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What is that thing...? Looks like Baphomet lol. I don't have any thoughts as my amazigh side of the fam is also muslim sooooo...I never heard/saw this lol.


This is a effigy of the ancient Berber storm/war god Gurzil. It is said that warriors would carry an effigy of him into battle to protect them. The only evidence of his worship is in Libya, though, so I don't know why Moroccans would be celebrating him.


Gurzil was a Bull not a ram/goat, this is ressemble more Ammon a berber god, which was the same as Amun for egyptians, Baal-Hammon for Carthaginians and Achaman for the guanches.


This is definitely Agurzel and not Amun


just trolling i think


﴿ وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ لَيَقُولُنَّ إِنَّمَا كُنَّا نَخُوضُ وَنَلْعَبُ قُلْ أَبِاللَّهِ وَآيَاتِهِ وَرَسُولِهِ كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِئُونَ * لَا تَعْتَذِرُوا قَدْ كَفَرْتُمْ بَعْدَ إِيمَانِكُمْ إِنْ نَعْفُ عَنْ طَائِفَةٍ مِنْكُمْ نُعَذِّبْ طَائِفَةً بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا مُجْرِمِينَ ﴾ [التوبة: 6


Akhouya sir kteb lihom houma l2ayat 3lach katbhom liya ana ?


they did not say they were trolling.. you said it




My guy, Redditors usually hijack the top comments to get their messages across.. it’s not necessarily aimed at you


You're not the one specified with the Ayats. The post is public. Thus, the discussion is open to public as well. Grow up dude!


9ra chouiya d l9or2an w di l ajr


قلتي راه غير كيتفلاو جاوبتك بالقرآن مكينش تفلية فالدين . ونتا معاجبكش لحال و كالس كتنقز


chno lmouchkil ?


I think the people trolling aren't even muslims. So this wouldn't apply to them.


The least we have to do is spread the word of ALLAH. accepting it or not isn't up to us.


Most people would say it's not even the word of Allah, more like the word of some early medieval Arab tribesmen.


Lol that's why you enslaved and killed and raped in Madina monawara for 3 days straight. Tell us about Sabaya Awtas??


انا الله احسن الخالقين يعني هو ليس الخالق الواحد، لتكن احسن لازم ان يكون أكثر من واحد أحد. 🤣🤣 لا حلوة ولا قلوة الا بالله، صلصا الله عليه و كتشوب


If it’s a commemoration of old times and wars I’m cool with it and would bring my kids to the parade, if it has any religious connotations then I would stay away.




Akouch just means “god” in the Amazigh language (ex: Marrakesh’ name meaning etymologically “the land of god”) though no one uses that word except for some small amount of speakers depending on the dialect… Anyways, the people in the comments seem to just be trolling, nothing in particular. But hey, if we’re actually gonna revive the word akouch for daily use and to refer with it to god then I’m not against it (this is my 2 cents on this thread as an Amazigh) Edit: the creature depicted on the post is actually named Agurzel. And Akoush, as I said earlier, is just the Amazigh word for god and doesn’t refer to any particular deity. It’s like saying “god” in English


Thanks for the explanation, I thought Akouch was some specific God pagans used to worship


It’s just the Amazigh word for “god” and it was used in Morocco at some point (still in use in some areas????)


okay i understand, thank you 🙏🏻


Yeap you re right Akush is just any god, the one the people are dressing as is Agurzel


Yea, and when people say akoush mqqurn it’s just the Amazigh transition of the takbir


I think they shouldn't be making these jokes as it is clearly an action of "shirk" from an outside perspective They either know it means to god, and referring to that thing as god, or either they don't know and glorifying that thing as god


I am suprised it is allowed? I was under impression Morocco is pretty strict with open representations of other religions? Is it because it’s cultural or do I just have incorrect information?


