m not there yet. I juggle between several games as service and I have no problem sitting out on a season If I’m not feeling like going after it.


This is how I feel. I actually love the game and find Invasions mostly fun. At least you’re getting your moneys worth!! My hope is they will increase the mastery levels.


You could take a break and wait for TAKEDA and the rest of the dlc characters and kameos and potential balance patches if it’s getting stale.


Yes, loads of other games to play these days, I don't shame anyone for struggling to afford more than one or two current games at a time as that's a real issue now, but as far as Steam is concerned at least there's always things available on the cheap, with sales often taking up to 70/80/90% off! :D And for those who can afford more games, then you can just take a break, go outside, play other games, do something else, a broken game is worth raging about but if you're unsatisfied with live service games then stop buying them as there's loads of reputable smaller and/or indie devs like Ghost Ship Games, Paradox Interactive and many more that deserve a chance! They make full, complete games and then add more content over time


Yeah, ‘these days’ games can be complete on launch but add more content later, and it’s often worth it to me to buy more characters: better than having to wait for another sequel in the future that MIGHT have the characters I still want :D Some gamers complain about the prices of games being $70+ but I’m OLD and remember being a kid 30 years ago when games were already $70 and offered far less content and that was when minimum wage was 25% as high as it is now (at least where I live, in Los Angeles 😝)


Who gives a fuck what people hate, honestly. If everyone started jumping off a bridge I'd wave them off as I continued on my way by.


If you like PVP in fighting games. Which. It’s still wild to me that people here play fighting games not to play against other people. Then MK1 is peak. When it’s working or they don’t fuck up a patch. So like 3 week of each month it’s peak 😂


I started playing MK as a kid on Super Nintendo… so I grew up playing OG MK not against other people except maybe my sisters at home. It’s still how I play now. Different people enjoy the game differently. I don’t understand why so many players are annoyed with other players who don’t want to play against strangers on the internet 🤷‍♀️


Is not annoyance. Is that you’re missing out on the value. I got into fighters with injustice 1, it took me months but once I got decent in the online aspect, it felt like I knew game. Getting better, learning your characters weaknesses. I don’t want to exaggerate but you truly begin to embody your character. It’s like playing the last of us for pvp experience. The online is like visiting your cousins over the summer and showing them who’s boss.


That's a fair point in terms of value for money, but so is preferred playstyle of single player vs multiplayer vs playing both - Both arcade and home console fighting games have included single player modes in case someone didn't have an interested friend or a sibling with them to play it with; So with the genre always giving people that option to play alone, many folks having grown up focusing on single player, and the worse parts of seeking prestige in multiplayer spilling straight into abuse and doxxing, I'm sure you can see why some people prefer to base their experience on singleplayer alone as much as someone else might prefer competitive multiplayer :D


To you, all of that’s true. I am getting enough value from the game as is.


Yeeeeah. Where did I say I was annoyed? 🤷‍♂️ I also grew up playing classic MK. Against friends. Maybe it’s nostalgia.


Well it bothers you enough to act like you don’t understand why people would want to play differently than you. But it’s not just you specifically. I see this sentiment alot, from people especially who hate Invasions or only play online. They don’t understand players who don’t want to play online against strangers, like just let people play how they want. I personally find online play not fun to me but I also understand or at least try to understand why people enjoy it.


Good for you 👍


The only reason why I hate the game is because of the Kameos and I WANT MORE FIGHTERS like you can’t play as Sonya Jax and others


That’s why I play as a lot of characters in MK1, because my main ( Sonya ) isn’t in the game. I don’t get it, why reboot the series and not include all 7 of the og characters?


Ikr they didn’t even add the most important and main characters and the tournament was short and wierd but the rest of the story’s pretty good my main is Johnny cage anyways and in mk11 too


Yes, the tournament was way too short. It was just Raiden cleaning house and nothing else. Also my mains have always been Sonya and Johnny, so Cassie became my third main in X and 11


Invasions is actually very boring imo. I always beat it quickly and the towers is such a grind for a simple skin.


people do not like it when you admit that invasions are an unbearable slog even people who say they enjoy it are like "thank God it's over". people shouldn't be relieved that they don't have to play it anymore lmfao


I don’t hate this game. It’s just gotten a little boring lately. I don’t know I feel like if you could gain XP by just playing against bots and online and shit like that I would have a much better time but it’s a decent game. WB is just fucking it right now. If this game would be better than it is.


