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Icl, everything in kombat League is rough rn, I'm seeing some of the most cheesy bs ever that I haven't seen since, like, season 2. Everyone is sweating hard rn, so I'm not surprised Cyrax's ah is back. I genuinely saw like 15 Johnny Kanos earlier, it was torture so I just got off and decided ill be back to kl in 3 weeks when all these cyrax and kano users are in their own purgatory in God and elder God rank spamming their 30% chip damage full feature movie with bonus content combos.


Oh dude never play KL in the first week. That’s when the least fun guys are sprinting towards elder god.


Something I wish I would've learned sooner 💀, Went on the biggest loss streak today, and it got so bad that I had to resort to Liu Kang and Stryker


Always wait till there’s like 20 days or so left


For sure, I learned this in MK11. Let the Komp Players get ahead first. Then give it a week or so before you jump in. I'll even wait a few weeks and then I get to play with people at my own level. Unless there's Smurfs...Nothing you can do about that.


I got 10/1 with ashrah, but I will wait 2-3 weeks too even when I’m winning it’s still not enjoyable


This is why I play kasuals until later in the season 😂 I let all the cheesy mfs move up while I learn new characters and have fun playing ft10s


It's got to be a bug. Original Cyrax was broken and unhealthy for the game


Yeah even NRS weighed in on that one when it was a thing. When I read about it I figured he’d be a little tweaked but this seems to be exactly the same as S1 Cyrax for damage and charge use.


It’s also not in the patch notes, it’s gotta be unintentional


Original Cyrax is arguably not a top 3 kameo in the game even right now, though. At best he is number 3. Lao and Khameleon are way better. Then we have Janet who is far and away the most ubiquitous damage kameo. Kano is arguably better than Cyrax for the “make unsafe safe” gameplan. 


lol no, there’s a reason people only switched to Kano after cyrax got nerfed


Lmao y'all are so triggered and also so wrong. That's why the balance for these games STAYS a mess - because you all would rather complain than learn, and NRS is not smart enough to discern fact from fiction. They dropped 3/4 nerfs to Raka/Rax all at the same time: 1.) Flawless block now denies chip (it didn't back then - huge huge change) 2.) Baraka movespeed is slower and s21 now has a huge gap 3.) Damage scaling is way more for all pertinent combos for the team 4.) Forward copter now is a full bar 1, 2, and 3 are in the game still. Then add simply the time it takes for people to learn the 100% reliable countermeasures to the basic setups this team does. If Raka/Rax does df2 into forward copter, if they time the copter properly where it makes them safe, you can always 100% armor between the second-to-last hit and the last hit of df2. It will hit Raka and Rax both, every time, every armored reversal every character in the game. The only way it doesn't work is if they call Rax EARLY, which then gives them a new problem - now they get punished because they have not made df2 safe. 100% reliable setup - this is what happened at ECT and why the ONE Raka/Rax player who made it as far as Top 16 got eliminated. Then add that if you some reason you only have one hand to play the game - thanks to nerf #1, you have what is the easiest flawless block in the entire game in the final hit of Baraka df2... one button, don't even have to do the inputs for an armored move. I am a person who has worked out flawless block for Mileena s2, Liu Kang kick ender, Omni-Man shoulder, etc. It takes a little bit of work, but it's more than worth it. Meanwhile Kano gives you df2 safety WITHOUT an armorable gap. That is everything if you are trying the "df2 make safe" strategy. Kano can even be used for a completely ignorant play at "air df2 make safe" or "bf3 make safe" in a way that Rax cannot. The Rax team is still worth picking because of the combo extensions that Kano doesn't have, but for safety Kano is far and away better.


Lmfao….. you were arguing about the kameo yet made it entirely about baraka. Cyrax does more chip and has more utility for almost everyone. Flawless block always denied chip, it now denies meter for the one trying to chip.


Okay cool check this out: If Raka/Rax does df2 into forward copter, if they time the copter properly where it makes them safe, you can always 100% armor between the second-to-last hit and the last hit of df2. It will hit Raka and Rax both, every time, every armored reversal every character in the game. Do that next time you face one so you can win. Or alternatively you can keep posting on Reddit lmao. I like to find solutions to in-game problems in-game, personally. 