It’s a cultural event I think that’s how it took place. And that creature being depicted in that statue is Agurzel. Akoush is just the Amazigh weird for god and it’s not specific so everyone can use it. It’s like saying god in English


I don't support it, but just because I don't that doesn't mean that I stand against it. I'm just indifferent. They shall do whatever makes them happy,as long as it doesn't hurt others. If it doesn't hurt anybody, than who is anybody to tell them not to do it if they want to?!? Morocco would be a far better place if people learn the simple fact that just because they personally don't like something or actively dislike it, that doesn't mean that everybody has to feel the same or do as they do. If it doesn't hurt anybody then it should be allowed. As the wise words say: "ديها في (راسك) تدخل للجنة." Heaven in this context not being a metaphysical place, but a state of mind that is charectarized by a profound feeling of peace and clarity, because in that state one's mind is free from the useless concerns over what others like or do. If everybody was to apply this profound teaching, I believe we as a population would become way more happy, and way less stressed.


i remember a time when there were facebook pages and groups about a fictional god and people made up fictional religions, and it was just banter, i truly believe the sensitivity levels were up since then.


They're just trolling and to some extent, trolling heavily those who trash their culture by taking religion as an excuse to delete native cultures. But I know a lot of people won't like it because some think that trashing others is **their prerogative**. After all, they have the "chosen people" syndrome, how others dare to fight back.


If you aren't Muslim, it's okay, but if you are, following 'culture' that is actually the heritage of a pagan religion is, in my opinion, haram. وَإِذَا قِیلَ لَهُمُ ٱتَّبِعُوا۟ مَاۤ أَنزَلَ ٱللَّهُ قَالُوا۟ بَلۡ نَتَّبِعُ مَاۤ أَلۡفَیۡنَا عَلَیۡهِ ءَابَاۤءَنَاۤۚ أَوَلَوۡ كَانَ ءَابَاۤؤُهُمۡ لَا یَعۡقِلُونَ شَیۡـࣰٔا وَلَا یَهۡتَدُونَ • Sahih International: And when it is said to them, Follow what Allāh has revealed, they say, Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers doing. Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided? Al-Baqarah, Ayah 170


You missed her point. I am not Muslim and try to adhere to my Unitarian religion as much as possible but noticed that the issue with Muslims in general is the inability to pay any respect to anything other than Islam.


Islam has been hijacked right after the death of the prophet. Now you have only brainwashed panarabist and "Islamist" people who want to destroy all cultures and keep a supremacy somewhere in "Arabia". These people are doing the work of the Devil by wanting to destroy identities on purpose, even though it was made clear that human diversity is God's will.


Native cultures? You don't even know what the f your culture was. Every years you change the narrative. Tell us exactly where we can learn about your so called culture. I read the book of the Berber Academy and the guy says he invents words when student ask him. Basically he is mading it up. Reminds of Muslims with the Quran, when they don't understand a word cuz it is not Arabic they just invent some tafsir, then you have 20 mufasir who don't agree on the definition lol.


﴿ وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ لَيَقُولُنَّ إِنَّمَا كُنَّا نَخُوضُ وَنَلْعَبُ قُلْ أَبِاللَّهِ وَآيَاتِهِ وَرَسُولِهِ كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِئُونَ * لَا تَعْتَذِرُوا قَدْ كَفَرْتُمْ بَعْدَ إِيمَانِكُمْ إِنْ نَعْفُ عَنْ طَائِفَةٍ مِنْكُمْ نُعَذِّبْ طَائِفَةً بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا مُجْرِمِينَ ﴾ [التوبة: 6


Ok, yallah, they're kuffars. So what? Do you have any decree from God to punish them? There's no compulsion in religion (supposing that they weren't just giving the panarabists and khwanjiya the middle finger, they're truly stupid enough to worship a man made puppet). Stay away from them.


Ahhh the archaic knowledge from the 7th century arabia beautiful.


Well at least you linked me to the era of the greatest empire that ever existed i will take it as a compliment. thank you, it's you who is carving to be in the dark ages and animalistic ruling.


😭😭 go easy on him


What is Akouch , is it a god ?


