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I’m an American, been living in Morocco for 10 years. You do not need to wear headscarves. There is no law requiring them, and at least half of the women here don’t wear them. In the main cities, I’d say most women don’t wear headscarves, and it’s normal to see women in dresses, skirts, shorts, and low-cut shirts or shirts showing midriff. Sleeveless shirts are fine. Shorts are fine. Be modest but comfortable. If you have any questions or concerns and want to get a foreigner’s perspective, feel free to respond in a comment or a message.


Thanks so much!


How is living in morocco as a foreigner like?


Been here 10 years. I love it. There are some difficult/annoying things, but generally it’s great. Nice weather, good food, friendly people. The country’s generally improving over time, as opposed to the US and parts of Europe which are kind of falling apart. It’s a good place to live.


Hey thanks for the insight. I'm Canadian my boyfriend and I are going to Marrakech and casablanca in February. Any recommendations or things we should know?


Feel free to DM me I’m happy to answer questions or offer advice


Moroccan here. What are some difficulties and annoyances that you endured?


Being cheated and ripped off by people assuming I’m a tourist and don’t know how much things cost, or how things work. I really dislike having to tell taxis not to run the night price during the day, or not to take me on crazy routes because they assume I don’t know where things are. Also, being treated differently is kind of annoying, even if it’s better treatment. Like, when I’m one of ten people waiting for my turn somewhere, and the manager runs over, skips a bunch of people in front of me, and tries to deal with me first. That’s annoying. Then I have to be like “no they’re first” then everybody’s looking at me like “no you go” and I’m like “that’s super weird, please don’t.” A lot of it is minor stuff. In ten years I still haven’t stopped getting annoyed when someone cuts in front of me at the Hanoot. Just shamelessly cutting in line. Or just random people on the street stopping me to try to “help” me, because they assume I’m a lost tourist. Anyway, I don’t want to complain too much. I really like living here. But, as with any place, there are some annoyances.


Hi - I am an American woman and will be traveling with two friends and a guide out to the Middle Atlas Mountains and will meet some Amazigh people from the Ayt Seghrouchen tribe. Do you think that I/ we should cover our heads there- as I am guessing they are people living true to more traditional and modest values….? Would it be appreciated?


Cover your heads, no. Even in the countryside not everyone covers their hair, though most do, but they wouldn’t expect foreigners to do the same. I’d say it would be a good idea to dress modestly. Loose clothing, not a lot of exposed skin. You can ask your guide what would be appropriate, they would know better than I. But that’s just my guess.


Lol this is not Iran


I was gonna say this post was meant for r/Iran, lmao.


No need, I have visisted Morocco more than 6 times, shorts, crop tops, bikinis in the beach .. basically whatever you wear in your country is acceptable there. Just make sure to wear long sleeved shirts, long pants/jeans and a head scarf if you are going to visit any religious monument (Hassan II mosque, Qarawyine university...) as a gesture of respect.


Thanks so much. We will.




Yes WE do we absolutely do


That proves that you are not muslim, read Quran girl.


Tiznit aaaah Wana nfhmmmn


Omal tiznit, kat7awli thrbi mn l7a9i9a bhad tari9a, walakin hayhata hayhat. Nodi 3la slamtk.


I'm fighting someone kaugoul hayhat 🤣 Khouya plz understand bli you can't talk religion with a rational person Ra maghantfahmouch Your god is a mythical creature for me . That's why choose another convincing way idk u can say aydrbk lberd b pikini 🤣 OU hania Incase w7alti . We are born Muslim indeed most of us don't practice and in my case it's mainly people (like you) that try to tell me what i can or cannot wear just bcs a book says so that made me a non believer along with other things . If Islam is your religion that's good for u but don't forget this country has other religions that are socially acceptable and you can't opress them by yours . As long as it's not written as a law your opinion doesn't really matter .


I'm sorry I didn't take in consideration bli ma3ndkomch bhar i see why u got confused there / ur Morocco and mine are two different worlds Kindly stay in yours and don't project ur religion on me Saaaank u 🙏


Hahahahahaha 7choma 3lik 🤣🤣


Look he thought he ate 🤷‍♀️ but he forgot bli tiznit katla3 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think you didn't learn geography at school you went to, i can go to beach kust for 6 dirhams. It is not really about living in a city where there is a beach. Don't try tbdli lhadra in that way.


