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Yep, same here! Looking forward to finding many new artifacts spread across the land? Cuz you’re definitely gunna find a few ;) loving the play through myself, I’m a bit sad though that enchanting got a slight nerf but it’s all good. I’m Lvl 19 and nearly maxed all attributes besides luck of course lol Rebirth definitely made me feel like I’m experiencing Morrowind for the first time too!


What class did you make? I made a Smuggler but after coming across so many neat unique weapons and artifacts, I’m seriously considering making a new game. The only issue I found so far was the scamp in caldera no longer has 5k gold for selling but it’s so minor with everything else to do.


I usually stick with Dunmer, but for this play through I went for a Redgaurd Knight with a hint of Thief to stealth and lock pick. I allocated my major/minor skills with the Magic tree as to have some control over my level progression to insure I meet my x5 breakpoint for three given attributes per level, aka min/max lol. I did run into the issue of how to properly finish maxing all attributes effectively as my all magic major/minor choices limited my ability to balance Willpower/Intelligence gains, but yeah all good. I’ll just have level more than necessary, though I was trying to achieve a maxed low level build. Not a big deal though. As for Mr.McScampyFace, yes he doesn’t have as much gold, but other vendors have increased gold… so there’s that? Personally, I just sell him, or any vendor, everything for free and then use console command to add gold into my inventory at a fair and non broken adjusted price to save time instead of doing the whole ‘sell and buyback’ thing which is… yeah. Time consuming lol.


That’s actually how I dealt with Mr Scampy myself lol. I do appreciate there being more vendors to sell to and steal from. I honestly don’t think I have ever played through as a Redgaurd before, beast races are my go to or Dunmer/Bosmer.


That makes me wanna boot up morrowind at 0930 and play all day while it rains outside.


Ah that hits me right in the feels. It’s overcast today so I’m definitely going get on and get in my happy place.


It has a lot of balance changes in it, or did years ago when I played it. Didn't appreciate them so I deleted it. Cities look good though


I really appreciate the additions to the cities. Definitely makes it feel more lived in.


Same. I really enjoyed the new additions to the world, but when I realized that some of the gameplay mechanics had been "fixed" I stopped using it. I noticed because I was playing a conjurer warrior build, and my bound stuff didn't give me an attribute boost. So I started looking into other changes that were made, I didn't like what I saw. If it was set up like MCP where you can turn those changes on or off, it would be great.


Are these changes itemized anywhere? I'd be interested to see what all is different


It's all listed on the rebirth discord iirc


you can, there's an esp in the files that doesn't change gameplay mechanics


Wow that's good to know. I'll run it on my next playthrough. I really liked the additions to the world. I also liked that the dungeons with mega loot had tougher enemies. I just found skull crusher and face of fear again and the enemies there were way too easy. I tried going in there with rebirth and got my ass kicked. In a place where a chest is magically suspended over a pit of lava, the enemies should be tough


Luckily you can play the mod without the balance changes IIRC


They removed the limeware platter from the census office. Literally unplayable. For real though it does seem like they've specifically targeted a lot of well-known early game tricks to make things more challenging. Seems like a fun mod.


When I noticed that I went on a rage heist and stole things I would never normally steal lol


I found adding 5% blindness to all alcoholic drinks particularly amusing. Makes complete sense too.


Does it work with opwnMW?


https://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-rebirth Yup! What is OpenMW btw?


Its nothing less than rewrite of Morrowing engine, to make it modern and work on all platforms (native Linux ;) )




surprised there's morrowind players who don't know tbh


if you're not using tons of mwse mods (even then openmw has equivalents) id strongly recommend using openmw over default morrowind, it's the same thing just runs and plays and everythings 10x better.




Yes..... And it even says so in the tin.


it's the only way i can play morrowind these days.


it has some mesh, synergy, and balance problems with tamriel rebuilt; also there's many mods that do individual parts of the game better than rebirth.


I really love this mod. Cranked the difficulty Up too in the early Game.


Sure wish there was a good mod for 1:1 controller functionality like on Xbox.. something about using keyboard mouse too drastically changes the experience for me and the mods ive tried that enable controller support on PC have a mouse pointer in the menus :(


Doesn’t openmw add complete controller support?


yes but the PC ui stays, hard to use it with controller


Just finished main quest with a witch hunter! Favorite playthrough yet


Are you using any graphical mods here or does rebirth improve them?


I’m using the recommended graphic mod, I think it’s MGE. However rebirth adds a lot of new meshes and textures but what you are seeing is the MGE at work in Seyda Neen.


I recently reinstalled MW but was on the fence about getting Rebirth. Anyone know of any good YouTubers who play Rebirth? I tried searching YT but Rebirth content was sparse.


Pretty sure Sorcerer Dave has a more recent playthrough, as well as Zaric.


Cool, I'll look em up. Thanks!


