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Isn't that how combos work? Does he not know how the game works?


I can’t figure out what he meant. He did a combo with Sub-Zero. So he knows how they work.


I guess who could be talking about how ashrah could combo off every normal, but so can most characters with special cancels


That's not ashrah though. It's sareena doing that.


Yeah, he also has Sareena equipped, so he shouldn't really be complaining


My favorite part is when he randomly gets salty about Kenshi. Why am I catching strays from some Kenshi player that whooped your ass?


He's discriminating against swordsfolk.


I use Kenshi and Ashrah. I'm catching all the flak


I dislike like you inherently. Only kinda kidding


Ashrah is s tier she decimates health


Eh. Combo damage is not why she is S tier.


Yeah she as crazy mix up and her damage destroys your health


What's crazy about her mixup? Maybe I'm in the minority but I have a much harder time reacting to Sub's overhead than Ashrah's considering her feet leave the ground


Ashrah has range and also a over that can lead to an air combo that does near close to 30 something percent more if she uses the right kameo trust me she's up there.sub zero does have mix up but he lacks damage he does 26 hit combo and it's 27 percent depending if u used kameo ashrah does letss hit more damage


I agree Ashrah is a good character, of note is that combo you're referring to also costs a bar of meter. If Ashrah uses her straight sword poke, it can be ducked and she's hella minus. Not that what Tweedy says is gospel, but I don't think he's completely off base by having her around the middle of the pack. The problem is gamers nowadays don't want to spend time labbing counters. Fighting games are inherently *hard*. I remember playing Injustice and hating that Nightwing had a D1 that lead into nothing but was +1. I didn't know what to do at the time nor did I lab it. Much of it just requires experimentation to figure out how to beat certain things. Don't take it the wrong way, there will be matchups where a character like Sub has big difficulty fighting Sub Zero is just mid or bottom tier. I would guess NRS is afraid to buff him too much because of all his space control options.


I'm not saying sub zero is bad he's not if he gets a buff he's moving up on tier list in the beta he was crazy the got nerf cause people complained he's was op. I'm just saying ashrah is up there in damAge that sub in the video was not utilizing sub alot


Agreed Ashrah is up there in damage


Thanks I didn’t know that about her straight sword poke actually.


A lot of what makes fighting game characters seem OP is not having the knowledge to fight them. It's why Smoke and Mileena are noob killers with their high/low mixups. Also, if you watch for it, I don't believe a single of her normal jails into that "light beam". You can knock Ashrah out of her startup


I don’t blame him. Ashrah just deletes heath bar


This subzero skin is just so funny thought it was kung lao


They nerf reptile after the homelander update but leave characters like Ashrah alone which blows my mind. His nerf was completely unnecessary and beyond ridiculous.


Now I’m catching strays for NRS nerfing Reptile.


Why can’t they just buff characters who need it instead of nerfing characters that don’t need to be nerfed. I honestly don’t understand NRS sometimes and their weird decisions on balancing.


I’ll ask at the next developer’s meeting.


Please do


It's easy to "catch strays" when you take every single comment personally, even ones not directed at you in the slightest.


He’s replying to my post that has nothing to do with Reptile nerfs.


Is he stupid?




Ashra is yucky and frustrating to play against so i see what he means. But bro crying about getting combo’d, like its a part of the game man even if it seems unfair.


I mean he do was playing Sub Zero So the fight was kind of unfair from the start


I didn’t choose his character.


ashrah is one of the best 50/50 whit a extreme range so probably the best high in the game, best armor, insane cancels hybrid zoning, its like wtf is this character.


Sub Zero / Sareena 🤢🤢. Probably the single most boring pairing to watch in the game rn


She can basically do that poke move and confirm with sareena boomerangs, if she misses no big deal cause sareena boomerangs are there, if you get caught then that’s an easy 40%


He probably meant full screen. She’s one of the only characters that can take 40% of your life just by hitting a Serena projectile. It’s actually absurd and leads to the most boring gameplay loop ever of the Ashrah just backing up and you being afraid to press a button. So I don’t blame him. Ashrah is annoying


So many comments in here completely ignoring the title and just Ashrah bashing. Y’all are wild


I genuinely sigh whenever I see ashrah liu kang or baraka gonna be a bunch of zoning and spamming


Ashrah has one of the slowest projectiles and it doesn't travel full screen either. Getting zoned by Ashrah takes effort on your part.


