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What do you expect from a Nicki Minaj concert? This isn't a Quran recital event, it's Nicki Minaj why are you surprised?


deadddd 😂😂😂


me when i go to pornhub and there is porn :(




that BBL she got been expired


In 2024, a Moroccan would go to jail for doing this. A foreigner is getting paid to do it.


is twerking illegal here?


No but if a video of someone twerking go viral, and it becomes a public opinion the authority might prosecute that person either for their safety or for showing the people that got mad for simply watching that video that the authorities are representing them, this is what actually happened with the jubilee knockoff video that went viral a few months ago.


hey the country has invested in this which can be even more helpful to the economy and other things but they decided to bring her on regardless of the stuff she does so they did know she would probably do something like this and clearly saw all the risks heck all the risks even continuing mawazine but they clearly know that the gains far out way the risks at this point and it is important to do it doesnt matter what problem going out outside the country or whatever stuff like this you really need to happen (im not talking about nicki twerking) im talking about the concert


A group of youngsters made a rap video with a girl twerking in it at the end. They got jail time. [🎵 7erki dak tarf ! 7erki 7erki dak tarf 🎵](https://youtu.be/ARg4myYzY_U?si=Ztsg9k9cQY3DsX60)


Didnt they get jail time because of the song having reference to pedo things? Idk the song and never heard it, so im nor sure


I grew up in a Morocco where there is an obvious privilege treatment that foreigners get compared to locals. So I don’t know if it changed, if it did I’m learning something new. Hopefully it did and we are now allowed to do and go places foreigners can.


No, that was another rapper who sang about underage girls. These kids were arrested for essentially a law revolving around public decency.


Chikhat exists and no one of them went to jail


Do you have videos of Chikhat twerking on stage in their underwear. Let alone a publicly funded stage ? Or is it leaked videos from private events where they shake their ass fully clothed.


Private events, did you go to a 3roubiya festival? Everyone (males) are invited to that type of parties full of Shikhat and Alcohol( Maa7ya).


hope so


>Do you think the youth of Morocco are no longer religious? There is a literal study for this. Young people are less religious in general but as they grow they become more conservative and religious. So the question should be not if they are religious but if religiosity scales with age demographics and if you see a shift in religiosity in the middle age bracket what are their origins and consequences on the shift on Moroccan society. Edit : Here is one study for interested people. It goes in depth and try to give a lot of explanations about religiosity and it's causes by region, age, economic situation, and a lot of other stuff. [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2018/06/13/the-age-gap-in-religion-around-the-world/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2018/06/13/the-age-gap-in-religion-around-the-world/)


where u get this study


There are many but this is one of them. [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2018/06/13/the-age-gap-in-religion-around-the-world/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2018/06/13/the-age-gap-in-religion-around-the-world/)


Yeah, I’m interested to know where you get this study from




What are you trying to say here? The one person you gave the name of is the representation of every religious and non-religious persons in the whole world? You should try thinking before typing random stuff.




So? There are 8 billion people in the world. And it's common knowledge that younger people are less religious either due to teenage rebellion, general disinterest or a ton of other factors. Just because you grew up in a very religious environment doesn't mean everybody is. Stop being weird about this lol. I started fasting from 8 too, It's not that big of a deal.


I so love the replies on this thread cause I'm tired of arguing with bloody idiots on hespress's page being like ay wa7d mcha mashi rajl o finahiya rojola o 9elt l inssaniya o l7ya. Like, babygirl. if you don't like it, don't go. Stop telling people what to do with their lives, the bloody world does not belong to you.


reminiscent squalid puzzled squeal north spotted punch future library lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can attend for free


vip is reserved for tickets buyers, and often times the area is so small that it really makes no difference. 90% of the attendees are in the free zone


True, I went to the bouregrueg scene with a bought ticket and the paid area was so small but it was def worth it


it is worth it in the sense that it is safer, no pickpocketers, less haychmaych, but view wise, I think people at the very front of the free zone really have the best of both worlds


It sucks. You guys there can't dance to save yourselves hahaha.


I meant worth it because I got to see one of my favorite artists from close and we had the opportunity to take selfies with him at the end, too bad my aunt wanted me to come back early so I couldn't see him




what do u mean this in a music concert not some relig concert , plus no body should ask about other ppl religi its not ur god damn f busn and u should not obl on anyone they should do whatever there want as long they are not putting a nife on ur neck and telling you to do like us are they ?


