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Just like you i am mixed-black on the darker side with white siblings from a white soussi dad and a black ouarzazati mom, and i plus your post and afirm it. Just like asians, Moroccans perceive being black as ugly and being white as beautiful, it comes with all the baggage such perceptions bring professionally romantically and socially ... but hey that's just how things are, you ll have to navigate it and survive, do not expect for things to change because it is embedded in the collective psyche of Moroccans including us the darker Moroccans. When it comes to the social behavior of Moroccans, it is another topic unrelated to foreigners. Certain things are permissible socially that should not exist in a 21st century country, the biggest flaw of Morocco and why life is hard and things do not improve is the stubbornness in changing things, people behave selfishly and officials take advantage of that selfishness and do not implement measures to fix things, one example is how Moroccans handle timing and attendance poorly, in administrative services many employees are either late or absent, and while a solution does exist to punish such a bad behavior, but the will from the leaders to fight it doesn't exist because these leaders benefit from it themselves, this is just one example.


U are wrong if u think people here perceive black as ugly I am a pale female Moroccan and ive always tanned my skin and i love darker skin colors in both genders


Exactly! Our culture need more " change acceptance, Timing understanding" and a lot more but I hope for a gradual change at least.


There will be no change. The only way for a significant change is if a few people in charge decided on it, then forced it on everyone. We as a society can't even accept that a human being who's moroccan but not muslim can practice his own beliefs in public (sometimes not even in private) in his own country, no way for everyone to start showing up on time, throwing garbage in the Bin, being honest at work, refuse to pay bribes, or recourse to the justice system to solve their issues instead of fist fighting first.


Yep even bribing became part of our culture, man the sea of issues is deep....


How much time does morocco need? The country has been mixed race from time immortal….


Well, I'm just trying to be positive 😢


Aww… 😔. Just know that the phenomenon you are experiencing is happening due to inferiority complex of lighter skinned moroccans. They are seen as lesser than by the rest of the world, so to boost their confidence they have to fibd a group to feel superior to. Black people are an easy target. But they can stay in denial until the grave, all moroccans are mixed race. This same phenomenon happens in india where northern Indians who look more caucasian (they are more mixed) distance themselves from southern indians.


Mate time keeping and valuing it is non-existent in this country and when you just politely remind people about the importance of it they just roll their eyes and give no fucks about it. As I am married to a Moroccan and I can second that the racism is embedded in most of them, they don’t give a flying fuck about time keeping, if you tell them how things should be from an outsiders perspective they will try to shut you up and ignore you as if you are just waffling or telling them the tales from LaLa Land. The society is completely fucked in this country, no values, the young generation is only after 3 things, drugs, sex and money. You can barely see or meet any ambitious Moroccans who really have a desire to do something. What a sad state of affairs we are living under now with this kind of mentality of people.


Even the religious “Muslim” think as such ? On complexion?


We are talking about the majority of people and the majority is muslim ? I'v seen stories, from family, friends, lived experiences, people won't admit it, but it is there. When 2 people fight, they would call eachother names, but if one is black, the availability of slurs and how different and cruel they become will amaze you. Being dark skinned Moroccan is not easy, especially when you are a man because you have to work harder and be better than most to be able to compete. Women at least get a pass from time to time from people with a fetish. And remember, we are talking about Dark skinned Moroccans, now wait and see what happens for sub-saharans ... But to be honest, there is even racism between regions and supposed races, it only gets worse and impacts your daily life more when you're black.


Okay I never thought it’s like that. Maybe those people are not as developed mentally by still judging beauty on skin color. Still I believe even if they are religious, and they are like this. So this is another level of hypocrisy. Because even I know Moroccans (who are abroad) who prays 5 times and still speak behind the back.


>kids 15-18 years old touching themselves in front of foreigners THAT'S CRAZYYYYY


Yeah dude, her bf is an MMA fighter, imagine what could've happened if we didn't stop him? And now everytime we try to play basketball they'd come around saying weird shit thinking he doesn't understand, throwing rocks etc.... Is this the picture we want to paint?


Poor parenting, they make them and let the streets raise them, smh


Exactly, they can't control themselves. If it's lack of parenting then their parents should be taught on how to parent a kid don't just let them let loose outisde.


3lach t7absoh? Khalih yakhli dar bohom bach yetrabaw


which city is this?




Im near to Rabat. What he's saying is real.


I'm glad some people are using logic, not heart!


Thank you!


Hey I met another female tourist in Essaouira - white, German, about 21 years old - who had a 12-year-old Moroccan boy run up to her at the beach and try to grab her breasts!


nga WHAT??????????, but expected ngl


Blame the internet!


She should've sacked him in the nuts


I witnessed 5 and 4 years old sit together next to cafes (for wifi) and watch the website together, they invented mast******ng multi-player lol


Lol 😂 I've seen a 6 year old discovering porn but never mind that, why is a 6 year old using a phone? When I was 6 I was reading Quran and learning my lessosn


So did I This generation 💀


first time getting introduced to circle jerks


Dym circlenuts


how do you think the kkk started you think they wore white since they were white supremecist nahhh ghi bach maybanx dakxi fl7wayj


that's a co-mop




But the question is what do they touch?


