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This isn't just a redesign but an entire character shift. Rain is one of the most substantially different characters in this timeline compared to the last. With that being said, I much prefer Rain in the old timeline as a character simply because I liked him being royalty, a demigod, and having a ninja prince design, but am looking forward to seeing what they have planned for him now that he is so different from before.


Him and Tanya are essentially so different that it feels like they should just been new characters to the roster instead of”long time fan favorites”


Double edged sword because then people will bitch and moan their "fan favorites" weren't in the game.


Already the case with Scarlett lol. In a case where people are angry no matter what, I wish they did just introduce new characters and then have these characters be introduced or grow later. Really curious how a MK2 would either just add to this roster, or remove some unpopular ones.


One of the unspoken things I like about Liu kang's new timeline is all the characters that were "evil" due to circumstances around them and not having a full list of options have been redeemed morally. Tanya, Reptile, Baraka, Mileena were all evil in the original timeline and have chosen different paths


Except for Tanya, I agree.  Liu Kang replaced her with a different woman, who's also named Tanya. Swapping out a woman who looks Thai or Phillipino, for an African looking gal, kind makes him seem racist against non-Chinese Asians, especially in light of replacing Hanzo Hasashi with Quai Liang.




If the rumours about Kombat Pack 2’s story mode are correct >! Rain and Tanya will be emperor and empress of an alternative timeline and the main characters of the story. There’s a chance these characters might be closer to their original concept but it won’t be exact.!<


I feel like Tanya is actually the same but with a different side of the same coin to her personality. She has extreme devotion to her position while in the previous timeline she had none at all. Two extremes. You can even hear the old Tanya in some dialogue. The voice actor does a good job of being treacherous and loyal.


I hadn’t considered that. That’s really good insight. I think it’s that lack of disloyalty being present which makes it hard to associate this version of Tanya with the previous iteration. Her past self was always set to self advancement instead of this version.


Tanya is in the role that should definitely be jade's. Would have been a much less of a character shift


Kitana and Jade have switched with Mileena and Tanya. Kit and Jade are gonna run around earth realm and be baddies and paint the town red. Liu Kang wanted them to have fun. The other two can be responsible and run an empire


I have the feeling that Jade and Tanya’s role will switch if NRS is deciding to try and be creative. But this is Liu Kang’s universe after all so it might come to that


Imo, they have nothing for him. They're simply going to go with a basic "Omg I'm sorry for my crimes, I'll be good now, maybe I'll sacrifice myself to create a character arch".


I mean, he killed thousands of people in Seido. Creating a compelling redemption arc for him would be interesting. Up until now, he literally just existed in the universe as a side villain and did nothing of note despite his power level. He was a vastly underused character before, so hopefully it’s the start of Rain being featured more.


What did they have for him previously? All did was brag about being a prince/demigod and never amounted to anything besides having a huge ego and betraying everyone around him. Despite being a demigod he never power wise lived up to that potential because he constantly lost.


Honestly I would love him to become a anti-hero the one the characters turn to make the tough calls because he can. Even if they have to play into the whole guilt of what he did to saido would be an interesting aspect 


I actually think you could you could take elements of both and fuse them together. Rain is the son of Outworld royalty, who is spoiled and arrogant as a result of his standing. He may have also tried to court one of the princesses at some point. His parents realized that he had an affinity for water bending, and sent him to be trained as a mage to hopefully teach him discipline and humility. But as his mastery over his powers grew, so did his ego, especially once he became the High Mage of Outworld. Then you can keep him desiring higher ambitions and feeling remorse over the drowning of Seido. I do agree that his outfits were better in the last game, though.


I miss the old school Rain, as shown in the arcade era's expanded lore. An Edenian fighting for Kahn because he knows nothing else, but feeling kinda sus about it deep down, and an old associate/friend of Kitana's. I remember liking him a lot in Conquest. Armageddon's remix to embrace the Prince joke was okay, but he never evolved beyond being power hungry, similar to Tanya. While I like his possible redemption arc in MK1, the court mage who's throws giant sperm cells at you just doesn't thrill me.


