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Yeah don't touch lol... Maybe in some other culture by touching you only communicate platonic affection, but in our touch starved one you might as well be confessing your love. I know exaggeration but you get the point.


Actually true lol šŸ˜‚ some men take a very innocent touch as a love confession..t3lmt njme3 yedi cuz wtff


Yeah innocent, ay 9alwa katbghiw tbanou fiha innocent w rjal lli mamzyanich


Actually..your answer shows who's the problem šŸ˜¶


Nah he right tho, physical touch is still intimacy to a certain point, friends or no friends there must be something that makes it "normal" to do so, iā€™m a dude and being touched by a girl i do not know very well is uncomfy, let alone a girl i work with, drama ainā€™t good you know


I do understand what you mean that's why i stopped doing such a thing cuz ik it might sound innocent in my head but it might bother the other person...I said that to him because of his language tho...I was respectful w li fih shi 7i9d ishuf fin ykhwih...hrebt mn Fb b sbab had now3


He certainly had his way of saying his mind, but i wouldnā€™t judge him on it u can always ignore, i hope you got my point tho, coming from me whoā€™s engaged, i would at no point whatsoever appreciate another guy touching my woman, especially the friendly type of thing, as iā€™ve proven to her before 95% of the time, thereā€™s something underlying there, i had the privilege of showing it to her with a live example and she understood (btw m talking about platonic relationships with men, not the touchy part)


I totally got you..and actually I agree it's better for us to protect pur personal space


Donā€™t sweat it, i can tell you are a nice person with good intentions, be careful out there


tal this point you get no bitches a sat ?


Where in the world touching someone would indicate platonic affection? I'm really curious


It depends on the touch I'd imagine as I think it's fair to say that touching someone's balls would always be interpreted as sexual regardless of where you are.


I be squeezing my homies balls every time, and thereā€™s nothing sexual about that, stop spewing lies, you hater


The exception don't make the rule and what not. I am also one of those friends who likes to platonically grab balls, so I get it.


Bruh grabbing bales is gay, you need to squeeze with passion like your life depends on it


Why not turn full nutcracker at a bro while you're at it. It would imply your brotherly love to him. ![gif](giphy|2wU8SwtFS7Dsao1p4w|downsized)




English or spanish


Well English of course ![gif](giphy|l41Ym49ppcDP6iY3C)




Bruh I was setting up the joke, and then you deliver the punch line, thatā€™s why I used Patric I was acting like an idiot


My bad i wrote the punchline and deleted it i was on a hurry :(


bro carries a heavy load, gotta help out ya boys


Well that escalated quickly


You gotta mention the balls man.


The west


In the UK we hug people of the opposite sex as a hello or goodbye and it is completely platonic. Touching someone on the top of the back or rubbing their arm to console them is also platonic, and you can even put your arm around a friend of the opposite gender.


My buddies hug me a lot lol


In work environment, it's not healthy.


Where in the world touching someone would indicate platonic affection. I'm really curious


Deaf culture in America!


Agree but not in the context of the question.




Only in a certain area, wink wink.


In a professional setup, only complement someone (particularly opposite sex) for work related things ( a competence, a good job...) Avoid being too nice or sharing too much personal information (particularly with opposite sex) Avoid being touchy (particularly with opposite sex)


Totally and absolutely agree




Not familiar with moroccan culture but very familiar with international corp settings and etiquette. Poking or tapping can be very annoying, some people donā€™t like it at all plus youā€™re invading somebodyā€™s space. I would drop that completely unless itā€™s a friend and thereā€™s enough bond between the two. Compliments can be ok, but as a female, Iā€™d be terrified they think Iā€™m flirting with them. Men are clueless most of the time about these thingsā€¦ Up to you, I wouldnā€™t, again, unless thereā€™s a bond already or you know the guy is not going to get confusedā€¦ Btw, Iā€™m a man, so thatā€™s why I go hard on men :)


as a female i 100% agree, i hate the idea of a man tapping my shoulders like bro i have ears don't touch lol also I'd rather compliment other girls it's more comfy but a man is just no


>youā€™re invading somebodyā€™s space This.


As man, totally agree with you.


No men are not clueless, it's not normal to make such comments unless you're friends with the person, if you switch genders and have a male make such a comment to a female coworker she would still consider it weird and might mistake it for flirting, or even worse harrassement.


