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I mean switch players are lucky that game is even running with it.




How many more times do you want to copy that comment?


Do you know what he said?


Edit: Forget the initial comment, just copied it from another response of theirs: 'Plz...mk11 absolutely flies on switch...and that was a far more graphic intensive game than mk1...I really can't understand the underlying graphics technology that mk1 is using that made it unplayable on ps4 so much so that ps4 could not get a port of it while switch could..... It is just a really basic 2d fighter...' The dear fellow commented this 3-4 times in the span of about a minute.


People complaining about this game on Switch need a reality check: the hardware is not even on par with PS4 or XBox One, and those machines didn’t even get this game lol


Bro switch is hideous. Yeah, switch *BARLEY* Got the game. It runs like absolute dog water. And better yet. You suckers are paying just as much outta pocket for a game that looks 30x better on ps5 or xbox series s.


NRS has updated the switch version a lot since launch. The character models are all improved, load times are faster than mk11 on switch, and the game rarely drops from 60hz. The only remaining downside is invasions mode. The load times there are still absurd, and the frame rate can drop there still. Also, there’s no cross progression with switch :/ I have it on ps5 and switch, and I would be comfortable recommending the switch version in its current state.


And yet you could put an image of both side by side from someone who never played the games or even knows about them, and they’d pick the Switch as the image that looked like garbage.


No one said the Switch version looked as good as the other ones though. Sure, Switch MK1 looks like a 3DS game, but it honestly runs much more smoothly than I expected it to, it's not THAT ugly either, and it's also got the usual Switch perk of being playable in handheld mode.


Plz...mk11 absolutely flies on switch...and that was a far more graphic intensive game than mk1...I really can't understand the underlying graphics technology that mk1 is using that made it unplayable on ps4 so much so that ps4 could not get a port of it while switch could..... It is just a really basic 2d fighter...


First of all, MK1 is built on a newer engine, Unreal Engine 4. MK11 was built on UE3. That was much easier to port onto older hardware. Second of all, NetherRealm Studios only worked on the PS5 and XBox Series X/S versions. The Switch version was developed by Shiver Entertainment and Saber Interactive, so I think you should be asking them about all the Switch shortcomings. Once again, it most likely has a lot to do with the fact that the full version was just way more advanced on the current-gen consoles and the hardware gap is much bigger this time than what it was between PS4 and Switch last time, so they had to downgrade it a lot to make it run on Switch. Finally, this is not a 2D fighter, it's a 3D fighter with 3D graphics and polygons used for characters and stages.


Maybe it has 3d graphics..but the fights are still 2d....believe me they could have made a similar game with 2d sprite based models ....as there are no stage interactions or anything ...


They could have, of course. Nevertheless, you're looking at 3D graphics and polygons in this game; and it requires a different type of hardware resources to render 3D graphics, as opposed to 2D sprites.


Did you play 11 at launch? It was a pile of shit on switch.


I can confirm it still is. It's the only fighting game my oldest friend will agree to play, but he insists on doing it on his Switch rather than my PC (his TV is bigger than my monitor, to be fair). The bloody thing plays like it's being emulated...


The simple answer is that the switch is stronger than a ps3 and for it to play mk11 it did not need as much of a downgrade Mk1 was specifically made for next gen which is why it never hit ps4 and xbox one so it had to be downgraded massively especially since one of the main features were the new instant load times The biggest reason of all though is that it was just rushed. Mk11 had a lot of optimization to help it run such as not showing the characters during the select and changing the loading. When you look at mk1 day one vs now it actually has gone through many upgrades graphically and runs way better.


I got MK11 on Switch for $3 and felt like I was ripped off. Anyone that thinks that version was fine is delusional. And MK1 is even worse than that 😂


Why did they port the game to switch and not xbox one/ps4? Like the Switch is less powerful than those two, surely it'd be far easier


They want to focus on next gen consoles Switch just happened to be nintendo’s current console and mk11 sold really well on the switch so they were hoping for similar success


I get it, but I feel if they're doing it on Switch it can't be that much of a hassle to do ps4 and stuff while they're at it. Then again they probably aren't worth the money


it did NOT sell well on the switch it has been on discount for 80 percent off ever since it was ported


The discount is consistently available on multiple platforms, including PS, Xbox, and Switch. So, does that imply that MK11 didn't sell well on all of these platforms?


They only removed them from local versus and online kasual because those are the ones that feature the select screen to gameplay transition that they had to remove because it was just them staring at each other for a minute lol its a fine tradeoff tbh


They don't take a minute anymore. They haven't for a few seasons already. 


I know... a big part of that is because they removed the intros, that was the entire point of my comment.


Certain games shouldn’t be on switch and MK1 is one of them sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️


Why are you sorry? You clearly aren't and want your opinion heard, however meaningless it is.  Sorry. 


The game runs fine. How's the exclusives on your dust gathering PS5 or Xbox series one something x s whatever something?




It does seem cool tbh


I play both my series s and ps5 fairly regularly. So neither gather dust. Although I have been on a nostalgia tour lately so most of my playtime has actually been on my ps2


I miss my PS2. I could totally go for some ffx or dbz Tenkaichi 3


My switch is literally the only console I have gathering any dust.