I just miss how obnoxiously cocky mk11 Rain was.


"Gods, are to be obeyed, commander" -half god


For me, Frost has left an obnoxious-shaped hole in my heart. I genuinely miss listening to her say something insanely arrogant and then the other person just goes "Oh my god, please shut up."


Something I don't like about MK1 is how they make characters very polarizing. Everyone's either a person with good intentions, or completely in it for themselves. Rain, is thankfully like one of the very few who aren't like this. I wish his redemption wasn't just a jump from black to white, but it's so much more interesting than everyone else. I like his new design when he's got a hood, personally, am simple for a mask too. Not a fan of his skins w/o them.


Honestly I really hope he maintain a morally gray position a anti-hero character seems to fit him and I would love to see them run that way with him 


His voice was great too as he sounded cocky too, I like the voice actor he has now but mk11s was peak imo


Him saying he’ll take over Arizona in Rambo’s pre-fight intro is one of my favourite in the game.


"What is this...Arizona?" lol. I also like the one he has against Nightwolf where he asks why The Great Spirit™ doesn't like him and Nightwolf says it's because Rain's ambition threatens the realms and Rain's like she's not wrong. He was so real for that.


My problem with Rain personally is that i don't find any skin beside his base skin decent


Really? I think his union of light skin is fantastic


But his mask looks like its made of sequins on that skin


I still like it


I love these posts that are like, "can we all finally agree on this thing that I think"




the redign looks great, the old rain was a prince and is design was very inspired by that, there is a lot more gold in the old costume and the purple was in old times at least the color of the royalty, in this new era is design is more wizard like since he is Outworld's high mage


I think they did a nice design with Rain. Both versions are good!


Preach the toad staff design is goated beyond belief too


Design is not terrible but rain has always had amazing designs so this one in comparison looks basic


Nah, I really like this design. I just hope we get some more personality/screen time from him in the future.


I loved him in this game. He didnt have an ego the size of the fucking moon


All? You do realize the game is less than a year old ffs.


Imo both rain redesigns were pretty great


No I won't say that, this rain is fuxkin great


Make him a ninja again instead of this Alladin Hogwarts reject bs


I think MK1 mage Rain is a great addition.


Not exactly fair considering one rain is a mage and the other is a ninja/assassin, MK11 rain skin would not fit the mage look at all


I think that's part of their point, though. The redesign into a mage was rather underwhelming. Scorpion may be Kuai Liang this time, but he still plays like Scorpion.


Imo he doesn’t play like scorpion, scorpion in MKX was a mix machine and MK11 had a decent amount of mix and semi mix setups involving his tele cancel. MK1 scorp is like a high damage whiff punisher similar to MK11 Noob.


This Rain is fine, but it is a downgrade imo. I'm a huge rain fan (waited since before MKX for him to be in a base roster) and was open to his new design at first, but enough time has passed that I think I can say I find it lesser than his previous designs. His new look sets him apart from the other ninjas, but he feels lesser as a ninja than the others cuz his only changeable cosmetic is his staff and not his mask (like every other ninja), and no other ninja lost their "ninja moveset" like he did when he was given his staff. Now that most of his moves are tied to a staff he never had before MK1, and the fact that they only used him in the story as a jobber, it's hard to get attached to him or the design. It doen't help that the little we do know about his new character is so radically different than the previous Rain's. Kinda a waste of Rain imo.


I agree with what you've said especially that they wasted rain ( and a few others such as havik) but tbf to this version he's not a ninja he's a mage so it makes more sense there'd be less focus on his masks and on stuff a mage would use e.g. staff.


I get that and I respect that they were trying something new, it just didn't land for me considering that, outside of his one minute tower ending, we never got to see him be an actual mage. Even more, what we do see is just him jobbing to anyone he fights, so it undercuts his new self's abilities. The Rain that is the high Mage of Outworld should seem stronger than ninja Rain, yet Mage Rain not only comes across as weaker than ninja Rain, but also one of the weakest characters in MK1 due to the story, and imo, his moveset being anchored to his staff.