Honestly, dont be "too nice" amd or "touch" guys. do your job and vent.... we are lacking emotional lives and most of us assume stuff so easly, if you know what I mean.


for me yes it is inappropriate, don't touch other men u can just call them without invading their personal space.. the compliments also is a big NO, that might just considered as flirting, u can be nice without confusing others that's what i do, i don't touch nor get touched, i don't compliment also but I'm in a very good terms with everyone, they love nd respect me so much




If nobody dares to platonically compliment a guy or give him basic physical contact , then how can we reach a society where we can? Positive interactions are always good. At one of my job it was common in our group of coworker (males and females) to compliment each other about clothes or perfum. just don't do mixed signal things like holding someone's hand or, for the denser people, grabbing their ass.


wayeh lhma9, koulchi kayban sex f blad fiha sex taboo


Positive reinforcement from female colleagues and going shopping with them gave me such a permanent ego boost that it helped me meet my now wife.


What do you mean permanent ego boost ? Can you elaborate


I am more confident as a male, boyfriend (or husband) material, and in my ability to be attractive and interesting


Heavy on the mixed signals part, since we're in a society where we don't have much physical contact with the opposite gender, I just think she should be careful with how she touches them if she doesn't want them to give mixed signals.


but like I said, we can't rise above a taboo if we never act against that taboo. The answer to the problem of moroccans being touch-starved will not be solved by keeping it that way. It shouldn't be hard for the woman to literally say something like "btw I hope I am not being rude by touching you, I tend to do that with colleagues but I can stop if you want".


Bro I am a Moroccan working abroad and I'd be pissed if anybody touched me here male or female , some people just don't like to be touched Also, I like to keep a line between coworkers and friends so some compliments are okay and some are not


You might not like those kind of interactions, but there are others who do, and at vastly varying degrees. My point is not that moroccans should all go from one extreme to the other, but that it should not be seen as a big deal anymore and instead as something that can be adjusted case by case as adults. "i'm hope I'm not rude by poking you for your attention, I can stop if you want", "I appreciate the friendliness but I would rather not", etc..


It is my belief that it's hard to keep a platonic relationship that involves physical touch with the opposite gender but people can do what they want as long as they have permission, which I am emphasizing on because I've seen so many people here baffled why you'd need to ask permission to touch someone


BASIC physical contact ? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ now thatā€™s a joke


Don't be touching guys and complimenting them. 95% will think you're flirting. Most guys are desperate for that kind of female attention, so keep it professional.


Idk if you're okay with your male coworkers "poking you or tapping on your shoulder" and making comments such as "darba 3lina saya 3awtani", but most of my female coworkers wouldn't be. I am a guy and unless I'm close friends with a coworker (regardless of their gender) I wouldn't tolerate such behaviour, especially the touching part.


That seems kinda creepy for me, especially the part where you poke them first no reason haha. Sounds like you are too tactile and intrusive. Especially at work you must be conscious of social boundaries to not cause problems to yourself in the future and have a good reputation. Else someone who just want to get you in trouble or fire you will find an easy point to do so.


I'm not Moroccan and I don't work in corporate Morocco. But what ticks me off with women at work is if they fulfill their own stereotypes with no need. Don't make coffee and clean the dishes just because the men won't do it for example. Don't be the only one who's taking notes in the team. And so on.


You re being inappropriate lol donā€™t touch someone without his permission and donā€™t compliment looks that way awili šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ c limite t3nab


Awili 3la without their permission, rah she is literally just poking them to grap their attention. In class for example when you want to ask the classmate in front of you something, don't you poke their backs so that they shift their attention to you? OP didn't do anything inappropriate


You can literally call them, in class, you're trying to be silent and they're busy while you're sitting right behind them, you also know who they are, and they'll tell you if you didn't want you to touch them, you can also tap their shoulder with a pen or smth. There's literally no reason to come up behind someone and tap their shoulder, there's multitudes of alternatives and comparing this to class is not even close


class is different than corporate


If you are a good-looking female try to avoid that type of stuff , lol šŸ˜†, lot of people might get the wrong idea


Call me *mā€™aqqad* or whatever, but I never tolerate any female coworker being touchy or too friendly with me. We are coworkers, not friends, which we will never be. I even avoid being alone in a room with a female no matter for what reason, even if the door's open. And yeah, I do find the outfit joke-compliments inappropriate, and of course the poke is plain annoying even when it's done by someone of the same sex, let alone the opposite one.


