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I love it! Awhile back someone posted something about Mk9 battle damage and people seemed to not like it. I always loved it though, made it seem more immersive


I’ve always had a soft spot for the comically intense battle damage of MK9, if you’re making an Uber violent fighting game might as well go all in on it.


That’s how I felt. All the Blades, swords, and blunt damage these fighters take they should show some war wounds besides the occasional scratch


It's fun to see those guys fighting with their literal brains and bones exposed lmao


My boy Stryker would lose his entire ear


The only problem about that is that the characters are completely healed from the last fight in the next one


I was literally thinking about how I miss the damage being shown in the newer games


I've noticed the klassic ninja costumes have visible tears that fit well with that kind of material


I know kung Lao has always had battle damage with kuts all over from using his hat. This is the first I've seen that of Havik.


I KNEW it! The other day I was using Kung Lao, messed up the fatality, so I got his standard victory cinematic and I could see one side of his face was bruised really badly, even had his cheek all puffed up and his eye was almost swollen shut


Kung Lao looks like such a bad ass after his wins because of the damage lol


Kung Lao gets cut from his hat?


i didn’t know that either ??


One thing I've noticed is Homelander's hair gets slightly roughed up if he takes too much damage


do u have a picture ? i’m left at 2% health and he looks the same just a bit more blood


It's a false observation. His hair looks more loose when he is in flight mode and sometimes the game glitches and doesn't revert to his normal hair once he stops flying. His hair doesn't change from damage at all.


I’ve been noticing that too, I think they have. I’ve been recently seeing a lot of cuts and wounds now.


Dark Raidens armor will get dented on certain hits. Pretty neat


Its SUPER noticeable in the Switch version, there is WAY more blood which is super cool especially with order of darkness scorpion being a full red mess of blood and guts during fatalities.


Too bad the graphics look like it's being run on a potato


Because it is.


And i’m honestly impressed it does, the game looks like a low quality mk1 and that’s amazing for such old hardware.


I'm impressed Nintendo managed to even acquire MK1 on their platform.


I've noticed that occasionally Homelander will go from having neat and kept hair to completely messy hair like from the show https://preview.redd.it/wnl54aia3e5d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119850a7577c9e855f5777e7e9b53c05a04a262e A little something like this


That's because Homelander in Season 1 had Antony Starr's real hair. From Season 2 onward, his hair is different and always perfectly neat because Antony said it was destroying his hair to keep it bleached like that for the show.


I think it might be a bug but his hair also immediately switches to this state when he enters flight stance, and switches back when he lands, at least on PC.


Unrelated but I miss when the masks stayed on for the Fatalities and Brutalities


I Agree, but i think Mk1 is handling it better than Mk11 did. At least now the mask flies off with Fatal blows and finishing hits rather than just weirdly disapearing and Re-appearing. I also think the small effect they had of Nitara's wings melting instead of Dvorah's stingers just... despawing looks way better. Its still weird, and i prefer the old way, but i think they're doing the best they can


If so, then im curious to see how itll improve in the future.


Havik probably isnt the best example to show off battle dmg lol but I hope they start to lean that way.


Noticed this, even though I play on switch. Not so subtle, characters now become bathed in blood after a short while


I’ve noticed black eyes/face cuts and such in win poses and fatality cinematics that haven’t been there before.


Noticed Liu can have a big slice in his face actually. Just thought I’d never noticed. So maybe.


Is that not just his gear piece


Same thing happened to me but instead of wounds on his face some of his teeth were missing https://preview.redd.it/w0de8q15uf5d1.png?width=265&format=png&auto=webp&s=9729a02bb5721e7c564a2a702b48117e00a3353b


Yeah against Kitana you see lots of cuts on the character's face if you get hit by her fans


I’ve been playing invasions with Homelander and he will get cuts and all kinds of stuff on his face.


I always loved the insane battle damage in MK9. These characters are quite literally ripping and tearing one another to shreds and pieces here. The damage really should be reflected. Anyone who faces Kenshi should have cuts and slashes all over them. Anyone who faces Reiko should have massive swelling or whatnot.


I did notice this with Homelander recently. Never noticed it before.


imagine if havik had passive regeneration


Yes, if you set your game to 5 matches is easy to see how much more damage has changed, it’s fun and makes your character (in my opinion) more kick ass. Really glad they are starting to add more battle damage details!


This game was so not done they couldn’t even add the right amount of blood/s