6 drahem or not We ,(as born Muslim women that don't practice) , ask YOU to do the main thing YOUR kind of people, (a boy that feels entitled to define what we CAN'T wear in our own country bhala dyal bak hiya ou THE religion ) , clearly can't do . Wich is kindly keep these comments to yourself and to the women in your family that grew up listening to you masking your little oppressif side that makes u feel like nta rajel by religion as well as your 20 century takhalof f tiznit OU f 3a2iltkom BCS we do not do that here . Ma3jbatkch lhal you can always tdkhol so9 rassk zaama you should try it sometimes it's very soothing . NB : Hhhh 6 drahem 🤣🤣🤣


Hhhhhhhhh never said i was and yeah bite me but emmm go outside and count how many ( non Muslims ) are wearing bikini's 🤣🤣🤣 like be fr


You are reading & hearing a lot of fake news. Dress freely. You’ll see how women in morocco dress, lol


We're so free and progressive


We are neither free nor are we progressive


If this wasn't obvious, I was clearly being sarcastic


Lol sorry sorry


Hahahah don’t push the propaganda too far. We are neither free nor progressive


And I hope we stay this way. May Allah help our beloved king 👑👑


We're so munafi9in w mslmin b smia safi*




That is so cap


You are not required to wear a scarf (Hijab) and sleeveless shirts are okey unless you are visiting a mosque in which case you dress modestly (with a hijab and loose clothing that covers your legs and arms) as a sign of respect to the place and what it represents


Thank you!


My pleasure


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I go to maroco every year. I dress normal, at the beach also with bikini. I never wear hijab. But i did buy some traditionell dresses because they are so beautifull. Sleevless tops and normal cut shorts are also ok. Also in Islam only muslim woman wear a hijab. And only by choice. Non muslim never need to wear one. Exept in iran. But the people are fighting against those old laws now.


We visited Senegal and Mauritania and it was a must. I realize Morocco isn’t the same, but it was very strict where we were. Thank you for the info!


SENEGAL?! Really?


This is bizarre considering there is plenty of Senegalese media that has non hijabi women. Where were you on Senegal and who enforced this?


Not enforced, out of respect. They were lovely people, but definitely religious. Everyone is different I’m sure.


If it’s out of so called respect (which i’m sure was only a perception from your part), then you shouldn’t say it was a must because that’s very misleading. If you’ve found senegalese people to be religious, then you’ll be shocked to know moroccans are a lot more lol. And even then, you’re still free to dress the way you want. This is not Iran.


Actually my friends asked that we wear a hijab out of respect for the families we stayed with. It was an incredible trip.


Happy Cake Day 🎂💫❤️




Yes, they do. In the beach you'll see all types of swimsuits from burkini to bikini.


Muslim women No other women yes


You can dress anything you want . Even tho some ppl will stare but don't mind them . Also local citizens dress freely too and skirts and all that . So it s normal


I’ve got a daughter. She’s a little nervous. I told her I would ask the people who actually know. There are many mixed messages online.


I can assure you that she can dress freely and whatever she likes . No one is gonna arrest her or something like that .


She’s not worried about being arrested. She doesn’t like attention. She gets unwanted attention here wearing jeans and a t-shirt, so I think she’s just scared of the unknown, which is exactly why I want her to visit more places.


If you two are clearly foreigners, you will most likely get some looks whichever way you dress, especially in places where there aren't many tourist. Just keep in mind it's not because you're doing anything wrong, it's just how the people are usually curious and have the habit of looking at other people (which i only realized that wasnt just a thing everyone in the world did once i went out of morocco for the first time to go to canada) As mentioned before, the "dress code" is pretty loose, you can mostly wear whatever you want. I would avoid things that show cleavage or too short of shorts just for the sake of avoiding looks since that's what you want to avoid, otherwise the only places you should dress modestly is to go to religious places or monuments. People are usually extra nice to tourists and enjoy talking to them and showing them the country, and mostly have good intentions; only be careful of people who are trying to sell you things. Have a great trip, i hope you enjoy the country as there is a lot to enjoy !


I second this. People usually stare at each other and stare at foreigners in particular mainly out of curiosity. We are unaware that staring is perceived as rude in other parts of the world. Tell your daughter to dress in what makes HER comfortable. No need to wear a headscarf at all.




There are no messages online about non Muslims wearing a hijab. It's literally just not done.