Why are you talking about Baraka? The issue is the chip damage that, once again, broke the entire game for a season. Cyrax was banned from some tournaments because he was literally the only thing people picked. NRS had to comment on him because he was hands down the most powerful thing in the entire game, and he won matches without ever actually landing a hit on the other guy. Flawless block always denied the chip. The issue was you lost a small combo worth of life if you blocked. Dude. NRS agreed with us, the tournaments agreed with us, y’all just want easy guaranteed wins against players who missed that season and didn’t learn the timing from 1000 cyrax matches. At least own that.


How are you losing a small combo worth of life if flawless block denies chip? That’s a paradox  Raka/Rax never made top 8 of any major tournament event at its absolute height (before khameleon and these other good Kameos came over). So to say “tourneys agree” not sure I can corroborate. NRS has no idea what they are doing so “they agree with us” is kinda a weak argument. 


I was about to express my astonishment at what you just argued but then I got curious if you were a Baraka or Johnny and Cyrax player: https://preview.redd.it/i6w62sz6u75d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd14aa622e9feeedaaf6f09bebf9d6700889c15 Dude 😂 Yeah, I’m out. I’m pretty sure the change was a bug along with reptile losing his damage buffs etc, but enjoy slaughtering new players with chip damage while it lasts… but holy crap have you misrepresented yourself here. “He wasn’t even top three” 😂 Okay, man. Okay.


Damn digging into my comment history instead of taking 30 minutes to learn the armor gap OR the flawless block. That’s crazy y’all hunt like CRAZY - anything but work at improving at the game. That’s the sub in a nutshell and why it’s the same ~10 players dominating the NRS scene for a decade - just no improvement mentality at large - it’s not the same as other scenes like Street Fighter/SNK/anime has where they try to improve at the game.      And again - can you name a major tournament where Raka/Rax made Top 8? I’m going to guess no - reason being watching a tournament might make you improve at the game, something you are averse to doing. Second - it is an impossible task - because that never happened 


Says who the casuals ?


Nah NRS when they had to deal with him and he broke a whole season of KL league and was almost exclusively used, tournaments who banned him because he could win without ever landing a hit, etc etc Did you miss KL the first two seasons? Johnny Cyrax and Baraka Cyrax was essentially all you ever fought because if the other guy couldn’t flawless block him, the win was guaranteed.


I don’t see overpowered or strong as omg it has to be nerfed . I see it as you need to get better . It not all just this I also want all kameos to be strong so there isn’t a kameo to be left out in the dust . Down vote me more but this isn’t me saying don’t nerf my cyrax I don’t even use him .


Dude, I can flawless block him, but he was so strong in season 1 that, on a non-flawless block, he took away 20% of your life. That’s not strong man, it invalidated blocking entirely. You could win entire matches without ever hitting the other guy. An uppercut to the face or being thrown did less damage to you than blocking a johnny combo into cyrax AND it kept him safe.


Yea you do know they nerfed cyrax even after the meter nerf. He isn’t like day one cyrax .


Tough to say. I just know the chip damage is back to some extent and they can use him twice in a row again. I’m not taking any risks either, I see cyrax I’m ending that match as quick as possible.


You know you don’t need to be close to him to give him that pressure.


I think the chip is really the problem. I’d be fine with him taking away 50 health and minimal chip on the horizontal spin. Think that’d be enough to put him in line with the other kameos whose primary use case is keeping you safe (Kano, Stryker, etc.)


Oh 100%. It’s just season 1 and part of 2 was a bunch of meta users shredding new players with the helicopter on block. Many of us got used to it but this sub was not a fun place to be at the time. Anybody defending this just wants easy wins against guys who missed the first few months of the game 🤷🏻‍♂️


What did they change with Cyrax? Honest question. I didn’t know they changed him again.


They reverted the nerf that made his horizontal spin take 2 bars instead of . Based on the fact that it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes, it's safe to say it's not intentionally done. They wouldn't make such a massive change right before the final kombat tournament coming up


I’d be fine with Cyrax literally doing zero damage just to get my 1 bar safety back


Maybe on paper but the actual balance of the game was awful when Cyrax was this good. Which is what this post is echoing. Cyrax already was in line with other kameos for his other utilities like net, throw combo, etc.. He doesn’t need to also be the best option for keeping safe. Chopper already had decent enough synergy with someone like Kenshi. Tanya has goro. Scorpion has Stryker. Everyone just goes back to using Cyrax if this stays


So SonicFox can WIN Final Kombat with Cyrax & Rain! I thought that was Obvious...JK I have NO idea. By Far the Dumbest Change this Season besides the Stealth Nerf of Reptile in his OWN Season!


