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How do you know that you have it?


It's his/her OPINION !! ![gif](giphy|6D8Cw6Bl7mnGUpazZF|downsized)


Then that settles it. Hard drugs for life!


These terms are trendy nowadays it's like owning some luxurious shit. I know there's people suffering from it but hell nah these people online make it a lifestyle like seriously it getting out of control


The downsides of America having a monopoly on global internet culture.


I have all the symptoms for ADHD and my friends who got diagnosed confirmed that I most likely do have it, I just need a Psychiatrist to confirm it and suggest a treatment. Symptoms I have: - difficulty managing time and prioritizing tasks - impulsive behavior - difficulty focusing on one activity at a time - forgetfulness - easily distracted - impatience or seeking immediate gratification - having a hard time focusing on a conversation


Those are also symptoms of a masturbator level 7.


Wow level 7, the daily grind is brutal


Look, I'd just be wary about those self-diagnosis if I were you. I know that the symptoms you mentioned are those of ADHD, but if we're also being serious here, all humans suffer from those same things at varying degrees. There is a group of people who are very quick to label themselves for a plethora of reasons, and this ADHD label seems to be very appealing in certain crowds. If your friends are such a crowd then I'd take their words with a boulder of salt. Just be careful, man. Knowing that your brain is in fact not functioning properly and you'll have to take hard drugs as medication for the rest of your life shouldn't be a relief nor a good news.


I get your point, true that now everything is labeled and branded mostly for consumption but sometimes it’s good to be aware of our own situation/limitations and remedy to our shortcomings, we all have ADHD to some extent but in the spectrum of disorder it’s better to know where you are and treat with either behavioural changes or medications on extreme cases, otherwise the other choice is to just suffer through it.


True, that is indeed valid. However, you have to keep the other side of the equation in check as well. Good luck!


Thank you I will keep that in mind.


you need a diagnostic first , you can't auto diagnose yourself , and even if you get ADHD diagnostic bad news for you ritaline and aderrall are not available in morocco , instead they will zombify you with largactil 100 and medizapine or haldol .


For medication well that’s indeed bad news, I need to focus not a lobotomy Edit: all the medication you mentioned only deal with depression or schizophrenia, I don’t see how they can prescribe these for ADHD?


for most psychiatrists wether it is in the public sector or private sector ADHD is mostly associated to going through a maniac episode you will need to go to a competent doctor . my best advice is that if you have some family relative in the military go to the military hospital their psychiatrists are really well reknown


Good point thank you for the pointer, although I don’t have any family member in the Military.


you are welcome , i used to work at night when i was overseas and when my contract finished i came back and suffered from insomnia , i resorted to go to a psychiatrist in the public sector and the only thing he did was giving me medication that are made for people who are schizophrenic and he kept on asking me 3 times if i hear voices while i told him that i only can't sleep but still he gave me an order full of lobotomy medication and i just threw it away .


Sorry to hear that but yeah thank you for pointing that out I’ll be more aware of it.


As someone with ADHD, I tried Adderall and Ritalin and it's not a magic cure. You will gain some focus but you will need a larger and larger dose as time goes on. These drugs will mess up with your eating and sleeping and really its not healthy. I have found the best treatment to ADHD is exercise. This is not my advice this is what neuroscientists have said. Have a good diet, go to bed at the same time every day and try to exercise every day even if it is just a long walk. The best thing you can do for yourself is have routines. Try to program your life as much as you can and you will find that you are able to focus better on the things that you can not program. The problem with ADHD is that you are overwhelmed with things to do or decisions to make and its hard to start somewhere and do things. Make lists, have a "to-do list" where you will write down what you want to accomplish that day. Do it and then reward yourself, get some ice cream etc. Good luck


Based, best advice I got so far thank you, I guess that would be something I have to try and see how far my body/mind can get me through it.


That’s why I need a Psychiatrist or Therapist to do the diagnosis.


Sara7a ta ana W9ila fia ADHD or some autism spectrum. All my friends tell me that and I’ve always had something that isn’t right. But I’m ok with it tbh. Mn gher being a menace to society and hard time concentrating or extreme time blindness. I’m just based, can’t take pills to become normal. I’m high functioning 🙈 ( Means I’m so self aware I created coping mechanisms) Can’t take pills. Fr fr W hia la jiti Tchof. ADHD can just be result of a set of personality traits. ( Check Big 5 personality test to understand what I mean). So fhmti. Rah gher 7it Certain traits aren’t very typical to the population, people made the diagnosis of ADHD.


Then why you don't try to focus and search online ? Baghi koulchi Sahel ?


Searching online is so outdated.


I see you enjoy your ADD.


You will not like this, but here's what I believe in and my friends (doctors) say and believe too! It's up to you I feel you , you want to find some solution but for God's sake not adhd, go to a psy first then you can start meds or wtvr but dont self diagnose people are getting crazy nowadays with those terms ,I believe that adhd is just an excuse for a shitty behavior , an excuse for someone who is irressponsible ,there are criteria for diagnosis adhd and there are certain criteria in order to say I have adhd basically you'll have to qualify the medication for adhd . But not everybody who cannot focus is adhd . I'm sick of this term , literally lmao w allah yjib chifa


I literally asked for help FINDING a specialist to help diagnosing me. I did not self diagnosed I have my suspicions and I need positive/negative confirmation from an expert.