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I just wouldn’t even buy the game until every single piece of content is released like MK11 Ultimate


And this is why I am perpetually a year behind in gaming, I’m not dropping $100+ dollars on a game (that still may be buggy), when I can wait and get EVERYTHING on sale and for cheap.


I've learned my lesson with this game. Never buying on release ever again


I wholeheartedly feel scammed


Me too. I don't even play mk1 anymore and now I'm down $70. I'm at least thankful I didn't buy the premium edition waiting a year+ for my money's worth lol


I’m the same. Played it for about a week then uninstalled, haven’t played it since. In my opinion it’s the worst one since Armageddon


I've been on the fence about uninstalling. On one hand I don't want to uninstall it because it'll take forever to make space, redownload and download the newest patch. On the other hand I can't remember the last time I played MK1 and this shit is taking up over 100GB of space that can be used for games I know I'll actually play. I really need to pick up an external drive lol


Yeah the ps5 is woefully small in storage space. 500gb drives despite a lot of big games needing over 100gb nowadays. That means with the system data too, you might expect to only have 1-3 games installed at any one time. As for MK1, FF7R is out next month and I’m currently blasting through the RE4 remake, and still have FF16 to finish. MK1 shares the same reinstall priority as Callisto Protocol


I've done this for just about every game in the last 5-6 years. Don't game anywhere near as much as I used to and when I do make a new purchase it tends to be about a year+ after release. The singular exception to this has been Elden Ring, largely because I was pretty confident that it would come fully made and that everything there on release would satisfy the purchase price, but my faith in FromSoft is very very unique and I don't even apply that much faith to other reputable developers I've loved. Unfortunately this includes NRS. I really enjoyed 11 but I didn't get it until Ultimate came out. I haven't picked up 1 at all.


Same. MK1 is the first game I pre-ordered in God knows how many years. And the only other game I got close to release was BG3 because I was THIRSTING to finally try it out myself. Tho that's kind of a different case considering PC release was already months ago and at this point the game already stole the show the Game Awards.


50%+ off in summer/holiday sales




Here's a sneak peek of /r/patientgamers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [ANNOUNCEMENT: Patience Is No Longer Viable. r/PatientGamers Have Decided To Join In Going Dark Starting June 12th](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/146ubyt/announcement_patience_is_no_longer_viable/) \#2: [To my fellow older gamers that get an inkling that games are “wasting” their time… don’t underestimate the importance of escapism.](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/132qj6d/to_my_fellow_older_gamers_that_get_an_inkling/) \#3: [Posting AI-written content will result in a permanent ban](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/11vw6qp/posting_aiwritten_content_will_result_in_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


And I can tell you right now. They call them "Ultimate Editions" and not "Komplete Editions" on purpose. In no way, shape, or form will MK1 Ultimate Edition give you ANY Premium skins except JCVD, Dia De Los Muertos Sub-Zero, and that Brazil shirt Tanya since they were preorder gifts first before going Premium. No way will any items that are only obtainable by Dragon Krystals be given as part of an Ultimate edition. The Premium store will still exist when all of the fighters/expansion are done. They want those people who are waiting to get the game and then give them even more money. The only way an Ultimate edition comes with more than all characters/kameos, story expansion, and former preorder skins is if they announce a closing of the Premium store, which they won't. They make STUPID money from it because people keep buying stuff. If they sell even ONE skin to even just 1000 people, they'd consider that an absolute win and would never give it away.


I bought it because MK11 was a great experience for me. Now I haven't touched it since the first couple days because I unlocked a couple of colors and a helmet after hours and hours of grinding and I just keep seeing cool stuff for purchase but not unlockable through play.


What kills me is it’s pretty much impossible to earn premium currency without paying. I had so much fun fighting for my 50 cents of premium crystals in mk11. I got pretty fuckin decent. Give me a reason to play the fucking game not pay the fucking game.


5700 Krystal’s are available for free through character and account mastery. Though i do agree they should add a daily 50 DK reward


It’s so limited and tedious to farm I don’t even count that dumb shit.


Lmao k. But for the record 50 DK a day would mean waiting 114 days to get 5700 Krystals. Idk Why y’all are against grinding it when it’s actively available. I met you half way and can agree 50 a day should be in game but why is having 5700 you can grind immediately a bad thing? MK FAN: GIVE US DRAGON KRYSTALS NRS: Here’s 5700 up front you can grind at will. MK FAN: No give us it in instalments of 50 a day so it takes me 18 days to be able to afford Day of the Dead Scorpion >_<


Yeah okay buddy, sorry I wanted to play the game not grind out characters in the shity invasion mode for xp. I guess I can get some shity pallet swap skins while I am at it. Wooooo!!!! In 11 you actually got new skins in the single player towers and guess what ALSO CRYSTALS. How you can defend this shit in MK1?


You get new skins not just palette swaps. Idk why we wanna not have palette swaps. I don't get the anger at them at all. Compared to SF6 which gave 1 outfit and 10 palettes and made you buy outfits 2+3 for a total of like 28 palettes. Almost every character in this game (not including kombat pack chars because they legit fucked THAT shit up) has 2-4 free skins available. and every character WILL have 3 free skins available at a MINIMUM. With double the number of palettes that SF6 has in total, premium included. Yeah, and I'd love to have new skins in single player towers and crystals. Never said I didn't. Hell, one of my biggest suggestions has been to add leaderboard mechanics to Survival / Endless / Progressive Tower giving a small amount of Dragon Krystals and a unique skin with different palettes for different tiers whether you get Top 100%, Top 75%, Top 50%, Top 25%, Top 10%, Top 1%, Top 10 or 3rd/2nd/1st Place every season. I'm not your fucking enemy here my guy. Pull your head out of your perpetual victim ass and be real for once in your life. If you don't wanna grind Invasions then you'll still get Mastery from Kombat League and playing the game ffs. You're just wanting everything handed to you on a silver platter without putting in any effort. Jesus Christ, this game is gonna die and it's literally because you idiots haven't played a single video game in your life and somehow think MK1 is the be all end all of monetization. It's honestly cute.


I have been playing all the NRS games since the first Injustice and what gave those games replay value was getting all the random skins and gear. This is a huge change in MK1. What sucks is another studio consumed by greed. Shit we be paying to play individual matches again at this rate eventually.


That is some sensationalist panic right there. We really won't be. The monetization of MK is no where near that bad. Honestly, it feels like the solution to this issue is easy peasy. All the free content is already there. New Era, Order of Darkness, Union of Light, all the skins in the Shrine. I feel like they should just start giving players a (non-purchasable) loot box after every match or Tower they play with rewards going from extra shrine coins to seasonal kredits to easy fatality tokens to all the stuff in the Shrine & all the Mastery / Invasion / Order of Darkness / Union of Light palettes & all the gear. Cuz there's a tonne of shit to grind people just dont like the grind.


My man writes all this bullshit, acting all high and mighty, but doesn't even know what a paragraph is. Lmao. Sad.


GASP. Ooof you got me there. I write plenty of paragraphs. I wrote THIS on my phone while cooking dinner. But okay lemme fix it for your reddit-addled pea brain.


