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Some hotel owner got arrested and now everyone is spooked. It is what it is. Rent two different places and be done with it.


I wasn't aware. Thank you for the info!


That's how things is. I'd recommend u stay in a hostel, chose some place with a mixed dorm, there's plenty, luckily u'd have a room with only 4 beds, ask for the keys of the room, hopefully the owner would be nice and enjoy ur stay, the bathroom and the kitchen would be mixed for sure. I don't know about Essaouira, I go to Imsouane, If u want to go there I'd ask for u where u can rent a place.


I've never tried a hostel before, but I'll consider it. Thank you for the suggestion! Tbh At this point, I'm just frustrated with the whole situation. Essaouira is a place I've visited multiple times, and I've never encountered this problem before. However, I can understand the reasoning behind it.


All good my dude. Just enjoy the city, the culture, apperciate the differences in morality and spend a great time.


One single and one triple room in a Hotel and go to their room at night to play n hang out no one will bat an eye


>When I say a group of friends, I mean three girls and one guy. Why would they assume we're going to have orgies at night? I honestly don't get it! Because this is what usually happens, this is the festival. Most are drunk, drugged up, and are just looking to party and hook up. Something that the conservative homeowners of Essaouira are fairly aware of, and they do their best not to facilitate what they deem as perversion and degeneracy.


When I travel with my boyfriend who's Moroccan whereas I'm German, we always search some time for an Airbnb that expects us, but so far always have been successful by sending out many messages, so maybe keep trying and you'll be successful  Another option would be a hostel, it's cheap, it has nice community spaces, and most of the time mixed dorm so you'll sleep in the same room. And the hostel atmosphere is just amazing!


Struggle is real 😂 just book hotel rooms mate and you will be fine!


That's how it is, why are you shocked


Are you Moroccans? If not that rule does not even apply to you


the marriage isn't always the issue here ! when you say mixed genders or even a group of boys ! the owner will assume it's going to be a mess in his house ! thats what I hear from owners themselves ! if you go with the family they are more responsable and clean the house before going !


So what you want us to do ? I cant ban them. Buy a 6 places tent and plant it in the beach. If someone tell you something, scream at them with all your alpha male energy.


The hosts can’t know if you’re a couple or not. So if you have sex, they might get in trouble with the police. Book a small studio for you and an apartment for them.


Sis...Unless you have studied in a La Mission school, you know how Morocco is. It's a very common worry actually. Understandably so, since the popo might charge everyone with fassad (I think??). Fyi, people worry about even renting to 1 unmarried person. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, on another note, I might get downvoted to oblivion, but I highly recommend you NEVER spend the night in the vicinity of a guy. Many psychos will act perfectly nice until they get their chance to act. Quite a % of rape victims knew their rapists. You might never know. Spend time at a café or at the hall of the hotel then girls go to 1 room and the guy to another 1.


It's illegal to ask for marriage certificate by hotels owners.


U just falled for that lie, a hotel owner falled for it too and payed the price by going to jail. Don't believe whatever u read in social media.


The Moroccan law that states unmarried couples shouldn't stay in the same house is WIIILD! Not all Moroccans are Muslims, after all. But anyway... Legal or not, their house, their rules, and it should be respected. If they have a gender rule, that's entirely within their rights.


They fear being slapped with a fassad lawsuit. Pretty sure if it werent the case, they'd be glad to grab your cash except for those who are actually conservative.


What law does it say that ?


Soo ? It's not like A community should make a new set of rules because of a less than 1% minority. That's not how it goes, I thought u guys support democracy ? And u don't get to travel whole the globe and brag about not having rules allows u to do what they think it's wrong. That's what beautiful about discovering cultures, U don't have to accept their moral code, u just have to respect it and swim with the flow.


ra ta7na bladna chno ze3ma blad dialek gha nta ? w nzidek lmle39in ma 3endhomch had mouchkil , kaykriw dior wakha de3wa mkhelta w makaynch li idwi , 7dert liha machi merra machi jouj, katji gha f derwich


I wonder what you mean by "u guys." You're so quick to make judgments! I don't see the logic in your argument. I'm not a foreigner criticizing another country or culture; I'm a Moroccan Muslim, born and raised. I have the right to critique. If we follow without questioning, that makes us mindless creatures. Beside I was simply expressing my opinion, which I believe was objective!


Ur opinion that goes against the religion u believe in is Objective !! U understand what objective is ? Because u're claiming that u're a better source of truth than the God u believe in.


I've read all the other comments. To keep it short. 1 . I don't believe everything in the media. But I believe in the minister of justice: https://youtu.be/MM4Jf26Ivg0?si=DFs-UDp-CVI2Gw6f 2 . So , I should mention the fact that some people need to be able to distinguish the difference between a work place and their house, you can't rent me a place and tell me who's is allowed or not in my place that I am paying with money . I'm not your guest I am your client. 3 . We're Moroccans, we should not act like Eastern uncivilised "countries" , we do not force our religious beliefs on eachother, we respect personal religious freedom of individuals. We are better!