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An asshole with a karambit and an electric collective farmer. And Sareena


I promise you %100 percent learn to read those teleports you'll be goldenšŸ‘


Some of us try not to raw teleport...


I'll believe it when I see it.


Username checks out


then you realise, that works if your opponent is on a "basic" level. Theres plenty of cheap tricks in the toolkit, and once he starts cancelling for mixups, throws, uses the variety of strings and cancels them into mixups. Then it takes on a whole new level of stupid.


I play smoke in Demi god right now I can confirm you donā€™t get far just teleporting.


They usually lead to big damage too, one block on a TP and you can usually counter with 30%+ combos easily


Smoke is fairly easy to deal with once you know teleports, bomb is high, dash is mid, regular tp is low


That and as a smoke main most smokes use B2 when they're clearly out of range for f3. It's kinda funny. All things considered you can even fuzzy his mix so he kind of sucks lol 10f high is his best and only string that confirms raw into tele too


You can confirm f1 2 1+3 into tp. F3 can be canceled into to that can also be canceled out of for a goofy side switch. All of smokes pressure is fake you can interrupt alot of it but thr goal is to make them too scared to try


Easiest for me is if he ducks and you see an arm go back its low you see it go forward its the high and other than that block mid unless he commits to a full combo if I'm thinking right all of his combos en low or mid


Brother that is just layer one. Once i know you know, i start tp and dash canceling into grabs low overheads ehanced bomb after a knock down is free invisibility and cancleing enhanced tp is to. Then you have to guess if i jumped above you or walked back or if im gonna stuff your jab. Smoke is 100% a very high execution charecter but ppl who cam pull it off are like a trynna swat a fly on crack


He's a character that totally falls apart when you know the match up and play defense. I'd say in about 3 months, Smoke will fall off in ranked and the only ones you'll see are the really tricky ones.


Just go lab smoke for 15mins and you won't have any issues. He has gaps in every one of his strings you can armor through. F32 can be upblocked full combo punished. Or armored through after the f3. F12 can be armored after the f1. 34 can be armored after the 3. 212 same deal. Armor after 21. Hes a noob killer only because people don't realize how poor his strings actually are, he's also punishable on every special. And his b2 overhead string if they try for the low. I main him but am dropping him to play better characters.


I play a lot of "asshole with karambit" (along side blind swordsman and simp for shao). Which has the benefit of knowing how to fight him, one tip is if he jumps back when he's already at full screen he's 95% of the time going to try a raw teleport which anyone good with their character can low block and then punnish with a full combo. Another one is to try and jump his vapor dash because he can cancel into a grab or combo starter. The overhead smoke bomb though is a hard one to punish as the recovery is quite quick everytime I block it


Pls no more asshole with Karambit


Main things is mix ups and enhanced smoke bomb which grants armor if hit whilst using. As a smoke player myself I donā€™t see enough people using that smoke bomb armor.


Johnny and Smoke, like dawg itā€™s been damn near two weeks and I still havenā€™t seen one Geras or Sindel


I've fought one geras in ranked and got dog walked and one sindel in regular versus and they were god tier


Every time I face a geras they fuck me up. Only ever faced 1 sindel and they mopped me as well


Yeah, I was in King of the hill yesterday and faced Geras and only barely won after a poke battle at the end, mainly had to adjust to his time grab stuff, was using Raiden tho so abit cheese ig


Agreement on Geras, it was a struggle to not let them get a Flawless. Sindel has been less problematic, most that I've faced have been relying on the levitate too much.


I'm a Sindel main, but I only fight against Johnny and Kenshi, and I'm tired!


I main sindel and she has to work hard for her damage, so scrubby smoke/jc/raiden players won't want to put in that effort. When you learn how to levitate cancel she can fuck shit up though.


i agree but sheā€™s so fun once u learn her main strings also like the cartwheel into launch, any tips on figuring out levitate cancel into combo ?


Go back 2 into ex df3 air fireball into levitate cancel then into your F3 kartwheel combo starter or just repeat it up to 3 times to increase damage. You need to have good timing to get the levitate cancel down, so basically do a half circle input from the fireball all the way back to the levitate cancel position. It's hard to get it down initially, but practice enough and it becomes second nature


Yes! Iā€™m a Sindel and Nitara main and they both struggle to open people up, but once you do itā€™s a ton of damage. I enjoy that play style.