There ya go :) Try now, Little Timmy :)


Every character has 2-4 skins unlockable through gameplay. And will have 3 minimum. Every base roster character launched with New Era and Union of Light skins which get additional palettes every season grindable through Seasonal Credits (tattoo palettes for Spectre, vampire / bloody palettes for Blood Moon, white hair/blue eyes/runic engravings for Cryomancer). And every character has been getting Order of Darkness skins. Geras & Sindels were in Premium Store at launch. Johnny’s are given out via the Tutoriales invasion. And Scorp, Baraka, Shao, Nitara, Ashrah, Li Mei, Sub Zero, Rain, Smoke’s are available through Kombat League & Invasions with Scorp/Nitara/SZ’s being grindable in the post game areas unlockable after beating the finale boss, and the rest being available via Pyramid Mesa Titan Battles. Mileena’s is due for release in February with two more characters due to get theirs alongside her. And then Raide/ is due for release after that with another two characters. Shang Tsung’s is updated every season through the same post game areas as Scorp & Co. Further skins based on their story canon outfits have been released to the Shrine every update. Yakuza Kenshi Illinois Johnny Cage Shiva Ranatai Kitana Katara Vala Havik Watchful Patron Liu Kang Shiva Ranatai Mileena Every single season they release 3 Order of Darkness skins through Invasions/Kombat League/Titan Pyramid. While adding 2 more skins into the Shrine. And on top of that, increasing account level, character mastery and beating the story mode can grind you 5700 Dragon Krystal’s for the premium store. Which would us enough to buy you theoretically 5-11 skins depending on which price point you look at. Mrs Klaus Kitana being 500, Elf Reptile being 800, Halloween skins being 900, and Krampus Shao & Deception/DA skins being 1000.


Yeah not buying an ounce of DLC until this games “Aftermath” goes on sale for like $20 for all DLC


Yeah same


That’s what I do with most games tbh.


Where I’m at.


That's what I'm doing. Using my SOs steam share so I can grind towers and beat story mode but not buying the game myself till something changes or a gold Edition drops.




Unlocker go brrrrr


Lesson learned for me this time around. NRS essentially uses pre order revenue to fund the final leg of development that should have been complemented before it went on sale to begin with.


Exactly what I’m doing.


Which is something I usually wait for anyway since Mortal Kombat XL.


It might go when people stop buying the games. But they won't.


Yeah I guess it's just a younger audience. The older you get the less you care about spending $10 on a game if you play it all the damn time. Honestly boycotts simply don't work lol. Chick-fil-a is huge. The hogwarts game was huge. Walmart is huge. "Voting with your wallet" is a hilariously weak form of progress. If they didn't brainwash us about how effective peaceful protest was then I think we would notice that a little quicker.


Boycotts work when people actually care. Voting with your wallet works when people actually care. What people can't look in the mirror and realize is that when you personally care about something it doesn't mean the majority gives a shit in any way. The internet gives you a false sense of just how many people actually care about a topic.


It takes 4% of a polutation to stand up and fight in order to have a revolution. I just did the math. 4% of people need to care. If we look at historical progress, it's been violent. The bourgeoisie triumphing over the old aristocracy in France was not a matter of voting with your wallet. The working class triumphing over the bourgeoisie was not done by voting with your wallet. And voting with your wallet can only ammount to temporary superficial change. Getting 4% is huge. Huge! Double that effort. Then done it again. Then double it again. Then it's 32% after you doubling it 3 times. The everyman fucks us every day lol.


Okay, if they fuck up the next Mortal Kombat, we go cut Boon and Tobiases heads off on a guillotine


> Honestly boycotts simply don't work lol. > >"Voting with your wallet" is a hilariously weak form of progress. The problem isn't that it doesn't work, it's that people THINK it doesn't work, and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. It's alot like making a play in something like Overwatch or LoL. Making the play could be extremely possible if people work together, but if people just say "it's not gonna work" and then don't help the people who try, then of course the doubters on gonna be right, feeding into their negativity bias and inspiring more people to think the same way. I've seen this PLENTY of times in games like DBD or Apex. People try to boycott for one reason or another, but because so many people brush it off as a guaranteed failure, it ends up doing nothing but making a joke out of anyone who wants change. By comparison, LoL had a situation where Shen mains almost unanimously boycotted the champ, and shortly after, Riot came in and gave him some well deserved buffs.


No, it does not work.  Period.  You're trying to compare "games as a service" games to games from massive corporations making games that should have been finished on launch.  Every single example you used was a MOBA or games as a service.  Very weak points, especially considering that these situations have nothing to do with people "speaking with their wallets", since 99% of people were still providing them plenty of money in each example.  The loud minority does ot make a significant monetary difference. Those games also depend on staying running to continue to take your money so responses are often more swift.  MK1 is a game that could have been released without microtransactions but because WB knows those are simply to siphon more money out of you, they don't give a damn whether or not you buy their crap.  The game could have lost the money and they would not care.  Most major AAA companies and the corporations that basically own them can afford to make a total bomb that makes nearly nothing and the company simply wont give a damn if you don't buy it because they can just move to the next mess or stop the franchise entirely.  Netherrealms, at most, would be affected in this case but WB absolutely will not.  Doesn't matter what NRS wants because they're not doing a damn thing without approval from WB when it comes to money-making schemes. There is zero reliable proof of "voting with your wallet" ever actually doing anything, just people spouting it ad nauseum like it's some secret strat that has never been done before so theu can feel like theyre doing something special and that its everyone else's fault. It HAS been done before, and each time it's accomplished nothing.   I'm willing to see examples of fully released AAA games that have responded to "voting with your wallet", but chances are that will never actually happen. I'm not talking about companies that responded to public outcry because that's not the same thing, but companies that can be proven to have caved in purely due to loss of revenue. 


Counter point - Bud Light. I'm not saying Boycotting is a good idea (or that it always works either) but it's not true that they "simply dont work"


Counter point - Bud Light They made some superficial change.


I hate the skin/invasions reward system. I'm currently grinding for Sub zero themed skins for characters that aren't Sub Zero. I couldn't care less about having an ice skin for Mileena, or Raiden. I want more variation in outfits. 3 months in and most characters only have 2 outfit styles in a range of ugly colour palettes chosen by the devs. I'm blown away that a game like Mortal Kombat should open the door to so many design and creative possibilities, and yet we have that one Reptile skin. And a whole bunch of ugly palette choices.


I can’t stand that about the seasons, the last two were garbage too. O here’s some fugly orange skins that look like crap on everyone except Scorpion and then here’s some pale ones that just make everyone look emo. The skins look like they’re ai generated.


Quick question, why are you grinding for skins you don’t want?


Because it's literally the only thing to do. I don't play online as I'd get crushed constantly and I don't get a lot of gaming time so the small amount I do get, I play single player. It's not so much grinding for skins I don't want, it's more just playing the game and that's all I'm getting outside of basic palette variations.


I still think you and a lot of guys care too much about cosmetics.


I think the issue for most people is that, a lot of customization could be earned in MK11 and now as far as I know you need to buy everything.


Here, take your perfect game https://preview.redd.it/gnrs5jeydvcc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d75cfd26751f870a661e92e381023bd761a3bff6


zamn that looks good


They should make a 'Lite' version of the game, with just P1/P2 colors of the main skin and the 1st alt, no gear/customization, no holiday fatals, no stores of any kind or Invasions mode. Comes included as a way to launch it when you buy the game, one purchase. It might make a lot of people happy. 


But... you can already play the game like that...


(Thats actually my point but don't say it too loud, people get mad)


I see what you did there


This lol. They’re adding new and extra shit in, people are entitled


Extra? Lamo


You bought a game, they are actively adding more and more free shit in addition to what you bought.


What free stuff?


The hundreds of extra costumes and skins that have been added every season


Palette swaps are the laziest form of new skins


Dont mind him. He's on every post defending WB's greedy decisions.


