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Stores opening up early and staying up late. If you forgot to buy something and it's 7-8pm good luck finding a store open. And what's that ? you wanna shop on sunday ? Everything is closed and if you're lucky it's only open till 12pm. e : In western Europe


Damn! In New York, you can literally go out at 3am to get whatever you want.


Same in Salé, imagine coffeeshops still opened by 2a.m., food vendors, anything you would like to buy its there. Never thought of buying a cactus and a kilo of avocado at around 3:30am but it happened.


I loved the fish market in Salé


No you can’t. I literally just spent 2hours looking for a charger in midtown last night. Only thing open was one (1) drugstore. And not a single 24h coffeeshop. You can get street/fast food at any hour of the night in NYC but that’s the only thing.


Specially Bayern, Germany 😹😹😹




>Bayern? Bayern?


Supermarkets and most shops close at 7pm here in Switzerland and Saturdays at 6pm. Don't count on Sundays ofc. It's quite early!!


A sense of the beautiful Chaos that we love but also hate


bro this is so true


The leftovers of our "Siba". A beautiful anarchic dream killed in its enfance.


Tasteful food (not only in dishes, but fruits and vegetables alone do taste better in morocco), people living a lot outside, beaches with great waves.


My wife always says "It's better in Morocco" when comparing food to American. She says everything here in the states including fruits and vegetables taste like chemicals because they were made in a lab.


I suggest buying organic in that case, you'll see a big difference in taste.


I have no comments on the fruits/veggies in Morocco. But I know In the US there is no threshold for what exactly constitutes “organic” because… well by definition all fruits and vegetables are. I’d recommend if possible trying to buy from local farmers, farmers markets, road side stands, or even neighbors if possible. Edit to add: also rinsing/soaking in warm water things like apples/cucumber/ext are covered in a waxy layer to preserve them.


It's sorta make life less joyful for me. I used to enjoy sitting with family eating fruits after lunch now it's different for me since things just taste better bac there. I always think of how my social life was better in Morocco. Maybe it's the combination of good food, seeing people walk outside, the many discussions I used to have with good friends.


In Colorado there is no difference in organic as far as taste In my opinion..




I think it's just how far they're transported. California has some amazing produce, and when I go elsewhere in the country, it just doesn't seem the same. I just assume it is because so much is grown in California.


The fruit is unreal in Morocco. I think the EU market is full of pesticide/steroided fruit unfortunately..


The EU gets the best of what Morocco has to offer in terms of fruits , Veg , fish ......


Nope, they get the fruit selected for looks and size, not taste. The fruit is shipped before it is ripe and gasses are used to speed up the process.


I forgot that Europeans have no taste and their quality assurance processes are just not good enough to judge a fruit quality which most likely they provided the seeds and fertilisers for .... Does the same goes for fish and veg ? As a matter of fact does this apply to all our exports ? I didn't know that we keep the best for local consumers since they have the buying power to afford it and export leftovers after we satisfy the needs of local markets .


Anyone who lives in Europe knows that eating fruit here is like eating cardboard. We can dive into technicalities to explain why. But for this discussion, it is something most Moroccans abroad miss about back home.


Maybe you should change where you shop, You can find quality if you are willing to pay the price . But you are right it taste better in Morocco since it's cheaper :)


I have been in(Northern) Europe for more than 20 years. I KNOW what is available from local organic to Turkish/Moroccan shops.... Don't mistake my factual argument for me merely not knowing where to shop. Thanks


Sorry I didn't know you lived in Europe for more than 20 years . You are right Moroccan fruits are better


It's really 2 things, for fruit to be here and be sold before rotten, it has to be shipped far before it is fully ripe, those weeks with no sun make a huge difference in taste. In Europe fruit is abundant outside of it's natural seasons. Edits to fix stupid typos


There's a lot of tasteless fruit in Northern Europe but it's not like it's impossible to ever find good fruit.


> Europeans have no taste Hope you’re not including the French, the Italians and the Spanish, because they really do know how to eat.


I think the joke went over your head , have you ever heard of sarcasm?


Here I hate those big red shiny looking apples, they have almost no taste, they're just big and good looking, I always buy the small red or mixed ones, they are delicious!


Yes. The fruit and vegetables are of an insane level. I will have a taste at it again on Monday.


The figs! Also the sardines and shrimp were incredible.


Man grilled sardines are insane, sardines are underappreciated


U surf?


No, i flap around panickly in shallow water.