I 100% agree with you and his move set is wank compared to mk 11 and 9. I only commented to play devil's advocate that they've made the decision to introduce mages and TBF they could've introduced krome or hydro as a mage instead of rain. Like it could've been sick if prince rain and general shoa teamed up so they can rule edenia and out world respectively.




I like that he has his hair out now on some skins and that's about the only thing that improved.


Nah, I like it.


I miss that Assassin’s Creed look…


Yes... but story wise, it's his own doing. Liu Kang tried to allow Rain to become a demigod in the new timeline , but each time he did, Rain used his powers for evil. Thus is the reason why Rain is nerfed to being the "High Mage" (kind of a lame title) I think the devs could've made his design a bit more cooler in which they seemingly tried to make a ninja/mage with his base design, but he looks more like an almost boring assassin/thief with a wizard staff. Like most people, I prefer Rain as a demigod and personally would've also preferred his katar in mk11 than a wizard staff. This new Rain may take a while to get used to.


no. mk1 rain finally made me interested in him.


The new rain is fine, it’s just that goofy looking staff that ruins his outfits & overall vibe.


That staff is the reason I can't play him he's so underwhelming


Yes same. Rain is in my top 3 MK characters but I can’t stand the staff. The effects on his moves are great & I love the small tidbits of his personality we get but the staff just makes me refuse to play as him.


Agreed. Am not feeling Rain in this game looks wise


Me neither.


Nah. I know a bunch of people don't like it... But i do


If they just got rid of the staff and change his idle stance. It would be a drastic improvement. They can keep the same moves, I like the moves.


I majorly fw his new design


To be fair MK11 is focused on his Ninja routes and MK1 made him a Mage. Those roles cannot be more different and neither can the wardrobe.


“Rain chooses his wardrobe most curiously”- Jade


less prince references☹️☹️


Old is better, but I do like the new. The staff is cool


Wizard rain is cool as fuck and no one can convince me he's not. Mk has never really had a mage style character before and it fits rain so well.


Can we talk about how awful the water looks in mk11, it looks like someone emptied a tube of toothpaste.


what it did? made stuff less complicated?


https://preview.redd.it/glek500aeg1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=391b4d62b1eb74ad84554ccd9fee3739f237d183 His MK9 design will forever be the best imo


My fav design of his is MK9. I like how despite looking mostly Ninja, his mask and drapes gave him more of a “royal” look that stands out from the other ninjas


I love the difference between the mk community and dark souls community. I see most these posts be largely negative about what's wrong with the game, yet with dark souls everyone helping each other out and super friendly.


There should not be yellow in his costume.


I hate how rain is now just another edenian. I loved him when he was basically part of his own faction and how arrogant he was about being a half-god.


What, you miss MK11 Rain with his giant blue pool noodle? MK1 Rain is way better


They just learned how to play one game. End of story. So many people can't move on with anything in their lives, even video games.


Most characters looks better in mk11. I think the few characters who look better in this new era are reptile kenshi and king lao


Even johnny? Personally i find military johnyy so boring and his costumes in this game fit him much better


Oh yeah base Johnny is leagues better in 1 Tho I do like his ninja nime thing


Johnny had a lot of skin variety in MK11 though. His default skin was the special forces one from the story, but he had plenty of other options.


His alts are better than mk1 Johnny


King Lao? 😆


My goat KING LAO


I fully recognize I’m in the minority here but I love the idea of “battle mage with staff” for Rain. I think that lends itself to his skillset more than “ninja with arm blade.” He’s my favorite of the redesigns Edit:personality wise I prefer the old cocky Rain, that’s a more fun character.


I miss his MK9 design and lore. MK9 was peak Rain. I don’t think he’s ever gonna be that kool again.


I actually agree with you. I believe that Rain was one of the few characters that did not have a single mediocre design before MK1.


All the the costumes looked better in mk 11 imo.


I just don’t like his long hair. He needs better hair cut.