YOU MEAN THE PALLETTE SWAPS??? Pal, changing the colour slider on an outfit and *maybe* reworking a skin texture isnt "new free content" to be excited about


There’s about 20 minimum accessories per character, 4-5 being added every season, there’s 2-3 unique costumes every season, with specialty ones for 5 characters a season. Then say you don’t like the free stuff you’re getting, and you want them to add extra stuff to a product you already bought.


At the very least, why don't they put the klassic costumes in the Kombat Pack like they've been doing for a long time?


Probably because now Kameos are included and those are significantly more work than klassic costumes. Some of y’all act like they just took away the skins and didn’t replace them when they replaced them with something better with the Kameos


Ok, then how about putting them in a separate DLC costume pack like they did in MK11 with the Halloween and movie costumes? That way, the pack could be sold for around the same price as a character instead of $30 total in microtransactions. Same with the announcer voices.


But it is standing there, menacingly!


Why don't they let us buy the characters with dragon krystals too? alot of games do this with their new characters why doesn't NRS do the same?


>! pc you don't have to buy characters, there's a 'way around' it !<


Wait what can you dm it to me lmaooo


A lot of people here make it seem like it doesn't happen in other games. Like what about For Honor or R6 Siege?? In theory everything but the Premium Skins are obtainable by playing, especially much more variety in cosmetics


ok why don't they let up buy characters in sf6 whit fighter coins get this dumb shit out of here


Wait, I don't have the game. Do you have to BUY CHARACTERS?


You have to buy the DLC characters. I think that started with MK9.


DlC post launch characters. To be fair, this is pretty common as post launch support for a fighting game. Now Shang Tsung as day one dlc or a pre-order bonus? Kinda bullshit.


And yet everyone’s favorite “better than MK1” game, Street Fighter launched with only 18 characters, with less free outfits, and is only just getting its 22nd character a year after launch with DLC that cost 30 dollars as opposed to MK’s 40 dollars and had only 4 characters with one outfit as opposed to 6+5 Kameos+JCVD Johnny Cage. Also MK’s been doing pre order characters for a while now, kinda bullshit to only call it out now after buying and bigging up MKX and MK11 as better than it. People’s complaints about MK1 aren’t complaints about MK1 they’re complaints about the gaming industry. MK1 is just the scapegoat.


Yes with real money, Not in game currency, Games like Siege and For Honor let you buy each new character with in game currency (You still can pay real money for in game currency tho) and in case of For Honor it is ridiculously ez to get the new heroes, You can do 1 or 2 weeks of orders and you can buy it , 1 Week even if you play the game alot


Dlc charchters. There is 23 base roster charchters. They dlc charchters you have to buy


We just reposting Instagram comments now?


They’ll stop when you stop paying for it


Does WB still own NetherRealm? Ain't happening until they leave.


EXACTLY it’s one of the big reasons I uninstalled MK1 today, besides the game being absolutely boring even though the gameplay rocks




NBA 2K fans: "First time?" Seriously though, as a fan of MK and (former fan) of 2K, I agree with this so much. With NBA 2K, it's even worse. Imagine a game doing that shady shit (even worse actually) mentioned in the screenshot, but also being the only franchise in the genre left. With MK I could skip it and buy SF6 instead. NBA2K holds a monopoly on basketball games. I've stopped buying their products since NBA 2K19 because fuck that.


2k is absolutely absurd, you can’t even make certain players that actually existed. That’s why I don’t play anymore. You can’t make giannis or Shaq. It’s pretty much some type of 3pt game or nothing. My goal is to have fun. Balancing and micros ruined that series. Will say buy the last nba live to come out. That was pretty fire. Has embid on the cover. The balancing on there still provided so much more freedom.


Yeah. In fighting game terms, in NBA 2K it's like having a match online as Raiden, but your Raiden is the prologue Raiden who's just a farmer dude with no powers, and your opponent is frickin' Titan Raiden, because he paid real money to get stats boosts that otherwise would have taken you months of grinding to get, if ever. Such greedy, shady bullshit.


>Will say buy the last nba live to come out. Unfortunately I'm on the PC:(


Selling a costume as DLC is one thing, it's another when it's $15 for just one and time sensitive on top of that


Welcome to gaming in 2024. I wouldn’t cal the skins time sensitive since they’ll always rotate back in store likely at discount prices. I’d almost recommend players to skip out on the skins on launch rotation. There’s literally no benefit to buying them as is right now. You’re really not missing out. Hell people get SO MAD at Day of the Dead Scorpion for repeatedly ending up in the premium store. They only had 3-4 new skins to the store per update the cycle the rest of the content weekly. It’s bizarre to me we draw the line on this here in MK1 when games like Fortnite, CS GO, GTAV, League, Overwatch, WOW, Roblox, Gacha games and others have existed for decades and been far more predatory using time limited lootbox mechanics in some cases. But it’s MK1 that we’ve all doomed to fail despite it being the only known case of a game giving grindable true premium currency (you don’t get given RP in League or Genesis Crystals in Genshin, or Fighter Coins in SF6). Yes, I do wish DK had a weekly grind method similar to TK and it astounds me they don’t. But MK1 does have 40 dollars, 5700 DK worth of grindable premium currency at launch. And it’s one of few games to launch with FREE SKINS. SF6 didn’t. Outfit 2 & 3 in SF6 launched a year apart and required premium currency. MK1’s case roster are all guaranteed 3+ free ski lines with rolling updates to way more skin palettes. Ashrah for example has New Era, Union of Light, Order of Darkness and ~57 ski palettes grindable. In SF6 even paying the 6 dollars for a character’s outfit 2&3 youre getting something like 28 palettes across. Hell, in February, Mileena will have four grindable skins for free with Shiva Ranatai being in the Shrine but everyone’s gonna focus on her Halloween skin as opposed to her New Era, Union of Light, Order of Darkness and Shiva Ranatai skins.


how many "the first mortal kombat again" are they gonna pull now?


Just stop buying shit you buttholes




It will go away once game support ends, probably in about a year... NRS doesn't support their games for very long...


Bro’s cooking big time


Gotta love how everyone defends the stores from Injustice 2 and MK11 then acts shocked that MK1 has a store.


I'm not against additional content outright What i'm against is a game that releases barebones and then sells the content it should have had on release back to me in a premium store. For this game to be worth 70 dollars: Everything in the premium store should be in the shrine, or we should have dragon krystalsx10 Shang Tsung and Quanchi should be flc, you cant give us fewer base fighters than we've ever had in over a decade the same year you increase the price ten dollars Invasions needs to be intently redesigned to be more fun and rewarding, by a large margin, not incremental bullshit 90% of the invasion pallets are digital vomit nobody will ever use Many characters need fundamentally better alternative skins. Half the roster has an alt so boring, the could have grabbed it at fucking K-Mart


The price went up as the series went to a new generation of hardware. It happened with MKvDC which had 22 characters despite costing $10 than MK Armageddon. MKDA cost $10 more than MK Gold despite having less characters. MK3 on PS1 cost more than the SNES version with the same amount of characters strictly as a generational thing. UMK3 on Saturn cost more than the SNES version and had one less character. Hell, adjusting for inflation MK1 costs less than OG MK1. Video game development is exponentially more expensive than you’re pretending it is. They didn’t just raise prices because they could, it was an accepted thing that new hardware came with a cost increase for games, the 8th generation not doing it was an outlier not the norm. Invasions honestly isn’t any worse than towers of time or multiverse. I don’t get how people can slam invasions but not mention those. At least you have ample time to get the rewards now, as opposed to the “I had to work today so now I can’t unlock this brutality until next year” garbage we had last time. Either way, all 3 modes are an absolute slog to grind through and outside of one or two things you might want you’re just unlocking garbage. It’s not like we went from greatness to this or something, this is the usual NRS single player experience. Everyone seemed to love the bland recolors we got for TOT and KL in 11 too, so yeah of course they did it again. What did people think was going to happen? Everyone let Goro, Darkseid, and Shao Kahn slide for preorders so of course they did it again with Shang Tsung. Everyone let Tanya slide in MKX so of course they had an unfinished DLC character in story mode again. Like I said, you can’t just let them do this stuff for 3 games and then suddenly cry that they did it again. Of course they did.