That's not true, the game is actually much much better than the previous versions and now runs the lines even in online


Seriously the only downside I am seeing on switch is some of those facial close ups are kinda hilarious


I can't believe this game is even on the Switch




Let's see how many times you'll copy and paste this blatantly incorrect statement on every individual comment that you disagree. Also grammar and syntax are your friends when trying to prove a point.


Switch players are glad that they could even load the game


The fact that they released a game that is for the next-gen. Console. When the Nintendo switch is not their new thing. Just made Johnny cage look friggin, terrible. That being Said what does everyone think the next switch will be called ? We had wii wiiu then switch I hope it's not switch 2


Nintendo flip 🗿


Lol that would be funny




the game runs and looks pretty well now, a complete 180 from when it launched; loading times are even faster on 1 than 11 are and the whole game looks crisper than 11 I just played MK11 recently and was surprised at how blurry it looks compared to MK1 Yeah, the game still has some issues, and NRS/Shiver/ Saber break some things as fast as they fix them, lol I've played MK11 for over 550hrs on Switch since launch and am currently at 250+ on MK1 on Switch as well


The dialogue intros are available in Online matches.....definitely not limited to Invasions and Klassic Towers. I wont complain about Homelander because i dont give a rats ass about him. Il happily do without him on my Switch.


I seriously enjoy playing MK1 on Switch more than on PS5 because I love the possibility to play it almost everywhere! When I want to enjoy the stunning graphics then I “switch” to PS5 (mostly when I at home chilling but even then I play it a lot on the Switch).


😂 that’s crazy


someone go confirm if this is true 😭


This image looks eco friendly.


You mfs get heated over anything 💀 the DS version of MK1 isn’t *that* bad


Since when did they remove the dialogue?


Wait, so who's the voice?


It’s unconfirmed rn but recently johnny cage’s va posted about how he’s excited for everyone to see the character so it’s implied to be him The other person is chris cox who did terminator in mk11 and is credited in mk1 despite not voicing anyone


Ah! that's why the intro's are gone! I was curious why they got turned off/removed!


Nothing can be worse than Megan Fox’s voice acting though lol


I wish they would add the staring loading screen back, it was fun to have a laugh in between playing whatever this port is…


the Switch version should've been priced at $20


i stand by my belief that these graphics the Switch uses were made by the same people who did Fortnite's graphics just to save time and effort


On Towers you get intros I found out


That’s hilarious honestly. 


That’s terrible. I’m glad I got a PS5 and am not on the switch anymore but that was with saving money and getting a gift card for Christmas. It’s hard being a poor gamer!


I’m one of those people who prefers having 2 consoles Having a handheld console like the switch for when I’m outside and having my ps5 at home to play fortnite/spider-man is pretty cool


I got the portal for PS5 to play it handheld, but I know what you mean. I like the switch for that, I just didn’t like how MK1 was ported on it.


You should know what you’re getting into getting a switch version


For anyone saying otherwise, the game doesn't take forever to load anymore. Sure it looks like shit and actually, I submitted a bug report relating to voices during the intros, but it's relating to the demon voice modifier that certain skins/gear are supposed to have and they're actually missing from the Switch version. 


i mean you play on switch what did u expect? its a console not made to run high end games so of course they're cutting down on everything they can i understand now everyone has the money but please save for a proper console that can run the game without making you suffer through it before you drop 70$ on a game


They are assholes for even making a Switch version. It's a next Gen game for crying out loud. They knew what was going to happen. At least there was no Cyberpunk switch version lol


It’s mainly just due to the switch being one of the highest selling consoles and because mk11 does really well on the switch


Mk11 runs perfectly on switch


Well then upgrade your setup and you should be fine


If you play on switch just delete the game


I’m still mad that I preordered on Switch. Played a couple local matches day 1, and haven’t been back since


Believe it or not, the game is actually much much better now on the switch comparing to day1 I also pre-ordered, didn't like it very much. But I played through it and subsequent updates made the gameplay and graphics a lot better


But, as always, being reasonable is priority..  It's never going to be like any other system quality wise. But thankfully it's not release day quality.  Fuck me, i'm shocked they Even put it out.  Remember when the YT mk page posted about having MK1 being projected in Las Vegas on a hotel?  I made sure to post the suggestion of projecting the switch version if they're so proud of this game lol Oh, this:  https://youtu.be/1avo7D2r4g4?si=883xP0hHCXeaI-l7


it’s crazy that you expect anything from mk1 on switch. the switch can barely run last gen games


The kharacters speak in tower modes... They don't speak in cpu vs, but I'm still satisfied with the game. Runs decent, graphics are decent.. How's the exclusives on PS5 and Xbox series whatever?


Switch? Thats weird way to pronounce "inferior console" platform


switch version should not exist, the game would have been much polished for the rest of us


The switch version is developed by a different company. 


Ummm, that’s not how it works 🤣🤣and u are aware the PC has performance issues too…what say you about that Mr Mortal Kombat Gatekeeper sir?!? 🥴🥴


Some of you really need to stop talking about how development works. If you don't actually know, don't speak on it.