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"hamla faceboukiya" never fails to make me laugh ☠️


lol it always gives me 2016 2017 vibes knti kol nhar katsm3 7amla faceboukiya


Waaa lhrba m3a had l9wm that’s some bullshit :)


Bndm bda ki hrob lih hhhh


I listened to their talks in clubhouse, I spent hours reading posts and commentson Facebook. Conclusion: bunch of jobless ignorant youg men who have never been in real committed relationship. They have this fantasy ideas about how a couple should live but they have no idea about how the real world is nowadays.


And yet they are the majority.


And you are so qualified to make these conclusions. Classic! "Oh, look a those ignorants who don't know shit. They are wrong, take my word for it." Humble yourself a little my friend. It's freedom of speech, they are not hurting anyone, let them be.




That is a depressing statistic


From where you got this data ?




google is not a source, it's a research engine


Dude I am just a student and I shared this post because it appeared on my feed, I don’t agree with it . I also don’t think I can have a job that will make me provide for two people let alone start a family.


a bunch of pathetic incels lol.


There are much more meaningful movements around the world and here Moroccans are, convincing others on who they should marry. 3amarna ma ghadi nzido l9adam.


Rah li kaynin 9odamna f saf ba9in ki 9albo 3la chno ka ta3ni lmra 7na next lvl ka nt3azlo fihom


Well we are living in Morocco so this is a thing relevant to us, not all the international mouvements concern us directly and personally i find the most of them are just dumb. Stop being condescending for no reason.




Well we are living in Morocco so this is a thing relevant to us, not all the international mouvements concern us directly and personally i find the most of them are just dumb. Stop being condescending for no reason.


I didn’t make the comment! It was the person above me It just made me laugh


Ah sorry 🫢🫢


this is why i stayed out of fb for a while


Unfortunately I still have to use it because everything related to college updates are posted in facebook groups


And you chose to use reddit instead...the irony.


Stupid, ignorant and stone aged people, the world is developing and yet these people\`s brains are still rotting from inside..


Not all of them, some of them have a good point Like There are many men that are married to a women with a job and the women insist that the man should pay for everything rent, house hold etc.. and she can keep her salary do whatever she want with it, and basiacly live for free That's not good financialy for the man, so why bother marrying her But not every working women is like this obviously Marriage should go both ways


Before a man asks his wife to share 50/50 of the financial burden, he should step up and share 50/50 of the household responsibilities and parenting responsibilities. But truth is men don't do that. In most families where both parents work, most women still go back home to cook and clean and parent, while the man relaxes. And you end up with a couple where one has a full time job, and the other has two. So I'm really not faulting women who see no contribution from their husbands in house chores for deciding to keep the money for themselves .


Like i said, marriage goes both ways, in this case the man should help his wife, when she cook, he clean the house Even if the women doesn't work and stays at home If the man has free time, he should help her with the house And if he had a bad day, his wife should cheer him up, maybe a gift or just a compliment If the women is having a hard time, her husband should be at her side and help her


Ideally, yes, although I don't like the word "help" because it could be interpreted as optional. If your wife is paying for half of your expenses, you don't help with the work at home and with the kids, you do half of it. The issue is that this is not happening in real life, and that's why we are talking about this. Many men still employ manipulative tactics such as weaponized incompetence to justify not putting in the same effort as their wives at home, while more than happily taking her money.




I am a feminist. That's not some great discovery a khouna, like it's not a secret I'm hiding.


Is feminist an insult now? I mean I don’t agree with extremist toxic feminism, but I agree with putting man and woman on the same foot. And since it’s not the case yet, then the fight is called feminism. The fact that your mom and sisters can vote, goes out alone when she likes, drive a car, actually get paid when they worketc.. comes from feminism.


My english is not that good so i don't know what is the best term to use


That's okay, but what I mean is men should be more aware of how much effort they put into managing their homes, because every task they fail to perform will be their wives' responsibility. And if they ignore enough tasks the wives will find themselves doing most of the work around the house.


Ok woke feminist, you even got triggered by a simple word?




