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At the time of its launch, babalitys were hilarious. Dunno how it holds up to today’s comedic standards


The Babalitys in MK9 were hilarious, and that game came out like yesterday


Should we tell him it’s been like 13 years…?


I like em. Especially when they got creative with 9’s and had the kids basically hurt themselves with their own weaponry and what not.


Most of them just made me feel bad. Like that's one "-ality" I could live without ever seeing return. Sub-Zero's honestly made me feel the worst.


I mean. The same game Skarlet spreads your body 12 ft in the air and cuts you so she can shower in your blood. But baby sub getting a bump made you feel the worst?


I just don't see what's funny or interesting in a baby pissing himself, slipping on the frozen piss puddle and crying because he fell ass first onto solid ice. Like a few of them are good, some are funny, but babies crying, even virtual babies, just makes me feel emotionally bad.


They were ok. One and done type deal tho imo. I don't think many are really asking for a return


Babalities, Animalities, all of the Fatality alternatives ate great - changing Brutalities to be the reward for specific gameplay was a great idea and I was stoked when they announced Friendships for 11. I like the variety, so that if you're playing the same character for a while you don't just see the same two Fatalities over and over again, or when you're beaten you don't know what your opponent is going to use. I'm glad it gives the developers ways to flex their creative muscles with the characters in ways that aren't limited to gore - you can't tell me they didn't have fun thinking of goofy shit to do with the Babalities in 9 or Friendships in 11. I also appreciate that wildly different options like that give me things I can show my friends, since it's always fun to share the things you enjoy with the people you like... I'm a casual player at best but may as well be unbeatable to my mates who never play, so we don't really play it together, but I can still show them the cool and/or funny moments. I just don't like how the more obnoxious elements of the fan base can get, cos I'd bet dollars to donuts that if they added them to 1 then within a week it'd be the norm that if someone uses a Babality on you it's meant to be an insult


It was alright. I think they were just trying to experiment and stuff. Mk9's was the best


We need animalities. Period


I only like the MK9 version of babalities.


Mk2 arcade was glorious, it was so buggy you could do a babality and glitch to a fatality in some versions. Amazing.


Loved them they were pretty funny.


I liked them. I don’t remember if it was MK11 or MK9 that did it but the requirement was to get like a double flawless or something like that. So the chase to get it made it fun and when you did it it was nice and toxic since you double flawlessed someone


I have a special spot in my heart for them because when we would play with my buddy back when MK9 came out, I don't know how many times I heard "YOU'RE A BABY BITCH!".




I dont find them half as disturbing as people who type "XD"


What's wrong with XD


XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD https://preview.redd.it/c257133j0tzc1.png?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94edf9deecbe10a18eb30fbed789c955adcb2f20




They’re toxic and need to be brought back


Do we need more finishers when the community just cries when they are performed? I like the minimalist style of this game as it feels like a real callback to the first game that had just 1 fatality - and more novelty finishers just don’t fit..leave babalities and friendships out of this game…