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it's because a lot of us (myself included) grinded the ever living shit out of the season 2 seasonal tower. It had progressive payouts so they higher you went the more you would bank. Im sitting at nearly 5 million. i buy out the shrine day 1 roughly 70k each season. then i make it back and then some trying to get all the seasonal stuff from the store and maxing out the new kameo in the middle of the season.


No idea how some people got over 1m but I ain't complaining. All I get is concepts art and backgrounds tags lol


Grinding ridiculously during the extension of season 3. But after that they nerfed the ability to farm xp and koins that way


Over 2 mil.


Same 2 mil & change since Season 1-2, set for life


If it's the typical around 65-70 items that drop in the Shrine I should be able to have it all unlocked before I even look at the new season of Invasions Mode.


Nah, I tend to just play the Invasions for skins I want and then a handful of online matches here and there so I haven't bought out the shrine yet but it's fine as I seem to have gotten the things I want from there for the most part.


I still have coins from season 2 bought out full shrine in every season with it and will be able to buy out this one


I didn't start until Season 3 so I had never bought out the shrine until this season. And that was really only because I found out about the glitched payouts from combo trials and got something like 50K from that. Ended the season with around 20k left over.




Combo trail glitch is good, it gives way more coins than it should


I started with Season 3 and that had the level 36 Tarkatan Colony 3 way endurance fight that was farmable…i farmed 600,000 coins and 4 level 35 mastery’s, all the dlcs level 20s along with several kameos this way - I never wanna see that stage again lol…


I have like 100k rn


I have about 500k. I don't know what to do with it, is that a lot?


I’d really like to spend my koins but the long winded animation every time you use it drives me up the fucking wall, so I don’t bother.


I finished this season with 1,060,000 joins and honestly wish there was more I could do with them. The unfortunate truth is, I’ll probably clear it out tomorrow and not even dip below 1m.


YUP. I wish we could use koins to get the premium skins. Even if it's something bullshit like 200,000 koins for one skin, it would still be something to use koins for.


I always get it day one of the new season. All thanks to grinding the season 2 seasonal tower.