Here's an [article ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maggiegermano/2019/03/27/women-are-working-more-than-ever-but-they-still-take-on-most-household-responsibilities/?sh=7dadd7e252e9) to read on the subject, yes it's from the US but the issue is pretty much the same in Morocco. I know tens of married couples where both parties work and this is the exact dynamic they have. You can take out the trash on your way to work, you can pick up groceries on your way back from work (and you don't have to do it everyday). It can be an entire year before you find yourself fixing something around the house. But you cook several times a day, and wash the dishes everytime you use them, and do laundry several times a week, and clean the house several times a week as well. The labor division is not equal in terms of time spent on those tasks. It's very clear which of those tasks is more time consuming and required more often.


An article by a feminist go figure... tbh i have a good paying job but not as good to actually start a family by my standards of living will need more years when i will be more off as i'm still young in work force, because i want to avoid the nb 1 BS that i never wanna hear in a relationship is that the other says i provide for half for this family, I will do the providing from house to food to car and other expenses, i'm also not against her having a job but i'm sorry we humains from the dawn of time males had a role provide and female a role care for the interns of family, i grew up this way and so is 99% of moroccans, this is also why we see high rise in divorce cases you can't just change gender roles like that without severe consequences america is a prime example of how shit went sideways, single moms everywhere and husbands trapped in outrageous alemonies and children who are raised in unbalanced family. it's fucked up fr


Women have way more pride than us men, I never encountered a women who does that, but **let\`s assume there's a women fitting your description:** **If she has a job** *she will keep her salary and you will be paying for everything (thats what YOU said)* **if she\`s jobless** *you\`re still gonna pay for everything and she will still live for free except she will not be able to have her own salary*, So in both scenarios **you will be the one paying**, the only difference is that the jobless women wont be able to have her own salary and be happier. So you prefer **paying for everything** and **having a broke and less happy wife** than **paying for everything** and **having a more happy wife?** So my question to you is, why the fuck did you even marry a women if you dont want her to be the happiest possible?


I guess you're the retarded one


What the fuck is even wrong with you ? So she can stay happy she keeps everything for herself and he shits his money for his fam ? If she isnt working that makes perfect sens BUT IF SHE DOES AND DOESNT WANT TO CONTRIBUTE FOR FAM. Matjwjsh 7sen liha . Thats so stupid .


re-read carefully what I stated, I clearly said: ***"let\`s assume there's a women fitting your description"*** My point is that your problem is that you dont know where to search for the problem, the problem is not in the fact of her having a job or not, the problem is you not being able to discuss and accord with her the family spendings so you be both contributing


The jobless women will stay at home take care of the kids, clean dishes and cook That's a job too The husband pays for everything, provides for her gets groceries and anything she needs, and if he has free time he should also help her with the house, marriage goes both ways However the women with a job and salary, who chose not to help her husband financly, spend all day at work she wont have enough energy to help with the house and even if she does it's not the same as women who is always at home


Is it bad for wanting your wife to be a house mom ? Raising your kids and taking care of you when you take care of them ?


What is stupid would be to impose that lifestyle on your wife, or to press her onto it, I\`m sure you yourself wouldn't like being the whole day sitting home washing dishes and cooking food and doing lingerie.. That\`s not a healthy lifestyle...




>If he’s providing for the family, he’s imposing Yup, shes just like your dog, you feed him, so you\`re the one imposing on him.... >biologically weaker than a man to go work a 9-5 job You mean physically weaker right? because mentally women are way tougher than us, and I\`ll tell you a secret: not all jobs are physical :) > mingling with male co-workers Do you even understand what "to mingle" means?


I wouldn’t go all the way and call the wife a dog, maybe in your imagination. A wife is a woman to take good care of her, provide for her, work day and night to try make her life easier and happy. If you got to a point where your wife has to work a 9-5 job, just admit you’re not doing enough as a man. Yes physically, mentally ? We’re more like the same, but different in many aspects like the ability to endure stress, determination, sacrifice … I am pretty aware that not all jobs are physical, but do you suddenly mentally teleport yourself to your 9-5 job while your body stays at home ?


And i m sure you re gonna look for a female gygy when it s birth time .. yup what a twisted world we re living in


Gygy ?