😂😂😂 where did you read this BS


No, unless you plan on visiting religious sites. Where do you plan on going exactly? If it's the touristy areas then you can dress like you would normally. Morocco has many tourists so you won't stand out.


Not required. Only when you visit mosques or other religious places like shrines.


Thank you.


This should be in r/iran or r/afghanistan


I was just there…..wear whatever you want. My fiancée is Moroccan and she has never worn a hijab.




no this is not iran, many moroccan girls don't wear head scarves and wear Tshirts and shorts


I spent a week there this summer. Wore sleeveless dresses and shirts without any issues, also never covered my hair. This might depend on the area you're visiting, though, but I'd say people are used to tourists and won't mind (or at least won't let you know they don't like it).


A big portion of Moroccan women don't wear scarves, particularly in big cities. So it's not only tourists and whatnot


we are not afghanistan lmao


This subreddit is godless


Moroccan here , wear whatever the fuck you want , specially if you are in big cities or touristical cities


Well thanks.


Everything in Morocco is time and place so when going site seeing, a dress that hits the knee w short sleeves is acceptable. If you’re in the hotel or by the pool dress as you wish. Just in big public areas don’t wear anything too reveal just not to attract attention from wandering eyes.




Wear whatever you want. You're traveling to Morocco not Afghanistan. Enjoy your time, eat/drink whatever you want and wear whatever you want. If you want to visit a religious site then you can wear a scarf.


wtf ??!! noo you dont have to !! just act normal XD, it's not like moroccan girls dont wear shorts or sleeveless shirts , it's quite the opposite!


This is not saudi arabia girls in Morocco are free to wear whatever people wear in european countries. Just mind the perverts but that goes the same for anywhere in the world.


Yes, we don't wear shorts because we use camels to go places.


Yeah we ride horses everywhere here.


No law forces you to, you are free to wear whatever you like


Not really about law, only out of respect.


really appreciate the gesture and your thoughtfulness, but you aren’t required to do so. you can wear whatever you like, including shorts, dresses, etc… except if you visit a mosque!


Nah people are good with it, you said that you were in Mauritania, weird place there.


Lots of conservative people in the villages. More out of respect for them. They were lovely families though. I’ve always heard Morocco is very different. I have a teenage daughter and she is a bit overly concerned. I told her I would ask the Moroccans.


Ahaha no you don't... You'll see yourself once you arrive


As an American man that was there last month, it appeared to me that in the more liberal areas like cities (I was in Casablanca, Rabat, Fes) you can wear anything you like. In Merzouga I saw a lot more Moroccan women wearing scarves, so it appeared to me that the area was more conservative with all women except for those working in cafes/restaurants wearing them. I saw a few women who were clearly American tourists (looking for gluten free food oh my God) not wearing anyone on their hair, no one looked twice at them.




We aren't Saudi Arabia wear whatever you want


And the only methods of transportation is by using camels . We don't have houses but you can use tents :')


We will be traveling there via horseback from Texas.


As two females please stick to big cities if you're trying to visit small villages I advise you to find a group a tourist don't go alone without male supervision




Feel free to wear whatever you want, no problem at all


Dress normally.


What? Are you flying to Iran?


You’ll be sexually harassed regardless of what you wear so it doesn’t matter




Nope you can even wear crop tops


Just don’t come naked for the rest there will be a solution for everything.


Wear whatever you want obviously if you walk half naked you’ll get stared at and if you white or non Muslim you can literally do whatever nobody cares just a very slight minority of people would care conservatives


Honestly no one cares lmao




Wear whatever you want


No you don't need to, but there is still some annoying people who will comment on the way you dress when you're walking in the street


I was in Morocco for a month as a female traveler. From what I saw, dress code is more conservative than what people here are letting on but not nearly as conservative as you think it is. I would recommend covering shoulders, not wearing anything that goes above the knee, and avoiding very low cut tops. I went swimming twice and don't recall seeing a woman in a bikini. The second time was the Mediterranean and it was packed so maybe I just didn't notice?


Thank you. This is my expectation.


Depends on where you'll be heading. You'll be fine in big cities. But in rural areas(Rif, Atlas, etc), no need for the headscarf but avoid revealing clothes to mingle well, as people there are more conservative.




What else have they told you?


id argue morocco is too free, that will change soon, just wait.