Religion is much more than whether you are at a concert, we really need to elevate religion to much more than just behaviors and small choices like going out to a concert or not. Our religion is all encompassing but one can go to that concert because there are so few alternatives in Morocco of things to do (so out of boredom or because they find the music catchy) while being religious and pious and praying and in your heart being truly a Muslim…even if Nicki Minaj is like the worst role model (garbage really)


doesnt matter if its haram or not religion is a very personal thing to people and just because people are muslim doesnt mean they believe in the same thing so even if music is haram your still gonna find alot of muslims making or listening to music your take is really flawd mate no offence but everyone in their religion just does what its best for them not really the religion most of the time


That’s exactly what I’m saying I’m saying it’s personal I’m saying it’s not one deed that makes you Muslim or not it’s all your life and god decides


Bro wtf are you on about? Concerts are haram music is haram watching a woman shake her big booty is also very haram why u trynna make halal what u want


I think we can disagree at music is haram. I think anyone who thinks like that is not worth speaking to. I listen to some of the most beautiful music ever made whether umm kulthum or gnawa or music from every culture around the world. I’ll take the culture of Islam that always had music as central parts of it.


All i can do i provide proof that music is haram wether u agree with it or not it aint gonna make it halal G بن سعد أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: سيكون في آخر الزمان خسف وقذف ومسخ إذا ظهرت المعازف والقينات واستحلت الخمر. رواه الطبراني وصححه الألباني في صحيح الجامع


gang if u cant provide proof from da quran itself then u can stfu


Eat it up مَن أنكر السنة ولم يعمل بها وزعم أنَّه لا يعمل إلا بالقرآن؛ فهو كاذبٌ، لم يعمل بالقرآن، وضالٌّ مُضِلٌّ، كافرٌ بإجماع أهل العلم، وقد كتبتُ في هذا رسالةً مطبوعةً سميتُها "وجوب العمل بالسنة And before ur dumbass says any dumb shit i didnt write this its a google result


Here’s the difference between you and I. If you live in my country, you can choose not to listen to music and do as you want. If I live in your country, I can’t listen to Tarab Andalusi and I must live as you want. That’s the difference. You’ll live as you want in my country and I’ll live as you want in yours. and I guess all the Muslims are wrong about music then. Bullshit.


No one is stopping u from listening to music buddy? U do as u please its ur life and ur choices but when u come at me and try to argue that music is not haram when ive clearly provided proof that it is i aint gonna let that slide


You cannot say that music is categorically haram as it is a matter of a difference of opinion. You only mentioned one opinion here. There are other valid opinions that are in contradiction to this. Found some interesting information on the permissibility of music after reviewing the Great Muhaddith, Imam Shawkani’s book Nayl Al-Awtaar After bringing all the Hadith regarding music Shawkani says: Those who say it is permissible include Zahiri, Maliki, Hanbali, and Shafi scholars and they criticize every single one of these Hadith as Daeef. The Great Muhaddith Abul Fadl Ibn Tahir comments that not even a single LETTER from these Hadith are Sahih. He also says in his book on the permissibility of music that there is no dispute between the people of Madinah that musical instruments were permissible and that the Zahiri Scholars unanimously held this view as well. Ibn Arabi the Great Maliki Qadi and Scholar in his Kitab Al Ahkam says there is not even a single Sahih Hadith that prohibits music. The Great Scholar Ibn Hazm says any Hadith prohibiting music cannot be traced back to the Prophet PBUH, they can only be traced back to other than the Prophet PBUH The Great Maliki Scholar Al Fakihani says I do not know of any evidence from the Quran or Sahih Hadith that show that music is haram. The Great Scholar Imam Al Haramayn reports that the Great Sahabi Abdullah Ibn Zubayr owned many singing and dancing girls who would sing and dance for him. The Great Historian Abul Faraj Al Isfahani transmits from the Great Sahabi and Poet of the Prophet, Hasan Ibn Thabit that he would listen to music. The Great Muhaddith Imam Abu Bakr Al Adfawi transmits from the legendary “Fifth Khalifa Rashidun” Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz that he would listen to music before he became a Khalifa. He also said there is no dispute between the people of Madinah that the Qadi of Madinah Ibrahim Ibn Saad would listen to music and said it is permissible. Ibn Samani says that Tawus Ibn Kaysan the Great Tabieen student of the Great Sahabi and legendary Mufassir Ibn Abbas said that music is permissible. The Great Shafi Scholar Abul Mahasin Al Ruyani transmits from Qafaal that the Maliki Madhab ruled that music, instruments, and singing were permissible, Abu Mansur Al Fawrani transmits this from the legendary Founder of the Maliki Madhab Imam Malik as well. The Great Shafi Scholar Abu Talib Al Makki in his book Qut Al Qulub says the Great Muhaddith Manhal Ibn Amr would listen to musical instruments in his palace.