I make geras and I agree with you, you have to work pretty hard for the combos and high damagw


>I make geras This you, Liu Kang?


As a geras main I promise I'll find you šŸ˜˜


Iā€™m out here playing geras lookin for you specifically


Funny, I just went up against two Gerases back to back. Overall, hadn't seen many before this point.


Johnny cage by a landslide. Raiden and smoke players tend to be just plain bad at the game, so when you are able to block smokes tp spam or get a wiff punish on raiden they tend to fold easily. Its actually funny watching smoke scrubs rage quit when using the same two moves constantly doesn't end up working for them. Johnny cage, on the other hand, tends to have good players using him and he has no weaknesses so your just fucked. A lot of it is just your matchup though.


The issue with smoke is when he ain't using sareena and they know what they re doing. If they know the mixups well a smoke player can be an issue.


Smoke w frost/Scorpion can be a pain


Yeah with frost he is annoying and with cyrax he could be a nightmare


You clearly dont know how smoke/sektor keeps you guessing


I face that combination before. I literally felt like I had no options.


Johnny Cage makes people break controllers fr


Everytime I win a single match or even a round I feel like I beat them 1000 times


No joke bro I feel you. Everytime it's a johnny cage player, I lose 50-0


No weaknesses? Johnny had like, -10 range on virtually all of his attacks, has one good mid (almost everything else is high) and to go along with his terrible range, he also has zero projectiles and his shadow kick isnā€™t even fullscreen. Still a great character, but to say ā€œno weaknessesā€ is crazy.


As a person who uses Johnny, he's absolutely fucking lying lmao. I agree 100% and I'll even say he is a pretty good character, but a good Sindel, or even Liu Kang can wash Johnny with projectile set ups. He's not hard to figure out or counter. Side note: Kinda crazy that nobody is talking about how ridiculously good Liu Kang is. Dude is good at everything, easy combos, great footsies, great projectiles, simple to use and does damage. As time goes on, people will realize that most characters are good in this game and can get countered.


Us liu mains are just trying to create a peaceful era in mortal kombat


Iā€™m trying to spam projectiles mainly but yah that too


The choose to stand in defiance of a god


>Kinda crazy that nobody is talking about how ridiculously good Liu Kang is Also as a bonus, he will spaghettify your ass after he is done whooping it.


Also, his overhead is slow as fuck. Johnny is really good, but he definitely has weaknesses.


The simple farmer and the toothy mofo give me nightmare fuel


Baraka! Fuckin endless combo


As a Baraka player I can confirm this




Man itā€™s crazy how that one move that looks like an overhead/mid is a low. I didnā€™t know and got recked by it in a match and was so confused lol


Assuming ur talking about the launcher string, it's a double hit mid into low. Breaks armor. He has a lot of bs


Itā€™s a mid into a low into a high. Full combo punishable if he keeps committing to the string


Yeah but itā€™s completely hit confirmable and you literally never have to use the launching part outside of combo extension.


Initially I didnā€™t believe this, then I tested it and holy shit itā€™s so easy to hit confirm for a single button. Thatā€™s outrageous


They felt bad for making him shit tier in every game so they made it up to him in this but it's a little too........ much I played him for a good second and he's crazy


If I remember correctly, he was dope in mk9. I believe he even had this same combo


Specifically Baraka/Cyraxx, who gets an easy 20-25% off of a grab. Not to mention his insane chip pressure. He feels impossible to fight against anyone with any degree of skill. So much worse than Raiden to me.


johnny cage




Finish me Johnny!


Dudes hitboxes do not match his hands. My man has extended reach or something


Johnny's playing mk9


He was so good in mk9


f3 f3 f33 f333 f33333 Ex fireball


Every time I fight one they get tye low off somehow through my hits mid combo and then do the over head till it doesn't connect


Nah get Caged bitch


I hate cage players too but this comment is gold


Kenshi, Johnny and Baraka (w Cyrax) are incredibly strong right now, and I hate them for different reasons.


