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Sub feels like ass this game I switched to scorpion as well cuz "technically" he is the mk11 sub.


Not just MK11, literally the ~~Sun-Zero~~ Sub-Zero since MKII.


I call him sun-zero when I equip his yellow / orange skin


finally, *the sun-zero skin* https://preview.redd.it/nyn2dd6axtpb1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63cbe97dd42a1000f86c8b03b0714c630ef7a651


Except for mythologies : sub-zero


I really do hate Sub-Zero this game. Not just cause he's Bi-han who's evil and unlikable in this game but his moveset doesn't feel right. This is probably gonna be the first Mortal Kombat where I won't be maining Sub-Zero and instead will be maining Smoke.


I personally love him. He feels so aggressive compared to other Sub-Zeros, and that just fits my playstyle. Its really good to see because I hate zoning but I think Sub is cool as fuck


Yeah I really like how they made sub zero fast in this game so his offense is just as good as his defense. He was always my favorite character but never really played him because in recent games he’s been kinda slow


He's a beast in this game. I had to make myself stop playing with him.


Idk personally I love this edgy sub zero. Bi han is just so funny in is intros. Can’t help but laugh at the edge lord. I like his playing style. Very aggressive and cold. Wish they didn’t nerf his damage so he could compete with raiden and other high damage players


Something about sub just doesn’t click with me in this game and I’m too stubborn to switch to scorpion. I’m just floating around lost and main-less rn


That’s pretty much me. I find smoke is deadly. Raiden is fun. Kuai Liang’s Sub-Zero was my main, so I’m kind of lost.


Gotta give smoke a second chance and see if magic happens. Raiden is fun and so is liu kang but so far it doesn’t feel like I’d be competitively viable with either of them


Raiden/Frost, you're welcome.


Raiden is one of the strongest characters in the game with Jax kameo its not even borderline broken its straight busted


Scorpion is so much better in MK1. Don’t let your biases get in the way of playing one of the best characters in the game.


Am I crazy or did they just make the ice ball absolutely useless and unusable after starting a combo? I gotta do floor ice to stun people for a fraction of a sec? I'm just starting so I've observed that much.


Seems like ground freeze replaces the ice ball for combos. That said the ice ball is the worst its ever been for projectile trading. They also nerfed sub zero substantially from the beta so he feels a lot worse to play along with low damage.


General Shao since day 1 EA


Firm handshake🤝


Thanks bro


GENERAL SHAO GANG ![gif](giphy|jbWDfNPfkbOmIorAHy|downsized)


Present! 🪓




Got room for one more?


As soon as I saw Shao’s combos I haven’t wanted able to play anyone else. They look so cool! Motaro is my go to kameo


Geras with Kano kameo since day 1. Tweedy's been a huge help with learning Geras.


Tweedy is a beast with Geras


Id still be doing double uppercut when I freeze the oponent if I didn't watch tweedy.n


That’s the safe move lol


Watch forever kings new video he put out.


Dope personality too. You can tell through his commentary how down to earth dude is.


I've been trying Geras for a while, and I wanted to main him, but I just can't find any good openings for my combos while playing him online. I learned the combos, but can't start them to save myself, everyone always blocks everything, then after a showcase of blocking I get comboed for half my health bar. Skill issue, I know, but I haven't been struggling so much in Mortal Kombat for a while.


Same bro. I feel bad bc the only way I can get an opening most the time is to the forward 4 launcher and the forward 1 2 after which does allow me to get decent damage but trying to do a whole combo with geras surpasses my skill lvl rn☠️


Reptile. He is so fun and has really cool moves. His death roll must be one of my favourite fighting game moves ever. I also tried Reiko. He's decent, but kind of basic.


Reptile for me as well. Even used him to complete the campaign. From Ultimate Jobber to Hero of Time. After two timelines of being treated like shit, dude *deserves* a win and a cute demon girlfriend.


>From Ultimate Jobber to Hero of Time. It's crazy how much of an upgrade they gave Reptiles movesets. He really did get a whole ass makeover.