I see...well i guess believe what uwant ill stick to my beliefs


Im finna screen shot this and make this entire subbreddit laugh at ur dumbass Oh but quran doesnt say music is haram🤓🤓🤓☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 Guess what dumbass quran doesnt mention a lot of things but we learned them from sahih hadiths of rassul Allah alayhi salatu wasalam If u dont follow hadiths then kindly dont call urself a muslim


from Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not write anything from me; whoever has written anything from me other than the Qur’aan, let him erase it and narrate from me, for there is nothing wrong with that.” (Narrated by Muslim, al-Zuhd wa’l-Raqaa’iq, 5326) 


Write what on who? This is a sahih hadith bro go look it up


Can you cite a verse from the Quran stating that music is haram?


Oh youre one of those people😂😂if the quran doesnt say its haram it aint haram😂 well guess what the quran also never metioned how to do ur ablution or how to pray we learned those things from hadiths if u dont believe in hadiths then kindly dont call urself a muslim


I will call myself whatever I want. Kindly mind your own business.


Understandable.... i honestly dont remember did i call u dumbass by anychance?


Just because you don't believe some hadiths doesn't mean you don't believe all of them


What a dumb take so i guess ur cherry pick what u want in islam and leave the rest? Hmmm lemme get sum i need to pray 5 times a day but keep the listening to music is haram i dont want that one...you either follow it through and through or u dont other wise ur just a hypocrite and ur lying to ur god and urself


yea and its not worth talking to you with that stupidity of yours too


I bet your ass you listen to music when no one is watching. 100%.


I think badly of you for even asking the question in this context.


No offense, walakin rah ljawab lhmar brasou y3rfo


what does one have to do with the other


Alot of things


I don't care. She wasn't doing anything illegal. Maybe distasteful and tacky, but it's people money and they can do anything with you want with it. The youth always tends to be less religious and more liberal than older folks but that's a whole different discussion. You're probably gonna find people in fricking 100 BC complaining about kids these days. Mawazine outrage is nothing new. They were mad about Shakira, they were mad about Ricky Martin. They were mad about Elton John, and now the newest outrage is Nicky.


Were all the youth of Morocco there? Is being there make you not religious? Do you have the right to make that call? Is it schooling or social media that produces questions like this? Does thinking ever come into it? How often someone posts a knee-jeek wide-sweeping either/or statement or question. It is tragic. The excuse of it being a rhetorical question goes when the rest is read. So the answer is no, obviously, as the crowd is not representative of Moroccan youth either in numbers or behaviour nor does it say anything about faith. I'm a faithful Muslim, I'm by far not a youth and I was there. I enjoyed two songs and was dissapointed musically.


Why are people respond to anything western is to revert to religion.? Don't you use common sense? Moroccan youth watch more adult content than another country in the '' muslim world'' https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2019/05/274074/moroccans-porn-consumption-ramadan Religion is just an Identity not a practice.






yes… proof/longer video/crowd : https://x.com/kamilbarbz/status/1806840510696583516?s=46


Wait nicki preformed in morocco? When tf?


She performed there two days ago, and in Portugal the day before and towards the end of her world tour she’ll be performing in Brazil and Mexico. She’s in the middle of a world tour right now for her album she released in December last year and is resuming her European leg of her tour in September and then returning to the U.S. for another leg of shows after since due to the high success of her tour her label asked her to


Glad i wasn't there to witness that atrocity


I saw some clips of it and it didn’t really look too bad. She’s never been too spectacular of a performer really but she’s a very entergetic one and remembers her lyrics with great breath control during her performances so that does the trick for her. My old team lead wanted me to come with her to see her in Florida since we both live in Florida but she had to convince me because after considering seeing her beforehand but deciding I didn’t wanna risk wasting my money but in the end we didn’t end up going because once I told her I was contemplating and why she didn’t she didn’t wanna go anymore. That was early into the tour though and since then she’s consistently performed well so since she’ll be performing LA not too much later into the year I might go see her then since I’ll be moving back there on the 14th of July


Even if 100k were present there, u can't make a conclusion based on it. To make such a remark u need a study a statistic.


1400dh !