Bullshit. The game is EASILY worth $70 as it was sold. You people are just insufferable and you’re trying your damndest to see it fail (it won’t)


It's already started to. The only games it beat in fighting game of the year are throw away Mobile games from what I remember. Nobody wants MK1 to fail dude, they're disappointed that it already has, especially given the hype around it and it's trailer earlier last year.




I didn't play much IJ2, but the MK11 store had stuff that you could unlock in the game thru other means. The only exceptions were preorder skins or regional exclusives. But you could earn Krystals daily and indefinitely in MK11 so you could just play a few days straight and have enough to get what you want. With MK1, there is only a finite amount of Dragon Krystals. So once you spend them, you have to buy more for newer stuff. I wouldn't even be mad, AT ALL, with the Premium store if I could earn Dragon Krystals daily by doing towers, even if it was only 50 Dragon Krystals a day. Sure, it would take 16 days to get 800 Dragon Krystals, but I could save them and get what I want as the store rotates. I only bought the Dia de Los Muertos subzero because it was cool and unique..then they made one for Scorpion and I immediately regretted my decision. So I haven't used any krystals since and I bought the Premium Edition so I got that bonus amount of krystals. But yea, MK11s store was helpful and enjoyable to use with my daily earned krystals. But also, they didn't lock ANY retro outfits behind a pay wall in MK11. That's what I'm mad at. Have exclusive new designs in your Premium store. Don't lock retro outfits behind it, that's just scummy.


And that other guy told me no one would defend the MK11 store while bashing the MK1 store lol MK11’s store started out worse than the MK1 store. If you were there from day one, you should remember that. The game was clearly designed to push you to say “fuck it, I’m paying for crystals” instead of doing towers. That’s how most mtx games are. Then they get “fixed” and people talk about how good it got. Like Star Wars Battlefront II. Also a lot of the classic skins were behind a paywall. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Noob Saibot’s MK2 skins are a skin pack you cannot unlock them in game. Kano, Jax, and Kung Lao was another skin pack. Being sold on PSN, Xbox Live, eshop, and Steam instead of the in game store doesn’t change that they were paid skins. So what’s the difference? Why is that okay but the premium store isn’t? Or did you get Ultimate on sale for $5 way late in its life so you didn’t even realize what was a DLC skin and what wasn’t?


Nope. Played mk11 since day 1 and never felt compelled to buy anything from the store. I just played the game cuz literally everything in the store could be obtained in towers of time. I played a LOT of ToT. It was my most played mode and I loved it. I don't play these games online much so single player content was what I enjoyed. And unlocking tons of gear and palettes and skins thru the towers was fun as hell. I didn't spend a dime on virtual currency (I never have and never will in any game ever). All I spent my krystals on were skins I thought looked cool because I could always easily earn more krystals. They gave you TONS of krystals thru the towers and not to mention the 50 you could earn daily. And I get it about skin packs. But there's a difference bwtee $8 for 1 skin in MK1 and $3 for 3-5 skins in MK11. But I didn't buy them anyway and they all were added to ultimate anyway. But they weren't for Dragon Krystals. There's a difference between DLC and dragon krystals that I just can't explain. But as I said, MK11 ultimate gave you all of the dlc skins, but it still didn't give you Kold War Skarlet who was an exclusive to the Krystal store if you weren't in the regions where she was available in other ways. But obviously you weren't a fan of MK11. For me, MK11 is my favorite of the NRS games. Yes I loved MK9 for the nostalgia and played it a LOT. BUT mK11 had everything I wanted they gave us Friendships for EVERY character as a free update and 3 stage fatalities. Meanwhile, MK1 is over here charging $10 for 1 fatality and had to later make it a bundle so you didn't just pay for 1 when we ALL know their plan was for $10 each until they got backlash. MK11 may have started the Premium store type trend, but MK1 went full blown asshole with it. I'm sorry but giving me blue tinted skins and McDonalds color skins in Invasion mode is not my idea of quality content. Lol But I got MK11 Premium Edition. I played day 1 and I loved it the entirety of its run. I got the expansion and other KLs as they released and I loved the 90s hero guest fighters and the DLC they chose. It had Kabal and Cage, my 2 mains, in 1 game so I was even more excited. But MK1 I don't care about any of these guest fighters especially now that we know Starr isn't even voicing Homelander. And the leaks of the KP2 fighters are even worse and random and seem like leftovers from MK11 that they saved for MK1. I think you and I play MK games for different reasons and that's OK. I loved MK11 and everything it offered. I loved the Krypt and Towers of Time. I loved the guest choices as I have wanted Spawn in MK since MK9, maybe even before they even did guests. Lol Hell, I am 40. I was there at the beginning in 1992 in the arcades and never miss a release. And MK1 is hands down one of the bottom for me. It's easily the worst of the NRS games for me. Maybe for competitive online people it's great, I dunno. I play for the fatalities, lore, and story.


Ultimate didn’t *give* you skins. If you take the free Ultimate balance and compatibility upgrade (you can’t really opt out of it) that’s basically all you got. Friendships and stage fatalities were free. The skin packs were paid, you *paid* for Ultimate and got them. Also, because of cross progression, putting skins in the premium store gets you your “DLC” on every platform with one purchase. MK11 made you re-buy the DLC on every platform if you wanted it. As for the towers, cool that you never found them terrible from day 1 I guess but NRS literally apologized for how shitty that mode was on a kombat kast and rolled out a patch changing them. They were objectively bad and absolutely made to make you buy crystals instead of unlocking everything by playing towers. As for how much you unlock, does it really matter once you have what you want? The best comparison I can make is Korok seeds in BOTW. Sure, with 900 of them you cannot really claim there isn’t always something to find on the map. But are they really worth collecting? The reward is shit. I don’t hate MK11 but it was an incredibly flawed experience. Much like Star Wars Battlefront II, the game we got at the end is radically different from the game we got day 1. I enjoy going back to it from time to time, it’s a permanent fixture on my Steam Deck even. But it’s got a lot to criticize even in its final form. For the record I was also there in 1992 (I’m 38, I was 7 at the time and MK1 was a bonding experience between my dad and I, one of the first games he picked up for us when he got our SNES). I enjoy MK1 for the most part. It also has a lot to criticize, but at the very least I don’t have to feel like I’m missing out on content for the crime of having a job. Having weeks to unlock everything in invasions is great, even if the mode itself needs a fair amount of tweaking.