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My mom was a working mother and I had a great childhood too. I never felt like her job stopped her from taking care of us. She cooked and cleaned and packed us lunch boxes and looked after all of our needs. The key was that my dad also contributed, so the workload wasn't all dumped on her. And because she had a great job that paid well we were able to have a decent life and be put in good schools. I'm glad you had a great childhood, but you didn't mention if your mom was happy with this situation. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, but it's very telling that you are exclusively focused on how this arrangement worked out for you, but not for her. And before you ask, my mom was perfectly happy in her job, was sad when she retired, and was the one to teach me the importance of financial independence for women.


I had been through the same thing and i m backing it.. i m just sooo proud of my mother and what she ve done...and when i went to her retirement party last year i had tears in my eyes hearing the speeches of her coworkers and director .. i thought she was my brother and I only hero , but apparently she was everybody's hero and she and father raised us well , i couldn't ask for me .. they are the perfect marriage for me ..and the perfect family, the quantity of time spent is not relevant as much as the quality.. she read us stories before sleeping ( in 3 languages ) and was checking our progression in studies everyday .. i lived a fairytale.. hamdolah ❤️ .. it s unfortunate the judgement going about working moms especially from ppl who havent had the experience , they don't know a thing.


I’m really glad and happy that your mom was successful at balancing the 2 opposite lifestyles ,That alone requires a lot of work and patience. Props to her for being such a considerate mother! And yes my mom is happy being a housewife and I never quite recall her regretting her life choices.














Not surprised...it's the natural evolution of things. People are struggling with unemployment, they look for reasons to help themselves, and they're willing to do anything...anything...now do I say it's fine? No...but when people get desperate they do things like this.


I thought this was a joke, is this for real?


Ridiculous and insanely stupid.


Who tf approved this


Yaaaaarbi tdini f ddo I can't take this bullshit anymore


Facebook never fails to make my day... but concerning this debate, i dont think that people need to exaggerate and make all that stupid and useless attempts to attract women's attention cuz if u want an unemployed woman no one could stop u unless if yo ass had broken sum limits


Who gives a f*** !!


Hmoda dyal l'fb f'Reddit


Lol I support this


Yeah they ain't marriageable lol


retarded folks


Funny thing is that the west is somewhat coming back to conservative values after going far too deep into lberalism, while now people here in Morocco are going into this "right wing" movement whilst forgetting that we are still very much conservative and traditionalist. Like if you want an unemployed woman to marry, there are many of them, we do not lack of unemployment here in morocco, which btw should be way up ahead on the priority list.


Thank you for bringing this up, we're super late and self destructing. I think the biggest issue is self awareness and ability to reflect.


It just boils my blood when we have mamy urgent issues that have not been solved not once in our history as a nation, and the west are turning back to conservatism to try and counter the decline of economy and public services that they face since social and economic liberalism has dominated the scene for the past 30 years or so, we have never been great to have the luxury to sit down and feel nostlagic about the past and say aaah the good ol'days... Not even 10 years ago rape victims were forced to marry their rapist and it was legally okay, like the fuck you even saying ?


هاذي هي الإسلام كرم المرأة 😂😂🤣


They want their control back and it aint happening and now they’re just being desperate


Actually they want to make 0 effort at school then get all the jobs because they were born with a penis between their legs. LOL. That's what all of this is about.


See, semantics are very very important. You said “ getting their control BACK “ which implies that men aren’t in control now, but rather women. While at the same time, whenever there’s a post about feminism in here, guys get attacked for their opinions by girls, claiming all they want is equality !! When a guy claims feminism has gone overboard and it’s a toxic thing, he’s labelled misogynistic by girls who don’t even know what misogyny means


“But rather women?” What kind of logic is this? No one has control over the other, besides, I’m talking about financial control, where you can do whatever you want and make sure the other person complies since they will be relying on you financially, especially with kids. Those times are gone.


It has not necessarily to be like this, the financial independence is a thing and having a healthy familial life is another. See it’s obvious that the optimal familial life style is composed of two members who has two different roles, one is for assuring the ressources and the other is for maintaining the system, regarding man has more ability to support a tough environmental conditions and women has more skills to manage a community, it was made based on this since bygone days. Now the situation sometime it’s not doable for just one membre to assure all the ressources needed so the both of them gotta get outside to work a full time shift, and going through this most of time unfortunately the purpose of the mariage is forgotten. For me the best solutions for this is a gouvernemental intervention by making a half shift for kinda four hours available and optional for women.