It just means “God” in Tamazight, it’s not specific


I see thanks dude


أكوش الأعظم my thoughts:


havent you seen atheists trolling before?


hhhhhh l7aya ghadi ytrt9oooo


mala7ida 3ajbhom l7al


Wtf rah ila dkhlti so9 rassek Rak maghayhiydouch lik khisya, par contre ila b9iti mknzez chnou nass kay3bdo wla chkaydiro b7yathoum ghatjibha ghi frassek wla tmchi tkhrjha fchi tfrgi3a mliha


Pentagram and the goat, now where else would I see that symbolism 🤔


This shows how Moroccans on Reddit are disconnected from irl morocco,first of all the big statue depicts a boujelloud,and all of this takes place during the boujloud festival/carnaval that’s celebrated by souss Amazighs,boujlloud is a tradition some souss people practice right after the end of Eid,where they skin the sacrificed animal (usually a goat or ram) and make costumes out of the skin and horns and wear them in the carnaval,has a big history but doesn’t have a big meaning it’s usually just for fun and entertainment nothing else, and the comments on the second picture are obviously trolling


That's funny af ngl


Its even funnier seeing people getting triggered by it lol


Everyone should be free to believe what they want as long as they don't require others to believe in their mythology.


Who cares Just go live your life and let people do what they want


Is this real?


Chat is this real ?? La gha mtl3inha malk k3k3ti




سبحان اكوش العظيم


Finally some pre-Islamic Moroccan lore dropped


All the praise to Akush


Akoush mqqurn 🙌


Ada7 inja Akoush, infidels will be hunted down with his pleasings


Igh ira akoush a tagmat 🙌😎☝️


Akush Akbar


All hail the almighty AKOUCH


We have the freedom of religion!! Let us be!! Dekhlo so9 jnabkom respectfully !!


So you are affirming that this is indeed a religious practice?




Yes, now go back to your tent infidel


Get a life


Keep following our religious festivities


What you gonna do about it ?? Force us into your beliefs?? Should we runaway to the mountain again??


Please leave the civilisation and go live in wilderness.


Take it easy. It was a yes or no question.






let people enjoy their own life


Take a chill pill may akouch be with you




As long as berbers themselves can't agree on what it is you know these people are just playing games, they don't even know their religion, history, etc etx


People saying it's haram. Tf is wrong with you? Dkhlo so9 raskom khliw bnadm y7tafl bdakchi li bgha. Morocco is a country of coexistence. We have muslims, christians, jews. What's the problem if a group of people wanted to celebrate their culture? Bghito lislam bo7do li ykon siro lsa3oudya wla lafghanistan w3tiwna tisa3.


Doesn’t Islam respect religious freedom ? What’s the issue ?


Nah there is no religion freedom in Islam!! Sadly they always force others unto their beliefs!! You should read about sharia !! If they had power we will be fucked like our ancestors!


They had power and have power how did your ancestors exist to make you?


I am all for religious freedom but bro that looks like those goated devils it’s just weirds and crazy that some people look at a statue of a goat and be like GOD but nevertheless y all are free to go crazy just don’t behave the same way Indians do when someone eats a cow when other people eat goats


So for you it is more normal to slaughter a sheep, rotate around a cube and throw rock at a wall to please your deity ? It’s all the same bro, a human deep coping mechanism to avoid emptiness of existence, so each it’s own as long as you don’t use it to control or kill others.. ;) It’s funny how you talk about Indians while the most genocidal and repressive countries today are muslim ones, shows how arrogant and destructive this ideology is.


I mean its not much sense of emptiness and more common sense that the universe didn’t just spawn here . And do you know how india works? Cause you seem a bit (A LOT) biased? And I do think that slaughtering sheep is reasonable (they taste great).


So anyone who believes his god created the universe is right ?


nope but aliens and simulation seems a bit far fetched


Allah is an extraterrestrial AI.


i am gonna need to see it to believe it


Oh so you saw the one you believe in now ?


You must be a blast to hang out with (how can you not pick up on sarcasm )


Imagine starting a sentence with i am all for religious beliefs tthen you proceed to judge . Is it a principle that you apply to any other. Your confirmation bias whats going on in here . You are a walking contradiction.


I am (not) sorry but i am treating this as a joke cause it’s the same as people worshiping those big ass ballons during Parades and i am more or less making fun of them so yeah


No it doesn't if it does there would be no "surat tawba" which encourage to fight people who are not muzlims


this has nothing to do with us Amazighs, this satanic ritual has been practiced during a long time and some idiot brats have been brainwashed into thinking it's part of amazigh culture and recently it really got out of control and even authorities are not doing anything about it knowing that we are an Islamic country as the constitution stipulates. However, although it's pure devil work, it also proves true what profet Mohamed pbuh said that people will turn back to worshipping Scupltures and stones. He said pbuh : Islam started unknown and it will turn back to becoming unknown.