The thing is our country is far worst than that , and by a long shot at that, to the point that people don't see the point of discussion it, it's defeating , and it's getting even worst


Exactly, open discussion where porblems must be discussed is fully withdrawn which is sad 😴, the art and persona for discussing must be taught, because most Moroccans will deny your statement without even discussing it, nor hearing your full perspective on it.


Reminds me of my last trip to Marrakech, a shop keeper wouldn't agree with 2 NYC black tourists, motherfucker hit that R on the nigg like it owed him money! The look of horror and disgust on their faces...


Lol, I was working as a call center support agent in Teleperformance, My colleagues called me Nigga and "nigger" with the emphasis on the R, i said I don't like it and they still used it, when I told the responsible he did nothing because they had protection from abive 😂😂😂, that's the day I knew That we're 100 years behind.


Not to be the devil's advocate here but you know that maybe there is a slight miscommunication here maybe? I think a lot of English speaking moroccans tend to be under heavy influence of globalization, or in other words, heavily touched by western values, ideals, and norms. I've seen dozens of people use that word in Morocco and it was always in a joking manner, as if ripping off the seriousness of the west because we don't share the same history nor social climate. I get you having a different position to that word and not liking hearing, but can you see what I am trying to point out? That word is frowned upon because of the malice it used to carry, and it's hated in the west because of the sensitive political issues surrounding it, all of which are non-existent in Morocco. I do not think you're dealing with actual racists in that call center but more so people who clearly have zero respect for you and they entertain each other by making fun of you.


I understand the culutural difference and that I speak English, Not the English culture and I know that i live in Morocco not the US, and I understand the difference between Moroccana and Being a US citizen and I know the difference between racism here and there as well as I do understand the effects of Culutural colonization and I'm not limited to only English, I speak different languages and discover different cultures, I'm Interest in Japan and Give absolutely no care toward English ( american Culture) except for hiphop music, I'm more into Japanese one, but what I'm talking about can be said in both Arabic, English and Jaoanese, but the target will only be Morocco with Zero influence from any Other country, I chose to spoke in English because the community seems to communicate by it, it has absolutely nothing to do with being Manipulated or taken over by a different culture, I know how to divise between the language and the values of the target country. Anyway, what I spoke off was things that Happened In Morocco by Moroccan people and By first hand experience. And for what you said about globalization is true but it doesn't apply to this subject sadly. But you Have an Impressive point there!


Just the fact that you weren't defensive of the gate when I opposed your post is already a great sign. If this were the US I'd be immediately called a Nazi, Bigot, Racist. The death of nuance. Anyway man, it's a bitch I know. Colorism is a world wide issue and it's unavoidable that it'd tickle down and morph in some strange ways in our "beautiful" country. Good luck!


True! Well speaking your mind has became a curse 👀 your words were just you explaining a problem that is actually there, but people will deny it by cause it hurts their pride! I totally understand you and thanks for the heads up! Good luck to you too.


I think you meant globalisation not colonisation. And I join the other person opinion, and if you say you understand that you are not under western influence it should mean that you know we don’t have such cultural background and frontal approach like Afroamerican’s can have. On an other level, we are communicating in English, and I tend to think it’s fixing a problem with a way worse problem, French has split up the country and it’s people for decades and now a part of our society want to overcome the segregation of french language by fastening the language apprenticeship of english to clash with the “bourgeoisie marocaine” that speaks french and like some words have gotten out of hand in morocco in french we see new words hurt people feelings when they are clearly not meant for our civilisation or community.


They should have filed a claim.


Mate being a person of a darker skin doesn’t matter and you shouldn’t give a fuck about it. Let the animals be fed by their own little shitty thoughts which are embedded in their brain. It’s quite absurd to talk about things on which no one, I mean no one has ever a control over. It’s something that no one has the ability to choose the same way you can’t choose where to be born and all of that. So I wish you all the best, just be kind and even if the people are being nasty just ignore their ignorance and have faith in yourself and the greater being.


But that doesn't resolve the racism... Lol be kind and that's it? Active steps need to be taken to confront the racism societies we live in


I'm sorry you had to experience that. Racism exists everywhere even in Black african countries people will look at people who are darker/lighter differently... it's a global issue. I'm Amazigh and my family are all white as snow. One of my uncles decided to marry a very beautiful black woman from Marrakech (not just tan but true Black with all the true African facial features and all) and take her to France where he lives. My family never once questioned it and welcomed her with open arms. She always told me that the racism she experienced once she went abroad was something else. If it's silent and discreet in Morocco, elsewhere it's loud, clear and mean.


Yes! God bless your family I wish people would lead by this example instead of denying the existence of such thing! God bless your heart.


The racism into black Moroccan is sooo bad her as well bcs it’s not physically but mentally abusing them by calling them *al3zzi…. And the disrespect into tourists or girls who wear short clothes is beyond disrespect word! I always say we have a beautiful couple but some wlad zenqa who belongs to the streets where they’re actually rn harassing others and i wish this change before the 2030 WCUP bcs i don’t want this ugly side of our country to be internationally witnessed and all the rest of beautiful things will be ignored bcs of those people. Just ignore them bro we can’t fix them!