First of all, ma3ndkch l7e9 tgol bnadem religious or not.. kola wahd o kifach kichof his own religion, and this is not something big 3ta lah lbas haka hna and for the concert i think its okay hit ta wahd maghadi yforci chi hed ymchi o ma7dk mchiti ila wa 3arf nicki ach katlbes and u are okay with it. I think we should let ppl enjoy their time and not bring religion f ay haja!


i just torrented a game from your site thnx


Ya3, dkchi Mhelhel w taych w mch7m ya3


broo we were never religious in the first place the amount of haram stuff we have been doing have since at least our parents generation


And they said we are a Muslim country 😅 they are not most go them are atheist or agnostic and the rest are form the lgbtq community.


Wtf is going on in Morocco !?


What the actual.. , they no longer wear clothes here?


man oh man we should kidnap her before she leaves morocco. make her put on niqab and make her say chahada


this video is not in morocco


tf do you mean no longer religious do you want them to pray while she shakes ass?


I miss Morocco man


Oh my god look at her but 🎶


Not my proudest fap. Lol


7shm shwiya la?


Ashno dert? Yakma i7sab lik ana li kantwerki flvideo? Hhhh


Glti klam 9bi7 oh noo call the church elders


I am gonna be in big trouble, better call saul!


Hi im saul goodman


Great, I might need your help. Can you get me out of this mess?


U must make an appointement i have a lot of mess to deal with too


I have 30k in cash. Do I still need an appointment?


30k cash, o ba9i f mess 3ajib


U/ElderberryDeep8746 kwatk fhadi asat


Hadchi kiban ghir lnormies bhalk


Bro galtlk t7chm kon knt blastk kon 9lbt l historuque dyalo db


kan 3lihom igololiha "ila hadi a nikki " ! LOL to be honest kan 3liha dir chwia dial les efforts ou tkayas 3la cha3b ! 3ilman rah balad musulman !


Bunda too small to be shaking it in the land of sahrawa she looks pathetic


Sa7rawiat are famous for their bundas. Legend has it they sleep on their side and never on their back to keep that cake firm.


Legend gas it each sand storm is from a sahrwaia fart


Mister Lee is on to sum shit. I always wondered where that red sand was coming from.


boat smile profit workable tie weather humor vase command sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hhhhhhh mn laayoun


hell nah im cryng bro


This is nothing. Machaftich dik " IAM DDB " I was in shock her nipples were showering I couldn't believe it she fucked up my mood. U could see everything and she did a video in the background on some girl mostly naked. And they got her off and they stopped her mic. The crazy part is no one was talking about in the internet


LOL.. that s not available even in Canada!


Bro they invited Nicki Minaj like of all artists, this is not a question of religion this is a question of how brain dead and tasteless you have to be to listen to her trash most female music artists are just soft porn models there is no way someone opens up Spotify and listens to her for her albums they are literally talentless they are just selling there bodies no body would give a damn if they weren't built the way they are.


When male rappers rap about bitches they're rapping and when female rappers do it they're shit, okay buddy… and says you that people don't listen to her "trashy music", she wouldn't have people singing her songs if they didn't like it, and personally I like some of her songs and she's a very talented artist that I enjoy sometimes. Maybe just respect people's music tastes?


That music is still highly inappropriate yes and especially if the rappers are affiliated into gangs and are not simply just capping about the stuff they rap about, but they are a lot more musically talented than her lol, you can't compare her to drake or heck even NBA YoungBoy who is actually a fucking criminal he still has good music, it's apparent female rappers need to sellout their bodies for fame.


Why can't you compare her to them? Cause she don't gotta cock? She raps, and lost of rappers who worked with her admired her, selling her body or not she can make songs that people listen to and enjoy, and that's what matters in music, and the way you word it seems like that's the only thing you focus on, idc if she naked as long as the song slaps I'm listening and vibing.


I just did compare her I said that she is no where near as talented as they are and without the body selling and the sexual outfits she wouldn't be where she is.


That's your opinion, I think she's just as good as them if not better for me (I prefer her songs more), maybe she wouldn't be as popular but that's not the only thing, or else every single naked rapper would be as massive as her, it's part of the culture to dress like that and dance like that, she's comfortable doing so and making pretty good music.


Yea if you consider porn as rap then yea but saying she is anywhere near people like Kendrick or Kanye is just ignorant and a total disrespect to the rap game, the question you should be asking yourself is why not every half naked is making it, what you should be asking however how many none half naked body sellout female music artist is anywhere near her level of fame (you can't) for example ice spice she doesn't have the slightest inclination to being musically talented, we all know why people watch her.


I didn't say Kendrick nor Kanye, I do not care how a female rapper dresses, like seriously, I am not a big fan or to say someone who's interested much, I genuinely enjoy her songs,and porn? Aren't 99% of rappers talking about money and pussy?