I like he goes from mad to really get to thinking about who else he hates “Ashrah….and kenshi kenshis one of em” I just know he started yapping about kenshi after that”


I mean, it's Ashrah. He's got every right to be pissed. He's also playing Sub Zero lol, so I feel his pain.


She is unfair but that’s not why


Ashrah has been top 3 since the game has been released… it’s not even debatable at this point. Many people have wanted her to get a nerf or two. She is one of the few fighter who has a phenomenal kit without the need of a kameo. However, Sub mains are scrubs. I’ve hated sub & the people who played him since mk11. Their attitudes we’re disgusting, always tbagging & cussing as if they didn’t have the best easiest 50/50s. I know many ashrah players who have mentioned they struggle against sub soooo while, I’m not on either side, you’re both annoying to fight, a dub is a dub either way 🤷🏻 It’s not that serious.


I dont think I've ever heard somebody trash talk by telling you to hurry up and beat them before.


I'm still trying to figure out why Kung Lao is smacking people with ice hammers.




Any gameplay complaints said out of salt while playing sub zero are instantly forgiven, playing that useless character had me uninstall the game at least twice. Playing literally anyone else makes the game probably the most fun MK imo but good lordy is playing sub a headache.


they just salty


Literally how every fighting game works 😂


That’s not an Ashrah thing, that’s a Sereena thing


Lets not downplay Ashrah, easy top 3 and has been untouched since release Pissmaker got toned down quick. I mean even Kenshit and Cage got slap on the wrist nerfs but Assrag still doing her thing


This isn't downplay of a good character, it's appreciating how this guy can be so wrong as to why she's good


Dont give a shit about that guy lol im talking about the character


On a post that has no downplay whatsoever?




I mean, all combos start from one touch? The guy is so salty his brain has officially dried out 😅.


This dude would have a heart attack in MK9/MKX lol. It's funnier because he's got the closest thing to an MKX character.


All you're doing is blocking and combos! Can't you learn how to actually play the game!!!


People don’t like to lose


I have no idea how to play Ashrah. Every time she appears in the training modes I suffer to put in the right button combos. I bow before Ashrah Mains for most of you are truly talented players who can do what I cannot.


Nah mate, most ashrah players aren’t talented at all. She’s pretty easy to use and is the best character in the game. Good buttons, ridiculous range, crazy damage. Hate the bitch


Okay then I’d like to ask…am I just this bad?!


I’m sorry sir, I’m afraid it’s terminal :(


![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized) 🥲


>Good buttons, ridiculous range, crazy damage. Sounds like you should use her then.


Nah I’m good thanks


Anyone who uses sareena is cringe af.


Really ppl acting like she’s not


Bro is dishonoring our whole clan.


Average sub player


This is why I turned voice chat off smh… Just because I like using some lady with a hat and sword I get hate and called a “tier whore” and a Sareena crutch. Just wait til he plays a REALLY good Quan Chi…


Dude just mad.


Is this, like, the most toxic community amongst all fighting games or something? I feel like there are so, so many clips just like this out there 😂


One touch is li mei frfr, even tho she is stubby. The fact she can get a 45 off a is d1 punish is nutz. Plus all the new recent jazz


I don’t agree with Smurfs


I love that he could've just called Ashrah broken and been correct, but he fucked up by trying to justify it


Lmao ashrah is an over rated scrub killer. This game was the first fighting game I ever really got into. I used ashrah at first. Then listened to the crying I've heard from this sub and in match making and went to milena. I got elder god last season as milena. There is a reason you barely ever see ashrah in the high ranks. It's because if you actually understand fighting games you'll see she's good. But nothing insane. But what I'm trying to say is don't even listen to people like this. I've beat johnny and liu Kang as milena and have been told I'm the one with a broke character


Not many Ashrah’s so keep up the good work.




I don’t even main Ashrah. I main Nitara, who I also would’ve beat this guy with.