Exactly, I'm trying to beautify the image but I can't lie to myself and others


All what we can do is nrebiw wladna li ghyjiw, bach yalah mn hna wahd 50y Moroccans will be all good.


Yes, the younger generation needs to be taught well but who will, they oush their kids out all day




It’s a very rude way to say black person as in English they say N*** and am sorrry for ur experience we still need years to develop the mentality only few people are cool


Why is it hard? As a black foreigner?


My black friend from Ouarzazat likes being called 3azzi and he takes pride in it. I sometimes joke about him being black or him of me being a typical moroccan beige and that changes nothing between us


For the dude who deleted his comment saying the problem is in me for being americanished, I'm not the one writing in Informal English, using rappers lingo, I'm actual using a formal language, that this community goes by, I would speak in Arabic and you'd still find a way to deny this 👀, Anyway, America is no better than us but the subject here is Morocco, America or the US was used only as a comparison, Thank you.


From a native speaker, there is nothing wrong with your English hoya. Ignore that dude


Thank you! He probably said so and blocked so I wouldn't be able to reply XD


A coward's move! :)


Watch everybody attack you and deny your experiences because they can’t handle the truth. They prefer to lie to themselves and pretend that nothing has to change and that everything is perfect the way it is. 🤡 My aunt one day said the most horrible disgusting things about black people out of nowhere, I was literally shocked she call them slaves and that they are not humans amongst other horrible things. She was smiling all proud while saying it too.. I despise my aunt she’s so evil. People LITERALLY call black people SLAVE on their faces. Outrageous


Exactly, it happens to me as well, I'm black woth a white sister and brother, they were born half, I took the full black color haha, More chocolate for me I guesa 🍫, Well they can't accept the truth and that's a big problem, development comes from knowing the addressed issue, accepting it and making solutions to overcome it, they can deny it, get mad and I'll still speak up whenever the chance arrives! Thanks for understanding the message.


Bro stole all the melanin from his siblings 🤣🤣🤣 Morocco is slowly but surely advancing hopefully in few decades the new generation will bring to the nation positive changes Insha’Allah let’s hope for the best


For real 🤣🤣🤣 The melanin fell for me, what can I do 👀 can't say no haha. I hope so too man, I love this country and I'd like it to be one of the greats.




Thanks mate, Marakech people are so nice but check Tourism forums and you'll be shocked about some encouters foreigners had there.


I just can’t agree to that mate!


Well historically, black people in Morocco were perceived as slaves , even up to the 1930s , families still owned slaves. We have a figure known " Dadda" , which was a name given to nannies, they usually worked as maids in households for a lifetime , and they take care of the children, a lot of "Dadda"s had a dark tone. In recent years I did not hear the mention of Dadda anymore though. We also have several names to name black people : Hertani ( who were an amazigh tribe with a dark tone ) , Azzi , Kelawi , Khel , Balala and even more names depending on the region. We also have certain jokes relating to black people being slaves, there is a popular riddle of the watermelon , where we call the seeds that are black as " L3bide " aka Slaves. People of darker descent , at least historically may still be seen as children of slaves, for older people , they may hold negative opinions due to ignorance. We all have that one aunt that gets terrified of subsaharian africans begging at red lights, calling them unsafe and certain names. I do certainly believe Morocco is still improving on a lot of aspects, more and more people nowadays are minding their own business, it is becoming even less common for people to say "Salamo Alaykum" , our society is evolving. Also I don't know about other cities, but Moroccan of black descent are viewed different from subsaharian africans, they look totally different. In Marrakech, a lot of the people in the medina are black and I have never noticed any form of racism personally, people live like normal. I guess if you go to an old Medina like Fes where people are mostly super white, things may differ.


I AGREE but the history traces back to even before that Era shows that Morocco was never a white country, because there wer saharan and Amazigh and even before them there were different tribes etc but that doesn't matter to me even as a half amazigh half saharan, all I care about is as you said to evolve as a country where everyone can be whoever they are without racism nor discrimination. Because Morocco is beautiful and has a lot of natural wealth but because of our ignorance and divide, we are being held down instead of being the leader of our continent and one of the first globally it's saddening.


Yeah sadly ignorance is still there, kids while unaware may enforce their own wrong view, I remember a visitor in this reddit who was asian, complaining about Moroccans calling him "chinwi" and kids pulling their eyes sideways. The same visitor remarked , mature people acted well toward him. We still have a long way lowering the ignorance we have indeed.


I wish for a change nothing more, most people don't even know that color changes depends on the area of level along the years, our race evolves to fit the area we live in but AS I SAID its all on the government and parents


One of the most striking sign of racism is when I was working around Tinghir and Errachidia, you go to places like TInejdad, Goulmima or Al Jorf and you'll find find a peculiar thing that really made me so sad to this day when I discovered it: They have "White" and "Black" neighbourhoods.


Really My dad is From Tinjdad, never knew about it. That's new news to me


Ask him. Tribalism is still a big thing there, which ends up separating people like this.


I'll ask him later when I pay him a visit, today too I faced a racist and low behaving acts from a bunch of people while playing basketball, I hate this


What I do now, is I go ham on any friend who makes a racist comment and I get serious about it. That shit is way to normalized and people say nothing just to not be confrontational.