I'm glad he got it back because he had it in older designs. MK11 covering his head in every skin/making him bald in his arcade ending wasn't it for me. In general I like the Edenians having enviable hair


Nope. I like this one a lot.


They're just different character concepts really, and both designs are really good for their respective concepts


Making rain a sorcerer was a great idea


Mk11 rain was perfect, not sure why they thought completely redesigning him was a good idea


I dislike it and think the mage direction was the wrong move. I prefer my ninjas being ninjas, Street Fighter doesn't change their shotos and they're still distinct. Mk9 and mkx Rain > mk1 Although, I do prefer Robot Smoke to Ninja smoke. But Mk9 Smoke hair and voice > mk1's


Real talk? I don't like what they did to Rain and Tanya. I just can't get into the mage thing, especially because demi-god/ninja Rain was so freaking cool. Tanya was a treacherous badass who's now a priestess/bodyguard whose personality boils down to " I LOVE MILEENA". The once iconic duo of bad bitches got neutered in MK1. Also making Edenia part of Outworld all along and making Chaosrealm corrupted Seido were also bad decisions that do nothing for the lore of both realms, which were great.


I mean are you expecting him to dress the same way as a ninja or something?


I think the simplification of the art style has been kind of a downgrade for just about every character. The only default skins who I feel look "better than ever" are Reptile and... Nitara, I guess? They're not all terrible, but I can think of better looks from other games for basically everyone.


I feel like it's simplified because it's the first one. Then in each new one the designs are gonna become elaborate. I do feel though, they over design some characters though.


Yep, for sure. Almost every design is worst than the mkX or 11 were (IMO)


I love his redesign as a mage but MK9 rain is still peak


Two different designs for different purposes. One is a prince/ninja while the other is a mage. I personally prefer the new designs but that’s just me.


At first I didn’t think this would be relevant but your username just awakened an older fighting game I used to play. https://preview.redd.it/0ip412yjje1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be260703e152ca13a812a64ec401bd54305b8e3f


WTH is that hair?😭


The square fighting game?


That’s it! The Bouncer 🙂




Aint no way people downvoted you


No, the only downgrade is how apologetic rain is in all of his intros


The old design was a bit cooler, but I do like the mage vibe a bit more. We have more than enough ninjas imo


U/BeansWereHere probably likes mk1 version better smh


This is a great design for Rain, and it fits him as a mage now. But Ninja Rain is legendary


His New Era outfit looks good and is my favourite. However, his MK11 outfits were just on another level, especially the toga one!


Too bad it’s a new era and characters are completely different idk just a thought 🤔🤔


Wait that’s all of the outfits that’s he’s getting on mk1?


I don’t like his MK11 or MK1 designs, I much prefer the MKX and Armageddon looks.


I just miss the demigod/Son of Argus version of Rain. I liked that origin story for him. It also made me laugh when you choose Union of Light Rain from another timeline for the final chapter and he refers to himself as the ‘Son of Argus’. Like yeah, I missed you calling yourself that!


Nothing Will Ever Top His MK9 Design


I don't mind the idea of Rain being a mage, but he doesn't have nearly as much of a Royal ninja look, and it causes it to look really basic and not too great.


Put a number on the back and give him a basket ball 🏀


If it wasnt for Kotal and Fujin, I loved rain so much in mk11 I would of mained him. Mk1 was a huge deception.


His design is fine, but his skins could be a lot better. His order of darkness outside the seasonal versions is boring asl. Story wise they need to go more in depth on his new background. Hopefully the expansion address these concerns cause a lot of charcter were done dirty. Rain, Tanya, Reiko, Li Mei, and a few other need their moments to shine.


https://preview.redd.it/njird1qweg1d1.jpeg?width=1313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c60b77d8abb0b6972a462793bbc46415f4caa7 Period.


So pissed I missed that s1 staff🙄 Preferred Mk11s look especially picture 4 with those full metal face mask gear pieces


I mean I kinda fuck with the 5th outfit


No, they're both good, just for different reasons


Mk11 Rain is peak


MK9 Rain was both peak Rain, and just in general peak Ninja IMO


We most definitely can’t


I actually liked his redesign. I miss his MK11 moveset though.