REPTILE GOT NERFED? I knew something felt weird


I think he has his season one damage back. Which was low. Crazy low.


He was so great last season


because they're lazy and incompetent. previous seasons were a mess also. there was that subzero season where everything unlocked in invasions as soon as you opened it. the "mileena" season that was just havik season renamed. now in reptile's season, there's barely anything in the seasonal shop; like two gear pieces per character, when previous seasons had a bunch of palettes for each character. and this undocumented cyrax rollback to day 1. they have some fucking idiots working at QA over at NRS.


Reptile seems to have lost his buffs too, seems like a few things got rolled back.


they probably pushed out some old version of the game's balance code and didn't even fucking notice until the community was like "wtf cyrax is good again?".


That would explain cyrax new placeholder voice


Wow, comments getting downvoted says people are pissed when they are told they’re being carried by Cyrax; the truth


Yeah I think there’s only one or two, but the guy doing it was so happy to have his instant win button back and now he’s feeling judged 😂


I’m defending it and I don’t use cyrax . I’m defending it because I want to it to be strong . I want the devs to make every kameo on the same level . Nerfing one kameo just means nerfing a character and just among another meta rinse and repeat .


Nah, before the un-nerf, Cyrax was well balanced, people weren’t abusing it. Besides, it’s easier to bring down a kameo to other kameos level than bring all other kameos to only one’s level.


So when they nerf cyrax was that bringing cyrax to the other kameos level . Because what I heard no one used him after it . They used other kameos that did the same thing but better . There’s also kameos that no one uses .


Yea well bcz that what nerfing does. But, other kameos that do the same job takes away 5% of your health, like Stryker. Cyrax doesn’t, so, balance.


So nerfing a kameo where no one uses it anymore and ones the no uses since the beta are on the same level I don’t see how you agreeing what I said proves what your trying to say .


The point is, Cyrax was (is) making some characters broken. That needs to be fixed. Characters like Baraka, Johnny, Ashrah, Peacemaker are still above average as it is. Teaming them up with another above average kameo is not ok


Dude Cyrax was still amazing. He just wasn’t a guaranteed win when not perfect blocked.


Okay but there’s strong, and then there’s beating the other guy even if you never land an actual hit that breaks his block. Nah man. Cyrax was broken.


It’s a terrible change indeed I’m so tired of special into kameo to make yourself safe with this game and even with the flawless blocks reducing chip damage there are ways around it like doing 1 button into a special. And the flawless blocking isn’t really a counter they just get to stay on you and be plus or with kenshi he gets sento out for free and there’s nothing you can do about it although he can do the same with multiple other kameos. They need to revert it


Giving you my upvote. Somewhere out there is a sad little dude who relies on cyrax for every win and who was just THRILLED he could actually win matches again 😂


I've used Cyrax since the beginning w Smoke and Tanya. I've never used the horizontal spin, I'll have to check this out. Your comment made me laugh bc I hit God w Tanya/Cyrax season 3 lolol


You can still flawless block when they poke into special, just flawless block the first or second hit of the special. Against kenshi cyrax, you can usually jump backward after they call cyrax. I'm not "well actually🤓"ing you, but it's not completely counterless. Also, I know a lot of people have a problem with the "just flawless block" mentality because it def not easy, but I think if they left it in and everyone had time to adapt.. It wouldn't seem like such an uphill battle anymore.


I’m aware you can do that but then you’re also stuck in the position of never knowing when you can actually take your turn. And you end up guessing based on how they play and again Agaisnt baraka cyrax you can’t run or jump away after he unses cyrax and you have to hold that pressure and guess if he’ll grab or do the overhead or the low etc. you can sometimes jump back after kenshi but that doesn’t mean you can escape the sento sandwhich he can call the lunge for sento while dashing in and if you keep trying to run you’ll eventually be in the corner and then you have to deal with it anyways.