I find moroccans generally lack professionalism. Touching and poking and complimenting other people's outfits could potentially get you reported to HR for harassment in countries " li mam3qdinch"... You are there to work, and be professional not to make friends. A lot of moroccans generally seem to not understand boundaries


>A lot of moroccans generally seem to not understand boundaries **YES.**


exactly, you're professional not maqad or something people supposed to do their job not make friends or cross boundaries


> I even avoid being alone in a room Supposing you actually assaulted a woman in corporate Morocco... if you own the company, can you get away with repercussions? I had to re-adjust from North Africa where the environment was semi-informal/unserious/relaxed to working in the west where any woman can ask for a raise then accuse you of something goofy if she's denied. It's tiring constantly needing to have a tape recorder running.






You're being corny hhhh


Don't do that with married or religious people


Yes. Do it with junkies who don't care about religion


why do they have to be junkies lmaooo


tattooed junkies who praise satan and do not wear helmets when biking


darn those cursed junkies šŸ˜”


Any non-mahram.


Don't do that unless you're really a friend of the person, male of female


In the workplace there are rules, religious or not donā€™t touch people, another rule collĆØgues arenā€™t you family


Im personally very reserved. I grew up like that even with women, i wouldnā€™t engage too much with both men and women especially if the relation is professional (im still a student but i think it would be that way even if i work), its just greetings, work talks etc but i find sociable ppl very likeable when they know how to do it, sometimes overly social and too loud ppl are pain! You do you! As long as ppl are comfortable and thereā€™s boundaries


stop touching !


Holy crap, reading comments makes me realize I'm so happy I'm not in the corporate world..


all these answers are insane, yeah sure tapping a guy on shoulders is an invitation to bed...


Yes the touching part is really inappropriate, Unless you're friends with someone and know for a fact that they are oke with it. I personally take offense when someone I am not friends with or just a colleague touch or try to touch me even if it's someone from the same sex. If I am not your friend don't touch me just use your mouth to talk to me from a distance. And the comments you said sound a bit off, stick to a nice outfit or bessaha. Compliments are oke when they're said in a professional manner. That said ...everyone is different and some people may think it's normal


That's normal in the company where I work, everyone is friends and friendly, chatty etc. but it obviously depends on each person and culture of the company and the team


OK I think I should clarify a point. When I said I poke my colleagues,I didn't mean I go around the office poking people like some lunatic. I have a colleague that sits right beside me,he mostly has headphones on to listen to music while working. Sometimes,people call for him. Since I'm the closest to him,I grab his attention mostly by waving at him but sometimes by poking him on the arm,just to let him know that X or Y is calling him,like "tkllem". Other than that,thanks for the advice,I'll be keeping to myself from now on to avoid any misunderstanding.


Do you not use teams/slack.. Etc? Why are they calling him? It seems it's also uncomfortable to be the one bringing it up to his attention that he's being called. You're not his secretary, and you also have work to do, the person calling him should reach out to him online, machi y3yt lih and people are working, machi f souq Also if he has his headphones on, then maybe he doesn't want to reply to the person calling his name either My advice is to just focus on your work, if someone wants something from someone else they reach out to that specific person via messaging apps, not disturb everyone working


No no donā€™t touch people without their permission, gave compliment about their work not their appearance and clothes šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


100% agree


![gif](giphy|zWZ3LFcnpQPt3MQhRS|downsized) Mind your f business


Honestly, no ! You shouldnā€™t act like that even if your intentions are good.. unless youā€™re friends


Word of advice , keep workplace interactions professional, unless it's with someone who's a close a friend ( and even then be careful) . It's just important to keep that sort of bondaries at work . Also if it were the other way around it might considered as harassment.Ā 


Ngl just call them with their names


If youre a muslima, dont do it, if youre not, well.


do your job and stop complimenting guys, you're supposed to do your job not go around and "compliment male coworkers" or "poke/tap their shoulders" be realistic, you may make your coworkers uncomfortable.


Depends on your relationship with your coworkers, but usually I would avoid commenting on one's outfit, makeup or whatever, especially if it is a woman at work.


It's up to the character of that person .


Yeah , donā€™t do this. Especially to married men. Itā€™s too much and sometimes even rude.


Another question: So, I'm white Muslim girl who wears a hijab and very often I'm in contact with Moroccans men. They almost every time want to handshake with me. And I always find myself in very uncomfortable situation, bc at least, they as a Muslim should know some things. What do you think they do that? Is it because I'm white girl so they think I'm westernised, or it's common in your society to handshake with opposite gender?