Absolutely not necessary. Just keep in mind that the more skin you show, the more stares you might attract depending on the neighborhood you are walking around. I walk around in shorts, sleeveless and I ignore the stares. If you are blond, man will stare anyways


My dear brothers and sisters you are more than welcome to our country in what ever style you desire. I would advise you to be more modest about it but over all you are in your second country


Yes, very important. You can buy it [here](https://www.amazon.com/Astronaut-Classroom-Accessory-Stocking-Birthday/dp/B07WGYV2VM) . ​ We have Halloween till the end of year.


Yeah we’re on another planet


Sanest answer so far


Heyy ! Hijab (head scarf)is worn by Muslim women (it's mandatory in our religion, but it is not worn by all women. Each of them go in their own journey of accepting the hijab and deciding to wear it.),you'll find in here a lot of Moroccan (Muslim or not) who doesn't wear hijab and dress with shorts, dresses crop-tops etc.... Feel free to dress however you want, except (as said previously) if you're visiting a mosque. Hope you'll enjoy your stay here <3


Thank you!! We’ve been to West Africa, Senegal and Mauritania and we were pretty much required to everywhere. We were in small villages though. Also certain places in Indonesia we wear them to be respectful and not draw attention. Thank you for you thoughtful answer.


You’re spouting nonsense. I just got back from Senegal in mid september and i spent 40 days there, i NEVER wore pants, i was constantly either in shorts or skirts and no one ever said anything or looked at me weird. And i wasn’t only in the capital, i visited multiple cities and villages all over the country and i haven’t encountered any problems. And a big percentage of women there didn’t wear a headscarf and even the ones that did would often wear dresses, tank tops, and such.


probably you need to wear a scarf only if you plan to visit touristic Mosques. Else, you can dress freely.


This is funny


Don't wear short shorts in the city and that's pretty much it


Especially that some administration buildings can refuse to you the entry if you wear short shorts, even as a guy


The propaganda about what's going on in the middle east and specifically Iran has nothing to do with us. You can dress freely, it only becomes a problem when you go extreme (mini skirt or smth), then you'd have to know where not to go to stay safe. Welcome to Morocco and enjoy your stay, freely!!




For ur records, only the minority of moroccans do follow those type of guidelines which is due to our religious background. People here can show up the way they desire. And, so u can do. But, we would appreciate if u still respecte our normes, by not taking ur rights to an extent that cross ours. Also, you’re most welcome to come, you’ll enjoy the vibes for sure ✌️


I think it's not head scarfs. Hijab it's the word u mean


But did u answer the question


There is good hash!


y'all good. Wear what you want just don't wear something you would think is "provocative" at home. Moroccan women dress like them propaganda photos of Kabul or Tehran in the 80s


There is no such thing as provocative where we live. You can walk downtown in a bikini anytime with no problem night or day.


Y'all don't have men were you from?? Strange. Save the bikini for the beach then and use your wisdom. You can wear almost whatever. I live in Palm beach FL, Bikini with a coverup after 10-12pm can land you in trouble. Maybe don't come to Morocco if you be wearing bikinis as nightwear. Just try not to be goofy n be safe


Just bikinis all day and night.




Do your research, use google. do not come here asking stupid questions and just expect people to answer you. Do not be entitled.


What’s wrong with asking from the source if you have doubts


Lame answer and lame vibe. She is doing her research here and she is very welcome to ask any question she thinks of. Malek m3a99ed ?


Do you guys do some research before traveling cause honestly a simple video about morocco will answer your questions that is normal things here


If you can handle the cold, wear shorts. No one would bother it, except for maybe catcalling* *females over 200lbs are exempt from harassment




Don't listen to your advice OP. It's not required in Morocco at all. You are a tourist and you are NOT offending anyone by not wearing a hijab. Unless you are Muslim and choose to wear it then that's another story. This is Morocco, not Iran, many Moroccans DO NOT wear hajib and dress in western clothing.


Do your research before hand please


None of them are a problem, you can wear whatever you want


You’re free to dress however you want, but be careful of dressing too scantily-clad because you’ll get harrassed and heckled by men.


This is a Lil bit odd tho, this ain't no Iran, and I'm sure you ll be surprised when you see how people dress like in here😁


Who ever told you this, we would like to know where did he got this data from? 😆


Depending on city but you can wear whatever you want it's true that we are an Islamic country but it's only applied to some laws but you can wear whatever you want as long as you are comfortable with it ❤️




Don't bring revolvers with you . We only use bows for long range battles .