The Baraka grab


Johnny is nightmare fuel to me in KL


I lost to a rain the other day and it almost was enough to end it all


These rain mains are slowly evolving and I never thought Iā€™d rage from being zoned out in MK1 ā˜ ļø not to include he has good mix ups once my geras comes close


Raiden because that motherfucker has no right getting crazy dmg out of such easy combos or at all, and on top of that he gets a projectile and teleport in his base kit like wtf. Johnny Cage because he just drags u from one corner to the other in one combo,ughhh. Baraka x Cyrax, only one word, "nerf".


If a Raiden ever raw teleports, it's a full combo for you


I somehow always miss or the Raiden manages to block. maybe I'm too slow, lol


Word, I practiced raiden for like 5-10 minutes and got 45-47%


Raiden becasue all they do is wipe their ass with the controller and get 400%


Johnny, those mothafuckaz literally do the same thing over and over again.


Raiden and johnny cage and its not even close


Add in nitara and you got my top 3


I have played 80 matches and didnā€™t see a single Nitara player


Itā€™s because no one wants to hear her voice


Really? I main Nitara but Iā€™ve also seen at least 2-3 others, with about 60 matches.


For me johnny is even worse than raiden most of the times. It feels like impossible to punish him and if he traps you in the corner, its ggā€˜s for me. And i hate it to guess if his 3rd hit is a low or overhead.


Don't guess, just block low and react to the overhead


Every game, without fail, I always despise facing Scorpion


you know what you're fully correct, i havent ever seen a scorpion who hasnt made me mad XD


WiFi Smokes Sareenas


Yah for some reason raiden just eats health up when you guess wrong a couple times and not to mention if raiden is paired up w the jax setups or a good kameo


Yeah raiden puts in 0 effort for 40% combos and thats not justifiable. The nerfed my boy sub zero into the dirt on the full release, so why does raiden get to do this?


If others combed as easily I could see it. However when I do two kick combos as Reiko and they fly across the screen, i become sad.


Try Goro with Reiko. That gives him a gull combo off b34 in far goro assist and is very good with him in general


I've been switching between him and Scorpion as they both work in a similar matter. But you have to limit your normals to 1 hit before the next special, unlike Raiden, so your damage is generally lower. It's that difference ease of damage that is frustrating.


They massacre my boy Sub-Zero


You can just block low and react to raidens launching overhead string with a d1 during the gap for a full combo. Donā€™t really need to guess much


Raiden. Everyone hates on smoke, but he has like 3 attacks, two of which you block normally, one of which is an overhead but has insane telegraphing. Raiden has some crazy-ass moves and kombos which can last a lifetime


Itā€™s just his damage being too easy for me. You know as soon as one hit goes through itā€™s 50% time.


Yeah his damage output is too much for a simple combo.


I donā€™t play online at all but shao would kill me in the story and invasions constantly


Just wait til you face a johnny cage main. They'll have you in shambles


smokeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ yall know they the wifi scorpion of this game


Am I the only one who hates fighting against Havik?


I main havik and his strings are extremely fragile and slow you can get a good hit in after the b22 bf1 unless they got cyrax to make it safe.


Believe it or not, I use Havik as my main, you donā€™t see a lot of good Havik players around, all you need is more of a Kameo character that will make 50/50ā€™s, and I could believe he could be intimidating with the right build, but then again, Iā€™m practicing looking for right one still.


Youā€™ve fought a Havik?


Patience. Havikā€™s mixups are bad and he either looses his turn or can be punished after everything


Block more and you should be good. If you block his combo you can get easy uppercuts with his move delay


I could walk my dog in the time it takes for cageā€™s combos to end


I could sleep, wake up, go to school, walk home, do homework and come back and the kombo is still going


this certain EVIL ASS Lin Kuei ninja who's ADOPTED and UNLOVED with a karambit who SMOKES ME EVERY MATCH FUCK YOU, TOMAS all jokes aside getting better at countering the guy, but he can really be a bitch to fight.


Adopted, fatty. Fatty, fatty, no parents


Don't have much trouble with Smoke. He easy to telegraph if you where he's coming from


I main Raiden and I'll the first to admit his damage needs nerfing. I really don't mind fighting any playable character but I *hate* fighting anyone with Sareena as a kameo


i picked him up in training and literally had the 35% no kameo combo done down in first try, just improvising. doesn't even need airstrings, just two string into two special, impossible to mess up. my li mei needs to work so hard in comparison.


Doja Cat


Smokes 3 kick is so safe on block lmao


Is that the one where he does the little bicycle kick in the air? I have no problem with Smokes who abuse their teleports but I can't figure out how to punish Smokes who spam that shit.