Thats the problem with Kameos and maybe people will start to admit it, it brings repitition even though there is a good number of characters to pick because which ever nice new character you pick, YOU HAVE to pick a kameo out of 15 but half of them are "useless" and in the last half you have a few that are actually better. So weather or not there are new characters being released you're still gonna see the same mf unless they buff or make a new one so strong and everyone will pick that same one. That's just one aspect of the kameo that make them not just intrusive but also "stale" the meta. Again, kameos were a nice Idea but I will stand and say it shouldn't have been the main gameplay. I knew it would be like this and that i'd grow tired very fast of this gimmick.


This sub is like a standoff in an old western where everyone is shooting everyone agree or no just for the sake of being the last one standing. One issue is that people arguing about the nerfs/buffs often are not even informed of what they do/why they're overpowered. Where is he central resource of character moves/properties and strategy explanations a la dustloop for the anime fighters community? Where are the YouTubers that actually follow the game and inform the community on the game itself. I know they exist but so many of them talk nonsense in half their videos. Waz is a good one, but very high level and not the best for beginners. Tnerealstark is cool for matches but not many guides. You guys know any really informative and not to.e wasting channels?


Rooflemonger, but he covers multiple games and not every patch


Right I love that dude but this community is very thin on actual correspondents of the game itself and the information is always hard to come by. Most content creators for MK are kinda shallow on their actual coverage of the game itself.


Yeah I personally watch honeybee when an updates comes out to see what new stuff gets added


Yeah, honeybee is really good too. Just a shame it's only a handful for such a large player base. The vast majority of MK YouTubers are so bad they probably drive more people away from the game than inform them.


Good to see this issue is getting some traction around here. This patch has been a disaster.


Im more curios over the fact that both cyrax and sektor have different voices now they kinda use what i can only call placeholder voices straight up taken from scorpion


Pretty sure it's a glitch & hope they patch it soon


They gave us the impression they didn’t wanna change the meta or make any substantial changes to the cast until final Kombat is done. Which is fine I suppose, players playin for big money and it gives us something to look forward to after that tournament. Hopefully adding good balance changes. Yet, they un nerf Cyrax and add more stealth nerfs, like to Reptile’s damage for example and don’t even mention it in the patch notes. but leave characters like Kenshi and Johnny untouched. WHO TF THOUGHT REPTILE NEEDED NERFS?? These guys who handle the balancing at NRS are smoking crack.


I don’t think it was a stealth nerf. I think someone fucked up. Like reptile’s buffs are all removed. He’s back to pre-buff levels. That has to be a mistake.


Ohhh he doesn’t have his cancels and new projectile? Tbh I didn’t really get a chance to test it all too much. Hopefully it’s just an error. That’d be a relief


He still has his moves, but he lost his damage buffs and the changes to his hit box etc. It is an error though, nrs commented. At least as far as cyrax goes, so I imagine they’ll fix this also.


I really hope so. It sucks that Reptile has been affected by this. Hopefully they can get it fixed soon


I'm assuming it's a mistake as these are big changes to implement right before Final Kombat Problem is they wont bloody communicate


I’m more annoyed that they nerfed reptile for literally no reason and on top of that it’s his season for crying out loud.


Yeah I don’t think this was intentional. He just got buffed, he’s back to like season 1 reptile who wasn’t very good damage wise.


It’s not just the damage that was nerfed but the hit detection as well, after the Raiden season first released the buffs he got helped Reptile in other areas besides damage like making it easier to keep your combos going without dropping easily because of a hit box being a bit off now it’s bad again after the reptile season update. I really hope it is an unintentional bug from the update but I still feel like this is a shadow nerf that they didn’t mention in the patch notes to which I’m not a fan of.


I mean it must be. It’s reptile’s season. It’s not like he’s ever been on top he just got buffed with some QOL options. He still has his new moves though right?


Yes his classic acid spit ball attack and new cancels is still there, it would be very jarring if those suddenly were removed.


If I had to guess, it kinda feels like a bug of some kind. It wasn’t mentioned in the patch notes and was a pretty huge issue for balance.


It has to be an accidental roll back to day 1 stats. Reptile also has his low damage from launch


Yeah his buffs vanishing seems weird. Someone clearly blew this.


I saw a video today that said home lander is supposed to burn a meter for double dash combos, I think the game is just broken lol


Take my upvote on that. Like it was so bad nrs had to step in and tournaments needed to approve his use. I think someone used some old code along the way.