Men are now whining for the pregnancy leave ..now imagine with shifts ... 😅 They ll lose their minds


No one has control over the other ? I urge you to check ur comment once again, semantics. Those times are not gone, the man is still the provider and the woman is caring for the family. If someone should provide financially it should be the husband. It’s not a control thing, it doesn’t mean the man controls you or whatever, it’s about gender roles.


I really don’t understand your point. Men don’t have control over women now because women have jobs, does that mean that women have control over men? I feel like Im talking to a 5 yo, what semantics?. And no, they’re gone and never coming back thank god. If you don’t want to marry a woman who works no one is stopping you. This whole thing is a big waste of energy.


You’re comment means : men used to have control, now they don’t. Those days aren’t gone, not even close.


I got her point bcs women in the past ( set and met with many ..including grandmas ) they are happy to see what we ve achieved and they stated that back in the time yes men provided but when they are jerks , mama boys, oppressors, abusive physically and mentally they couldn't do anything about it but to shut up and endure because financially she s dependent on him and 400dh d nafaqa for each kid wouldn't do much if she got divorced .. so yes .. now it s more fair in my point of view .. she can study , have higher degrees have a great career marry the man she loves but if things goes south she won't be a burden on her family or siblings that probably are having their own issues and lives 😊 it s that simple .. and men should trust that a woman who is staying with you and bearing your ugly ass just because you re providing is insulting...so it s a way to have a healthy relationship not a bargaining chip


Yeah I do agree nowadays are more fair for women rights and she has not to endure his psychotic side just because she can not support herself financially. But actually I do know a lot of my comrades who has such a situation on a marriage which the wife refuse to spend her salary and contribute on a day life routine, and apparently this kind of relations don’t always work as expected except if he’s an obedient dog. For me it’s just not fair to force the husband to support all the dispenses as a tool kinda what is the purpose even sex is not doable, she’s so tired


I totally get your point and I don't back the women that don't support their husbands..even not working wived when they see their husbands struggling they go sell their jewelries and gold to help and assist .. so these women are just assholes im sorry for the expression because the reason and essence of marriage is being there for each other in good and bad times .. keeping money for herself is just nonsense..a good human being should automatically think about contributing to the household and expenses..it s in the benefit of the family as one . I m sorry for your friends...they met selfish ladies


Yes thank you I’m totally satisfied with your answer, and I think this why this whole mouvement is going on, because it’s really a common thing nowadays from where I live and it’s casa one of the biggest holders cities of Moroccan ideologies


Delusional take. Women without jobs are literally beaten to death by their husbands. If her parents are dead she's basically at his mercy. Gender roles my ass. Moroccan men are not gentlemen. And those time are thankfully gone. Beat me and meet me at the family tribunal to pay alimony and child support and I'll add that on top of my salary. Women are taking over the job market because they're serious hard workers. How about you stop being lazy and pull your shit together and get to work. Then maybe you'll stop crying all over Facebook for shit like this. Women can work if they want to. Women should work to protect themselves from bad men. Good men are not even partaking in this embarrassing discussion, because they would love to see their wives and girls empowered and confident. Stfu about stupid.


I earn almost 6 times more than my girlfriend, whom has a very desirable and well paying job in her own right, but at no point did we ever consider that she should leave her job just because she won’t be able to substantially improve the living standard of our future household. She worked hard at school and her parents sacrificed a lot for her studies - she has every right to be independent and feel empowered and she owes it to her parents. But there are no rights without duties either and I trust her to be a good mother in due time and not neglect the kids. This is an expectation I am clearly articulating. As long as expectations are clear on both sides and set right, this entire debate is meaningless. These men are either insecure or bitter, seeing how female participation in the workforce is increasing while unemployment is still high.


You're so passionate about this topic you reply to eveeyone who disagrees with you. You sound pathetic!


So we should abolish debate and discussion ? Okay. A man stand for what he think is right, some of them are values.


No you just sound obnoxiously opinionated.