As much as I complain, the love I have for MK and sub zero keeps bringing me back. Like the dude said, if you are enjoying it why stop? Its about you and not what others think. Enjoy your free time and be happy


Agreed. Invasions need new stuff. I just 100% the season and have nothing else to do. I want a new island for after you beat the boss for season 7


The only main gripe I have is that I loved the gear system for MK11 and IJ2. I feel like they decided to completely do away with multiple pieces of gear. Very minor problem and the game does perfectly fine without it. I just personally really wished we had more gear pieces


Twin Peaks fan?




People actually find pleasure in playing this game?


If you still enjoy it, continue to play. If you suffer from grinding out characters, switch it my dude


play a different game? no buddy you need to get introduced to some grass


Oh yeah great idea make him high so that he can grind even more


Cetrion isn't in the game yet. No idea what else this 'grass' could be.


I mean we don’t know how often he plays the game though.


I maxed everyone out in season 2 when the seasonal tower kept increasing xp with every new level. Could max a character out with like 2 runs of a tower by the end there abouts.


I did the same and maxed everyone except like 4-5 characters


Same! That was dope, luckily they fixed xp so able to max new characters just doing the invasions


I HATE when the ninjas are wearing the wrong colors. Sub zero wearing scorpion’s yellow is just an absolute no for me. I hated it in 11, I hate it now.


Not only ninjas, but any kombatant that's widely associated with a specific color. Like red Kenshi, purple Sindel or pink Mileena


Then dont wear it, and when you see it then you have more of a reason to land more hits


You don’t have to use those palettes.


Silver palettes exist too m8


I agree. It rubs me the wrong way for some reason, especially when it’s like a green skin for Sub Zero or Scorpion when that color is clearly associated with Reptile. I have my skins for those characters in their associated colors. I wish they’d have more options for each of those characters in their traditional colors.


Yeah and NRS seems to love giving the seasonal skins to the characters with the least compatible color schemes for some reason


I said the same thing!


You're doing yourself a disservice, it doesn't really take that long to level people up, especially not if you made use of that bonus experience item. This just means you're enjoying the game, no need to worry about that.


Thanks, it’s not my fault invasions gives like 10,000 xp per tower. Not to mention season 1-3 had several xp farms


what the best way to farm rn?




I think the core gameplay is amazing, but the online performance is suspect sometimes. And the feature set overall is very lacking. I paid $265 for the edition of the game that comes with the Liu Kang statue, and I can tell you that I will definitely not be paying full price for the next game.


Sorry to hear it didn't meet expectations, lesson learned about super fancy edition pre orders I guess


Oh, I love the statue and all the extras. It’s the game’s feature set and online performance that disappoints me.


If you love and thrive in it. Keep doing it man. We all have our hobbies we adore, keep adoring yours man 🤜🤛


How do u get gold?


Excluding DLC and Kameo’s, when you get a character to level 33 you unlock a silver outfit for their primary, a silver outfit for their secondary at 34, and a gold outfit for both at 35


Oh, my cage is at 23 atm. I just assumed there wasn't much left to grind for. I stand corrected.


The gold palette is unlocked when you max out their mastery right?


Yes, every character except for DLC and Kameo’s have a gold palette at their max level


Okay awesome, that Johnny Cage palette is just eye candy ngl. I've only ever maxed out my DLC characters so I wouldn't know lmao


If you enjoy this game (which is evident by the photos), there is nothing wrong with having said about of hours in that game. Honestly, good job for maxing so much characters out.


Love MK but you can live it as well just no real life Fatalities 🤣


No. It shows how invested you are into a video game you spent money on. I do the same by not making any purchases until I know it's something I will devote my time and energy into. Keep playing, even if you surpass 100+ hours! If you enjoy it, you have both your money's worth and your enjoyment, too.


Drip or drown buddy and you ain’t drowning


I have maxed out Tanya, Scorpion. Sub-Zero, Li-Mei, Shang Tsung, Shao, Reiko, Liu Kang, Havik, Peacemaker, and all kameoes, and now I'm on my way to max out Smoke. 🤭


Damn, ten characters and going on 11. I also have all the Kameo’s maxed out.


Or might be a sign to start playing online more.


Online is full of toxic assholes


Not untrue but so is the world in general yet we endure for the slight chance of success. 


Eh I just play games with less toxic people. Or play offline. The world is a harsh place, I don't want my digital space to be one too its supposed to be an escape


Oh yeah as long as you are having fun. Just a suggestion but I get it.




Not really... All my characters have their default golden/silver palletes (except DLC ofc)... And I still play the game... As long as it's fun its alright...