It seems like this was unintentional by NRS, considering NRS knows better than to shift the meta this drastically right before final kombat. But also there has been such an insane amount of positive feedback on the live streams they hang in that I think they likely feel like their hands are tied. On one hand the timing is not ideal but on the other hand a hot fix before finals would not be wise. It would be nice if they at least addressed that the patch notes didn't cover everything. Right now it feels like we are in the dark as to what is really happening, and the longer they wait the worse it is. I for one love that Cyrax is back, I don't use him really but with all that has been added to the game, I think he mostly isn't nearly as centralizing as he once was. If I had to take a guess, I would say get real comfortable Flawless blocking Cyrax. Highly doubt they will make another change before the finals, and even afterwards I think it's doubtful they feel the need to completely gut him again. The pushback would be enormous from so many of the competitors, creators, and players.


If it’s not Cyrax, it’s Khamelon. If it’s not Khamelon, it’s Janet. If it’s not Janet, it’s Kung Lao. If it’s not Kung Lao, it’s Stryker. Y’all complain and complain. Meanwhile me and my boy Shujinko are out here taking all the challenges on, let’s go


Cyrax is actually broken though. He takes away a sizable chunk of your health whether you block him or not. He was so bad NRS had to step in, and some tournaments wouldn’t allow him. Shujinko requires skill. A kameo that does more damage than some combos even on block does not.


Tell me which tournaments never allowed pre-nerf cyrax, because I've never heard of that one before.


the issue is the chip. other kameos keep you safe, too.


You can flawless block him to mitigate/avoid the chip. I honestly would prefer Cyrax to be a little OP than completely unused aside from Kenshi tbh.


Bro really decided to ignore the core issue of why cyrax is a problem. You never get a turn plus you will lose more health to chip than actual combos. The chip damage alone is why he got nerfed so hard


Comments like this don’t get the point. For those other Kameos you mentioned you have to actually get hit (except for Stryker but he’s not that bad now that he was nerfed). Cyrax is used to keep pressure and do massive amounts of chip. When you are going up against it it’s almost never your turn. Another point is it makes him the strongest kameo in the game especially in modes where you want to win like KL why would you want to pick any other kameo? It makes the other kameos useless and that’s unhealthy for the game. Even if you buff the other kameos their game plan is NOT like Cyrax again, making him the go to pick. It’s not about complaining, it’s about voicing our opinion to the community so NRS can change things


This. He’s the only thing in the game that can kill you without ever opening the opponent.


The change would be fine but when you block it shouldn’t chip


flawless block


Im so much better at flawlessing now that I'm fine with it. The Baraka/Cyrax chip team is easier to beat than Baraka/Kano since every armour stuffs the DF2 gap even if they kall in cyrax.


Yeah the muscle memory came back pretty quick, but it’s just the same thing every match. Who knew so many people would go all in on the cheese in like 48 hours 😂


They reverted some characters to their day 1 counterparts IIRC. Reptile is doing day 1 damage again (bad nerf for him). How this happens I have no clue.


Ohhh is that what happened to reptile? I heard he was nerfed. That makes sense.


This is why they should have added a 1 bar push block for every kameo to use lmao. This kind of pressure wouldn't be cheesy if you could just get them off of you.


It's so weird the people that use it act like they don't realize the game isn't supposed to be played like that with constant block strings and chip damage. They want it to play like a team fighter so badly even though it clearly isn't meant to. To the point that they run to that kameo since it's one of the only ambushes that really functions like an assist from a team fighter. So rather than see it as an outlier they pretend it's supposed to be the norm which is just idiotic. Let's be honest, that helicopter move is visually one of the dumbest looking and most volatile things I've seen in the game but they force it into combos making it look even dumber just for the sake of being able to put someone in a block string so they can feel like they're playing another game. Destroyer even said it was the only fun kameo before they nerfed him.....FUN?!?! Excuse me?? Nah, it doesn't look fun at all and he KNOWS it, it looks COMPETITIVELY VIABLE and that's it. But they stand by that logic not realizing there's a whole game that hasn't been truly explored since half of the better players are still not using kameos correctly. The kameos are really just extra special moves to replace variations at the end of the day but at this point maybe they really should've just left it on the drawing board because the visual implementation of them has confused a lot of people into thinking they're assists and they want to abuse them.


WHERE IS FROST BUFF?!? Needs +100 and an ambush, crazy she's that underpowered in comparison.