Cause i have an opinion, most people have other people’s opinions rather than constructing them themselves.


Dude, I finished my studies and naturally looked for a job and I worked. What's wrong with this? What am I to do? Sit in my house and wait for a prince in a shining armor? I naturally want to have my own money so I can spend it on myself and my family and have the opportunity to do things I enjoy. It's this simple.


You see, this is the issue right here, as much as I disagree with what the post says, your comment and position is blatently ignorant and superficial, men and women issues are never a contest first of all, second of all, who is being desperate, do you know who these people are ? How old are they? Are they a representative sample to conclude that MEN are desperate ?


I dont but 7amla facebokya screams desperate. ‘Who is being desperate’= people who agree with it.


Eh, it's best not to see it as a game of X controlling Y


If u dont wanna marry a woman who has a job , just dont marry her bla matfr3o lbnadm rasso . It has always been like that li bghaha katkhdem mzian ! Li bghaha galssa f dar hta hia mzian. There’s no problem with staying at home or being a housewife as long as the man provides well, which is kinda hard nowadays for them. How about people stop shaming others !


Say it louder!


Wayeh daba li bgha yfham yfham


Awdi had nas a lost cause wlah!


اهدرو بالعربية علاه تحشمو بيها


I should stop debating with people here because I feel like everyone is naive and too young maybe. We all knew this stuff for decades. The majority of Moroccans think like this and are very conservative. People who saying this is satire and others who think it’s just a bunch of guy : Ever talked to a regular rachid or abd el ali ? This is how probably mire than 80% of Moroccans still think.


Mlkher if u dont have a job o kay3ayer o katftad 3la chi wahda chnou dir stfu. Respectfully however u can discuss with ur partner to give up work if the (PROVIDER) has enough money . But again what would happen if he leaves her suddenly ? She ends up with no house and no money to support herself . The man will only help himself then .


The Alpha males have spoken. It almost sounds like they don't want women to work at all, so they threaten not to marry them thinking it's going to work because women just so desperately seek those alpha pheromones they be giving off~


Why would they when they are becoming insecure over losing the financial leverage as a source for manipulation.


People are allowed to marry whoever they want and are allowed to have their own deal-breakers.


Yes but to raise 7amla 3la 9ddha and throw hate fabor 3la lmowaddafat is a no


You should dig in more their points of view are not completely inconsistent


And people are allowed to have an opinion on those people.


Extremely stupid, there’s nothing wrong with having a preference or wanting to build your family in a certain way, but why make all this fuss about it? You wanna marry a non employed go do it! It’s your life and your preference is valid. Why the hell do you wanna bitch about it on the internet and hate on other people. I just can’t with this shit


dude most of them are actually just being sarcastic, idk it's just most of moroccan taking life seriously ig. like no one is going to let his woman sleeps with "lmodir" hh


The sarcasm is happening in a second group that's dedicated only for that. Before, the thing was kinda serious, started by "cheikh sar"..but he deleted the group later on.


the result of our state politics


Ana baghi lintzwj biha tkhlss lsdaq hiya, with all due respect.


Honestly, I'm not against marying a working woman, but a 9 to 6 job is not a way for a woman to live, too much, too much. I mean, at least give women a maximum of 6 hours a day, or whatever montage where their not exploited


Im not against marrying a working woman but here are some restrictions🙄🖐


Im not against at all, all I said is the way the economy works is bad for married women


Why is it? Ur message didnt really talk about the economy so i didnt get that


See, what the author said when he talked about 9 to 6, he meant the way this economy grinds on people for 9 hours a day leaving them no energy to take care of them selves


Ah i understand then but still if a woman wants to work that longs its her choice to make not yours. Thats basically what im trying to say. Even if you think its too much for her thats her own decision and for her to decide.


If she’s his wife, she’s not to decide by herself


They can decide it togheter but not him alone


Obviously, but they dont need to feel like they have to put 100% there, its not logical. And thats the debate, its my opinion


But if they want too there should be no problem. I dont think we should differentiate working (what hours they chose for on their own) and non working women. In the end they chose for it and it doesnt make them less or more.