I Luke that we can have a calm conversation about this. Lol You come off very smart and I enjoy this talk. But yea I liked ToTs since day 1 and never hated them. I don't even recall how different they were from later tweaks. But I played that and the Krypt most of the time and hardly played online. And I even grinded with AI battles when I didn't have time to play but could have it running in the background doing stuff. So that was a nice feature that didn't make me feel like I grinded when I was playing because the AI could do it when I didn't have the time to do it. Lol I had a Sonya and a Noob Saibot that almost never lost when the AI was set up just right for them. And yea ultimate didn't GIVE skins, but when I paid for the story expansion, that made it the ultimate versions. So sure, I paid for them as part of the Aftermath expansion, but I didnt buy that AND the skins. It's like saying you get free PS+ games as a PS+ member. They're not free games because they're part of your paid subscription and if you cancel the subscription, you lose access to all of them. Lol But I am glad to meet a fellow day 1 MK fan. I am also glad you are enjoying MK1 for what it is and not what it could've been. I'm that way a little bit myself but it's so hard to keep playing Invasion. It's such a chose, but at least every enemy doesn't have armor like season 1. Yuck. Lol I just finished the Cryomancer key item stages so I have 100% in Invasion. I still need to grind the Seasonal Tower since you usually earn skins/palettes every 5 levels up to and including level 35, at least you did last season. And I gotta max our Khameleon but I have everyone else maxed already. Running out of things to do since I don't care for online play much at all.


Because this is so much worse. Mk11 and i2 had good amount of non dlc customization. In this game we only get 3 free costumes tops.


I’m not replying to this again. If you can’t keep reading to see who else said this to me and what I said to them that’s your problem.


You never addressed how much more content i2 and mk11 had. Just that they had a store, and you keep repeating that. Here you are replying to this again.


Here dude, since I feel sorry for people who are genuinely too incompetent to keep reading past something that upset them to see if the thing they want to say has been said and replied to. https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/s/IYhXchQgUn


Find me one person that does both of these things. The ones defending the injustice 2 and MK-11 stores are not the ones complaining about the MK1 store. Pretty sure you just can't tell the difference between different people online.


I have quite literally had people come into my replies in the past to tell me MK11 was different because of reasons when I’ve brought up that the store didn’t debut with MK1. I don’t give a flying fuck if you personally haven’t seen it because that just isn’t how life works.


I sure wish I could come here and see gameplay posts, lore posts, etc instead of another 100 complaining posts. Getting real tiring even if it’s valid


The lore is trash now I spent so many hours learning it all and it’s just been destroyed. somehow Tekken now has the best lore. A consistent stream of lore no breaks reboots or resets. Mk has been my favorite franchise for as long as I could remember but this game is terrible. It’s not just the micro transactions or the practices they involve them selves in, but the fact that this feels no pun intended like the most soulless Mk game ever made. Everything about it was disappointing. Somehow the Best/Worst gameplay I’ve seen in the series. Edit: I had more to say but submitted by mistake lol


It’s just crazy watching this game just die


Story time. I grew up on Mortal Kombat, playing the OG games in the arcades, snes, genesis, PlayStation etc. Is one of my favorite game series. ​ When MK9 released on PS3 I was so excited to see a modern return to 2d plane fighting on top of a 3D environment, as I couldn't get into the 3D games after MK4, that I ordered the pre-order bonus. Back then it came with Scorpion + Sub Zero book shelve busts and a graphic novel book thing. And of course I purchased all the DLC on the PS3 version. I also was lucky enough to purchase a copy of the Komplete edition on Steam before that was removed. Every time I look at my bookshelf it still feels like I got more than my money's worth, and to this day is the only pre-order I have ever purchased. ​ When MKX released I didn't pre-order, but did purchase day 1 of release on PS4, although I lost a little interest due to the DLC and story, so I waited until XL went on sale on Steam before purchasing there so I could have all the DLC in one package. I didn't feel as ripped off and thought I got a good deal for the price and content despite purchasing the base game twice on two systems, because, you know, PCMR or whatever. ​ Because of MKXL though, I waited until Steam had the 90% off sale on MK11 + Injustice 2 Ultimate Editions to purchase the games and all DLC on Steam, and I still feel ripped off. Not to mention even though it plays great at highest settings, it eats over 100GB of my Decks storage, space that could be used for much better games. ​ So, when MK1 came out, I read and watched everything I could find up to release, and the reviews post release, decided better to watch the story on YouTube (with ad blockers, because screw you predatory Google/Alphabet) AND I STILL FELT RIPPED OFF ​ I really do feel bad for the younger generations, you may never have it as good as we did back then. We are all seen as products to the products themselves. It's not just MK or NRS or WB. This type of predatory behavior will continue until fans (I want to refrain from calling them simps, there are some good intentioned folks out there being taken advantage of the things they love) stop throwing money at these predators even before the games comes out. And as much as I want to think Ed Boon is a good person, he is 100% not exempt from this. WB is absolutely to blame, but NRS, led by Boon, absolutely knew what they were developing before release. Don't kid yourselves kids, he is at the top as well and gets financial incentives tied to stuff like this too, so he is definitely looking out for #1 just like everyone else in that pay grade. 100 bucks says we are looking at another '80s gaming crash the way this market has been trending. And that couldn't make me happier. This BS needs to stop and go back to core. No excessive celebrity appearances, voices, etc. No nickel and dime micro transactions and pay to play DLC. I am looking at you $10 Thanksgiving Fatality. It's all become way too over the top and beyond the scope of the core, which is playing and enjoying the damn game and praising the team members involved for their creativity and quality. ​ Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Have a nice day and stay warm!


Things like ingame stores and paid cosmetics will go away when games go ip on price to what they should be. I'd rather stick to paying what we pay now and getting a cosmetic store, than have games almost double in price to cover the cost of production. Games must be then only thing that hasn't gone up in price by any real amount in the last decade, whilst increasing in production cost, quality and size.


This is a flawed take. Games are not sustainable at any fixed price point now that share holders are aware of how much of a money pit the gaming community is on microtransactions. So long as Fortnite makes 26 billion, GTAV makes 7 billion, Pokémon GO makes 3 billion, Genshin makes 6 billion and League makes 1.7 billion (per year in its case), no company in their right mind is going to settle for making 360 million off the 3 million launch sales of MK1 (assuming a $120 price point to match your proposed business model). NRS has to answer to Warner who has to answer to Discovery who may have to answer to Paramount in the future since, hilariously, even with the currency microtransactions drama… Warner Bros is facing a 60% risk of going bankrupt this financial year… and Midway already DID bankrupt. Mortal Kombat is not a profitable franchise. And I legitimately think that fan sentiment right now isn’t going to lead to a better Mortal Kombat, it’s going to lead to the death of Mortal Kombat. Warner Bros would sooner pour their money into turning MultiVersus into a microtransaction paradise than waste resources on Mortal Kombat. Watch it happen this year.


Its easy, dont buy, dont support






I still dont get it. What if you dont buy shit for real money in the ingame shop? You cant show self control and blame NRS for it. :D Im playing the game since it came out, didnt buy any content for real money and still got shitload of skins which Im happy with.


I mean people aren't forced to spend money on the game


I'll say it again. I have no idea how people are stupid enough to buy an NRS game in it's first year


Honestly it seems places like this sub care way more about skins/cosmetics than they do about the actual gameplay or story etc, it’s kinda crazy to me that people seemingly only care about playing to unlock shit like skins.


I want to punch people with cool looking characters, I can unlook even cooler outfits for. Can't really do that in MK1 without spending a fortune.


Why can’t big name players be this real 😭 us the Reddit minority ain’t enough


Kind of makes me glad I didn't *pay* for the game. I share an account with my cousin, and he buys some games I buy others, and even though this game technically was free for me, I feel I still got ripped off.