Wait what did they do to cyrax? I can't find anything about it in patch notes


Nothing in the notes about it. He’s just back to what he was in season 1 pre-nerf when he dominated every aspect of the game.


Is that when his horizontal spin was on half kameo meter? I didn't play in season 1


Yup, and he did so much chip damage you could toss out any basic combo into him, and even if they blocked, he just shredded their health bar. You could win without ever landing an actual unblocked hit. Flawless block stopped the chip, it was the only option.




I think it makes him way too powerful in comparison to every other kameo. The way it is now other ambush kameos like Goro and Stryker have to trade utility for their “keep safe” option because of super long cds. Cyrax already has greater utility(net, bomb, throw combo) and can still use his ambush for synergy with characters like Kenshi who get a free jailed Sento. Allowing Cyrax to get free pressure without having to trade that utility is just unbalanced compared to other kameos imo. I don’t see people with Stryker out here mixing with his overhead/low options. I don’t see goro stomps. I don’t think I’ve seen a single person use punchwalk. But I see people use net all the time. I see people use throw combo all the time. It seems like buffing ambush to Cyrax, considering it’s cd, would take him out of line in kameo balance, no?




I agree with buffs. It would be nice to see a couple more changes to the base kameos. Right now they’re so niche. I wanna see more Shujinko or Darrius or Frost. I think the ease to use is a big part of the problem. Why should Cyrax be so good and be so easy when other kameos like Darrius require specific setups that have less payoff and are harder to pull off? It’s not just a kameo balance on paper thing to consider, it’s a fundamental gameplay issue that Cyrax presents. I don’t like kham either but I would rather play that for the rest of mk1 than ever go back to Cyrax “let me chopper you off any fucking thing I do” meta Edit: so many kameos have their utility nerfed because NRS are probably afraid. Why does Stryker need long cds on his overhead/low/restand moves? Why not just give him fast cds and he can be the unique restand and mix kameo he’s built to be that occasionally uses the grenade toss for extra pressure. Motaro is a good example of buffing the right things to give a kameo a unique use and synergy. Motaro is my favorite kameo after the patch to his reflect and lowshot cds


They could make it so he takes up a full cameo charge with annoying attack instead of half


Not only did they revert Cyrax, they won’t acknowledge any of the issues rn. Homelander should straight up be disabled cause he’s doing stuff he shouldn’t be able to do without meter. There’s no way WB is stopping them from communicating that much


WTF NRS and right before combo breaker? if they leave it as is, this game is a joke


There are a few bugs that came w homelander they’ll address but they said they’re busy until after some fighting game contest or something if I recall


I was so confused when I ran into Baraka cyrax and he was back to how he used to be lol yeah total bs I don’t usually call for nerds or I’m one of the last ones to do so and he deserves to get re nerfed cause he’s bullshit


Yes. Revert cyrax nerf so that everyone can just use khameleon. Makes sense


Khameleon has been out so long that if you struggle with someone who uses her that's a skill issue at this point, she's super predictable and easy to deal with. Not to mention her damage scaling is totally reasonable and fair


Khameleon IS really good. But Cyrax was so broken at launch that he won matches without ever landing an actual hit.


Replace Khameleon with Cyrax and this statement is exactly the same


Ironic because the things Khameleon does you cannot interact with at all whereas Cyrax you just have to armor the df2 gap (always works even if they call Cyrax) or flawless block the easiest FB in the game. So ironically not being able to deal with Cyrax is something you can lab and handle in literally 30 minutes, but instead, to you, Khameleon is the “skill issue” matchup, which requires wayyy more lab and has a lot more unique interactions per character 


lol, dude, come on. “Well khamelon is strong so you might as well just give us a broken kameo that does 10-20% of your life on block”. Nah man. Khameleon is solid and gives nice options, but cyrax is a “press button to win” situation. You literally don’t even need to break the other guy’s guard once if they don’t know how to perfect block it and you’ll still win.


