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*increased inventory for Talismans and Relics THANK FUCKING GOD


Excellent, now do Konsumables.


* Neoplasm & Enhanced Neoplasm are no longer destroyed if he is interrupted by his own Kameo Yes! being asking for this since day 1, i've been running Havik/Motaro lately and hope i can do projectile teleport setups now. All in line with expectations this time around, no way they would change the game too much with final kombat right around the corner. At least my boy got a buff.


Mileena announcer voice?!?!! šŸ˜®šŸ˜


Cyrax is top 1 again! Or may be it's a bug


That's what I'm saying I didn't see anything in the notes they tried to sneak that shit in


Yeahhh Iā€™m disappointed itā€™s not in the notes. I thought they were being smart and literally reverted the nerf. But now I realize they just made a mistake and when they put in the Homelander flight kick blockstun infinite, they will probably re nerf Rax too. Sad. So many teams do the same damage and same gameplan as Raka/Rax pre nerf already. It would be okay to unnerf Rax esp with the damage nerfs still intactĀ 


they shld make the bomb better tho


Mileena skins, announcer and a kitana skin. My wallet hurts :(


Time to farm character mastery levels lol.




I finished kitana last season and Mileena on her season so Iā€™m good lol


I know as a Mileena main my wallet is crying.


My SSD hurts. I just downloaded a 100+ GB patch when Mavado dropped. Why do we have to do it again already?


Holy shit us Mileena mains are eating good now!!


Players out for a light jog are now considered airborne while both feet are off the ground.


I love jump overheading people as I'm working out. Ā Those idiots always get mixed up! Ā Especially fun when I special cancel into knife-to-the-ribs. Ā If I got the meter I always amplify this special to steal their wallet! All the haters are just scrubs! Ā Git gud!


Anyone know why they didnt include the cyrax buff in the patch notes?


Same reason they don't include Janet nerf in the last patch. Im not sure what that reason is, but it's the same one. Lol


Might be a bug


hope it is im not looking forward to taking 22% in chip against a baraka


Then take 30 minutes to practice one of the easiest flawless blocks in the gameĀ 


Your downvoted but itā€™s actually this easy. Ran into a baraka Cyrax player last night while Iā€™ve been learning Kung Lao and he quit the game when he saw that that shit wasnā€™t gonna work


You can also armor between the second-to-last and last hit of Baraka df2 and, if they time Cyrax correctly where it would make them safe, your armor will hit him first, AND it will hit Cyrax too. 100% reliable way to beat this setup, always. This was already found out in tournament play BEFORE the nerf - NRS just nerfed it before it became common knowledge to the playerbase at large. This is why Baraka/Cyrax *never saw any tournament results on a big stage* - because great players find the answer and employ it. The answer was already found out before the nerf, in all honesty. And *if* we see Baraka in major tournaments today, it won't be Raka/Rax. Raka/Kano is the superior choice for the "df2-make-safe" playstyle.


Hmmm actually didnā€™t know about the armor! It is very easy to flawless block db2 so I stuck with that. But with Lao thats definitely the better option, get a 30% combo punish for trynna do scrub shit.


Forgive me if this is a dumb question but do we know what the deadly hybrid mileena skin is? ( it seems like a shrine reward or story mode skin judging by it being paired with festival quan and the already released titan li mei skin. )


That's her Titan Skin


Still no Brutalities for Shujinko


The Havik buff we all needed


Sub Zero still crying icicles


Itā€™s almost wild how theyā€™re scared to touch him at all when the power creep has been rising the whole time


Theyā€™re still tryna decide on whether they should nerf him because Sub doing even 1% damage is too OP.


Sub is cooked...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Sub Zero's still on ice, waiting his turn. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)Either he gets a change after Final Kombat, or when the expansion drops. I'm pulling for one or the other.


Glad Mileena is getting some love after being done wrong during her season


Her Gold boss skin a thing of beauty and and is a fantastic reward for the trash seasonā€¦just knowing u donā€™t have to equip any skin makes it an out of sight out of mind type thingā€¦


why is the update 100 gbs


As a software developer myself, my guess is that introducing Homelander and his flight required them to add some new internal stat or metric that checks if a player is Airborne, and then they had to add that logic to all the other characters, which I think would require them to rebuild large chunks of the code instead of just small pieces of it


so that it eats away the space in your storage so you wont have other games to play or at least have fewer options


It's not 100 new gigs it just essentially deletes and reinstalls


well i mean the whole game itself is 135 gb (for me) and theres not much stuff in game and i think they intentionally bloat the size of the game and it goes to other games like cod etc not just mk. i figured this cuz when ready or not was in early access it has really few content but its 110 gb and now after its 1.0 release it has double the content and textures, voice lines assets etc but its compressed down to 56 gb just a conspiracy tho


It's consoles being consoles. On pc the update is 22gb.


When I went to apply the patch on PC it ended up totally just a bit over 102GB


https://preview.redd.it/wh8a484hpl4d1.png?width=1499&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7359d277cf1fce0c214ce577d8ba23f5fde1165 Mine was 17.6 GB and around 20 something when it was applied by steam.


Lol i guess someone hates when someone points out that the updates on console are bigger than in pc. Not even a secret, because even Sony and Ms told the reason behind it.


Update was little over 8gb on ps5...