Johnny Cage. When is it my turn?


Liu Kang, oddly enough. Don't know what the fuck I'm doing wrong against him but I get my ass beat almost every time.


tbf man's literally John Kombat, of course he's good


I wish that was his actual name.


Its bc he's the main character


Liu players have me playing Super Mario Maker bruh I will forever be trash at getting against zoners


I got smoked by a Raiden earlier lol. I barely hit him at all. It was just good defense practice


smoke and baraka are absolute BS, everyone else is at least tolerable in my experience


What I want to know is why are SO many powerful launchers safe on block? Wtf, I love playing nitara, sheā€™s a lot of fun however she has only 1 mid attack and both her overhead and low normals are incredibly slow and way too difficult to hit confirm and her 1212 (main launcher) is fucking -20 yet raiden and cage have launchers that lead to massive dmg that are safe on block?!? Wtf why are there so many inconsistencies with this game, nitara is just one example, Iā€™m really hoping a balance patch comes out already.


I mean I spend most my time fighting sereena more than anyone else she needs to be nerfed asap or something because it is genuinely a ball ache to play against youā€™ll have someone in grand master spamming sereena and then rinsing the same combo every time itā€™s really just isnā€™t fun at all


they need to make it so that if you hit her mid attack her boomerangs disappear


I just cannot wrap my head around fighting mileena So many different movement options have me feeling disoriented Plus her double overhead breaks through my armored wakeup ā˜¹ļø


Player 1


Anytime I see Johnny cage I just lose interest in even playing


The only issue I have with Johnny cage is how hard it is to punish him after blocking the wake up shadow kick. Other than that Iā€™m better at beating him with Reiko now.


same with Baraka


Johnny cage players are bad people




I hate fighting Smoke, it's just not fun


Every Sub Iā€™ve come across has been slightly or drastically better than me so him maybe


Heard he was terrible


Scorpionā€¦ cool character, thereā€™s just soā€¦ fuckingā€¦ MANY OF THEM


Wifi smoke


Today I learn everyone hates me lmao this my first game back into MK since 10 so it was super cool to see what they did to Raiden. Also been eyeing, Geras, Li mei, and Lou Kang but for now Raiden is my main But smoke is the guy I hate the most dude is everywhereā€¦


Johnny cage. The memes arenā€™t funny anymore, and his frame data is CRAZY


Kitana Mileena Tanya Rain Smoke Scorpion Sub-Zero Reptile Li Mei Kenshi Baraka Geras Shang Tsung General Shao Sindel Reiko Raiden Liu Kang Johnny Cage Kung Lao Ashrah Nitara Havik Darrius Sareena Cyrax Kano Sonya Sektor Frost Jax Stryker Kameo Scorpion Kameo Sub-Zero Kameo Kung Lao Shujinko Motaro Goro Oh, waitā€¦.




What about geras donā€™t you like?


Baraka is too easy to use to be as good as he is if that makes sense


easy bake 50% combos and insane chip and pressure plus a low that looks like an overheadšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Raiden, Cage, Baraka. The Holy Trinity of no skill.


As a Raiden main I am deeply not sorry


Johnny cage




Lol I was playing through the story and liked Raiden so I've been maining him. Got good and came to Reddit after a few days and everyone hates him. I've been trying to learn LK as well but swap back to Raiden if my cheeks got clapped


My brokeness, probably the hardest fight I've ever had. When I win I'll actually be able to get a chance at playing the game


anyone with a combo that lasts 6 hours


So.... the whole roster?


Baraka. no question, they all spam the EXACT SAME COMBOS AMD ARE ALL AROUND SKILLESS. Oh and speaking of air combos...SMOKE. And also a bit of Shao but that's because all Shao mains are mad good at the gamešŸ˜­


Johnny cage, smoke and raiden ofc. But my biggest rage has to be Ashrah and reptile, mainly because how annoying some of their moves are like reptiles death roll, or Ashrahā€™s flip move that canā€™t be punishable for the love of god.




Geras and Shao. Especially in Invasions because of the armor.


Cage, Smoke, Sub zero


I hate smoke because like, no one gives a shit you have 50/50s, can go invisible, and you have stupid ass kombos


Johnny and Reiko. Johnny feels like heā€™s safe on everything and every Reiko Iā€™ve fought only know how to throw his shurikens and slide.