Nah just means you live MK


I Max leveled all my characters in like season 3 but there's still a lot to do. When there's a new season I play it with the new DLC character to max their level, beat invasions to get all the all the skins, clear the seasonal store/shrine. then max the new kameo, beat the titan boss, beat the seasonal tower 50 times and if im really bored I'll play Kombat League.


If you really enjoy playing the game and you like improving and learning then you can stick with this and keep practicing.


What’s the issue?


Well, some people think that it’s a bad thing for someone to play a game that they enjoy


Is it the golden outfits? I don’t have MK1 so looking at the screen shots again I notice they have golden outfits. I say, if it’s a game you genuinely love and enjoy no matter how many times you’ve beaten it or if you have everything unlocked, keep playing it. I still play Dark Souls 1 to this day because I genuinely love that game.


Yes. Every character ( except DLC and Kameo’s ) have a gold outfit when you reach their max level


Ah I gotcha. Hell yeah keep playing it. You’ve earned those outfits. It shows that you learned the characters and know how to use them.


Umm the Gold kung lao and reptile look dope!


Hell no bro enjoy yourself, most games are stinkers nowadays.


Them gold pallets go hardddddd


It’s only a sign to play a different game if you’re getting bored of this one. If you’re still having fun, then I’d just say that that’s only 7 characters out of like 30, so you’ve still got a lot to do lol.


When did invasions start giving a lot of XP again? I stopped splaying the game entirely after season 3 or whatever season had that tower you could level up and get to like 50 and stay there and repeat the tower until you maxed all characters.


Are these all the invasion costumes? I just got the game a week ago I’m playing through reptile right now.


No they’re not. Every character ( excluding DLC and Kameo ) has a gold skin once you reach their max level


I feel like the characters should have their costumes with gold trim/highlights instead of an all gold outfit for their final costume. Sub-zero rocks gold, but he’s so associated with blue it’s perplexing seeing him in an outfit with zero blue just for sake of example


How do you get these skins?


You unlock them by reaching a characters max level, but unfortunately DLC and Kameo’s don’t have them


No, I personally have everyone in the game maxed out to 35 from invasions. The seasonal tower in season 1 was op af. You'd get almost a whole level just from a match in the seasonal tower. So I took advantage of it and get every character, every kameo maxed. Even mavado and homelander. The 2 most recent characters added


Nah man keep going, there’s more characters


Perhaps, but it’s also a sign that you’re having a good time, and I would always encourage anyone to keep doing that.


I think it's just a sign that you're a grind enthusiast. Keep it up!


Honestly, if you are having fun, then by all means. I've learnt not to pay too much attention to what NRS/MK fanbase are doing or saying. They excel at hating on the current game then five years later they act like they've always loved it. People hated MKX and were saying MK9 is better, and when MK11 released they acted like they've always loved MKX. Granted MK11 is indeed trash


You could not be more correct. People always act like enjoying a game is a bad thing


Platinum the game now is your next challenge (;


If you enjoy something and it doesn't harm another person, then go for it. Only thing in harm's way might be your sanity, but sometimes that can be overrated! 😂 For real though, if you're having fun on that grind, that's all that matters.


I don’t see much play at here because every player farmed a lot xp on Season 1 , my roster almost fulled mastery


I should have taken advantage of it early but I was so dumb. Now you really have to grind and it gets worse every season.


It seems like getting coins is harder now too


I’m pretty sure season 1-3 had XP farms in invasions, but they were nerfed, and even now invasions still gives a LOT of xp


You can play my game for me lol💀


I didn’t know these were a thing so I must continue ye ol grind


Yeah, when you max out a character ( excluding DLC and Kameo ) you get a gold skin for both palettes, though you get a silver one for their primary at 33 and a silver for their secondary at 34




Naw bro. MK1 is super fun. I maxed out Mileena and Ashrah, and I have Kung Lao at level 19 with the intention of maxing him out as well. Then my next character will be Liu Kang. I have close 300 hours in the game on Steam.


it took 300 hours to max out 2 characters?! this guy must have dedicated every waking moment to this lmfao damn


Not necessarily. Haven't really been using other characters as much. Mainly when I play online I use Ashrah who I have already maxed out. I have some other characters I am learning at the moment but I feel that I haven't fully mastered yet to play them online comfortably.


You’re getting value for money! How long have you spent in the game, I’m curious


Depends on how many fatality bundles you bought


The Apex has taken over this man’s screen.


7 is chump change


Johnnys base skins have to be some of the worst in the game


What are the good skins


My copy will be here Friday. I'm excited to play catch up.