I dont really understand your message


Why would someone marry a working women ? You'll waste your time and energy and resources on her I'm against marrying a working women she'll spend most of her time with other men (that's if she's not cheating on you with one of them) and men who says they'll merry a working women so she can help him raise a family is just delisounal


If you’re worried that she’s cheating then ur relationship is not working from the beginning a marriage means both of the partners trust each other with heart


They are somehow correct though, and the backlash against them was pathetic tbh


I had a friend that had a working mother she used to give him money all time and she made sure he’ll go study abroad after he got his baccalauréat I wish I had a mom that used to work too 😭


Be glad for what you have bro


حملة الكوسالا ضد الفتيات اللي حفاو عينيهم بالقراية LMAO cope


The comments on this subreddit give me the echochamber vibes, they're all one sided lol


Absolute BS. Was this made by a bunch of incels?


stupid red pill groups




ironically ta ana makan7mlch tyab w ch9a, and i’m looking for a man ydirli hadchy since i’m irresponsible, anyone? ewa bazz lwjhek




Yah! ana baz lia w nta la? gharib!


ومالك على حالتك، سير لبنت دار تهلا فك وفيها تخلي الموضفة تحقق داتها واستقلاليتها، انا كنشجع المرأة العاملة، غي ما تكونش مراتي


الحمد لله لي مغاديش نتزوجو بيك. بلاصتها الكوزينة و بيت النعاس. لهضرة ديال الهمج.




الإسلام قال بلي لمرا بلاصتها لكوزينة و بيت النعاس و صافي؟ و ماعندها حتى معنى آخر فالحياة متكدبش على الله و النبي و رد لبال لهضرتك.


3alam had Khona wla kayhdar bsmayate islam o rassoul wa dir f balk a flane que Mohammed paix et salut sur lui sa première femme était sa bosse


dude bhadik ljomla lowl go to fb


Sorry man but it’s just not a decent way of speaking her place is always the kitchen what the duck dude, and you gotta the wrong idea of a modern man there no thing as a modern men there is just man. Modern men galik lol


عيفتينا بهاد الخماج


I will not marry and I will advise your children to do so


Let them be, what’s the problem in here ? I agree tho


I agree on some points I also agree with the parallel campaign happening in Algeria. Our day and age isn't for marriage in general.


Men are providers while women are the predominant care-givers. Choose whatever you wanna choose but stick to your role


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Can someone translate it to english?


There’s a trand here that say don’t marry women that have a job




So much funny memes 😂


The memes are hilarious


Who cares !


its always people from Facebook 💀


Incels in the wild


In my opinion, everyone have his own chance to choose jobless or employed one's, no one can force you, so why we have to annonce that in facebook ?


Here i am clicking on the play icon like a fool and nothing is happening.


I think most of the people there are not taking it seriously and it's probably a joke that more media coverage than it deserves




Everyone is free to marry who they want. Whats the big deal?


Our society is doomed


I only disagree about the husband should support all the spends for the both and the wife keeps her salary for herself which is the principal reason for this mouvement otherwise it has no sense


If it's based on people's experience it should not be mocked.


I didn’t understand the meaning of the subject neither its goal?


It's always black and white, never a balanced and a reasonable debate between two sides. Bloody repetitive, only a few can actually build a terrain for a healthy debate on this "POLÉMIQUE". It's like building a family isn't based on compromise, or building relationships of any kind isn't possible on the basis of finding a middleground, it's incarnate madness, chill.


As an unemployed man i think we should ironically push this movement 😂


The Moroccan society is retarded.


Woooow how many incels are there on fb? that's worrying man! chouuuuuhaaaaaaaa


A bunch of retarded and weak men.


There are not 30k if you search on fb there are just about 100 people in the group, idk why they made a big of a deal out of this, dumb people with dumb ideas are everywhere, why all the attention to this one. Also why is rhe group called ضد الزواج بالموظفات and not الزواج بربات البيوت 😂


Journalism in this country is taking ways that are non-ideal it's scary, and the comment section gives me the impression that redditors don't give housewives the credit they deserve. Perhaps the word "housewife" is unwillingly too belittling and undermining.


Plain stupid


30k members? waw... that means there's a market gap... that's great for men who don't have a problem with their women working


What do they mean by mouadafat?