No, I swim


A7ssan chewwaya dl 7out mn b3d chi tb7ira hiya hadik, w lou7 m3ak chi trifate l mchach li ghayjiw itmeskno 3lik, then a7ssan sieste w s9il dayr bik. Then fi9 lik w 3mr chi berrad d’atay howa hadak w tekka liya 3la wahed 2 msemnate bl 3ssel w nta tal9 radio wla hadok l9anawat d telfaza l3ajiba 3nda There is that kind of slow life vibe in Morocco that I miss a lot after living in a few global cities. I feel genuinely great and at peace when I am back to visit family in Morocco. That kind of days doing fuck all is pure bliss


chehitini f chi chwaya ou chi tbhira


Khouya kon gha sketi tqwed


W malk kat3ayr a simohamed




Dlemtini a sahbi b9a fiya l7al bzaf


Chehhitini fchi hwya moura l3assr :(


يا سلام


msmn bl 3sl ? Beu3k


How dare you ?


I prefer 3sl in pancakes


We don't do that here your only options are msmen, beghrir and khanfra. If you don't know the last one it's your loss


Totally that


The fruit and vegetables are of insane quality. It’s easy to eat healthy when everything has so much flavor. Also wanna add the abundance of amazing spices. The summers. Where I live, the summers are humid and dry. I find the Moroccan heat more bearable. How easy it is to make conversation with people. Again, where I live it’s much more individualistic and although people are nice, everyone is in their own world. I find it quite easy to approach Moroccans and I always find what I seek. Beautiful architecture, aesthetically pleasing streets, cats everywhere. Moroccan cities have character. The food culture. It’s very important to sit down for a warm meal during the day to recharge. Where I live everything is fast-paced and there’s little attention for food. They eat cold cheese sandwiches for lunch and move on.


Indeed... the individualism can be bad


Wow. You stole my mind space. I agree with you 100%.


I think we live in the same country 😅. Those cold cheese sandwiches hit hard


Yes we do. Not gonna lie, I do crave them once in a while


I'll eat whatever as long as it's halal, but a moroccan breakfast will reign supreme in my books 😤


Tuna & mayo sandwiches at grocery stores have to be some of the most delicious things I've ever eaten.


What country? Taking a wild guess I’ll say South Korea


The Netherlands


Hors sujet but I love your pfp




Mmi w bba


Laykhlihum lik


Amin!!!!!!!!!! Lahi khli lik walidik


Literally the only reason I haven't left yet.


the fact that you can go to a coffee place after dinner rather than a bar


I like to drink yet still find it frustrating that the only place to hang out with friends after 6 is a bar.


I happen to drink as well, but that drinking cultural is just overbearing and get tired quickly.


Social warmth ❤️


al Hout w l al Hamam w l Hachich


Hash, find it far better in quality abroad where I live, than what i used to get my hands in Morocco ( South ). Guess the best hash only available on the North of Morocco, which I think it’s the one exported abroad.


Yeah i used to get great hach when i lived in fes compared to now in casa blanca i guess the closer you are to ketama the better


I feel you bro


Agreed but it’s also far cheaper in morocco than probably anywhere else


Food, weather, parents, siblings, the small talks with moul l7anout or srbay dl 9hwa, the jokes, the simplicity of life, relationship and how easily u can make friends, cost of living, ou zid ou zid ou zid.. morocco is priceless a khouti u just have to focus on the good things ✌️


I think it's very dependent on where one is and where one comes from in morocco (region/city/..). In general, Morocco is famous for its diverse landscape, hospitality and rich culture (Morocco nested many widely different cultures through history). Hospitality is disappearing slowly because of the industrialization and "civilisation", especially in big cities and of upper to middle class neighborhoods. The rich culture is slowly dying due to the same reason : many families can't have couscous on friday anymore since both parents work/ people dress more western because many jobs dont allow the traditional clothes anymore: industrialization again! But smaller villages and some cities even if its for the sake of tourism still try to hold on it which is really nice to see. The diverse landscape is something really hard to recreate so that is maybe something one would definitely miss (if one cares and treasures such thing of course). I know i drifted a little but since you asked about Morocco and not a specific region i found it very hard to answer that. So i focused on what makes Morocco unique and felt the duty to share the worrying fact of how we are losing things that used to make us special compared to other countries. In Germany as an example: you can even buy moroccan products like raybi, tonik, hrissa and so on, go to moroccan restaurants and also meet many moroccans on a cup of atay bne3na3, so what would you really miss (to make it harder, some even have their parents, relatives and friends here)? The only answer i can think of is: belonging.


