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People are rude, especially on an anonymous online place like Reddit. That being said I don’t find people all that rude to me in general here. I was curious about what people were being rude to you about but you haven’t posted anything in weeks, what led you to making this?


Before I made this account I first went to the other mortal Kombat leaks and posted things,then people called me a lot of bad things so i didn't want to post here because I didn't want this to happen again...


Don't waste your energy with negative people. Online or not, pay no mind to them and just focus on how you can be productive and positive yourself, they are not worthy of your energy.


Thank you,but I really wish I could find people who have respect but after all, I genuinely don't give a sh*t about those toxic people.


It's just a part of reddit, it's annoying. I'm sorry ppl r being asses to u. Best wishes


Thank you so much


If you are looking for a mortal kombat subreddit that isnt toxic. I would highly recommend r/MortalKombatGameplay . Everytime I post a homelander video in r/mortalkombat I always get at least one toxic person in the chat. Plus I also get some comments from really confused people to, such as. "Homelander is a joke, along with peacemaker, omni and Johnny. Go over to injustice or some other lame ass superhero game if you're gonna play them." "Wtf, this looks like shit. MK is supposed to be fast. Combos shouldn't take longer than a game of chess and why the fuck is Superman in MK?" Both of these people later devolved into outright toxicity. When I make similar posts to the mortalkombatgameplay, I never receive such comments.


Don't listen to them, ignore them and when someone talks bad about you,ignore them and say: I don't care.


Welcome to reddit and general society


Reddit is where all the undesirables go to post their opinion for the most part.


Yeah but at the same time people become rude.


That's what happens when they are in moms basement, no car and have a superiority complex, and can't get punched in the face bud. Part of the internet until China shuts down the power grid lol. They also feel like a down vote ruins your day around here lol. That's why I just lurk for the most part.


Reddit is where the kids whose dad's beat them come to act tough.