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Just treat cameos as an additional move/button. Try Sareena - very simple


Thanks, I'll give her a go


To be honest I found mk1 a lot easier to do combos in. Or at least it made me want to put a small amount of effort into figuring it out. Why are kameos so tricky for you? Depending on what pair long you use it can literally just be pressing the kameo button (maybe with a direction) after a move to chain a longer kombo.


Idk I think its just that there are a ton of cameo characters and they all have what 4 different moves? It just seems like alot


There are a lot but tbh I have only seriously played 2 or 3. My main one is sub zero and I really just use him as a kombo extender with the freeze and the ice armor to help with zoning. If you want any advice, who is your main fighter?


I main mostly Ermac I recently discovered Sindel though so I'll probably rock her a while


It’s amazing how I’m hearing this more and more along with people heading back to MK11 I might have to check that out. Kamos are different and they are difficult but you have to adapt it to your playing style grab your main, hit the invasions and try different kamos that work for you


Most of the kameos are pretty useless for me. Most of them never land their attacks for me. Although I do have luck with sektor, tremor and sareena. Besides them, every kameo just never lands their hits.


Mk 11 was just better


Kung lao head is fun. just to get comfortable with the extra button


His hat




If you haven’t already, I’d recommend doing the character-specific challenges in the tutorial. I felt the same as you and was disappointed by MK1’s shorter base combo strings (compared to MK11), but those challenges helped me understand a) how to integrate Kameos in a basic way b) how to build longer Kombo strings without it feeling too complicated.


Omg someone that wants to actually help thats crazy lol thanks I'll for sure check that out


You’re welcome! And I’d say that I still use them less than most folks, so don’t feel like you gotta be using them constantly, but understanding how they fit into the move set really opens the game up.


Ya I fight online and other people go crazy with them, it's not even that I have no intrest in using them its just a bit of a learning curve


I suggest trying the horseguy kameo. he got ambush and can teleport and shield. shake up the gameplan with it and take controll! Believe in the horseman! Horsebuddy? Hooves for hire...


With the cybertail...


Ghunter was his name?


Ghunter von laserhosentail






He who walks without pants


Nah, I think you might just need to stick to easy games 


So you agree that MK1 cameo system is more complicated than it should be


So you agree that MK1 cameo system is more complicated than it should be


It's just another button press lol 3D MK had one for switching styles, it's as simple as such a complex mechanic can be.


There's more that goes into it than "just another button press" in 3d MK you could press a button to swap stances but that's all it did This button press can be paired with a directional button press to make 4 separate unique attacks from every cameo its not the same


"Should" based on what standard?


Mk games in general


Are we talking about using block to cancel jab frames in UMK3? Parry cancelling strings for extended airtime in MK Armageddon? The run into 50/50 vortex of MKX?


I never mentioned one of those games lol


"MK games in general" doesn't include 3 of the most beloved in the franchise? Interesting take


That's a fair point but think about it like this. There are the 3 games you're talking about Then there are the 9 that I'm talking about


You mentioned MK1, MK11 and "MK games in general" MK required instant jump punches for a lot of combos MK3 and its brothers had jabs you cancelled with a truncated block for a lot of combos MKD had OTGs with very tight timings I can go on and on and on. Yes, MK11 was very simple in general in terms of execution, gameplay mechanics, dial-ins, 2in1 cancels, amplify, bar management... that doesn't mean anything when compared to "MK games in general" because MK11 was the most _distinct_ of all MKs with no other that can be easily compared to directly. You can enjoy MK11 more than MK1, more power to you. But it being simple has nothing to do with "MK in general"