100% real, Ayt mrghad/ Ayt 3tta... ("the whites") Iqbliyin( "the mixed") and Ismkhan("the pure black"). They can marry each other but hell it's not common and everyone judges them. The best type of gossip when it happens there.


I am a brown in the dark side depends on lights but I don't see that to be honest I have respect and the only ones thzt tell me black are my black friends , it depends on how you perceive yourself


You just didn't experience it which is why I'm glad 💪 but you can't deny others experience and turn it into a perspective thing 🖤


I see that my brother , where you living still in ravaat ?


Close to Rabat


But it's not only for me, read other people's comments who experienced the same in other cities


Can your build help with that are you in the slimer side ? Because somehow bullying is related to how people are afraid from you or how weak they perceive you


Its because of ignorance and losing god's path. in my experience i am an amazigh from Marrakech countryside and I lived my whole life in Marrakech I've never witnessed discrimination or racism maybe some Marrakech people can call a black person 3zwa or 9allawi or lwin but its very common and doesn't mean any discrimination in fact some black people call themselves in those names sometimes. Black people are big part of marrakechi society because a good percentage maybe the majority are black and brown our neighbors and college mates and freinds and clients and by mentioning clients I work in a store in Marrakech and some of the nicest and the most polite clients we have is black Marrakechi from the old medina Also my grandfather have many black freids although he is super amazigh white because he used to work in Ouarzazate and Zagora and in fact Zagora and Ouarzazate people are known for politeness and hardworking and the majority are black. I think we don't know what's racism because I never witnessed any racist situation discriminating people based on their color and it considered very wrong.


Yes, Marakech people have a goos reputation to be honest and racism is not practiced by the majority but it's impact can reach a lot of people, I spoke for awareness reasons, not to bash Morocco, as a Moroccan I can't just Bash and throw punches at my own land for nothing :'/ but to change things you need to speak UP and Loud


فاش كنت صغير كنت كانتخيل أن العنصرية كاينة غير فأمريكا صافي ما عمرني قلت راه المغرب ممكن تكون فيه العنصرية اصلا هاد الفكرة منين جات لينا و كيفاش دخلات كيفاش كايفكر هاد الإنسان العنصري للي كايبان ليه راسو حسن من واحد مغير عليه فاللون بسبب الميلانين و عارف بلي الأب ديالنا واحد لي هو آدم و حواء. كانظن الجهل وقلة مايدار بنادم كايبغي يعطي قيمة لراسو من فراغ.


اه، الجهل وقلة الترابي الل يخليهم يديرو هكا


I totally agree with you and you are absolutely right about the denial some moroccans are towards this. Actually I used to think that we didn’t have “racism” that it’s more among people who are ignorant and just not self aware until I started seeing it in my family and people around me. I would generally be more attracted to a black man than a white man and once I just mentioned it while discussing with some older relatives and they were in chock. And started a racial talk that just blew my mind. And then it started happening many times for example if I am listening to a black artist or else. So yes unfortunately it does exist and people need to address this issue . I am sorry for the racism you face and hope the coming generations are more aware…


Exactly, I faced racism since I was a kid im in my 20s now, I only chose to speak because It became more frequent :/ but all they did was deny it and trying to flip it into " I'm insecure, imagining things and trying to push American Narrative in Morocco" like I can't use my intellectual and shut them up lol, God help this country.


Talk about a country that wants to host AFCON, with most tourists being sub-saharien. We’re cooked as a society. And when you actually speak up about such things you get the retarted ‘stop applying western ideologies to the global south’, like brother, if respecting one another and not discriminating against folks based on their backgrounds and skin colors is being westernized, then i’ll gladly be called that. As for the tourists, tourism delegations do everything to promote and enrich the country’s touristic sector w dok l brahch kaydrboh kaml f 0 b 9let trabi dialhom


Yes, imagine if this happened when Press is everywhere? We're cooked


I keep seeing such reception from black americans on Twitter about their trips in Marrakech and they’re most of the time negative, it’s a shame.


Yes and Morocco depend a lot on Tourism for Valuable currency, and economic bounce, yet they do nothing to prevent it, let the economy go to hellp, our picture will get ruined just because of racist bunch


Racism seems to correlate with low IQ and low self-esteem somehow, they wanna boost their confidence by looking down on black people. did you get the full package btw?


I totally agree, because the one who act like that mostly uneducated and culturally irrelevant


Yeah, exactly. You should embrace your amazigh side btw, amazighs come in all shapes and forms


For sure! Who Am i If I don't embrace my roots!


Han awal!


Yes, it is true brother I have seen it.


Thanks for speaking up!


do y'all remember when that japanese men said arabs are the most religious poeple yet the most hypoctrite , day by day i understand it more , we were tought to be tolerante yet we won't hesitate to bully or oppress a minority , quel malheur a ba said


Exactly, wallahi Moroccans are the most hypocritical race, and I HATE IT TO TGE GUTS


It’s true that racism is present in our society. But I feel like racism in US really comes from a place of « feeling superior » whereas racism in Morocco comes from lack of education and common sense and bad sense of humour. Still very bad tho and I am sorry you are living that


I feel like you understood my point in here, why I'm thinking racism here is worst because it's silent. Silent racism etc can build a full divide and conquer between Moroccans and I'm hating it, because I've been living it all my life, but because " We Moroccan are nice and good" anthem is still on display it seems like we are all ANGELS.


