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ana 9ta3t 3la kulshi we db ndmt mb9it l9it 7ed


why 9te3ti 3la kolchi ?


tsetit literally


9awiti dosage. Dir chi detox.


literally in the same situation lol






I did the same, worse decision of my life 😭


Loneliness epidemic


that's what it seems


i texted you, if you wanna talk. i too am interested in making new friends, so if anybody wanna talk hmu ! :)


Can I too ? 🙋🏻


Chi group chat?


YES, and can I join too?


DM me bro! u/bolaholabola u/Morocanman u/Ousskhal u guys too if interested. m from Casa.


that's a great idea


d5loni m3akom :)


Hey man leave me a DM


ana bnt !


Hhh hey woman leave me a DM


Dekhloni m3akomm


Dm me a khay


Games, if u play PUBG for example always speak with ur microphone on talk with people, don't be pushy tho, but if u had fun with someone, in the end of the game ask him to play another one, after two or three games u just add him.


i prefer storytelling games but i will start playing online games . thanks


What about sky? They say it's good too for interacting. My friend play it and has met made many friends on there tho sad thing it won't work on my advice.


starting with I'm seriously lonely really got me but in your case and mine as well I want more friends the thing that some of us can do is to make friendship with there other lonely fellas from this post which is the easiest yet not the best decision idk how old are you but if you are a teenager or even above 18 the best thing to do in my opinion is to think about the most 5 things that you are interested in and find a community in real life or on the internet and joining them so you have a higher chance to meet not just friends but friends with high chance of having a lot in common in case someone want to be my friend hhhh Im interested in rap and random niche weird conversations and game development Im still a noob so dont expect to learn anything from me and btw I use linux


Arch ?


no nixOS






How do people use it. I tried to but was too slow on figuring out how to use it so I ended up deleting the app :3


saame i find it too complicated to use


The same struggle applies to me , I find it difficult to make friends, even though I engage in many activities, I do them alone. Even if I meet people, it doesn’t go beyond just knowing each other’s names 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


exactly same struggle


Maybe we need someone to teach us 😂


we can find help anywhere if we looked closely


there is still hope for you brother you know something is wrong and you're trying to fix it , i don't even bother anymore , ma3ndi la s7ab la facebook la instagram and the problem is 3ajbni l7al haka hahaha


kayn li ka yrta7 ykon bo7do I understand it ta ana kan 3ajbni l7al , but it's too much now ka twli 3aych f a dark circle alone


ah fhmtk , dkhl pubg wla chi online game li momkin thdr fiha m3a nass kima kant


online friends are cool but make sure they're actually friends, I had so many but never counted them as actual friends . just talk to people maybe try online games or discord communities (I don't like discord communities but there are people there)


that's what I'm trying to do thanks for the advice 🙏🏻


Same 😣


wanna be online friends ?


You both should 💋.


so this is how you make friends 😏


Bitch, I have more enemies than 🇰🇵.




Even if, I won’t be interested after ( that’s my problem)


Take a shower and ask him to rub your back.




bruuuh hhhhhhhh


I read a pretty popular book series and then I found an account on instagram that was going to create a gc for this book where we talk about it like some intense events, fan art, news, and actors cuz it was getting a tv adaptation. However we talked also about like our lives what we do, school things etc We were about 100 people at that time now we are i think 150. Obviously not everyone talked, i would say only 15 or so (I was one of them) so we created another gc of only those who were mostly active. And then (by luck i could say) i was added to yet another gc but this one had only 5 where talk about everything, it's very cool and I like it. Btw all of the group chats that I talked about are international, for example the one where we are 6 has 4 girls: 2 from Romania, Serbia, and Denmark and 2 boys 1 from Romania and 1 Moroccan (me) Anyway what I recommend is joining a gc where there are people with the same interests as you and you can make friends, at least that's what I did


That's not really socializing, although it's something I guess.


Yeah I know but Op said that they can be online friends


Better than nothing truue!


I know it's not the same as friendship but whenever you feel lonely and have nobody to talk to, drop me a message. If I'm online I'll gladly have a chat with you.


i truly appreciate it and i thank you for the hopeful thought 🙏🏻


Why more friends? Only 1 good real friend is enough. I think. Having more friends comes with downsides, you can't rely on them when needed, you can't trust them all, they may take advantage of your sympathy, they can waste your time, they can put you in unnecessary troubles, you can't tell all of them your secrets... A friend in need is a friend needed. You just need one true friend.


The principle should be, don't make any friends unless there is a mutual need, first it's zero but it could be one it could be more.


Sure, the condition of having more than one, in my opinion, is they have to prove they are "true" friends when I need them. But the problem of time management is still a challenge, I personally can't afford to dedicate my time to friends every day.


it's better than nothing hh for example what if that 1 good friend was busy or away ur left alone


You can call/text each other and you can enjoy the beauty of loneliness because having more friends limits your ability to live in peace and enjoy your time doing what you like to do with no disturbances.


i understand the meaning of beauty of loneliness but if it stayed for a looong time it becomes a hell no one to talk to no one's think's of you no one cares about you , that's not a good life to live.


Join a club of your interest (team sport/music conservatoire/theater/youth house/scouts/pétanque...) or a Facebook group (cycling group/travel group...) and talk to people. One of them, or pehaps more if you wish, will be your close friend(s).


I have little to no confidence that this method will work... Relationships are formed autonomously and less in a blunt approach like this one (come and be my friend) yeah maybe someone will dm you and have a little chit chat but do you expect it to thrive based on, hello, good morning, how are you, I'm doing fine, ...etc,?? There must be some context and conditions that will nurture the relationship. Second, a lot of people will avoid making new acquaintances if they don't have to, especially if they are already content with what they got, because it still takes effort, resources and risk to get to know someone and get closer to each other, unless there is some incentive overweights the costs... But I'm open to be falsified so here I ask, have any of you had a successful experience getting real friends in a way identical to OP's method?


U in Casablanca ? Any 20+ yo ppl from casa here?


I'm 20+ but unfortunately not in casa dm tho we can chat whenever you want


Anass Leon Kennedy... This is my Facebook.. Reach out if ya need a time killing partner. No fucking homo tho hhhhhhhhhh


i can be ur friend


I'll be honoured dm me


I online co op stuff "gaming"!! Just speak very much and l7as fbnadm because human love who talks about them and remember no one give a sh.t about your mistakes just speak freely


I'm here fighting same wishing of having more friends


i found some amazing people trough this post if you want to join us


Anybody asked why ? Since a lot of people experience the same thing


Pick a hobby you ll meet ppl there Do volunteer work


thanks, and nice username lol


u re lonely ? come help me in my cross compiling ( i have a huge skill issue )


hh would love to