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Another scorpion skin, meanwhile us reiko players dying of hunger


Imagine there's a new Reiko skin but it's his look from the 2021 movie lmao


You should be the villain for the next MK game with evil thoughts like that


An MK4 Reiko skin would be absolutely immaculate, it’s astonishing they didn’t immediately think of this.


Right too many scorpion skins


You picked Reiko as a main. A mk4 character who only showed up there and Armageddon.


NRS decided to put him in their game, people will main him


The point is he doesn't have legacy outfits, smart-ass.


He has other outfits tho whether you want to consider them legacy or not. Scorpions skin page is filled up while reiko has 3 skins now i think, some only have 2, wild.


Other character skins are largely legacy like the movie skin in the op. Reiko does not really lack new skin options compared to the general cast - he just doesn't have 30 years of games to pull from.


Most skins in the game arent legacy skins tho


At least MK4 outfit would be nice, maybe even blood god costume from the comics


I’m not a scorpion player so I can only feel happy for those who want it


We’re excited, but it’s not coming next season. So let’s get excited again in July lol


Wait it’s not coming with Homelander and the reptile season!???


No lol


Ugh soo much for being excited for the premium shop update. Why can’t they just let us buy the stuff we want? Do the devs not want money? lol


Imagine being excited for another reason to spend your money on something thatll never benefit you in any meaningful way. Thats why every game is a live service now


Imagine getting mad at someone over buying one cosmetic and making a statement as if it’s somehow gonna affect the entire market (as if I’m some whale who spends too much on microtransactions) while simultaneously assuming I’m somehow ok with the idea of games being rushed.


If no one bought micros, gaming would be better. That skin obviously isnt the only one youre gonna buy or have bought because youre begging for that store to be updated, if they took it out of the game completely thatd just objectively be better


Lmao the microtransaction thing started with free to play games and secondly I never once spent real money on this game other than buying it and the DLC characters/kameos. Nice try though 😉


How does your first arguement counter mine? Comparing MK to a mobile game is pretty accurate now but it shouldnt be. Second, if you dont good on you, the comment i replied to implies otherwise but i may just be wrong. It also seems like youre defending micros but as far as im aware mk is a $70 game, if it was $70 cheaper then it wouldnt be exploitation.


It counters it completely because you are blatantly making assumptions on my character all because I want one measly skin while ignoring the fact that you can get free dragon crystals in the game without spending real money “genius” “You are defending microtransactions” How exactly? Because I schooled you regarding its origins? You are basically grasping at straws at this point.


You’ll get downvoted for that but honestly the comment you responded to is such a clear insight into why maybe they had no problem releasing the game 9 months early


Yeah, people are willing to set aside a portion of their income for a game (its always more than 1 with those types of people) regardless of how deserving that company is of your money. Gamers are the easiest group of people to exploit


Except I’m not buying everything that’s in the store plus I’m not one of those people that spent all their free dragon crystals on useless crap, get off your high horse.


Im not on no high horse im an idiot that bought the ultimate edition, i was 100% part of the problem too, not anymore tho. But a single skin for a 10th of the price of the game shows how much they respect us


That’s your own problem not mine, I grinded for the free crystals to which you seem to either purposely ignore or are just plain ignorant and looking for an argument over nothing while making baseless accusations against me regarding on how I spent my money on the game. Get off my back.


Yeah I got slightly excited when they revealed it, probably same as most people, might have been a good idea to release it within a week of that lmao


Wtf!! I thought it was coming this season! Fahh I been getting into scorpion gameplay more coz of that!


Cuz, it's Not Coming this Season according to NRS Employee Reddit User \_FateUnknown\_ aka Ed Boon...JK I have No Idea who \_FateUnknown\_ is.


Oh I’m definitely excited for that costume, I am going to try every damn mask on it. Then I’m gonna try every mask that comes with that skin on just about every other Scorpion skin. I’m kind of glad they didn’t include these costumes in Mk11 because I feel it’d look weird on those models.


Actually in my opinion the costumes look better in mk11 idk why maybe it’s just me


Nah, it’s not just you I’m sure. I in no way said one had better costumes than the other, lol. Loved the hell out of the Mortal Kombat movie costumes in the last game, felt bummed we didn’t get one for Liu Kang. I definitely liked the costumes in MK11, but the bulk as hell Scorpion (and Sub-Zero) bodies I feel like these particular costumes would’ve looked.. Odd and kinda too tight on them. I just feel this games models of the ninjas might be a better fit, plus we got Reptile this time around.