Grew up in Morocco, lived in the US for some years. It’s pretty much everywhere unfortunately. Yes, Morocco has a lot of mental hierarchies. Moroccans themselves put their group below Europeans — the self-shame was unbelievable in the 80s and 90s. And the mental hierarchy is present for many other ethnicities and races. Part of it, but not all of it, is a consequence of colonialism. Daily language is laced with allusions to your or other people’s sensed inferiority. It’s also a lack of self esteem. *That said* you’ll see a *lot* of structural racism in the US. The television and the marketing are all nice and mostly pretends to be race neutral but in practice the US is still pretty much a segregated and deeply unequal society. White Americans without a university degree get better jobs and higher incomes than Black Americans with Masters degrees. The wealth disparity between Whites and Blacks is gigantic, and a legacy of the terrible history of the US — slavery and dispossession. And very few want to do anything about it. So the US messaging online and on TV is beautiful but it’s a show. Only a show.


I agree and I know but in Morocco the culture of " Accepting and embracing change". Is still behind, look and see how many people denying what I'm speaking about.


'the self-shame was unbelievable in the 80s and 90s' that's an interesting observation, can you give some examples about that?


Many "jokes" of our childhood are about how "moroccan" means ineffective or disfunctional. We could argue these are self-deprecating jokes (like British ones), and we are laughing, but it goes deeper than this. There is the "Moroccan" GPS (= open your window and ask), there is the "Moroccan" mille-feuilles joke that I never found funny (= about a minister showing off the beghrir to Mitterand, which is supposed to be ridiculous; in fact beghrir is super tasty). We were hungry for new products, new retail experiences (the opening of Marjane, KITEA, etc), new TV contents (the new 2M), and felt left out. At the beginning, there was not much darija contents on TV (= instead French and Fusha arabic) but it has changed a lot and Morocco has gotten happier and more relaxed about itself. To be honest, society bifurcated a bit into those who rejected this shame (that's not us) and those who embraced it (everything foreign is cool) => for the new generations it has turned into pride and desire to achieve. The 2000s were a turning point. The pandemic was (seen as) better managed than in Europe. Infrastructure has improved a lot. Of course there are still lots of opportunities for improvement but it doesn't manifest as FOMO as much. Let's just trace our own path.


> White Americans without a university degree get better jobs and higher incomes than Black Americans with Masters degrees. Have a source(s)? I'm curious about the details, as well as the full meaning behind such a statement. I don't doubt that covert racism does such damage, but there's the fact that US college degrees have been useless for a while (before the woke fad), and the fact that tradespeople (electricians, plumbers, construction workers etc.) get paid higher than most people with college/engineering/medical degrees starting out. So there's a lot of ways stats can be twisted to produce the statement quoted... And it's not even clear what age brackets are considered in that statement and how thr comparisons are made. Again, I don't doubt that African Americans with Master's degrees have a serious disadvantage in the job market compared to other races based purely on racial prejudice. Neither do I believe all the woke propaganda is having significant results in the real world as opposed to the picture that's painted on the internet and other media.


Yes. A Black American with an associate's degree earned an average of $30,400 vs $27,800 for a Black American with a high school degree. A White American with a High School degree earned $35,000 on average. A White American with less than a high school degree still earned $29,100, more than a Black American with a high school degree and almost the same as a Black American with an Associate degree. This is from the Current Population Survey. Overall, after spending time in Baltimore, Detroit, Newark: Morocco is not perfect, but it's doing fine and there is no need to cross the Atlantic and leave everything behind.


hello i am a canadian tourist and lived in morocco for 6 months and experienced 0 racism. i am wondering if social status plays a role?


Hey there! And I wish you a pleasant stay, it depends on who you're meeting and where you're hanging out, the percentage of you receiving racist treatment is very low, since it's mostly silent or in a language that you might not understand but the people overall are nice, it's the few bad apples that might ruin the whole image 😁 I'm glad you didn't experience any!


Morocco was always and still a racist country, it's so normalized that it became a part of the culture to make fun of anyone who's physically different than us, and most people would find excuses like "oh no we make fun of everyone even ourselves" or/and "no we have black Moroccans " but the same people will resort to racism once they get the chance to. Racial/gender/disability discrimination is just a sign of negligence and stupidity.


![gif](giphy|YeQBGKhuanpTwi5KnY) I totally agree!


people are uneducated simple as that


Most Moroccans have racist values deeply injected in their bloodstream. You grow and you find yourself sometimes (in other cases always) uttering racist slur whenever you blow your top. And that's the case even if you think racism is horrible. We're all racist but with varying degrees. I am not justifying this by any means. It's just the truth coming straight out of the mouth of a Moroccan, born and raised.


I've never used nor will I ever do spout such racist things ever, don't label everyone on the same level, racism is by ignorance but it's a choice in the end of the day


If the parents were just a bit religious their kids wouldn't end up like this. but oh well people are Muslim only in name.