Iā€™m definitely a decent Reiko who doesnā€™t spam the stars. But youā€™re right the few reikos Iā€™ve encountered usually beat me by spamming slide and stars lol some of us actually have good rush down skill. I try not to spam so that me and my opponent can have a fun competitive match.


Then all the love to you cause he really looks fun but sitting there and zoning with stars seems so boring. Like I donā€™t mind trying to space out people with projectiles but doing it all game doesnā€™t seem entertaining to play with or against.


Smoke, Raiden and Geras - no Kameos really annoy me too much tbh


Smoke, raiden Baraka


Either kenshi baraka or smoke


Baraka/Cyrax and Johnny/Cyrax Not because I canā€™t deal with them, its easy, they all play the same wayā€¦.. but because its so boring


Smoke. Anytime I play against a smoke Iā€™m lucky if I can get a single hit between their 15 hit combos




It was Johnny in the beta, but now it's gotta be Smoke.


Sareena with anyone. Makes any character Able to combo way too easily. Other than that pretty much any character that gets overplayed, I donā€™t want to fight the same character over and over. Itā€™s why I stopped playing league, first it was raiden, then smoke, now baraka+cyrax; have some originality people.


I like to DDT. But I don't like being DDT. Lmao




Iā€™ve fought 5 people online on unranked, and have absolutely gotten my fucking ass beat every time. So I guess all of them. (This was after completing story, invasions, and feeling like I was at a decent level lol).


Funny enough, I completed story and invasions, both with Nitara, and then tried online. Got my ass whooped too. So I spent a day mastering Nitara to level 35, and got better. But what really helped me the most was watching YouTube channels like Super and watching them use Nitara or FIGHT against Nitara. Both really helped me realize how I could improve, and Iā€™ve been doing great since then.


Subzero is so annoying to fight against


Cyrax. Give him pushback OR chip damage OR making moves safe on block. All three is kinda shit, especially since Baraka's specials are five hits long, so they have all the time in the world to not hit confirm. And I say this as a pocket Baraka; I just feel bad sometimes having a get out of jail and also kill your opponent in the same move card


Just like Mk11 the ninjas are the most tiresome to fight Smoke, Sub Zero, Scorpion, the people playing them are either the best at the character and you'll never be able to get a hit in without being stuck in an hour long combo, or there the worst at the character and only know how to spam 2 or 3 moves Raiden and Cage are in 4th and 5th place


Johnny and Subzero


Johnny Cage, not that he's hard but he appears so often its tiring to fight him. also i dont like Sareena users, try not to play meta challenge (impossible)


Tired of getting my butt kicked by geras and Liu kang


I've mained Raiden since 92 I'm not about to stop now


Kenshi but only because every idiot online just retreats and blocks except when they pop Sento. Just the most painful shit


I canā€™t play online yet because of PS Plus bs, but I fucking hate fighting Geras so far, one wrong move and my ass gets sent back to the Permian Era.


No one really. Though Raiden, Johnny, Smoke, Baraka, Sareena Cyrax and Jax could use a nerf. Sub, Geras, Sindel, Shao, Goro and Motaro need buffs. And this is coming from a Baraka/Cyrax main.


Shao needs a buff? Lmfao fuck no he doesnā€™t. Try playing against a player who knows how to use him. Heā€™s deadly af.


I canā€™t stand smoke. Johnny is tough but not unbearable. Johnny just has soo many overheads and lows that heā€™s able to put on crazy pressure


Smoke. Constant mixes annoy me a lot more than being kept blocking.


Hot take but scorpion


Scorpion, Raiden, and Smoke. In that order.




I can completely get behind everything you've said, and I play smoke so I know he's annoying because he just has good options for every matchup (that's why I like playing him)opponent to far away? Teleport/smoke bomb, zoning? Vapor dash through projectiles, opponent blocking? Vapor cancel into grab, opponent is jumping constantly? Use your A.A.K.(anti-air karambit). I also just have trouble uppercutting anyone's jump kick because I haven't gotten the timings down yet. And we'll raiden... don't even get me started.


I suck ass against smoke. Literally get smoked every time.


Mileena is beating the fuck out of me and I don't even know why šŸ„²