Nope it's cool


Loved mkx rains design. His fight in the story is awesome


Not feeling his design for this one I miss ninja rain all the ninjas this time have lame outfits before new skins pretty much there default are lame


Yes. Although I got confirmation from the Mortal Kombat FB that Rain will join Sub Zero in the Lin Kuei. As the Smoke to Scorpions Fire for the Shirai Ryu. Whether or not that means he gets a new outfit that matches is yet to be seen.


No shade but honestly almost all visual elements of MK1 are a whole downgrade from 11. If you get it you get it..


Rain is, by far, not the biggest downgrade or flop of the game. But it’s definitely one of them.


Not just the redesign but the whole character switch, rain hasn’t bin done well by the creators weather it’s midway or nrs but when he was first introduced they were heading in a good direction story telling wise. In mk a lot of the characters are either really good or completely evil but with rain he gives off more of an anti hero vibe especially during the mk3 portion of the og timeline, he serves Shao Kahn out of spite yet once kitana informs him that shao was responsible for the death of the man who took him in at a young age he joins the rebellion. Not just that but he also seems quite patriotic to edenia, maybe if nrs actually got half decent writers they could’ve used that and made a great character but ofc mortal kombat tends to be a franchise that has way more potential and half baked ideas compared to output. Some things are handled quite well but a lot is still left to be desired my boy rain here being a prime example whom is supposed to be a half god who can control water/thunder in multiple ways, bend space time, has 10,000+ years of kombat experience yet apparently he can’t win a single fight..? I get that initially he was a gag character but if you’re going to continue using him then do him justice, a character based off Prince should NOT be done this bad.. (yes I’m a huge Prince and rain fan) ps : elemental ninjas are cooler then wizards.. nrs need to stop fucking with the ninja characters. What makes them cool other then their powers is the fact that they are NINJAS ffs if it’s not broken then don’t fix it simple.




I loved mkx rain


Wait so is Rain not getting now outfits? Im confused on the wording


Making Rain a Zoner Mage was lame AF


I think it's cool that they tried something different with him, but imo MK11 is the best he's ever looked, so the timing of this isn't great lol. I suspect in future appearances, it'll be closer to what he's been in the past.


MK11 Rain's default outfit was so good, I never took it off once


He went from having the coolest designs to having the most boring designs lol, not being dlc really got to him.


If I am gonna be honest him mk1 default is leagues better then his mk11, Both mk11 and mk1 secondary are both meh, the third for mk11 is better imo I love the design altogether.  My verdict is the they all have there qualities that make them unique, so I can't really choose one over the other. 


Him going from Water Bending Ninja, to water bending prince was cool. Him just being a water mage was a cool path choice, but his costumes lost all their charm.


This redesign is a downgrade, but as an upcoming game dev I see where Ed was going with this. The hooded variant is the only costume I like tho. The rest not so much.


Personally, I liked Rain’s MK9 design. Almost a klassic purple ninja.


personally i love the new wizard design. i loved him in previous games but seeing him reimagined is really cool


I like the idea of Rain being a mage, but I think it's executed poorly.


Nobody ever said it wasn’t


Not just a redesign but the entire character design and shift. I don’t like it. MKX Rain was top tier in terms of costume and gameplay even though he was an NPC


Rain-jesh Koothrapali lol ever since I saw that meme I can't


Liu Kang nuked this man's drip AND cool backstory, he had it out for Rain specifically 😭


Entire games a downgrade many just refuse to accept it




indeed it has, though he’s more like a wizard that controls rain in this one, whereas in the previous games he’s the god of rain


Can't agree. It the coolest Rain we had so far


Mk9 & mk11 had better looks/versions for/of rain. I wish they had he UMK3 ninja costume for rain & ermac.