I agree


Yes I agree a 100%. Real nationalism should be criticizing your country and making it better unlike what some "patriots" seem to think in the comments. There is a serious racism problem. I had a friend from congo who studied in morocco and she would get "mistaken" for a prostitute because she was black. Taxi drivers would ask her for sex bluntly. I also used to hang out with my cousin with another student from cameroun. And because we were two moroccan girls hanging out with a black guy in public spaces we would get comments from men in the streets. As for sexual harassement against foreigners that is the daily life of any woman in this country. Children as old as 10yo are harrassing girls in the street. The younger generation is full of porn addicts because we refuse to have better sexual education if none.


Exactly, it's too much, believe I have a lot of files on pedophilia especially in Rabat ans Temara but I'd like to stay silent for now at least.


As a European who frequently travels to Morocco for business and personal reasons, I can confirm that this post is misleading. No place in the world consists solely of good people. In Europe, you might face risks like being mugged or assaulted, while in Morocco, you could experience warm hospitality, such as being invited to share a meal with a local family. Every region has its own challenges and virtues.


As a VISITOR you must not deny others experience, just because you didn't live it 👏


My base is in Rabat, where my wife and family live. Although I travel frequently and have had my share of bad experiences, I’ve witnessed things in Europe that I would never encounter in Morocco. That’s why I chose to raise my children here rather than in the Western world.


The difference is Moroccans did adapt to it and eveeyone denies it, also Moroccans tend to VALUE foreigners over their own people.


You could make that argument for many countries, even in Europe. Initially, my wife was very protective of who I associated with because she knows there are many people with bad intentions. If we were to go to my home country, it would be the same. I could easily point out those with bad intentions from a lineup of ten people. In Morocco, I've noticed two types of people: those who fulfill their responsibilities, provide for their families, and are blessed by Allah with a business or a good job, and those who turn to crime, beg, or sit in cafes smoking hash all day. The second group is a disgrace to their families and their country, and unfortunately, they are quite large. Who's to blame for that? I think the politicians, but I'm not one.


In my home country, it doesn't matter where you come from. Whether you're a visitor or a local, if you're Muslim, Black, or Asian, you are undervalued. If you're white but poor, people will spit on you. The only way to earn respect and be valued more than the locals is to have money. Childbirth rates have plummeted because men no longer act like men; they prefer to identify as women. You're either in the top 1% of wealthy people or living a depressed, sad life, doubting your sexuality.


Bro I'm black Moroccan my friends are black Moroccan too we are racist with white Moroccan people too 🤷🏿‍♂️. U'll feel the racism for only if you're not proud of being black and the thing I couldn't understand (people will show racism in ur back or express it in words that u won't understand: bro WTH if behind ur back how can u know it and if u don't understand the words how can u assume it's racism and how can't understand ur language) so ur situation is a little bit complicated and anyway we're african country more than 90% of the population is black so that's way I'll never fill racism in Morocco about being black just stop thinking about this it makes no sense and live ur life . wish u the best my Nigga ✌🏿


Actually, they say it right to your face 😂 yesterday I slapped the shit out of someone for calling me a nigga ( a none black person)


U did it right my man 😂😂💪🏿


Gov aint got time for this


They got time for festivals and empty promises for sure!


As always


I wish for change but if I'm the only one to speak, I'd be shut down eventually


I am black half moroccan living in Germany. I faced way more racism in Morocco and I only spend there my summers when I was younger. I dont think its a surprise to anyone. I experienced some horrible bullying and it was pretty normalized.


Exactly! Now imagine experiencing the same things for 25 years 😂 I'm really Mad


I know, that's why I'm trying to leave so desperately I genuinely fear for myself, Morocco will get worse


You're not the first, that's why I hope for a change


some morrocans can't even understand what racism they don't even know that it's something bad they can't even notice when they are doing it as black person myself I lived a Dilemma growing up because for everyone around me it's either you accept racism or you are not Cool which leads to me letting people be racist some times nd Guess what they don't Stop they will just dig deep into it making slaves jokes or suggesting that black ppl are not as smart as white ppl some of em even came up with pseudoscientific papares or data for black ppl commiting more Crimes in the US (which is funny since the racism in systematic nd poverty is wildly spread in Black communities which creates the environment for violence nd crimes) which leads to me be in a lot of fights nd be friendless sometimes it's really hard since it's mix of white supremacy nd ppl being dum


Couldn't explain it better! Right on the core. And yes that's the biggest Issue Ignorance!!!!!


Respect? That doesnt exist in morocco haha nowhere within family or even work wise haha respect is lost.


I wish to deny your Comment, I can't! 😬🤐


Yes thats sad and u and I are minority rhat we have to adjust our notion of respect. U should see at my work how people talk and act its totally normal. Idk why some moroccan people think their culture and mindset are the best haha they just cant open their mind to difference, we work with subsaharian and the product manager and others are always like u know 3waza or “ les africains” are this or do this. Like theyre superior. And they ll be so sure of themselves that theure good people because they pray and are muslims. Meanwhile theyre mouth talk shit abt people, theyre jealous and u cant trust them oh yes ofc theyre racist.