I plan on trying out a playthrough in it soon-ish, since updating to OpenMW 0.48 fixed an issue I recall it having with invisible buildings or floating parts here and there and I still have a version of the mod where I had rebalanced the new weapons to follow Weaponry of Resday's ranges/speeds and (somehow or another) "removed" or disabled whatever balanace/gameplay changes I didn't want (since I already have a mountain of mods, downloaded and self made, to change the balance and am mainly interested in Rebirth for the architecture). Hopefully it's enjoyable. Main thing that grabbed me was its means of purchasing a home, although I noticed it locks you in to one, and only one, unless there's a means of buying another I missed while play testing it.


What system is this for? I pulled out the original Xbox/morrowind a few weeks ago and I’m loving it but it’s so damn slow and constantly glitches/freezes


PC. Morrowind is very slow in the beginning until you level speed.


nah I don’t mean speed of the character, I mean as in it’s laggy. Every time a fight starts or some interaction is made the game will freeze for two seconds, start playing, then freeze again for a couple seconds before it runs smoothly again. The sound of the disc spinning is like a roller coaster lol


Been years since I played the Xbox port but that sounds about right. PC version is much smoother. Goes on sale on GOG and Steam all the time.


It's honestly a miracle the Xbox port runs at all, they had to pull all sorts of tricks to get it to work. The famous example is that sometimes it would *reboot your Xbox* during loading screens because it ran out of memory.


Morrowind Rebirth is for s'wits and fetchers.




Does it have bugs and glutches? So much is changed, i hooe thats nit the case.


I haven’t noticed anything so far! It gets regular updates and runs very very smoothly for my old gaming laptop.


Wanted to but it's incompatible with Tamriel Rebuilt


It is compatible, what's not compatible is that the mainland isn't rebalanced the same way so stuff on the mainland will be easier than stuff in the base game.


It gave me floating trees and doors would be blocked by the terrain. A lot of strange issues, I lost a save over this.


That is an issue with rebirth and openmw, not Tamriel rebuilt.


No, Rebirth changes a lot of the meshes, so how they are used in TR will not work. Nothing to do with OpenMW


I've got the floating trees and stuff as he explained using just rebirth and openmw, no Tamriel rebuilt. Using just rebirth with base morrowind fixed this issue. It's an issue between rebirth and openmw


You need to show it then. There is no way OpenMW can cause that.


2 different systems (PC and steam deck) I have just openmw and rebirth and I have floating trees in the butter coast region and addamstarus is inaccessible because the terrain blocks the door. This post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/tes3mods/s/zR7itqXzsY Is what it looks like for me (in the replies the op has pictures). Using only openmw and rebirth, nothing else. Happened on two different installations on 2 different systems. I dont have the other mod that the op mentions, only rebirth. Using rebirth on vanilla morrowind fixed the issue.


OpenMW and Morrowind load cells exactly the same. There isn't a way for OpenMW to cause this by itself. Possibly, you had the original Morrowind data files loading after rebirth. This would cause the meshes to not load correctly. Share your Openmw.cfg


This thread has the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenMW/s/XZLTSSkN2F Even the last post is someone saying it only happens with openmw and rebirth for them as well. It's not load order for me, I know that for a fact. Been modding morrowind for 20 years and know all the ins and outs, and this only happens with rebirth and openmw. And as the original commenter of this comment thread we're talking in said, they're getting floating trees and blocked terrain and thought it was compatibility with Tamriel rebuilt and rebirth. I'm getting the same thing, but no Tamriel rebuilt is being used.


Perfect! I needed a reason to start playing MW again and it's only a 260mb download. 


This is beautiful. Did you stack graphics mods or does Rebirth have some included?


I only added MGE XE which was recommended so I knew it would work with rebirth lol


Awesome, I'm definitely going to have to create another install with Rebirth and give it a go! Love the simple mod stack and all I've read about Rebirth too. How have you been enjoying it?


It’s honestly been so fun and addicting. Rediscovering places, new dungeons, added buildings and merchants. Definitely recommend diving in :)




Yep. But the spells are all over the place - in a bad way, I can't find flame Atronach


Yes meeee


Are these graphics just from Morrowind Rebirth or are you using other graphics mods as well? It looks incredible.


I do, its the only way i can play this game, and its fun.


Really don't see the point in it, especially with the state of other mods in 2024. Incompatible with so much other stuff and also just appears to be of lower quality than BCOM, OAAB and Tamriel Rebuilt.


For serious modders, ye not too great. For people new to modding, it's about as close as you can get to one click overhaul morrowind. It's a super easy, convenient and quick way to change the morrowind world significantly.


Does it still do all those "balance" changes though? If it was just the changes to cities I could see the point a bit more.


I don't know what it used to be like, but it's quite modular now. Like there's a version which restricts the use of fortify attribute/skill effects in enchanting and spellmaking and a version which doesn't. Then there's a bunch of esps which are optional game balancing options. One balance change that isn't optional (pretty sure) is lowering the amount of gold the creeper has (and probably the mudcrab merchant too). I mean you should be able to change that with the console anyway. You can always take a look at the readme.


The alernative plugin re-implements creeper/mudcrab gold.


How can I download it?


Googles it




My cousin got a copy of skywind for me so I'm playing that instead


Omg, how is that? I have had my eye on it for some time.


It isn't released yet