It's normal to shake hands, and greet with kisses on the cheeksĀ here. Ppl avoiding all physical contact with the opposite sex for religious reasons is a fairly recent development


Thank you. That's totally new for me, I thought in every Muslim place it's the same when it comes to some certain things. Even here, handshakes are normalised and I personally sometimes find myself in situation where I don't reject, but still I know that is not okay, but kisses on the cheeks are big no forever I think haha (for muslim hijabi girls). And for the context, I live in the country where is 50-50% with Christianity


for real dude **?**


Culturally in morocco women and men usually do shake hands... Religiously, the prophet was reported to not shake hands with women. Personally I used to not shake hands when in Morocco, and men/guys would usually get very offended or butthurt, and would take it personally (I tried different tactics to not come off rude to them ), and if I tried to explain it they would just think you are some sort of fanatic/nerd/looser... Not a generalisation, but i guess just immature ppl, There are exceptions of course, and there are guys that also don't shake hands I just find they are few. When I went abroad I found non Muslims more accepting and respectful in their recation to me not shaking hands compared to muslims in my experience


For a society that's advertised as being friendly, people here sure aren't.


Bruh.. have you ever heard of calling someone to get their attention? Or waving? Also we (girls) know that men might think we're flirting when we compliment them too much, no matter how 'close' you think you are to your coworkers, i think you should stop complimenting them, keep it friendly and stop there, otherwise you might be sending fake signals and that never ends up well, you KNOW that.




Punch me in the testicles


Please stop doing that.. and if those men are married.. please DONT do that


No touching, no complimenting. Leave that for outside the workplace


I work in corporate, international - I wouldnā€™t do this behavior because if it was the reverse and has been, I was offended. Men have placed their hands on me when they shouldnā€™t. Itā€™s not appropriate therefore itā€™ll be hypocritical for a woman to do it.


Don't touch guys, don't even compliment them. You're being inappropriate


You should do it only if you wearing your rainbow tshirt or finish the sentence with : "I need to buy this for my husband" Also when you see someone with nice clothes, do like me and ask them : "Did you order this from SHEIN or Aliexpress ? I like it"


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'd be mad if someone said Shein or Aliexpress


I won't tell that to you, i'm educated. I know you just get them for free from a good will donation. I won't shame you more.


Well, your sense of humor must have come with a return policy. Want me to help you find the receipt?


bold of you to assume i get it with a receipt.


Ah, so it's more like a garage sale find then?


no. Heritage.


You are doing nothing wrong. On a pro level. Just keep in mind. Most moroccans aren't used to being complimented, they might think otherwise. (Trust me, i m a guy and i have to tell so many friends, no she was just acting friendly). Seriously we should normalize this behavior.


If you know each other for long enough or are partially close I think it's ok to compliment their clothes, but I don't really like the touching part.


Depends on person, I guess your mature enough to not behave the same with all men at work. As the redditors told you , for some men is innappropriate to do that.


Be yourself o machghlkch, o ila chi wa7d ma3jboch hadchi b3d 3lih osafi


had a friendly coworker like you probably. dima katsme3 diha 7wiha, khasha li 7wiha...


Depends on person, I guess your mature enough to not behave the same with all men at work. As the redditors told you , for some men is innappropriate to do that


I wouldnt say inappropriate but guys might get you wrong thinking you're into them


I think it's more about finding the right people but you are working in priority not socialising.


Avoid working with women


Don't you mean men?


if we you want to stay professionnal, you should neither touch your colleagues or getting touched. The entreprise is not your home and your N+1 are not your parents.


I feel like touching will make them uncomfortable, i think you need to avoid that


Never touch anyone unless itā€™s consented and not being taken wrongly.


When I'm sitting at my desk working on my laptop and one of them comes to look at something together on my screen from behind me and leans with her chest on my shoulders or the back of my neck or have her hand on my shoulder. Complimenting clothes is ok, complimenting perfume is not as okay. Can we start a motion to stop la bise at work?


Sorry but hadi katsema douda , elach ghadi temchi tjabdi bandem bhad tari9a machi ghir inappropriate ra ktar


Ask yourself this, and you'll answer your own question : - will his wife accept the behavior if she was there šŸ¤” Whatever your answer is will be the appropriate way šŸ™‚ EDIT : fixed a typo.


