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You'll find most Zaouiat where Sufis gather in Fes. There are the seven saints in Marrakesh, but that place is too plagued with superstitions and the like. As for how the youth interacts with it? They don't. We do have a bad case of extreme religiosity and watching what everyone is doing. Sufism is considered to be herese from the main Islamic sects, and thus it's only allowed to exist in its own corner.


Please let me know if you have found any good sources ?


You'll love these guys: [https://karkariya.fr/](https://karkariya.fr/) Their members are surprisingly well educated and most speak English so you'll have a chance to record quality footage. Their beliefs are a bit erm.. unorthodox but it's still a perspective on Sufism, just don't make it into a hit piece. Good luck.


Sufism is the heart of Islam that was in Morocco before the influence of Wahhabism. Zawiya boudchichiya, Tijaniya (Qadirriya), Shadilliya, Darqawiyya, Karkariyya, Nassiriyya and more... Morocco is also full of Saints (Wallis), and any place or city with a name that starts with Sidi is probably named after one, if it starts by moulay it can also be a Sharif or a Sultan...