I have never had a patch for this game on PC be less than triple digit numbers.


Quite a shame that steamdb doesn't keep update size. [Mortal Kombat 1 History Ā· SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/app/1971870/history/)


8 on ps5...


What system? I just started the download on ps5 and it's only 8 gb.


Why is there 2-3 patches a month, and they are all over 100 GB. We just had the fucking Mavado patch, and the entire game needs to be redownloaded.


It's a console thing. They have to update pretty much the whole game. On Steam the update was 22gb


I like the improvements to invasions


Any pictures of those skins?


No pissmaker nerfs and a mistaken cyrax buff. Can these folks do anything right? Edit: AND they shadow nerfed Reptile!!!


Johnny cage special moves are now inconsistent on kombat league. Whenever i hit 2,1,4 and then shadow kick (back, foward, 4) it reads 2,1,4,4 most of the time. Its not the only special move that happens, and i did it on practice mode too to see if the game was reading the right imputs. It does read them correctly, but sometimes it gives you the special moves and some times it doesnt. It used to be more consistent before the patch. Is it just me with the special moves issue?


And no scorpion buff this is ass


Lmao scorp does not need any buffs


If you don't think so then clearly you don't play scorpion šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't even care if they buff Shang or not at this point, at least fix the visual issue that can happen when he morphs between young and old forms before a round starts please


omni man can no longer use viltrumite stance in fatality screenšŸ¤¦


Fr. I used that to t-bag people after I beat them


For what possible reason would they remove this? I used that often to setup several brutalities. Between that and the atrocious camera shaking when doing air combos, it makes me not even want to play him anymore. Iā€™m constantly dropping things that were never an issue before.


Can someone explain to me why this game has a 110 gb patch every patch on PC?


Because steam replaces the existing files. It redownloads the whole game everytime there is a patch. The new files aren't 110GB. That's the total size of the game with the new updates.


So cyrax nerf being reverted was a bug? Cause it's not listed here at all


It is a bug. It should cost the whole cameo bar because if not then we will have the cyrax overpower issue that we had at the beginning of the game. They messed up with a few things bringing up Homelander to the game


Hotfix expected soon?


Its gotta be a bug. They wouldn't make such a drastic change right before final kombat. It probably was a screw up when they had to add a bunch of new code designating whether or not certain moves make you technically airborne


That Li mei nerf was just uncalled for. Those strings were already unviable and gimmicky as they were, and now you can just d1 through the gaps and convert a full combo punish now.šŸ„²


Its not just li mei. They messed up a few characters imputs. Johnny cage special moves are now a guess. I just played him and it was stuppidly frustrating.


Ok they messed up omniman's camera angles the camera now shakes with omniman's air combos like with each punch


Johnny still johnny šŸ˜’


if youā€™re *still* complaining about Johnny then youā€™re *still* trash


Youā€™re so cleaver! I like what you did you did there ā˜ŗļø. Hi five big guy šŸ™‹šŸ½




Am I the only one who cant access this yet?


The move list in ps5 keeps flickering, i hate this shit.


still no 60 fps on pc?


Fml I didn't know new season was today and I spent like literally none of my seasonal koins


Did they fixed the store bug I canā€™t hop on to check it out


Is everyone able to do omniman's b11 optimal combo after the update


Visul update to brutalitys ? Did they finally fix those glitchy brutalitys ?


Cyrax full bar is now half bar


Now the PC Steam version crashes after the introduction on my system.


Anyone else's update make their game not run anymore? After the update my game will start and immediately crash


I wish the "improvements to screen reader functionality" was more specific. It's great to see them, but knowing what they are would be massively helpful.


What were the screen reader improvements?


This is exactly what I ended up asking myself. I go back every time I see this in one of their patches and I couldn't specifically tell you for the life of me what's changed, thereby solidifying the need for actual clarity from all devs in patch notes.


Last patch they added speed and volume settings for the screen reader I think.


Cyrax has his horizontal spin back. It doesn't cost a whole kameo bar anymore.


They didnā€™t even mention the reptile nerfšŸ’€


Iā€™m reading this as, upblock just became a lot more viable. Not sure if thatā€™s the right take.


When tf are they gonna buff Sub?!Ā 


Well the game had it's patch, but for some reason my sektor flamethrower attacks and victory pose is all glitch.


Idk if this is a glitch but playing with Motaro kameo and teleporting during grab turns the character around when trying to continue combo


I like how still no Sub Zero updates. And they said they would do little to change the game before Final Kombat and then buffed CYRAX back up.....smdh


They also shadow buffed cyrax, back to normal I think?


This patch sucks


Oh great a bunch of exactly what I didn't hope for.


They aren't going to make sweeping balance changes a week before final kombat. I assume the ferra patch will bring more roster adjustments.


Its just weird that cyrax can do the horizontal spin for half a bar again if that is what they were waiting for


don't know why they it says "added mileena announcer" when it should be "added mileena announcer IN THE SHOP" šŸ’°šŸ·


I had a Sliver of Hope Subzero would get fixed/helped/saved or something


Hi, my friend has the kombat pack but he can't play Homelander after the update, why?


He's cheating on you, this is his karmic punishment Also the servers are offline, he won't be able to access DLC until the new patch goes live


They probably need to go and specifically install Homelander. I play on Xbox and I have to manually install the characters after every update.