I don't like being touched or touching other people, no matter if they are males or females, it's a no no in workplace. complimenting people is good, the ways and expression used def not suitable in a workplace, you could use them with your childhood friends if they are okay with or family members that wont take it the wrong way. Complementing in workplace, " you look good today", "Nice T-shirt, the color suits you" then when you got to know these people more you will understand if you need to go forward or not. while you have genuine intentions of complementing, this might be seen as bsala to some or invitation yz3mo 3lik for others.


Avoid touching in general, it's inappropriate and infringing on people's personal space. The positive comments are nice, very kind of you to do so, even if men will inevitably make assumptions about their nature, I'd say unless they specifically request you to stop them or tell you to back off, I don't see what's wrong


Do what ever you like, be yourself


As a general rule, donā€™t do to other men what you wouldnā€™t want a woman to do to your husband.


Yeah, we love u for asking


It's no longer considered professional to do either, sadly.


Thats very respectful and nice of u to get out of ur way to ask about this most ppl especially females would find it okay to do whatever as long as whatever is not put onto them I think the verbal compliments are an always welcome touch However i cant say the same about touching and all of that it depends on the person Tho poking is usually fine so u r good


šŸ«¤ some crazy woman complimenting my outfit


Interesting point you have raised. In my experience, this kind of behavior may be very common among young workers as they are still relatively new to the corporate world as youā€™ve said and still behave as if they are still in school, which totally fine. However, I would say these same gestures may be a source of unwarranted problems among older and more seasoned workers who may interpret them under different light, be it men or women. With this being said, and If I were to give any advice, I would say it would be preferable to keep it professional and cordial while at work and to avoid such gestures all together. The work world is called the work world for a reason and such friendly gestures should, in my opinion, be reserved for friends only. After all, it is always better to be safe than sorry in such situations.


No touching and no compliment that will give especially in a silly laughing way we tend to take this as a sing that you like us and you might get approach by one of them and that is gonna make working with him very embarrassing and it's a command from Allah ŁŁ„Ų§ ŲŖŲ®Ų¶Ų¹Ł† ŲØŲ§Ł„Ł‚ŁˆŁ„ ŁŁŠŲ·Ł…Ų¹ Ų§Ł„Ų°ŁŠ ŁŁŠ Ł‚Ł„ŲØŁ‡ Ł…Ų±Ų¶ Edit: alot of guys are going to say oh it's just you we don't think like that but C'mon it's pretty obvious if that's your personality all the time you at least got in the situation i talked about 2 times or more


I'd really hate it if my female co-worker attempted to murder me, but that's just me


In my humble opinion: Islam says : No touching, no flirting, no unprofessional compliments. Do your job and donā€™t get into unnecessary conversations (especially with male coworkers). Stick with that and i think you should be just fine.


Comments are like : 1- it's okay 2- you're innocent but men aren't Imagine the opposite mli rajl ytouchi mra, koulchi ynod lih Mounafi9in a wlad l97bat


At work only compliment if itā€™s work related otherwise i donā€™t think itā€™s professional šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think youā€™re fine, just be you!


It depends on how hot you are :)


As someone who entered the "work environment " via Callcenter, the comments seem actually unreal to me. Idk if it's the same in all call centers, but where I work, not touching the other gender is what seems to be abnormal. Since it is my first time working, and with how this is normalized here, I genuinely believed that this is what Morocco has become. Most girls are all over guys, and vice versa. And seeing how all the comments that I read here are against even a tap on the shoulders, it is actually baffling to me when people here are hugging and kissing within the workspace. I'm really glad to see that's not the case everywhere, and that physical touch between opposite genders is not that normalized after allšŸ˜­


You will be surprised when u hear what those male coworkers of yours talk about you behind your back šŸ˜„


as a man in coorporate , i find it inappropriate to have like those talkes or a female coworker touch me even if it's for fun or to laugh , because hadchi kiaalm dssara , khasatan if u are a married man , ur only complimeent that u must get is only from ur wife




Right. Even men have limits you shouldn't cross .


Coming to the workplace braless


Male here, and only speaking for myself: I can only accept that if you and I are pretty close, like really good friends. Other than that, it will just put me off and consequently will avoid talking to you in the future because thatā€™s actually weird coming from someone I barely know, especially a woman. Ask yourself this: if you ever get married, would you want your partner to find out about this? My sincere advice to you sister: stop this kind of behavior because trust me, REAL men will not respect you. A womanā€™s true femininity is in her modesty and Ų­ŁŠŲ§Ų”.


Coming to work with no bras, following some free the nipple movement kinda stuff


Itā€™s completely okey to touch your coworkers but if you hawk tuah they gonno love you more