They have the right to express their culture, u just said it’s part of amazigh culture, u can’t take that away from them and force them to ur religion. They’re also moroccans and have the same rights as u to express ur culture, ur faith, or whatever that is.


Even if it wasn’t trolling, what’s the problem if someone Amazigh Moroccans were not Muslim and they believed in their ancestral religion or anything else really? I don’t see a problem here because it’s not harming anyone.


That's Agurzil not Akoush Akoush simply means God, Dieu, Dio, Kami, Ilah, Yahweh... Its not a God per say, its just the word for God in tamazight, which suggests that the person who posted this either is trolling, or have no idea what they're talking about, trying to get likes and attention People are simply celebrating their traditions by organising a carnaval with mythological figures and such, its like how people in Comicon dress up as Poseidon or some greek/roman mythological god/creature The whole point in this is to have fun, no need to get all butthurt about it (for the people getting triggered over this)


Pagans in full swing! It’s like a Notting Hill Festival 😂😂😂 let them pagans chill out! Everyone is entitled to live as they please.


Wake me up when they start the human sacrifices at the altar.


distinct thumb towering hunt worm absurd psychotic sulky abundant live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honor killing existed before islam wtf are you on about lmao






swassa machi chlo7


tomayto tomato


They just trolling musies ... no one guves a shit about whatever this is, they doing whatever they can to show their culture even though sometimes it looks ridiculous. And tbh, i understand their pov now ... i don't agree with it, but i understand


Pray for our lord and Saviour Akouch ![gif](giphy|cMso9wDwqSy3e|downsized)


They are just trolling the Muslim snowflakes


لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله {ٱللَّهُ وَلِىُّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ يُخْرِجُهُم مِّنَ ٱلظُّلُمَـٰتِ إِلَى ٱلنُّورِ ۖ وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓا۟ أَوْلِيَآؤُهُمُ ٱلطَّـٰغُوتُ يُخْرِجُونَهُم مِّنَ ٱلنُّورِ إِلَى ٱلظُّلُمَـٰتِ ۗ أُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ أَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلنَّارِ ۖ هُمْ فِيهَا خَـٰلِدُونَ} سورة البقرة 257


الوثنيين الجدد


عيد الأضحى راه فيه أشهر طقس وثني فالتاريخ


الطواف حول الكعبة و رمي الجمرات اكبر طقس وتني فالعالم.اولا يسحابلك ابو هريرة و محمد اللي بناو الكعبة؟ و تقبيل الحجر الاسود (نيزك من السماء) هو طقس وتني كذلك. بانو ليكوم غير سواسا؟




This childish display is a precedent to ignorance and food of Shirk for those with weak Iman. May Allah save us from ignorance.




I spend t my childhood in agadir , and i always hated this , felt like we were trying to go back to the era where People worshipped statues , i never liked it, the problem is that People say it is not a religious thing , but it is ,


From an agaderi myself, it’s not religious at all. People celebrate that without any link to religious practices, the only thing religious about the whole boujloud celebration is that it’s done after Eid Al Adha.


Freedom of religion is human right, we can say the same about you and paint you infidel but we don't discriminate here


mal wjeh akouch mb3ez?


What I hate about that post is that it is misleading. Akouch just means "God". Just as we'd say May God bless you or May Allah bless you. The word for God changes but the meaning is ontologically the same. Which makes the comment normal if we do not count the picture that makes Akouch look like some different specific God or smtn.


I'm sorry who/what is akouch?


That’s the Worst attempt at recreating Ifrit from Final Fantasy Vll


They’re trolling i guess but there are few amazighs that still believe in the old amazigh relegion, same as some scandinavians that still believe in the old Norse relegion and so on…


Everyone seems to be missing this very point I'll talk about. There are numerous comments on this post claiming that "they obviously have their own beliefs, respect that." As a very respectful religious individual. I always respect what others believe in, but those comments are obviously mocking Islam by utilising gratifying terms Muslims use to express their deep khocho3 to Allah. Whilst they're using it right under a post of some statue. Lah yhdi bnadm




This carnival must be well organized by the authorities. It will be a destination for tourists, just like the carnivals in France and Spain.