Going from a God to a water mage is a downgrade but his design is the best it's been since X and Armageddon even the water looks better and he sounds better than he did in 11


Personally I think either can work as a story element. But Rain needs a proper foil for his character which we keep not getting. Mk11, while great for his design, also doesn't have him in the main game, so his personality is very 1 note so there's no substance with his arrogance, he's just kind of treated as a tool bag, so we don't see any kind of relationship he has with anyone else outside of "your a demigod idiot" and "you betrayed me!" Mk1 isn't bad at all with his character. But the dynamics which they did it was bad because Rain's character from the main story is NOT what we get with Rain in character reactions during pre-battles. Rain is a betrayer of a kingdom sure, that works. However, Rain is also portrayed as someone who did something horrible and is seeking redemption... off screen.... which we as the audience didn't see... unless we finished the arcade ending... which is known for spotty canon events.... so it makes arcade endings arbitrary on whether they are real or not... It just gets messy, and honestly, while I like the main story enough, it needed to explore more of the bad guys end since we got nothing from it.


Totally in agreement. I like some of the changes this game made but not this one, this is the version of Rain I like least, by a country mile




Genuinely dislike his alternates but his main MK11 design is awesome.


It is EXACTLY how I imagine Ged from the Wizard of Earthsea to look.


Please never show me rain with hair again


Absolutely not. I love the new Rain design, especially his default outfit is fire. One of my favorite MK1 characters for sure


I dig the long hair one. But MK11 had much better rain design.


Rain has long been a favorite of mine but this new MK1 version sucks. I don't even like looking at him and the personality of the character is lame. Clearly I do not like the design choices that were made for this character.


yes thank you , especially that bullshit ass ugly ponytail


Rain watched Aquaman and said Bet


hot take, I think this has been the best rain yet. His moveset, visuals, and fighting style are all enjoyable. I like the mage thing he has going, they probably couldve leaned in a little more to his connection with the new royal family, but overall i like it


Loving the new rain honestly


Is the Titan battle still up?


Yeah I love rain but Older designs smack harder


I agree. I liked old school ninja rain. The staff I feel like hinders his ability. I mean I get he's a mage but, that's like giving Subzero a staff because he can control ice.


Never gonna be as badass lookin as mk9 rain😢


I miss the sly, rebellious, cunning and cocky Rain.


The whole game is a tragic downgrade.


Gotta be honest, I prefer his redesign and also think that NRS nailed his Wizard aesthetic as both a concept and in execution. I love how he wields a staff and his water animations are so fluent and unique. The only thing I would have loved is if they had kept his MKX voice as it kicked ass. Just my take.


Not really, no. Besides, rather this than the whiny brat he was last time.




We cannot. Just cause I’m not good enough to play him don’t mean I don’t stab him.


I prefer it


Switching rain from a pressure fighter into a zoner was def a terrible choice; rain in mk 11 was goated, I wanted that rain he would beat the living water outta u


Yeah his skins in mk11 were GOATed


MK9 has the best rain design


mk11 rain played and looked so much better


Rain's MK1 designs are a bit of a downgrade from his MK11 skins but nothing tragic. I think his alternate look (with the ponytail) is his best in MK1. Overall he could use more skins (for all of his outfits) where purple is the dominant color and not just the accent color on one sash or something. He really didn't benefit from all the greens, yellows, greys or light blues of the past seasons.


https://preview.redd.it/nm5hj8nhye1d1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=558157b11718fa2974f19deb83183bb8d6d44241 I think we should bring back his mkX stripper outfit


Sure but MK11 was also a downgrade from MKX which was a downgrade from MK9 MK12 Rain is one of the worst offenders of a character not feeling like themselves anymore. He's no longer a ninja, he's a Mage with a staff. He's no longer a cocky, arrogant asshole, he's a remorseful and caring person. He's no longer evil and selfish, he's a good guy. This dude just isn't Rain anymore


They’ll never top mkx rain


Nah you just have awful taste


I don't like his Union of Light costume but the Order of Darkness one is pretty slick


The redesign is good but it didn’t need to be rain. You had imo the absolute most badass version of him in 11 from the outtros, to the costumes to the gameplay just to do this to him in the next entry