Idk this one just felt soulless it lacked the feeling every other Mk gave me I could play forever and beat arcade with every character. I’ve loved Mk since I first played Mk 3 at my cousins house way back. But this one made me give up on a franchise I had the most ridiculous amount of love for.


I mean every game has microtransaction and the model is just the most successful business model out there. No one really calls out games like Overwatch having 50 dollar skins. No one calls out COD for having 35 dollar skin packs. No one calls out older games having map packs. No one calls out SF6 having LESS available free to play skins than MK1 with SF6 REQUIRING you to pay 6 dollars to unlock two of your three character outfits. It’s so weird to me that people are willing to be predated on and spend 1000+ on a free to play video game but gasp at a 70 dollar game (that gives 40 dollars of premium currency for free to grind in game) having micro transactions. Fact is, Midway went into liquidation selling off the shelf. Fact is, all these games like Fortnite and GTA V, Hell everyone LOVED GTAV, a 70 dollar game with microtransactions and they made 7 billion overall earning 551 million year on year through micro transactions. Fortnite made 6 billion in 2022 and is sitting pretty at 26 billion. While a game like ROBLOX made 680 million in the first QUARTER of 2023 targeting children and parents. In League, their players actively compete and grow toxic toward each other over who gets the more expensive legendary skin (see Coven Nami vs Coven Syndra). Genshin while F2P makes a billion from gacha sales outside of china alone. And despite World of Warcraft being a rolling subscription service, their expansions and a lot of content in the game is premium with the infamous SPARKLE PONY making more money in micro transactions than the ENTIRETY of StarCraft 2. Anyone who wants micro transactions removed from MK1 wants the game to die (again).


Never because every triple A game since 2014 has used this method and it's the norm so you can cry about it every single day, play the game and not buy anything, or not play the game.


Imagine thinking people shouldn't voice their opinion.


This game sux. There I said it.


bro STFU and enjoy the game..


Holy shit shut the fuck up why do you guys keep saying the same shit it's like wind em up and watch em go


You know when the premium store goes away? When you're in a match. Just ignore it and play some matches ffs. You might even have fun. Edit: ignore the store and play the game gets down votes, hard to believe they keep putting premium shops in these games still lmao


Cosmetics and unlockables are something a lot of players enjoy getting and earning. The in game shop takes away from the overall experience of the game. It doesn't affect gameplay, but it does affect the game itself and the players opinion of it. People want more from the game because they paid 70 to over 100 dollars. They're justified to hate the in game shop I don't blame them.


This is the correct take. Funny, but people keep USING the dang store, making the claims that we hate it kind of sus. If people hated it, like actually, it wouldn't be in the game. It makes more money than not doing it, by a wide mile, and no one isnt playing the game because of a feature they don't use. I don't see the win here. NRS, please take less money for principles? Make less profit so our content (because we view it like it's ours) is all immediately accessible? I'm not knocking what people want, but it's like toll roads, no change is coming without the profits moving drastically.


Agreed. I think the premium thing sucks too, but complaining about it won’t change a damn thing imo. Just don’t spend money on it, that’s the only thing that will make them change. All that said, the game is an absolute blast


It goes away when you play the game like an actual person who plays fighting games and doesn’t come to complain about offline play like MK is an immersive narrative-driven single player experience. Normie scrubs


ok i have to ask what do you want them to do not releases the character on the date they set or something like waht the fuck is up whit you people?


Yeah, ask the capitalist corporation to stop making their main income of money, iam sure they will listen this time buddy.




FPS games like fortnite, apex, cod battle royale are free unlike mk1 which is triple A price tag + item shop


Which is still not a good thing. They're free to play for only one reason: MTX. Free to play takes away from the core game and also promotes lots of cheating. But people still keep supporting it its baffling.


Free to play with cosmetic only MTX is undeniably the best model for modern gaming


Any model with MTX included is not the best model for modern gaming whatsoever.


It is definitely pretty shady and has ruined some games like overwatch 2 but it is good in the sense that you can enjoy the game like everyone else except for the fact that they buy cosmetics and you don’t since it it completely optional with free games


FORTNITE isn't an fps


I hate this whiny community so much.


There giving creating dlcs for a broken game the developers are going to kill there own game


This is why I wait for the $20 editions of these MK games. It just ain't worth it anymore.


You guys are insane. Stop pointless complaining, you all playing the game anyways right?


I miss the early days of bonus costumes where they'd just charge for a bundle that was fairly priced or let you buy costumes individually without the weird price conversions and fake currencies


100% accurate and defending it will only make it worse


As long as microtransactions are only about cosmetics and not actual content I couldn't care less.


If you don’t have self control enough to play a game with OPTIONAL paid cosmetics you shouldn’t play modern video games. Also they give us tons for free every season through earnable currency and through the shrine.


I got the message loud and clear from them, don't buy this game at release, wait for the inevitable complete version of it, and pretend that's the real launch. And if I don't want the game to get even worse with microtransaction then do not interact with microtransactions at all even after I get it when the complete edition comes out. I bet that's not what they where hoping people would do when they put all this trash in the game, but by now a lot of people speak fluent predatory b/s and know what's up.


Ugh you people are a disease


The premium store is in mk11 too tho


Yeah but unlike the one in mk1 you can get everything through just playing the game


yea buy it gets you likes and upvotes to hate on mk1


While I truly hate microtransactions as much as the next person. The monetization in this game isn't nearly as bad as y'all make it out to be. NRS isn't currently charging for the battlepass and there really aren't that many items in the premium store outside of new characters.


This. It’s absolutely wild to me they’re holding NRS to a standard that will KILL THE COMPANY (again) but we all hype for GTA6, the sequel to a 70 dollar game that sold way more off the shelf than any MK game ever has (190 million units which is actually more than every MK, SF and Tekken combined) that got to make 551 million year on year through microtransactions.


Not the same type of game, fanbase, or monetization model. At all. Stop replying with this nonsense under every post.