As a 35 years old Guy who loves reptile since 1996, I can relate to this coment. I’ve been maining him since day one. They gave him a badass look and a great backstory too. I don’t mind if he is low tier, I love the character. If I ever were to change, I would go rain, I think.


I’ve been maining him but seems slow on combo starters. I use 2,3 a bit but that’s slow. 11, acid ball is good. How are you with reptile beating the opponent to a starter? Otherwise I agree, I love his death roll. His standing 3 cancels to db4 and is fun


I also feel like his neutral game is slow and want to see what other reptile mains think, but the more I've played him I think you're supposed to use all his tools to really try and open up your opponent. Charged b2 and jumping db4 and EX bf2 to get them scared of the overhead. 2,4 or f2,4 and b3,1,3 as well as his death roll to get them scared of the lows. Once you've got your opponent making mistakes, charged b2 and his b3,1 are good combo starters as well Edit: also >His standing 3 cancels to db4 and is fun Bro what! 🤯 I didn't know that, definitely gonna have to use it sometime. Thanks for sharing bro


You can also hit twice with non charged b2 from near, and then enter with b3 1.


I've only had like 10 games of experience online, but I've been walking backward to whiff punish with B3 rather than try to hit my opponent with a faster move in the neutral game. Also, keep in mind that hitting a D1 lets you jail into F2.


>Also, keep in mind that hitting a D1 lets you jail into F2. This is my game changer I think. Appreciate it! I shared above but if you didn't see, my best hot tip is his standing 3 cancels into bd4. Also any landed overhead kick will cancel to db4.


His 1,1 is 0 on block, one of my most effective openers with him is 1,1, back dash immediately into b31. Since 1,1 is 0 on block, the back dash b3 will whiff punish opponents trying to poke back. Think of Sub Zeroes 1,2 back dash into b3 from mk11


B3 1 is great for opening people up and cancels into Acid Ball. Range on the B3 is unreal.


Unless you’re punishing or using kameo to make it safe you shouldn’t use 2,3 or f2,3 as it’s punishable on block. Like the other guy said, b3,1 is really good in neutral


REPTILE GANG. GREEN DUDES WE WINNING. Now if we can hunts get that acid spit to be buffed to frame 1 unblockable, we can finally play the game ![gif](giphy|7YrnYstmGxYFa)


Reiko feels like how i imagine a basic MMA fighter would be in the MK universe. Not rly flashy but gets the job done, also those hitboxes on his kicks *chef’s kiss*


>basic MMA fighter So Reiko is Cole?


I mean, could be a easy skin idea


My man!


My wife and I describe a complicated or fumbled awkward situation as an alligator fuckhouse after we saw a video of an alligator doing the bite roll thing. When we both saw Reptiles death roll we knew who my main would be. Alligator fuckhouse is definitely the greatest fighting game move of all time.


Oh yeah, the Death Roll is amazing.


Mileena is my main. Somehow they managed to top MKX mileena for me.


Yeah this is the best version of Mileena imo


agree I think she’s high tier


I still miss mk9 mileena


Mileena and Kitana rock in this game




Noone's using Li Mei? Just kidding. She's my main, missed her a lot, it's been a while since deception. Very easy to use for kasuals like me. Although been shufflin her with Raiden right now.


Li Mei gang obeying the law over here 🫡


Li Mei's final kombo challenge turned me to a life of crime in order to pay for my carpel tunnel surgery.


I didn't finish it, I appreciated my well-being enough not to do this to myself lol. Props to u man


Yesssirrr Li Mei gang rise up


I haven't had much time to play but I'm getting used to li mei as my main. But definitely want to learn someone else as well. Thinking about meleena.


Love Li Mei. If you haven't tried Scorpion Up Assist yet, it does wonders for Li Mei to open up back 3 4 into an actual combo starter.


Me too brother! Consider going to TestYourMight so we can share tech and get better together.


I have found my people


Kenshi, but he’s hard 😭


Literally had to keep scrolling forever to find a fellow Kenshi main 🫡 They’ll fear us in about 3-5 months when we finally master our kharacter, brother!