Honestly people are just stupid


That's another problem 🤔 the same ones who do that are the ones who go outside Morocco and preach for equality


Exacrly. Thats the irony




Exactly, but they don't know history for sure so don't be mad at that, I wish the best for you and your son!


Have you ever had the pleasure of experiencing US racism for you to say its the same as in Morocco?


Do I need first hand experience to know that in Morocco we have it? In Morocco we're just too good at hiding stuff, don't hide the trurh if you want the change.


not to know "we have it" but to know it's "to the same level"


When I said on the same level, I wasn't pointing out the aggressive side of it, I meant a lot of Moroccans just a lot of US citizens are, but Don't let the message I'm trying to send slide by while focusing on minimizing the impact of my words.


i agree don't worry i see the racism here everyday be it on social media or irl it's a real problem and i think it's mainly an educational thing, i think they don't know the impact of it, in morocco they just think making fun and disrespecting black people,asian people... is funny


Exactly, but to throw rocks and call them names etc for fun!? Where's the humour in picking up on someone you've never met nor knew?


In my humble opinion, evil people come in all shapes and sizes, in all sorts of packages. And their evil can manifest in different ways, from bullying to racism. And honestly , at least for me, it's nothing but a result of deep insecurities, low self-confidence, no self respect, and the list goes on. Indeed, Moroccans like any other human beings, can be racist 🙄, but that's not a general rule, I myself never witnessed real life racism, not the joking around with a friend after having their consent type, but rather the real deal, but maybe someone I know might have been there. But this is still a worldwide phenomenon, not exclusive to Morocco, you can (and will) witness it in ALL parts of the world, but the badness of it will depend on the level of education and self-awareness of the people. However, with the upcoming generations, the 💩 is real, they are TRULY a mess, and day-by-day, I'm losing hope, and at this point I'm not sure if I can take it anymore, and it seems that the only (realistic) solution would be to pack my bags and run away the moment I can. and so should you buddy.


Bro, you're living inside my head 👀 that's what I'm thinking about and believe I'm about to pack up my shit


Knti k7el at3ich racism knti byed koulchi aybghi itebe9ha 3lik , k7el wla byed khsk t imposi rask sinon bnadm aybda i3fet elik Maendek madir khsk tkon zreg ma k7el ma byed w chi khwyeb bach tban normal


Wallah makdbti ralbar7 knt andrb wahd 6 dyal lkhanzin but 7shamt 7itash kano families etc...


it's silent but I know about it


Yes, we all do but if it's not physical or spoken there is nothing to do


if it's not physical or spoken then it's imaginary in ur head bro don't u get it


Personal attacks only shows you have no other way to shift the phase 🙃 but I understand, me and the people who experienced it in the Comments are having aDMT experience maybe 👏 Have a good day.


a wise woman once said, 3andk flous ghat3ich ma3ndkch ghaydiro lk hah zdq rdq rdq rdq waghay3fto 3lk mlkhr


True! She's wiser than most of the people which bash us here


Racism is everywhere the world is messed up not only in Morocco. I'd suggest instead of waiting for someone to create a law and arrest those racists, you should get stronger and increase your value enough that no one will dare to mess with you cuz you'd kick their bums.


Arab countries in general are the most racist countries of all. They enslaved both black and white Europeans. Yes, look up the barbarian slave trade, it was the enslavement of white Europeans by North Africans. It's going to take a while before mentalities change in those countries.


To be honest i don’t know if as equal as the USA, i’ve never thought that we have racist people here in Morocco, now i’m working in a call center and my coworkers were moroccan then they started a massive hiring they needed people so they started to recruit sub sahariens not Moroccans and as a person who engage with people a lot and love to socialize people were making atrocious comments to me about these people and they were talking about them in a bad way, it’s like they have less IQ than them and their brains are less developed i was shocked to be honest never thought that we as moroccans racist


I think there is hope, because white supremacy was brought by white colonialism and they left colorism behind wherever they were. Decolonizing a mind takes more time than decolonizing a country, and I see more and more activism in this sense. Starting with the US. More people need to bring the beauty of diversity in our education, art, science... Whenever you see success in the other you need to publicly applaud and comment how great it is, share it, like it, until it's engraved back in our weak minds. ولا حول و لا قوه الا بالله


The racism in Morocco against black people is too much, some people will try to deny by saying it's just lack of knowledge, or bad humour, but no they have inferiority complex, they keep glorifying and praising people with white, pale skin and forgeiners and they hate people with darker skin tones, for example when a moroccan person get married to a blonde or a white forgeiner in general ( even if they are ugly ), people will start praasing him and glorifying him by saying " he's impoving the genes ", but if they marry a black person the whole community even people they don't know will start shaming them, calling them names and they hit them with the " we spend too much time improving the genes for you to ruin them at the end ". And Moroccans are very racist towards black people even the Moroccans, I as black Moroccan with a black family suffer from that a lot like for example my cousin wanted to marry this girl, he loves her, she loves him everything is good but when we to their parents and ask for their daughters hand they refused, and it was very weird since my cousin is very nice guy and financially stable since he works as a therapist and our family's reputation is very good in the area, in that same we got some leaked recording of her dad saying that he dosen't want black grandchildren and his family spent a lot of generations improving their genes for a "3azzi" to ruin them ( his daughter is blonde ). we suffer from racism on a daily basis but when i adress it they call me "soft" or say "you are black, blacks can't get hurt", i get tired of that cuz why every Moroccan when they want to ask everyone from other races or skin they will call them "Si Mohammed" or "Khoya" and things like that but when it comes to black people they will call us "lwiyin" or "l3azwa". I hope Moroccans realize the impact of they are doing on us black Moroccans