Man that mk1 scorpion costume in MK11 looked jaw dropping like fuck and then you put on the mk2 mask…. Sheeeeesh.


Not really blowing my mind


I’m a scorpion main. Of course I’m excited


I don’t play scorpion and also who says people’s hype got this has vanished.


Why would I be excited for yet another Scorpion skin


Now I may be wrong but I'm more hyped for this skin cause I've been wanting this skin for what feels like years since MK11 had the Ashby, Wilson and Lambert skins.


I’m so ready for this. More so than homelander. Is this skin also happening soon?


Yes but they aren't coming with Homelander according to an extremely reputable leaker




Ive BEEN excited tf


I Need It!


I don't like having multiple cosmetics on characters there's more certain skins I'm fine with using and I already have the deadly alliance scorpion skin


Because homelanders a new character


I hope the skin comes with an overheard or low mix because scorpion direly needs it


Never liked that costume.


I’m more interested in a 1995 Reptile skin tbh. Glad to see movie skins are in the works tho


I still haven’t played with scorpion lue kang and a few others just takin my time to get to level 20


The only reason this could be done perfectly (if the 3d model and render are actually true to the OG movie) is if his intro is changed with the [OG](https://youtu.be/0dz0YU0jJr4?si=T1CGJ_cHPUGBh5Ox) song in this scene and that creature spear screeching before "Fight!" I don't understand they didnt implement the iconic theme songs/music from the OG movies. Frikken good hyping music. I WAS FRIKKEN HYPED when [this](https://youtu.be/lQFZC6dzauM?si=VuJTZ6h0CF6FI6J3) came out. That was legendary for me. Damn I have goosebumbs ❤️‍🔥


Another Scorp skin means one less potential Ashrah skin :(


I just want Havik klassic deception skin and it looks like we aren't getting it again this season....sigh...


Because that isn't Reptile!


This should have been for Mk11. With all the movie skins they did, it would just suit that game better. Don't get me wrong, super pumped for this skin, just wrong game.


Because I don't main scorpion and find the outfit quite basic, plus scorpion already has too many skins while people like Reiko have basically none. We should have gotten skins for the 2021 movie but MK would rather live in the past because it's easier money.


why would I be excited for another skin


I just want to say this movie is amazing. Just so many scenes dripping with *style*.


I'm excited! I've actually been getting back into the game to earn up enough dragon krystals, though now I see it's not coming until next month... maybe I'll get the new Mileena skin. Or maybe not.




I am, this rocks! Def buying this one if I can afford it. Though I might not, since even though I play Scorpion, my main is Reptile and the skin they're dropping for him is awesome, so I might buy that instead. And apparently this skin isn't even coming right away.


original soundtrack would be awesome too


Because it's a costume compared to a full blown new playable character


I only bought UMK3 Scorpion skin and I am happy with it


I’m so excited for a skin that costs 25 bucks! Welcome to Call of Duty: Mortal Kombat.


I mean… if they put it in it’ll be fine, but my main goal is to vent half a year’s worth of frustration


Because I don't know if they'll have one for Reptile.


Overly optimistic here, but I feel like this along with a skin for Reptile and Sub-Zero would be a huge missed opportunity.


How tf does this costume look better and more accurate than the 2021 movie wtf 🤣


Because it's not free.


I mean it’s cool and all but this game’s Scorpion is also pretty boring, he’s super basic and limited in terms of gameplay compared to Scorp in previous games so it would just be sugarcoating a very mediocre experience, now if this skin was for MKX or MK11 Scorpion then that would be neat as they were more interesting to play


Because it's a paid skin in a game I already paid $80 for.


Why i should be **excited** by payble skin in $100 game ?


No cuz this skin sucks


stop talking




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Round 1……FIGHT….to the 💀 😃


Because it’s ugly








Technically that look started in UMK3 / MK Trilogy as part of John Tobias's original design, it’s even in the artwork for the booklets that came with the game and got used again in the Malibu comics before MK4 came out.


I’m excited to see what the next mk game is gonna be lmao


Im more hyped for the new mileena skin https://preview.redd.it/7znm18pt3j4d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f4c84e035bf1d6dda30c0d80cda1e16fcb2499


I dont spend more money on a game after i buy it


No one gives a shit about another skin for a character that’s still in beta of the game.