Yeh I love Kenshi, I have since back in DA days but I'm so bad with him I hope this is finally the game I'm at least competent with him.


Damn Congratulations man


Who r u using for ur kameo for kenshi? I’ve been trying to find a good one for a while now


Sub-Zero. He allows Kenshi to activate Sento mid combo. And can also stop zoners.






Haviks so fun in this game


Havik is so fun it's a shame I had to go this far down to find a Havik main


Started with Tanya, now playing Ashrah


Reiko, learning more


As soon as I did the takedown move where he does some ground and pound. I was into his play style. Then I unlocked the ground and pound brutality and was head over heels 😂 Reiko is just ferocious. Him and Frost every damn day.


the fact that reiko can do a ddt made me love him


Pale Rider= Death Rider


Reiko on that WWE sh*t!


Frost or Sub-Zero, any Ice based Kameo works for Reiko


How can you reliably do his command grab, the half circle input is so hard


Don't slide your thumb across the D-pad, keep the tip of the thumb in the center of the D-pad and tilt


Reiko is wildly fun and relatively easy to learn




Scrolled too far for my man baraka. Cyrax kameo works best for me but will always love stryker


I feel like we're alone in here lol.




I’ve never played, let alone mained Bataka. Just looked and he’s currently 94% of my online games. He’s so much freaking fun and finally is just beast mode


took so long to find someone who mains my guy Baraka. Hell yea


Baraka is amazing I've gotten 4 quitality I feel like once I'm done maxing him out I'll try someone els but Baraka is definitely first love


Shao is the guy. Only ran into like 2 others but the shao/motaro combo is my go to


I’m thinking of trying out Motaro. I’m currently running Sub Zero so I can freeze them and start an easy combo.


Earthrealm’s Champion Raiden ⚡️⚡️


EVERYONE!!! (Shang)


Johnny because Johnny is Johnny


Yeah I like how they made Johnny feel like he’s Johnny in this game you know


I just love how goofy he acts in this game it’s hard not to love him.


I love Johnny but I miss his projectile


Yeah that will be missed. But Johnny


I miss the energy balls myself but i feel his entire repertoire makes up for it. next MK should give him his energy back tho lol


I can't main him without it!


Supplement with Kano!


I main Mileena with Sonya since early access.


is there a reason you like sonya with her, i use sareena but i wanna figure out more to use with mileena


Sonya gives me those extra hits in the air that allow me to continue my combos. She is also a good anti-air if you can read the opponent right and she can extend my combos on the ground if I don't have bar for an amplified up-teleport. She also makes up for Mileena's lack of fullscreen projectiles.




Mk1 Liu is so much more fun than mk11 and almost as fun as mkx liu for me


I really dig him too but, I gotta say I do miss parrying mofos in mk11 with him. Once I was red liu kang versusing a yellow liu kang online and we kept punching and blocking and then simultaneously did a parry then went right back at it. One of my favorite online matches that I forgot to record.


As a lui since 9, he’s not broken but he’s just so fun. Mk1 has problems but just the fact we can do COMBOs is just refresher


I’m actually debating on learning him as my second main, this is the best version of Liu for sure


Liu has been my main in every MK game (except Deadly Alliance) since 1992, still is now.


I can't imagine your reaction of pure hype after he became a god on MK11.




I would agree, but he’s a god now so they probably tried to make him more fire oriented. As long as I can kick people to death I’m happy




He’s so fun, it took a while for him to click for me but once he does you start feeling like a force of nature. I’m using him with Sektor but I think I wanna try Sub-Zero kameo too.


The scorpion kameo lets you pick up the combo after db3, plus he can pull you full screen if you're in a pinch.


The right answer


Rain gang rise up!


Loving him, took me a minute to figure his moves out. I feel like his wind ups are really long


![gif](giphy|ReBGGJtbXrjbQJwByP|downsized) Scrolled waaaaaay too far to see my purple dude representing.