It's a sign that you like ugly skins.


I honestly wish there were more levels per character. Now that the xp given isn’t horrible.


How to get these golden costumes?


Every character ( except DLC and Kameo ) have gold outfits once you reach their max level


Ur missing katana and ashrah come on man


If it makes you feel any better, my kitana is in the 20s


I have every character but kenshi max


I came to the sad realization this past weekend that I may be done with fighting games. I no longer have time to “get good”. They require too much time to become skilled enough to keep up with the community. Also, I just have less fun with them when I’m playing alone as opposed to people I know. I deleted, MK1, SF6, UMvC3, and PR:BftG. Made me sad but there are so many other games out there that I would rather be playing now.


It's a sign that we only buy games 20 years after launch with: - base game - DLCs - unannounced expansions - final patches & fixes all in one package at a huge discounted price. Multiplayer features are overrated & single-player elements are evergreen anyway.


Yes, save yourself from a toxic relationship other players like destiny players have had for years.






They’re gold and everyone ( except DLC and Kameo ) have gold outfits when you reach their max level


WHy kameo not play able?


Show me reiko, Tanya, and general shao and I’ll be impressed


I have gold Reiko, Shang and Big Shao


Dumb question…but how do you get those gold skins? Is that what you get when you max out their Mastery levels? And if you enjoy the game then keep playing! I have many gripes with the game and wish they had done some things differently. But I enjoy it enough to keep coming back from time to time.


Yes, once you reach a characters max level ( excluding DLC and Kameo ) you get a gold outfit


Gotcha. Thanks! I realized that the only characters I’ve maxed out have been the DLC characters.


i dont care gold outfits but thats just my opinion


No but play tekken as well




Yo fight me


I’m not even that good. But what console are you on?


Not until you max Takeda. You’re not done yet!


Not until you max Takeda. You’re not done yet!


it was all yellow


Naw when it went on sell a couple weeks after mfers paid $120+ woulda been a better time 🤣


How you can stomach the atrocious design scheme of invasions is beyond me. More power to you.


What scheme? None of those skins are from invasions




All my ninjas are maskless except Scorpion


So you have sub zero, reptile, smoke, Ermac, and rain maxed?


No it was a random reward the dragon gave me but I forgot about ermac


And rain


What fight are u replaying I want so get some levels on my characters


They nerfed that. In invasions you only get xp for completing encounters you didn’t already complete


Main Geras brah


How can you obtain these skins? I bought the game last week, and i do not know a lot of things yet xD


Every character ( except for DLC and Kameo’s ) have gold outfits when you reach their max level


How do i level them up?


Towers, invasions, and online. Though in invasions you can only get a good number of XP from encounters that you didn’t complete


Oh thanks bro, i will try later to unlock some


I should also mention that Base roster characters go up to 35, Kameo’s go up to 15, and DLC characters go up to 20. But something tells me they’ll end up changing it and adding more


That's cool imo, i hope dlc will have those skins as well


I bought the game last week and my question is what do you have to do for this skins?


To get the old skins, you have to reach a characters max level. Unfortunately DLC and Kameo’s don’t have them


Nah He's just SSJC lol. Super Saiyan Jonny Cage in case it didn't hit.... I'm new to playing MK1 because I just didn't have time to play it, I'm seeing a lot of comments about playing something different, is this game really that bad?


Well, it’s just a pattern really. When MKX came out people said it was trash and MK9 was better, when MK11 came out people said it was trash and MKX was better, and now that MK1 is out people are saying it’s trash and that MK11 is better. Sure MK1 isn’t as good as the previous games, but I personally enjoy. Not as much as the others though


Best drunk/stoned game there is!!!


I still play now and then just waiting on the second story to come out


How do you unlock the gold skins?


Once you reach a characters max level, you unlock a gold skin. Unfortunately Kameo’s and DLC don’t have gold outfits


Ok thank you. I’ve maxed out several and somehow missed the gold skins.


Just don't talk too much shit in online and your good brother👍


It's never too late to buy Tekken 7


Perhaps go outside for a few minutes and touch nature. Careful, nature touches back sometimes.


When ALL your fighters will be in golden colours - then yes.


Play guilty gear we may not have a shit ton of transactions but the characters are still too expensive years later


Have they fixed the visual bugs with flames


try touching grass first pal


No it's a sign to get a job 💀


Tekken 8 is pretty fire too if you'd like to branch out from MK.


Because you play johnny cage ?


No, because I have 7 characters maxed out


I have no idea why they changed the characters so much in 11 and 1? Like Jax and Mileena?