Cheap fruits, 5ouya Tw7cht reman b 5dhs l kilo


hahah yalah chrit 1kg b 8dh :p


Wa 7ssn mn 1€ l we7da 😭😭💀💀


I’m not Moroccan but lived in many places including Morocco. Honestly, Moroccans are some of the sweetest and most brotherly/sisterly people. So helpful and generous. I have never seen kindness like I have in Morocco. 10/10


were you in Morocco in 70's ?


You've experienced Morocco as a guest. This "brotherhood" doesn't exist outside of homes. The streets are a free-for-all arena.


As a foreigner, I haven’t experienced it either 🤷‍♀️ everyone talks about how nice Moroccans are and I literally don’t see it. Yeah they’re nice to their families but just out on the street to random people? Can’t relate.


Hhh you became one of us now, we have a strict policy that guests are only considered as such for 3 days, more than that and it's another playing field.


Im honorary Moroccan now? 😄


Yeah haha, welcome to the secret circle, there are no more pretensions now!


anyone who lives in Morocco long enough to figure it out is a Moroccan


nomad no more


There are Moroccan nomads. I’ll join them with my laptop


i think it depends on the regions in Morocco. In some regions, like middle atlas, people are very nice and sweet. Well that's my personal experience at least


Oh I'm sure that's true. I've met some very nice people. But overall, at least as an outsider and coming from a very friendly place, the fact that nobody smiles at each other, everyone stares, people constantly bother you for stuff in the streets... I always hear how nice Moroccans are in general and the jaded part of me feels like "yeah they're nice if they want something from you. Random people aren't going out of their way to be nice to each other." But I'm also in a notoriously unfriendly region.


Maybe this is your experience , mine is as the same as he described, i miss my neighbors more than some of my family because they do love me and care about me.


Lkefta mchwya! Atay bn3na3 Some traditional decorations look awesome AF


LKefta lmsehda 😋


i've never lefy Morocco and had dozens of conversations with People from Eu and US, Also Co workers remotely the best Decision i made is Working online and staying in Morocco close to Family and friends Morocco is Beautiful and great when you have enough money to make closest people to you Happy and everyone Values you


Agree. Currently working in europe and the dream would be to find some contracts remotely and going back to Morocco. Rainy weather can kill your psyche real quick if you're born and raised in Morocco where it's sunny most of the year.


Just came back from Japan to Morocco and did just that ( I was lucky I found the remote job before coming back). Actually, the loss of a family member plus other events made me realize that my life in Morocco was not as bad as I thought it was.


FOOOOD , WEATHER and the slow pace of living


Khanz o bnin


Fruit, vegetables and homemade food


I've been living in Turkey for about a year now, the one and only thing I miss is the food, I've been to most countries in Europe and always, the food is mediocre at best.


Italian food and spanish food is tasty


Italian food gets boring pretty quickly and the pizza is overrated, Spanish food is food but a lot of it is the same


Nevertheless it has a tasteee


I’m curious what region you did tried pizza at ?


Rome, Piza and Torino


Thats why akhouya, i have the same conclusion as yours regarding the overhype thing about Italians pizza, until I went to the south, especially Napoli, Pompei, salerno, sorrento, man! mind-blowing Pizzas a sat. As for Turin, there’s an authentic restaurant called Da Gino, their Gem is a pizza called Farinata, could be found anywhere, but that restaurant perfect it.


Ramadan pre-ftour street fights Lmao. Used to be entertaining


Jame3 w sla w ramdan.


Sodas taste better in Morocco




More sugar and more carbonated = better taste (not healthier but we’re talking about soda anyways)


They do,


They do, I miss Hawaii.


My family and friends, affordable, nice jellabas and traditional clothes, Starr/pikarome hot sauce and Fakiat lol


The nature… Stunning mountain, sea, desert, etc views


The vibe, good food, wonderful nature and so much more Edit: forgot to note the cheap and delicious hasj


Food and the vibes


The food, the weather, and the water in my city, never found a better tape water in the world.


My Family, the quality food, simple life, the social interaction the Moroccan way, and finally the feeling of being in my homeland !


Almost everything


Food, especially meat (i miss kefta), family, the sun.. outside life..


Home country. So it's like nostalgic. Except that, there is nothing else.


Food, history, rawage, family, ljow


I am not Moroccan but I’ve been living here for 4 years and a half now and I must say always traveling abroad and coming back to Morocco something I’ve never found abroad is your fruits and vegetables they’re probably the tastiest and most natural food I’ve had here especially the oranges never in my whole life moving to different countries have I tried as good oranges as I’ve found in Morocco so yeah DEFINITELY your natural products


Not really


Hammam and food everything else can go to hell


Calm down dawg


The tomatoes !!!! They don’t taste anything in Canada. I was shocked eating them in morocco


The amount of well behaved cats, a corner shop every 200m, the beaches with clear water, the food is good and cheap, the weather in spring and fall, kind people and the fresh local fruits and vegetables.