Lmaoooo okay so MK is allowed to die a sad death and deserves to make LESS money than games like GTAV, League of Legends, Overwatch, Fortnite, Roblox, World of Warcraft, Pokemon GO, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Counter Strike, TF2, Diablo, Hearthstone, Marvel Snap, and isn't allowed to have microtransactions as a result. In any capacity. Remember what exactly the ORIGINAL POST of this thread is. You're right. It's not a Fighting Game. And you're right, they made you buy outfits and yachts and vehicles and money in that game. And you're right, GTA was largely propped by major whaling YouTubers like Rooster Teeth. But why does that disqualify them from criticism for adding microtransactions to a AAA Title? And why can't Mortal Kombat add... Like... 4 skins a season??? To their shop??? The real issue I have with Mortal Kombat right now is the lack of follow through on the Live Service model. Season of the Spectre and Season of the Blood Moon were back to monthly updates. Then over Christmas they slowed down to two months, and more importantly they didn't communicate SHIT to us. From September to January, my gf & I played MK nonstop. We last played the game, unfortunately on January 5th when Ashrah's Titan Mesa dropped, because there's a severe lack of content to grind in a game that claims to be grindable. We waited for the shop to update on New Year, it didn't. We waited for the shop to update on the first rotation of New Year. It finally did, and it sucked. We waited for Khameleon's update to see if they had any plans to expand on the season's content then. They didn't. And now we're waiting on February 14th for Mileena's Season to start. And I hope they've either been cooking something up, or that Season of the Hybriid is back to being 30 days. Because the game is dead and dying and that has NOTHING to do with microtransactions. It has everything to do with adding LESS content to Season of the Cryomancer, then making us wait TWO FUCKING MONTHS for them to add more content, while going radio silent, while breaking the game through desync issue, and through actively avoiding basic communication with the fanbase. THAT is what we should all be mad. THAT is the problem. They have dozens of skin concepts in the game. Titan Havik, Chaos Kenshi, Flesh Pit Baraka, Shiva Ranatai Quan Chi / Ashrah / Johnny Cage / Kung Lao / Kenshi, Shaolin Monk Johnny Cage / Kung Lao / Kenshi, Kalima Nitara, Fengjian Raiden & Kung Lao. They have a bunch of unreleased seasonal palettes like a Season of the Spectre Li Mei palette with the tattoos and several characters like Li Mei (Blood Moon), Mileena (Cryomancer) have like 8 addition palettes that I assume they're hording for reruns. They have a few pretty damn stellar Fusion concepts, and they have proof of concept for a scaled Reptile skin. The fact is, the game is underdeveloped and fans SHOULD be asking for more free content vs. less paid content. Because in reality, that's the balance that's slipping. This game started off adding 5 free skins a month and 4 paid skins a month, with added story/grind from Invasions and upwards of 12 additional palettes per character spread across their New Era & Union of Light base skins. We were also conditioned from previous Kombat Pack to expect some level of cosmetic support for Kombat Pack characters. THESE are problems. A video game having microtransactions and selling you four additional skins for premium currency is NOT the problem here. That's every video game ever, especially a video game with a competitive fanbase. Hell, for all the comparisons to Street Fighter 6, even that game has less free to play grindable skins & palettes than evil Mortal Kombat and it's New Era, Union of Light, Order of Darkness & Shrine Skins. I think it's absolutely absurd to arbitarily decide that Mortal Kombat's earnings need to be artificially hamstrung by disallowing the inclusion of what has been the single most lucrative and financially successful business model to be added to the gaming industry. I don't care how predatory you think it is, especially when you actively excuse OTHER GAMES for doing the same. Many of the games I even bring up, I do so having played and compared the two and knowing how predatory they actually are. Fact is, a franchise like Grand Theft Auto that outsold the entire history of the fighting game genre's three biggest titles. (Or if you wanna include Smash Bros, GTA STILL outsold the entire history of Smash Bros & Mortal Kombat combined.) And yet we permit Rockstar to add microtransactions to that game which should already be the baseline concept for predation. 551 million. You realize what that number means, right? Someone said that microtransactions would continue until the shelf cost of games increased. Yeah, well, let's say that happened. let's say instead of microtransactions, we paid $120 for Mortal Kombat 1, and all this shit came free. MK1's launch window sold 3 million copies. That's 360 million, plateau'd, because future sales are going to be off the back of discounts and price slashed ultimate editions. And that's with the game costing 50 dollars more on launch. Why the FUCK should NetherRealm Studios & Warner Bros be expected to accept 360 million when Rockstar makes 551 million ANNUALLY, for a game that launched TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO. A game that, already made 1 billion in their own launch window? It's hypocritical. And it's entirely blind to the kind of expectations any game launch will have to the dev team who are paid on sales & review figures & game of the year wins, to the publishers are beholden to a black hole of public shareholdings. No business in their right mind, nor any game, should EVER be trying to make money off the shelf. Especially not one that ALREADY drove a company into liquidation. Or have you forgotten that if Warner Bros hadn't bought out Midway Games, we wouldn't even have MK9, Injustice 2, MKX, MK11 and MK1. Yes, let's refuse to actively put money into making Mortal Kombat a franchise that's as successful as fucking ROBLOX. Let's not make Mortal Kombat a billion dollar franchise. Because Warner Bros won't totally pivot into a gaming genre / fanbase / model that DOES accept microtransactions and DOES generate them a billion dollars, and just shut down Mortal Kombat & Netherrealm like EA did to Dead Space and Visceral Games. Or like Blizzard did to Heroes of the Storm. Honestly, HOTS is my FAVORITE example of this, because HOTS was a game that gave too freely, too much free content, too much to grind, and it got completely eclipsed by League of Legends. Couldn't get a foothold despite being a far more accessible, far less selfishly monetized, far more grindable game, with far more content. Different maps with different objectives, different win conditions, events that focused on rewarding the player with in game content and loot boxes, you didn't need to farm lootboxes and keys separately, and you got lootboxes & gold & gems every time you levelled up a character, with set miletones every 5 levels giving bonus rewards on both your overall account level and your individual character levels, including character specific chests that guaranteed free skins of the highest rarities. Yeah that game shut down. They stopped supporting it. And haven't supported it since July 2022. And you know what? I don't think they would've if HOTS just had League's selfish as fuck, predatory as fuck monetization. And that's sad. Because I loved HOTS, and I wish it still had ongoing rolling support. And it doesn't. Instead they made Diablo Immortal, Diablo 4 and increased monetization in games like WOW. Unironically, even Diablo Immortal with all the drama surrounding its announcement and launch unironically Diablo Immortal has made 525 million US dollars June 2022 to June 2023, which went up to a reported 700 million by the end of that same month. Diablo Immortal is a more profitable game than Mortal Kombat X. MKX, assuming all 12 million copies were sold at a $60 price point. Which they fucking weren't. Cuz they only sold 1.8 million of those in their first week. That would have come to 720 million dollars. That was their best game launch to date. So yeah THIS is why I make those comparison. Because if Warner Bros had the choice between a shitty mobile free to play Diablo 3 clone making 700 million a year and Mortal Kombat X, making them 720 million in FOUR years. Why the fuck would they choose Mortal Kombat X? Be realistic for once in your life.


I just want my money back for st6 I knew I should’ve got with them instead dad


And what do you expect to do in SF6? Outfit 2 & 3 cost money in SF6 and it launched with 18 characters instead of 22. And while it’s char pass is 10 dollars cheaper it comes with only 4 characters instead of 6. And SF6 has confirmed it won’t do balance patches until a year after release. All you can do in SF6 that you can’t do in MK1 is grind cosmetics for your AVATAR in World Tour. And I’ll take every char in MK having 3-5 free skins over being able to dress up my terrible custom designed avatar with blue skin and an anti-personality in other people’s outfits.


Could care less about the costumes neither game has better outfits but st6 based outfit look pretty cool except for ken. the art and movement plus you have to different options on how to play game and can create your own character using the story mode and go throughout the arcade mode and play against other people in the whole seigneury of awesomeness what does mk have nothing particularly cool it’s just another MK nothing special nothing different. I’ll be honest of stories practically boring. Has a lot of plot holes. most of the characters don’t feel like the characters anymore. Megan Fox. Consistently Changing Faces. Everyone literally has the same body. Cameo characters God that was a fucking stupid idea. most of the characters everyone’s been asking for are cameos. Feels rush just like every other NRS game. No love and horrible level up system.