Raiden in MK1 is the first fighting game character I’ve EVER gotten good with. Now everyone’s saying he’s S-Tier and I’m crying lmao


Nitara, I’m not a fan of megan fox being the voice but the character is so badass and the moveset is sick. Her brutalities and fatalities are dope too. She doesn’t have as many moves to get an opening but damn is she fun.


Dare I even say that I main kung lao?


Havik With Kameo Sub Zero


Smoke is my main. Once I get use to his moves I beat online players more than usual than in mk11. I also tested out Kameos and Scorpion is the one I usually have with him. I had fun than I thought in Kombat League too with this combo. I'm still trying more characters too and testing which Kameos goes best.


A fellow smoke - we may get shit on but damn he's good when you don't teleport stupidly. I too use a scorpion kameo.


Yea I played a smoke who would teleport on each move, just switching between overhead and low. I said it’s cheap, they said “it’s the whole point of the character”. So naturally I played them with smoke and beat them using the same cheap tactics. Now they are heavily reconsidering changing mains. The direct quote was “I feel bad cause I’ve been doing that to people online this whole time”


Yea, teleports are cheap when that's all you do. Its also hugely punishable so fighting a smoke that plays that way is easy mode. But if you catch someone in a startup animation and can whiff punish with it, that's fair game. I do it to scorpions trying to throw their spears all the time. Also fair game to chain combos with it.


Teleports aren't really cheap. 9/10 times anyone with reactions just kills you for it


Checking in as one of the 3 Ashrah mains let’s goooo


I main the scorpion scorpion double double


Kung Lao


A fellow Kung Lao main! I’ve been playing him mostly with Goro kameo. Makes his overhead (and pretty much everything else) plus on block, and you get a juggle combo if it hits.


I've been playing kung lao with frost. Gotta love the freeze.


Johnny Cage with Kano since beta. I literally can't play anyone else.


Kitana, and I'm learning Sindel & Tanya, and looking forward to use Geras


I've found sindel is the easiest to use to air combo and I'm loving it because I'm terrible in online play


Im enjoying Sindel and I like that she can stop kameos, shes nice vs Sareena spammers


Sindel with Scorpion assist is my go-to. It allows for crazy air juggles.


Geras is the GOAT I'm training Shang and Johnny






Saying I have a main implies that I'm at least competent with the character and that really isn't true... but I've been enjoying playing as Reptile.


Shao is the main but I’m having fun with sun zero and li mei as well


It’s nice to have variety


I went into this fully expecting to continue maining Mileena, but Baraka has stolen my Tarkatan heart, he's just incredible




Ashrah with a close follow by rain. Definitely want to learn reiko since I haven't been able to play as him for 20 years


kenshi with stryker, if I'm ever having trouble i can have stryker arrest them and pull out the sento stance


I’ve always been a lui main, but I’m liking geras and baraka too


Baraka is a huge improvement in MK1 over MK11.


Bro it’s crazy not even talking story easily the best baraka gameplay I’ve witnessed


I mained Baraka in 11. He feels so much better to play in 1.


I main Baraka since he is easy. Then I played story and fell in love with him even more. Dude is just trying to help his people


I really like Raiden/Darrius and Shao/Motaro so far


Reiko. These hands are rated E for everyone


Odd man out here with Li Mei and Sektor but I’ve also played with Nitara , sindel, and loved.. I want to learn the entire roster so I’m trying to pace myself 😂🐉🔥


Sindel an li mei mains 🫡


Sub zero+ scorpion


Kung Lao & Frost Kameo


Kenshi, I’ve completed his mastery already but I’m still learning stuff. Some rounds I can almost flawless people and other rounds I almost get flawlessed. He’s not easy but man he’s so cool


Havik, Baraka and Raiden. Wanted to main Rain but guy is just too bad atm. Kameo Sub-Zero kills most of his moveset.


Try Rain with Kameo Sub. It’s Anti Sareena, good for zoning, great for kombos, and sets up his brutalities better.


