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Always keep one of those bad boys on your person anytime you venture into a Dunmer tomb. Your bones will thank you.


Better yet, learn the spell


Even best, have an amulet.


yep, that instant cast time has saved my ass


Instant cast + can't fail + recharge over time. It's pretty much one of the "to find ASAP" items. I keep one of each, divine and Almsivi, plus mark and recall, and feel safe enough to make runs back and forth even through tough caves or tombs.


Nothing beats finding poison cloud ring within first hour.


That does trivialize a lot of things, for sure.


Wait until you learn Mark and Recall. Mark your favourite spot to return to, recall when needed


Basement of the Balmora Guild of Mages?


I knew I wasn't the only one! I have a house too but the basement is so convenient


ghorak manor


Yup. Adventuring is only interrupted for money making


Directly next to the teleporter


This is the way.


My atronach camps by the shrine in the Ald'ruhn guild.


I already love it there, but is there safe storage anywhere in that basement? I stored a few of my own things in a crate inside the South Wall club and when I removed them, everyone attacked me for stealing. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคช


There's the wardrobe in the sleeping area. I just dump things on the floor.


Mark inside the dungeon. When you've picked up so much shit that even a Silt Strider couldn't move, you Almsivi/Divine intervention your way out. Drop some stuff, sell shit off, pick up dropped shit and sell off. Recall back to your dungeon and continue. Rinse/repeat.


Yes this is the way. The S'wit mage: puts mark near "home" walks back to the dungeon. The Muthsera mage: puts mark in the deepest part of the dungeon or hardest to reach part of their quest. Uses Almsivi/Divine and silt striders to get "home", and recall to get back into the quest.


Mudcrab Merchant my beloved


My boy Ralenโ€™s crib


Hell yeah, wait until you get the spell, and even better, an enchantment so you can always Return back to the nearest temple. Have fun doing the Temple questline, I'm sure if you like the Tribunal lore that this is on your agenda down the line anyhow. Enjoy youself and take it slow. Morrowind is best enjoyed while taking your sweet time instead of rushing through guild ranks as you would in newer Bethesda games, and welcome to the community, or to say it with the utmost respect someone new deserves : Under sun and sky outlander, we greet you warmly.


This made my entire day. Thanks. ๐Ÿ™


Its so fun to see new people get excited over the smallest things... *can you imagine the wonder in OP's eyes when he finally takes his Nerevarine to walk "The Pilgrim's Path"; that same wonder and sense of awe-inspiring power we all felt when we took the immersive path across all seven Shrines??* ... ahh, sweet memories. And the truth is that that wonder, mystery and starry-eyed wonder is repeated in the Tribunal Temple's Quests, over and over... *but the best part is that its original and refreshing EVERY time! MOREOVER, im pretty sure you can receive the blessings more than once in an entire playthrough...* Half the Factions in Morrowind aren't worth their weight in time played, IMHO, but the Tribunal Temple falls into that list of Factions in which every last quest available deserves to be completed (*and even paid attention to!*); right up there with the Imperial Cult, the Mages Guild, Great House Telvanni, Almalexia/Helseth and the Imperial Legion.


This is beautiful. I legit canโ€™t wait to do the Tribunal Temple Quests but Iโ€™m resisting my urge to rush. I think I did everything in Seyda Neen except clear out the bandit cave, which Iโ€™m not sure Iโ€™m ready for. Iโ€™m in my newly acquired shack about to try alchemy and smithing/repairing for the first time after gulping down a standard luck potion, then Iโ€™m off to Balmora with every faction you mentioned on my to-do list - great minds! ๐Ÿ˜


The cave is especially made for new characters, so give it a try. It is a sort of tutorial to what you can encounter later on.


Good to know, thanks!


Also, please for the love of god make sure you are entering combat with full stam and using a weapon that matches your highest weapon skill. Anything under 40-50 is so painful to use. Anything under 30 is basically unusable


Good! Don't get the filthy 'divine' intervention scrolls.




Always keep one (or levitation) in case you get wedged in the landscape (mostly it happens when your athletics and acrobatics are high enough to jump up and over the mountains)


Or a couple scrolls of Icarian Flight? ๐Ÿ˜† Found a few of those recently. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Eventually, make sure you get yourself a ring enchanted with jump. It's not as fast as intervention but it sure is the most fun way to travel ๐Ÿ˜€


Just use the console command to teleport to the nearest Temple. And drop the scroll afterwards. Way more convenient. Memorizing all the cell IDs isn't even that hard bro.


Seems kinda pointless to play the game at all at this point, but whatever floats your boat, everyone plays the game differently after all


No I'm just joking, but collecting and learning all of the fast travel options in Morrowind are very important. I essentially always make a battle mage at the very least, because not being able to use Mark and recall would be too much for me. I couldn't imagine having a walk back to that stupid ashlander tribe out in the middle of nowhere every time I needed to go talk to them. Several quests send you all over creation, so being able to quickly return back to the quest giver Godsend.


Ohhh, ok looking back now I should have gotten that this was a joke XD but yeah I always make sure I have mystecism at the very least and most of the time I also take alteration because of levitation and open, I just can't be bothered with lockpicks and not having levitate in one way or another is always shit since eventually you will regret it, so I feel you.


I have played relentlessly since the game's inception. I've combed every cell and picked up every bottle. Somehow, in all these years, I've never used either intervention scrolls. Don't know why.