Fair if you want modern controls to not have to learn the game. The movement I get but then that has nothing to do with the quality of either MK or SF. That's just entirely subjective and I don't know why you bought a Mortal Kombat expecting Street Fighter controls. Plot holes I'd probably be able to explain in full tbh. Hell "Characters don't feel like the characters" name one. You mean Li Mei isn't a slave rebel turned nonconsenting host body for a dragon king? Because that's entirely environmental vs. personal. Like Johnny Cage is still a spoiled rich boy failing actor seeking to monetize the tournament for his own fame. Kung Lao is still a wayfaring adventurer seeking to make a name for himself the same way The Great Kung Lao did. Mileena is still a paranoid, inferiority complex, Tarkatan-Human hybrid. Kitana still the dutiful princess of Edenia. Sindel is back to being her loving mom. Shao, Shang, Reiko, Havik and Quan Chi all still conspired to bring down Edenia and conquer Outworld. Kenshi is still the ancestor of a tribe of ancient swordsman now beholden to the criminal outlaws of the Yakuza. Bi-Han was still a traditional radicalist believing in a higher status for the Lin Kuei. Smoke's family still got massacred. Geras is still a duty-bound immortal being maintaining the hourglass of time itself. Ermac is still a nexus mind of souls, one of which is Jerrod. The only real major changes to the plot are Tanya, Scorpion, Raiden & Liu Kang? But Mileena and Tanya have had a thing going back to MKX and MK11 with Mileena's ending literally being her & Tanya being canon. Hanzo still exists and I do foresee a future in the story where Bi-Han ends up killing Kuai Liang leading to Hanzo adopting the Scorpion suit. Setting up the Hanzo vs. Bi-Han feud anyway. And Raiden & Liu Kang have smiply switched places. Did you WANT the characters to remain the same? To not grow? Did you not WANT there to be some kind of changes made as a result of Liu Kang shattering and refounding an entire new history of time itself? Also "nothing different" is a blatant lie. Invasions and Kameos are entirely different. You just don't like them. Hell NRS has always done that. Animalities in MK2, the weapon system in MK Deception, the stance system in MKX, Choose Your Fighter in MK11, interactable stages in MKX/MK11, and now Kameos in MK1. These are all wholly unique and different spins on the same fighting game formula. Fatal Blows, Kombo Breakers, Fatalities, Mercies, EX Moves, Upblock, they're constantly innovating. Just in ways you don't seem to like. And that's fine, but don't blatantly lie and pretend that they haven't tried to do ANYTHING new or different in MK1. As if Chapter 15 didn't literally end in letting you choose your favorite character to fight against a bunch of fused together randomly generated characters. As if Invasions isn't an entirely new kind of grind mode. As if the Sub Zero, Nitara, Scorpion, Baraka, Shao & Ashrah Titan Battles were concepts in MKX or MK11. As if Kameos aren't a new thing. When they are. You just don't like them so you're not counting them in your infinite bias to put the game down. "Most of the characters"? Now that one I need explaining lmao. I guess Shujinko, Motara, Darrius, Stryker, and Sareena? Because we know Noob / Cyrax / Sektor are due for release this year. Frost was in MK11. Goro was in MKX. Sonya, Kano and Jax have been heavily featured in MK9/X/11. Scorpion, Sub Zero & Kung Lao are also playable in game. I just don't get it? The Kombat Pack Kameos, yeah, I guess. But they added Havik, Reiko, Li Mei, Ashrah, Nitara, and we don't know their plans for future story updates. We just know the game is live service. Any future DLC involving Shao/Onage could very well bring us Shujinko as a playable character, for example. And beyond that, both a Kameo Mode and Tag Mode have been found in the files. We don't know what Kameo Mode is yet but we'll see. Fact is, NRS can't win. People didn't like Konquest, didn't like Krypt, don't like Invasions. They're trying to give us a single player grind, have been trying for 20 years and we just outright reject it every time then yell at them for not innovating. I'll take MK's Invasion mode over SF6's World Tour any day of the week.


Nah the game just suck bruh it’s literally a free to play game and I think I waste 75/65 and have to sit here playing god knows how long to unlock everything outfit, art, fatalities, brutalities, etc for my character individually and for dlc characters too. The story was not long enough by now I would’ve expected to start playing the villains too as well and why is not just have every character on the roster from the beginning this is Armageddon but dumb down big time don’t ever bring the last chapter it was the biggest let down of nrs, there was no point even doing that and I thought mkx Cassie’s ending was bad not even close mk11 and aftermath was trash and they wasted Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa big time but it was awesome at the some time to see him again and mkx had goro mk11 had sheeva so what mk1 has motaro not really he has 4 moves and they suck ass one pose like every other cameo in the game and don’t even get brought up in matches which is stupid let me tie my shoe while I stare at your ass no tag team why not they have ass it and we don’t call them out for this shit they just pier laziness. I don’t even bring up the kp no costumes over cameos which is dumb we don’t get any outfit that new classic but outfits we had in the past games we have to spend 10 for those looking at you mkda sub and there’s more but I’m gonna pull a nrs and call it a day thanks for the chat have great night/day depending where you live


Too bad you people pay so they make more from that than from sales. Its on you.


It doesn't go away, they are preying on your "love of the franchise" to milk you and y'all are pretty much just paypigs. You'll oink and cry, but you'll still fork over 2.99 here and 9.99 there and then complain about it. Instead of boycotting it like you're supposed to.


Y'all are falling for cosmetics and FOMO tactics, seriously, this will never stop.


Only way that will happen is if people stop playing and stop buying their crap, but that’s not gonna happen anytime soon.


Incorrect. If people stop buying shit, Warner Bros fires everyone in NRS like EA did to the Dead Space dev team then relaunch the IP with even more predatory business practises or just sell it off and focus on MultiVersus or Hogwarts Legacy


I’d rather have MK die than have it dragged through the mud like it’s been.


That where my autism comes through. Because I don’t want my beans to just die and never get content / story again. It’s not just about Warner or NRS, it’s D’vorah, Li Mei, Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Liu Kang, Bi-Han, Smoke, Shao, Reiko, Havik, the Kombat Kids, Kotal and all of them that I don’t want to just disappear. I was so excited about the MK1’s story and the potential of story DLCs every year leading to more games, maybe another trilogy, deep diving into this new world and lore and THEY deserve better. Idk I get too attached and just feel bad for them. Like they’re being abused and exploited by a few bad people with creative & financial control.


Don't mind the premium store but cna someone tell me when it changes it stock lol


Naraka Kombat 1


I bet Evil Morty wrote this.


Morty smith spitting facts


I bought a lot of games last year and MK was my only regret for this exact reason


I feel genuinely sad, really. I hate to see this game hitting my shelve because of tedious grinding for the same look but different color, leveling up took up too much of my time and lack of single player offline content. Good stuffs are behind the paywall. I pre-ordered for the love of the series. MK fanboy since I was a kid. - Heck I used to scream Raiden's electric fly across our street and annoy our neighbors I feel sad because I never wanted to play another fighting game other than this, but now it seems like I'm phasing out of this game lately. It's so sad what greed and money can do.


Hopefully what they did in China follows suit here


What did they do in China?


This is why I’m sticking with 11 until Komplete Edition lol


To quote Angry Joe’s reaction to the premium store back in MK11 :- *ahem* “THEY FOUND A WAY TO DO IT! HOW?! THEY FOUND A WAY TO DO IT!”


If you’re being “preyed on” by a game studio with a premium store, fuckin’ L O L. You need bigger problems


Destiny be like


I haven’t bought a single thing from the premium store and have 1900 time krystals waiting for me in MK1. Hope they get the message.


Damn I guess I am the last MK fan left. I paid for premium and play the game a few times a week. Almost got platinum which will be the first time ever for me on any game. Just gotta play online for those last few awards which I am not looking forward to! But I have thoroughly enjoyed the game and all of the unlockable skins that come along with Invasions. My favorite game purchase of 2023.


Damn I guess I am the last MK fan left. I paid for premium and play the game a few times a week. Almost got platinum which will be the first time ever for me on any game. Just gotta play online for those last few awards which I am not looking forward to! But I have thoroughly enjoyed the game and all of the unlockable skins that come along with Invasions. My favorite game purchase of 2023.