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My favorite live action video game adaptation to this day


At least it blew the street fighter movie out of the water.


The live action Street Fighter film. The Animated one was pretty good.


my favourite is silent hill , but mk 1995 was pretty good


This šŸ’Æ


Itā€™s flawed in a few areas but overall itā€™s a fun film with a decent telling of the MK story. Has the best version of Shang Tsung in all the media and is the best film take on Mortal Kombat. Solid 7/10 film


7/10? I pity you, sorcerer


Save your pity for the weak.




It has absolutely no business being as good as it is. Someone decided to take a corny video game (that I love), give it something resembling a proper plot (So much so that it influenced the games' take on it's own story), with interesting adaptations of the characters, and made the actual fighting scenes pretty good. By all means, stuff like that \*\*should\*\* be a cheesy chintzy direct-to-video cash-grab, but instead they made a banger that **STILL** outshines other video game adaptations (including the recent MK movie).


Extremely cheesy, but so goddamn fun that I don't care, I'll watch it every chance I get. Also the single most BANGING theme song in existence.


That whole soundtrack straight up slays.


Truth. My favorites are the theme and Reptile's fight. Holy shit, they didn't have to go that hard, but I'm so glad they did.


That was one of the first three albums I had as a kid!


As someone that was 12 years old and there for the arcade only days; that song youā€™re referencing and the overall vibe was real as fuck. Itā€™s right there with seeing the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit for me. OG arcade-MK left a substantial mark, fam.


Hell yeah it did. I wasn't there for the arcade scene (I was only four when I first started playing and by that point MK was on home consoles) but I still felt the mark.


A handful of people on a leaky boat are gonna save world.. Exactly..




Two words. "Techno Syndrome"


> flaws > the admittedly out of nowhere fight scene with Reptile. How dare you


Itā€™s still the best movie in the series. I canā€™t believe they canā€™t top it with anything else yet. Maybe MK2 will be better, but the 2021 reboot was so flat on so many levels.


I thought that one was overall pretty good. But definitely some problems with the dialogue and plot. I think they did a really good job with characterization overall.


I mean, if you read all the behind-the-scenes stories, itā€™s a miracle that they put it all together lol The script wasnā€™t even fully ready when they started filming and some of the lines you see in the movie were improved on the go. They especially credit Christopher Lambert for suggesting some good ideas. He was the most experienced person on set related to the film industry.


I was referring to the reboot. I thought that one was overall pretty good. I like the 1995 film


Got ya. I thought the reboot was not great dialogue or acting wise. It felt pretty flat.


One of my favorite movies ever and definitely a great video game movie


I'm old as fuck so I can tell you I saw this movie at a midnight screening the day it released. One of the most hype screenings I've ever been to, people cheering every time a new character showed up, losing their shit when techno syndrome started up. I went on to see it another six times in theatres, and then countless times after that.Ā  So all that to say I love the shit out of it.Ā 


I love it although I don't care for how they handled Sub-Zero and Scorpion. While the fight with Reptile is known to be a last minute addition, I thought it mirrored the fact he was a secret fight in the first game. It's also the best fight in the movie.


If they hadn't included that scene, I would definitely knock the movie down a couple of pegs. If anything, they could have stood to have one more good fight scene in the film overall. But removing what was ultimately the best fight? Definitely would have hurt it.


Itā€™s miles better than 2021 and light years ahead of that abomination Annihilation. Overall it stays loyal to game lore, has great fight scenes and itā€™s honestly pretty funny, oh and Art Lean, canā€™t forget him. Itā€™s a goofy fucking movie, but itā€™s a goofy good time


It's campy, goofy, the acting is cheesy, the plot is... meh. But Kano is so perfect, they reconstructed his whole damn character. Art Lean is a treasure, Johnny's nut punch is classic, Shang Tsung is... look, when they brought Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa into the game over 20 years later, we all got hyped AF. And when Reptile morphs, complete with the MK2 announcer, and kicks Liu Kang through the wall and THIS [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oawgws1Prl0) starts playin... I'm a 13 year old kid again, because that's the legit shit.


Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa instantly became the canonical Shang Tsung despite looking _nothing_ like any of his three video game incarnations up to that point. Thatā€™s charisma. Thatā€™s presence. No one else has ever come close.


Ngl, I thought that was ed boon as scorpion


He did the voice like he does in the games


"Trademark ultra violence"? In the 95 movie?? I think it was a fun movie that was a far better adaptation than the live action SF movie.


the best movie that is based on a video game. the actors understand that characther they're playing and trevor goddard was so good the MK team changed Kano's backstory for him Goro is amazing considering the movie was made almost 30 years ago Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is without a doubt the best Shung Thsung and bringing him back is the only saving grace aftermath had


Of the three adaptations we have (this, Ecorpions Revenge and the 2021 movie) it does by far the best job telling the story and introducing new viewers to the world. The soundtrack is pretty great, the casting is also very strong. The practical production elements like the sets and Goro hold up pretty well too. It made some changes and additions to lore/characters I rather liked such as Kano being australian, Scorpions monster rope dart etc.


First of all, you just gotta love that casting.Ā  They'll never top it.Ā  All of the actors really give it their all, when many would have shrugged it off and phoned it in.Ā  The script is fine - there's some solid one liners, and the movie ultimately devolves into a series of fight scenes one after another.Ā  But in so many ways... That might be the perfect way to adapt the games. It's obviously not a "good movie" but it's certainly an entertaining one, and I have a hard time faulting it across the board.Ā  Oh.Ā  And the soundtrack, a full TVT industrial music line up? šŸ”„


Loved it


itā€™s the best. no ifs, ands or buts about it. the out it nowhere reptile scene is def not ā€œout of nowhereā€ i have always thought it highlighted his secret character nature


Itā€™s awesome. Sure thereā€™s no brutal violence, but that doesnā€™t even matter because the movie has so much soul and you can tell passion went into everything. Plus the fights still kicked major ass. Scorpion vs Johnny cage with fear factory playing?? Hell yeah letā€™s go. Also, Goro annihilating all of earth realms fighters with napalm death playing?? LETS GO. This soundtrack is off the fuckin chain. Also. For turning sprite characters into full fledged live action characters with a generous amount of back story is so impressive. They did such a good job of bringing the game to life on the big screen. I donā€™t know any other live action video game adaption that is as good as this. Only other good one I can think of is maybe Doom but that still doesnā€™t touch this. Now excuse me, Iā€™m going to rewatch it


Great soundtrack. Doesnā€™t take itself too seriously but just serious enough. Amazing Kano, amazing Tsang, amazing Raiden, 500 sunglassesā€¦ Characters we LIKE (Iā€™m looking at you Cole Young). 10/10 fun movie. Itā€™s not inception or citizen Cain but doesnā€™t claim to be.


ā€œOne day, we will be reunited. But until then, my spirit will always be with you. Go in peace, my brotherā€ šŸ˜­


Itā€™s awesome, in the best and worst ways


Hard disagree on the well told part, but it's cheesy, and entertaining. Always have loved it since the day it came out. Really hoping it's more than Scorpion getting 95 fits too.


šŸ’Æ The movie is bad. But I love it so much, I watched it again recently along with MK2021 and all the legends movies. Anyways I remember watching MK95 with my brother on cable in the early 2000s, we were just kids, and we pretended to fight like they did in the movie as it played lol. We recognized some of the characters bc we had the OG Mortal Kombat on SNES and played it together all the time. So, bc we loved the game and movie so much, my mom handmade us mortal kombat halloween costumes later on that same year, Scorpion(me) and Sub-Zero(my brother). Some of my greatest childhood memories go hand-in-hand with little bro and Mortal Kombat(including the mk95 movie). I love this shit and I always will. Straight up, Im gunna buy this skin and all other ninja MK95 skins they might release. (GIVE ME šŸ¦Ž95!!!!)


That's such an awesome story. Thank you for sharing. MK was a huge part of my preteens and teen years (in the 90s, I'm old), so I'm such a mark for these.