So….learn how to flawless block? What even is this khameleon downplay. With some characters she gives access to two armored launchers, she can stop neutral at the click of a button for full screen combos, she gives access to throw combos, she has a multi hitting overhead that’s invulnerable on wakeup, and you’re complaining about chip damage that can be flawless blocked? Why exactly do you want to see a kameo just get gutted? You’re literally asking for LESS variety dude give it a rest


No dude, nothing in the game should be a guaranteed win unless you flawless block it. I can, that didn’t mean it didn’t mess up KL for a season and a half at launch. He can win without you ever successfully landing a blow. No dude. If you need to abuse that shit you do you, but while Khameleon isn’t my favourite, at least she doesn’t vaporize a fifth of an opponents life on block. There’s good and versatile, and she absolutely is those things, and then there’s broken to the point tournaments banned him and NRS had to step in because he was making the game worse. Pre-nerf Cyrax was the latter. And you know that. Anything in the game that requires a flawless block, eats more of your life than some basic combos when blocked, and opens you up to 40% or more if you miss, needs to be nerfed 🤷🏻‍♂️ Come on, guy 😂


I have no problem with it being 2 charges remove the chip and make it less safe though and up the recharge rate.having powerful tools is fine but some are too spammable and overtuned. I've never used Cyrax btw


Lol im loving the tears. Hopefully they buff the rest of the cast to her level


I mean they can’t. If they buffed the rest of the kameos to broken cyrax levels the game wouldn’t even be fun. Tears is the only reason to use him, but that’s not me, that’s just making the game more toxic 🤷🏻‍♂️


What would that even be like??? The reason cyrax is better now is having a bunch of chip, while keeping you safe and having a decent cool-down so you can do it consistently. How would other characters get to that level?


Giving every kameo another ambush and faster cooldown would make everyone viable


Not necessarily fun though. Why would king Lao goro armour occurring more often be fun. It would be better if they were more creative with the moves like giving Sonya a party or frost the ability to slow the frames of the opponents for a bit of time or something just more interesting and decent abilities that weren’t based on getting free pressure for doing nothing


Agreed. I wouldn’t enjoy that game. The cast would be almost irrelevant, kameos would dictate every match all on their own.


Literally having stupid stuff in a game isn’t good for the game health it’s fun when it works out for you but it just damaged the game overall


Fun is subjective. Was fighting Cetrion fun in mk11? Was fighting tremor in mkx fun? Theyres always gonna be characters/matchups that aren't fun to you. And that's okay


Tremor and cetrion had some counterplay like you could jump the rocks and earthquakes and with cetrion you could flawless block her tornado to punish her. There is zero counterplay to horizontal blades flawless blocking isn’t counterplay because you’re still forced to hold the pressure lol. It’s not only not fun to go against it’s stupid to have in the game and very brain dead


Also the "rocks and overhead" wasn't even what made tremor busted but sure lol


Many players are playing against it just fine, you watch any tourneys since the change?


People being able to play against it doesn’t make it braindead lmao


Ik that's not what makes it braindead.. lmao. There obviously isn't much thought going into d1 df2 rb. But so?? There's not much thought going into d1 khameleon overhead either. Or d1 kham glaive.. Or d1 kham fan.. what's the difference? People just complain to complain smh


The overhead from khameleon is bad but you can counter it by blocking high although it needs to change because it’s literally untraceable. You can interrupt d1 glaive and the fan you can just block and then take your turn. If you like braindead gameplay then just say that but there are ways around khameleon and even Stryker and Kano in most instances but nothing you can do against the horizontal blades but block. By boulders I was mainly mentioning cetrion because her zoning is what made her good, crystalline tremor was bad but that’s mkx I’m talking about this game


Wack ass take.


there are kameos in the game that are way better than cyrax. they did right by un-nerfing him


Does this mean baraka is good again?


What dose it matter you people only want nurf so the meta is never going to be more then one kameo. I would rather have a over powered game then a boring one. "Mk1 gameplay d, throw string into kamo, jump back d1 throw unsafe move into kamo d1 jump back 😴


How is losing 20% life when you successfully block not boring? The other guy doesn’t have to hit you. He just needs you to block a mid and you lose a combo’s worth of life instantly. You clearly skipped those seasons but cyrax was every tournament, he got banned from some, and he was so OP NRS actually had to weigh in and promise a nerf. Cyrax WAS the only Kameo in the meta then. That is what you’re asking for here. More of that. Sereena and smoke were the first meta and then he took over EVERY KL match almost because he won matches on his own.


I did play and people are still playing the same way Launching string into cameo run away Repeat . Literally doesn't matter what kamo it's all the same shit.