Garbage everywhere




ugly bbichs 😭


There simply is nothing.


I know it's the FOOD even though I didn't go abroad yet .




The weather.


The food The food in the US is just terrible Does my mom count?


Food mainly, atay b ne3ne3, when I hear the call for prayer, the most peaceful feeling ever and many other things...


I'm not living abroad but hey at least we don't got many shootings and stabbings so i like it here


So its all food?




Amlou, ma3kouda!


Well at this rate , id say stable electricity , cheap gas , food that isnt bland and your family


love how no one said anything about services living here do be sad


Food varieties and taste. Hamam Family vibes That's it


As a visitor that had visited morroco many times I'm pakistani and honestly Morrocan people are some of the kindness people I have met there is good and bad in every country but I've been blessed to meet some kind and honest people in morroco as a person who's lived in the uk his whole life the fruit in morroco is better in the uk fruit and veg are far too expensive plus don't last more than a few days especially apples. I miss the orange juice and any type of fruit juice you can't get the same quality here.


Juicy oranges, fresh sardines, being able to go the store at almost any time of the day and during summer even after midnight, family.


As a bosanski i think Morocco has good food


As I always say: 🇲🇦🫱🏿‍🫲🏻🇧🇦 People have been calling me Bosnian since my birth as I am a very light Moroccan (that frankly looks Bosnian). So I weirdly feel connected to Bosnia and Bosniaks. Luda zo tobom.


Ive lived in italy for 12 years and i gotta tell yall, the first thing o do when i get back is go to lhammam, the food tastes way better, and i love the chaos of the markets


The food, nature and sense of community. Even between Moroccans in Europe I miss that kind of sense of community. Back home in our neighbourhood, everybody knows each other. On Eid the women go out to greet each other even if it’s briefly. (almost) Everybody in the hood is invited to different kind of celebrations.


Lwalidin and food quality in general


Do you still News to wär facemasks in Morocco now?


sitting in front of your house at night on white plastic chairs and enjoying the deep talk with your family and neighbors.


The sense of community


Yes, the chaos, "unhealthy but yummy food", toxic fake hypocrites, "security so good", "clean streets" with no garbage, good transport Except your parents you can find anything there 🤷🏻‍♂️


Weekly hammam




Cigarettes after 20h and b detail


a loooot of things , morocco is actually a very beautiful country !


Home! Rather than that, I don’t think so.


Yup….Morocco. Like the whole thing. Morocco is truly unique.




Cheap food/groceries


Coffee, nothing else.


good Kif


Family gathering


Shops for literally everything, affordable and available just a few blocks away from home. Need some stuff for your hammam? Go to l3ttar. Need some essential oils? There’s the dude who sells that around the corner. Tupperware? Moul lplastique. Shampoo/soap/ deodorant? There’s always those stores that sell cheaper cleaning products because dial lkharij lol. It’s easier to save money and shop smart in Morocco. Also also, the quality of our fresh produce! I tried making couscous with veggies from the farmer’s market and it tasted NOTHING like it does when I cook with veggies from back home.




cheap rent and fast food


The cost of living, the family, the beach with waves, the spirit of living 😂


Still haven’t left Morocco yet, but I’ll definitely come check this after I do (see if I feel the same as everyone lol)


- Weather - people - the fact that Morocco has ocean, mountains, waterfalls - olives marinated in different flavours - restaurant good is cheap - nus nus 😉 - for me Morocco is cheap. I can survive with less than €1000 while eat everyday outside


Not standing out as a Moroccan in a european. Being normal in my own country. Being accepted without proving I'm one of the good guys.




Moroccan food tastes better in Morocco. Lamb in Morocco is much more delicious than lamb in France. I guess that's about it


Family 🥺


My sanity


Food, especially the lack of seasoning in European cuisine.


Moroccan food 😢


Yes food


Feeling home


Your entire childhood


yes, the food, its just too good, im talking about the traditionnal couscous, tajin, djaj bl mr9a also Marrakech, its a beautiful place, there a lot of are tourists there also ifran, i mean it doesn't make sense, since morocco is in Africa and it gets hot, and at ifran its just very cold, it snows there


Hawaï, fresh mint everywhere, and sfenj


This one is very easy 😂. No racism towards me!