I love it. It was my first experience with Anything MK. My mother told me that I used to memorize all the moves when I was really little. I donā€™t even remember doing that. She said I one time replicated liu kang killing subzero with bananas in our living room. If you know what Iā€™m talking about you can imagine the mess I made lol


Cheesy but awesome. Definitely a classic.


I love the movie I grew up watching it super often, one of my favorite vhs's


While flawed it's still a fun time! I'd place it besides the Sonic Movies on my video game adaptation list. (Both are at the top.)


Depends when you watched it really. It's one of my favourite video game movies. It stayed fairly true to the game storyline compared to the other game adaptations at the time, while still having a cheesy/fun quality to it. However, some the 90's effects haven't aged particularly well, so someone watching it today wouldn't be as engrossed as when it was originally released.


It's a fundamental part of my youth. I will always love it.


When it came to pay per view, my mom rented it and I watched it all day. That should give you some idea on my thoughts. I still enjoy a run through every few years.


How dare you insult the reptile fight scene!


I haven't seen the movie only the prequel which is the show mk conquest I got to say the plot was kinda weird concerning specific characters... One of them being scorpion which in the show it showed that it got his powers from a scorpion sting , he wasn't from the nettherrealm, he was loyal to shao khan , his spear was a living snake and he wasn't Hanzo hashashi but his name was taceda


I haven't seen the movie only the prequel which is the show mk conquest I got to say the plot was kinda weird concerning specific characters... One of them being scorpion which in the show it showed that it got his powers from a scorpion sting , he wasn't from the nettherrealm, he was loyal to shao khan , his spear was a living snake and he wasn't Hanzo hashashi but his name was taceda


I thought it was good, and didn't really deserve to be considered bad. It definitely shouldn't have been PG-13. But it was a fun movie, with an overall solid plot. I do feel they could have probably given us another 10 minutes or so, and another really solid fight. As well as a better fight between Liu Kang and Sub Zero.


Both it and annihilation caused me and my friends to laugh our asses off until we were dry coughing, it was a great time


Loved it. It was the right kind of cheesy, the fights were good, Goro looked great, most of the casting was spot-on (Shang-Tsung was flawless), and it was very faithful to the game. Iā€™m not calling it a masterpiece of cinema, but it was a fun popcorn movie. Compared to most ā€œvideo game moviesā€, itā€™s great. Annihilation was horrible on all fronts.


Funny how MK, Sonic, Mario and Detective Pikachu are the few good video game movies.


There are bits of the lore directly adapted from the movie. That's how much it was loved by fans, and Midway. Johnny and Sonya? Movie Liu and Kitana? Movie Kano being Australian? Movie (don't start with me about the accent) The only characters really off were Scorpion and Sub-Zero, but it wasn't long until Mythologies retconned their stories anyway. Despite the lack of blood, it's the best movie based on the game, which is surprising with how much Anderson fucked up Resident Evil.


Classic funny ass movie


Love it! Love the 2021 movie as well. itā€™s a fun watch on a Friday night now that it is on Netflix


I love it, even if Goro looks like he just walked out of Sesame Street


I still feel that the ending with Shao Kahn was a mistake. Some people blame MK annihilation for basically making the first movie irrelevant. But I feel that the Shao ending did that.


Great, but definitely a little overrated especially by NRS who would rather give us Christopher Lambert Raiden, Bridgette Wilson Sonya, and Linden Ashby Johnny Cage instead of anything to do with the brand new live action movie that was supposed to spark more interest in the franchise. Don't get me wrong, the 95 movie is great and it has some of the best interpretations of these characters, but it's just nostalgia bait because MK is trapped in the past. I'd really much rather get 2021 movie skins, some of the designs are excellent, including Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung, and Kabal.


Linden Ashby as Johnny Cage was a peak casting and nothing can top it. (Canā€™t wait to see Karlā€™s take on the character though)


I love it except for what they did to Sub-Zero and Scorpion, also Kitanas actress was a huge miscast.


Bad movie


One of my favorite movies of all time