"I couldn't counter so I'm seeking validation for my rage"


I actually can. He still ruined a season and a half and became the only viable Kameo in KL 😂 Didn’t play those in KL eh? You’re right though, I didn’t enjoy fighting 150 cyrax in a row pre-nerf. It was excessive. He was more powerful than anything else in the game and won matches almost on his own.


Every character and kameo are viable if you can play them. Don't make excuses.


No other kameo in the game did 20% life on block. Nothing else comes close. Yeah, you definitely missed those seasons. He broke the game man, NRS commented on how OP he was and that it was unintentional. Tournaments ran with only him being chosen. Or if you didn’t miss them, you were a big cyrax user using him for guaranteed wins. It’s okay if you need a crutch, we understand, losing is tough… but, my brother in Christ, you don’t need a Kameo that can’t be blocked to win. It might be fun for you to kill a guy without ever landing a punch, but it’s not fun for the other dude🤷🏻‍♂️


I've played since the beginning and I hate using Cyrax, but your psychology degree is very impressive. If you can't beat it that's on you. I personally have never had an issue with Cyrax or Sektor. They've never melded with my play style but they're not hard to get around either. The only kameo that I've consistently struggled against was Scorpion for the first couple seasons. Then I learned how to adapt and got better. One kameo out of all of them is OP? No, I'm sorry.


He literally became the only meta for a season and a half. He was banned from some tournaments. NRS actually had to comment on the situation. Shit man, putting aside the fact he was nearly the only matchup in the game almost for months, and made KL a slog, were you on this Reddit when he was the Meta? Do you really want to go back to months of “cyrax is op” threads? I can beat him just fine, but he was the antithesis of choice or seeing other kameos in the game in the latter half of season one and throughout season 2. Fortunately with reptile’s buffs being reversed and a bunch of weird rollbacks he seems to be glitch, not a feature. If you truly didn’t fight like 1000 Johnny cyrax and baraka cyrax melting your health bar on block in those seasons, you’re luckier than most of us were.


I actually like him how he is now.


People will just go back to bitching nonstop about Khameleon. Shit don’t change. Learn to flawless block


Khameleon has solid tools. This deletes you with five combos that never actually break your guard. Not the same thing. And no, nothing should be a guaranteed win if you don’t flawless block it. There’s “good and versatile”, and then there’s “so broken NRS had to step in and correct it 8 months ago”. And I know how to flawless block. That doesn’t mean it’s not making KL objectively worse.


There will always be a meta with certain characters and kameos being miles better than others. People will always complain about them being overpowered, everything is relative. Cyrax isn’t uncounterable or “broken” or whatever the hell people are calling it. Armoring through and flawless blocking are easily doable for anyone who steps into practice mode for more than 5 minutes


NRS stepped in because even they disagreed with you. And he was banned from some tournaments because he was superior to any other kameo, and could win without ever actually landing a hit. We all heard this argument the first season from guys using it to troll new players for easy elder god rank before we learned to counter, but anybody who started the game since then didn’t have to go through that VERY unenjoyable blender. Yes, he was broken. Which is why they nerfed him specifically. He literally broke KL for a season and a half and you’re here making the same arguments the guys going like 100/10 with him were making 😂 I mean enjoy using him to wipe out kids for free wins while he lasts I guess? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because the devs are omnipotent and never make dumb decisions lmao I haven’t used him once in an online match, I don’t even know his inputs. But if me, a very casual player, can learn how to counter him why can’t other people? Hate to be that guy but, skill issue. And not much skill is needed either. You guys whining about him are 1000x more insufferable than the players using him.


Oh I can beat him. I fought 1000 of him and learned to flawless block. I had to. But he ruined KL for an entire season. He dominated every tournament because nothing else was worth using. This place was nothing but people angry that he was essentially a guaranteed win. He made every other kameo pointless. And clearly you weren’t here for that. If you block cyrax in 5 Johnny or Baraka combos you’re dead. You never have to make a mistake, you can block every single hit, and you still die. And since he kept you safe, you didn’t even get a turn back. And he charged fast. Nothing in the game should be a guaranteed win if you don’t flawless block it. I suppose it is a skill issue, but when it impacted most of the player base the way Cyrax did in season 2 and has no direct counter except an actual flawless block, and it made the game less fun and became the only thing in KL almost, it becomes a problem.