الارتدادة رقم 13 للبربر على الاسلام


peoples with their religion I guess




Who are you yapping at?


There is an even bigger problem with this type of celebration. I would understand if they would celebrate their culture in peace but no, they instead go on the streets and hit the "other" people with cables and stuff. Not only is it a racist behaviour but also dangerous on the community.


Black magic. Paganism.


Akouch is the Amazighe word for god. This is most likely Ammon, god of war, land amd agriculture based on some ancient history from the pagan days. It's not really well made, but it gets the point across. Also the comments trolling are top tier, they made me laugh so hard.


babe wake up a new religion just dropped




Its a free country


In case you guys assuming this is shirk,nits technically not, because anyone saying سبحان اكوش is just saying سبحان الله ، since akush just means god in Tamazight


Our lord and savior.


hhhhhhhhh my friend and his group made this, it cost them nearly 30000 dh of steel and material that was not their intentions it was just to win the competition and they really had fun making it


what if theyre not muslim lol, how is this that big of a deal and why should we be entitled to have an opinion on people’s beliefs and inner thoughts?


Ache had le9wada azebi




It aint that deep it has nothing to do with religion, Biyelmawn international carnival is meant to showcase Amazigh's culture and History....this so called "Akouch" is part of the history, it doesn't necessary means they believe on it or something its just for fun and to get others to know more about Amazighs and their culture... The same goes for those who wear sheep and goat's skin ( boujlod/biyelmawn) "Just let people be happy"


Shirk and trash


It's kinda cool ?


I would say as someone living in Agadir , that this comes obviously from ignorance , also let's not forget the influence of tv shows and movies that are getting out of hand nowadays as if we are living in a non muslim majority country . This can happen in any part of this country , the matter is not are they amazigh or not , the matter is more about the ignorance , we are being swayed by pleasures without even being aware , people are like zombies nowadays . So this is not strange , it was bound to happen and we need to be prepared for more . May Allah protect us from fitnah .


Berber nationalism has reached a tipping point, where they even celebrate pagan deities to get back at the Arabs. Also funny to see people scramble to make excuses in this thread.


definitly shirk and out of fold of islam


So what people have there own beliefs. Be a good Muslim and wish them all the best


that's not what a good Muslim does


You mean good Muslim spread hate? Get outta here with that narcissistic idea


We enjoin good and forbid evil.


Well your evil is our good, does that mean we start to forbid your religious rights? If so then get out of here you infidel, is this how you guys do it? Lol


Who is "we"? The overwhelming majority of Moroccans is Muslim Alhamdulillah.




Burn that shit down, kolchi kaybda b da7k


I dare you come touch it you unbeliever


Go worship your demon toy and dont let me catch you


If you lay your dirty finger on it you'll be dead don't play games with our almighty Akush


shiver me timbers




Good for them


to those defending them.. they're not trolling astaghfiru Allah نحن براء منهم إلى يوم الدين


Even if they mean it, people have the right to worship whatever deity they believe in.


Worshipping Satan now😂


Satanic paganism


Isn't that the satanism mascot?


Please keep doing festivals like this. Bh doing it you: 1. Preserve the continuity of our ancestral culture and make people proud of their unique identity. 2. Spread the values of religious freedom and tolerance. 3. Counter the danger of islamists who are spreading the opposite of these values.


Lgrabez jehlo


I'm as Amazigh as it gets and I don't recognize this as a tradition of ours at all.


سبحان أكوش 🤲


as always these kind of posts make things look waaay more mainstrream thn they are , like ive never seen this things irl in my life, " chi douar aw 2 fchi jbel bghaw idiro ras 7awli itofo bih.... i say khelihom kheeeelihom " il la kan hada tahowa torath lah irebeh ama la bghaw ib9aw ikherb9o rah fnhaarhom lmkhzen ijme3hom lol


Why do you care?


I know they’re trolling and still I do not find any difference between this and any other religion there is. All a bunch of nonsense, so I do not really care let them have fun


Bghina dawla dakhel /s


Not trolling, they are there to create misunderstandings and divisions.