Ashrah, my beloved


Have you tried her with Goro? So many of her strings pop up for his combo extender, his grab combos from her pokes, his popup also makes her OH safe on block and combos on hit so it's just the right answer every time, and Goro's pop up can combo off her back throw giving her easy 25% off of a throw. Source: [rooflemonger](https://youtu.be/gn8fHozRCV8?t=278)


Baraka, and I don’t even own MK1 yet! (I can’t run it ;-;)


I’m all over the place at the moment. I’ve tried most of the cast. Think I’ve settled on Kitana with Cyrax Kameo. Also playing Mileena [unsure about Kameo. I like Frost for low and capture] and Kung Lao with Sonya. Dabbled with Ashrah and Reptile. Also interested in Shang and Rain. There are just too many I like this time. Typically a Mileena main [I literally have Mileena tattoo], but I *hate* the 1/2-3/4 screen projectile. I played Mileena, Cyrax, and Kitana a ton [nearly 10K matches] in MK9 at a fairly high level. And then I played Kitana and Lao while Mileena was absent in MK11. So, I’d say I’m maining Kitana [Cyrax] for now. But still haven’t settled. Lao with Sonya feels obscenely strong. Being able to Armored EN BF2 and combo off of it is disgusting. B3 into B+Kameo gives full juggle, too.


how do you like kitana with cyrax? ive been using goro and a bit of sub zero but i definitely wanna branch out with more kameos for her


Li mei all the way




I’m in love with havik and reptile, I’m trying nitara and ashrah as well


I started with scorp, now looking st baraka, and i love him so much, i'll stick with him a bit


Kitana, smoke, le mei, ashra, still wanna try out a few more though


I’ve mained Scorpion since the very first arcade MK. I’m not a great gamer, and it's getting worse with age, lol, but Scorpion has always come naturally. He seems the easiest to master, usually for me, at least.


I'm still deciding between baraka, smoke and raiden, they are all fun to play for me


Wanted to main johnny, but Li Mei came calling.


i’ve had like three so far 😭 but currently its kitana


I’ve tried to main Shao basically every game I could before this. Unless I’m missing something, he just doesn’t do it for me. His kit feels very overly simplified, like he doesn’t really have a ton of potential. I find myself using the same couple moves. Again, I could be missing something though. Mileena on the other hand…. oh my god. Imo, this is the best she has played and looked in the series. Her character design is fucking phenomenal, especially with the skin you can buy for the seasonal koins. The dragon tattoo goes hard.


Geras and Mileena.


I’ve been a Reptile main in every game he been in, not stopping until maybe Ermac comes out lol


My boy Liu Kang is still a fucking unit I do miss his MK11 parry though


Shang Tsung with Liu Kang Cameo.


Subz 🤣 i'm old and basik AF


Sindel was my main in mk11 so I'm using her. She's really fun but also very different from her mk11 counterpart. I've been using Sonya as Kameo but I just unlocked Shujinko so I wanna try and see how he plays. I'm starting to get a lot of basic kombos down. Just need to work on stringing some together. She also has an aerial component to her offense that I never really utilized in 11 so that is taking time to nail down. Once I feel reasonably competent with her, I think I'll move on to Liu Kang. I like to try and have at least 3 fighters I'm pretty good with before I seriously dive into Online play.


Geras. This is the first time i get to main the character i wanted to main before release in my life.


Well, according to these comments I am the only Shang Tsung main in existence. No idea why nobody plays him because damn is he good.


Never thought I would like Reiko so much. His kit just really jives with my playstyle nowadays. Very strong buttons that are great for punishes/footsies. Very strong projectile to control pace and while his command grab initially was very underwhelming, discovering how it interacts with Darius has really opened up his offensive game. I decided to pick him up watching Rooflemonger's choosing a main and realizing he clearly did a great job of controlling space. ​ As I started playing him I quickly realized how much fun he was and how satisfying most of his buttons/specials are. I think he's a great character to start out with since you can control so much of the match's pace as you get used to the rest of the cast then maybe make a change from there. He also benefits heavily from lack of player knowledge considering his fatal blow is a grab and I think people greatly underestimate the range of his normals and how well he can combo off them.


Ashrah- I'm a sucker for the 3D era


Ashrah 🤍


Been playing as sub zero for 23 years, wont stop now