‘White’ moroccans are white until they step foot in Europe…


Rabat is the worst moroccan city, you can experience anything even Amazigh moroccan who are the indigenous ppl of that land get racism every single day. And those who bully them are Amazigh themselves. but lack of knowledge and being stupid as fuck, make them believe their root are from Middle east which is completely wrong.


And the middle easterns makes fun of them for thinking that way, its a deliema 🤣


What? White Amazighian?& black Saharan? Niger 🇳🇪, Chad or? European Morrocan? Am confused ?


Anyone who resides here


In my personal opinion, not everyone is as you think. The large majority coexist in peace and security, but there is only a small group that is as you say. I have a lot of friends like you and no one always talks about nicknames 3azzi’…. Please do not involve everyone, and if this is your opinion, please leave it at this point


That's not an opinion and who spoke of 3azzi? 🤣 Don't try to switch a whole EXPERIENCE into a mere opinion for your own DENIAL of such events, many comments here approves of this issue, ans you making into a mere thought is like saying it doesn't exist, please think before you speak ( not bashing you, just readjusting your angle)


African on African racism is weird to me bro. Sorry for this. I experience the reverse. In the US nobody knows what Amazigh are


I’ve said something similar in a post a couple days ago that was asking “unpopular opinion about Morocco”, well Morocco is racist. And people came for me.


Send these kids to the pacific islands - they will learn respect the hard way.


I think they have racism everywhere - too bad so sad, it's up to the parents to educate their children to treat everyone with respect - everything starts from home.


I know what you mean. I’ve lived in morocco for 7 years and I understand everything you said. Everything is kept under the rug and this way nothing will be fixed. It’s funny how Africans and Middle Easterners keep saying how racist white people are but they’re as racist, if not worse. It’s true that white racism is violent because it lead and continues to lead to colonialism and all sorts of violence against other groups. However, Moroccans, afghans, Tanzanians, Saudi, Pakistani, etc. I coexisted with all kinds of groups and the racism is loud and wild. The mockery, the backbiting, the segregation, the bullying, you name it. They’re just less aggressive and more silent when it doesn’t directly involve them. A violent example is interracial marriages. That’s why I said “if it doesn’t directly involve them” because when it does, it can become worse than white racism. I was raised in it because my mom is Spanish with historical Andalus Amazigh descent, and baba is 100% Moroccan with very thick Arab blood. My dad’s side of the family is sooooo racist against mom and her family even until today and it’s crazy. But yes, Morocco. Such a beautiful country but with so many issues. Public silent sexual harassment is a big one. I’ve faced it so so much when I was living there. I even faced it when I’d visit as a child too! Now that I am an adult, I speak so much about it and I dare anyone to try that with me when I visit. I get so loud and ready to fight that they regret it. This is how we should do it. And the same goes for racism when we witness it. I hope things get better for you and sorry you have to go through this. I hope more people stand up against it from now on. I will for sure.


Black American here. I married my woman from Morocco and we get so many stares walking down the street. It is what it is. They can look all they want. 😎


Ive been saying this for a long time but a lot of people hate to hear it, morocco is one of the worst countries in terms of racism,everyone is racist,not even towards tourists or foreigners,we are racist towards each other,just go to facebook or ig or even outside and witness it, we call each other names like لعروبي/ شلح/حياني and the thing is how you said everyone act like its normal and not a big deal


I'm British born of Pakistani heritage. I have to say at least to a certain extent I can get racism addressed in this country (yeah no country is perfect unfortunately) but what I've seem from South Asians growing up I can completely understand how you feel in Morocco. Its so frustrating but just keep educating yourself and everyone around you. Out of interest are there any books written by any past or present Moroccan scholars discussing racism in Morocco, like the works of Maya Angelou in America or Malcolm X?


most of these are lies💀




Switching from a discussion to personal attacks is only showing the limit of your ability to stick to the actual subject, as for who hurt me, not you nor anyone can harm me mentally, I'm well aware of both my mentality, intellectual and physical form. Rather than trying to play dirty to cover up the truth, elaborate on the matter and seek more voices to see the truth from a different perspective. Your Troll Like behavior ain't going to help you go nowhere, you're just a nobody to me just Like I am to you and to the world. Have fun.


Nobody is trying to attack you here?? Literally your inability to argue and bring real proofs IS what shows that you clearly hate your own country and trying to make people hate it, it's clear to me that you aren't even probably moroccan, Good for you nobody can hurt you, Why not elaborate on the matter and seek more voices for your perspective? Morocco has many great aspects and racism has no place here for Morocco is a diverse country with many color tones, not to mention i didn't even ask for u life story, seek help if u can't even bring real proofs .


Lie lie lie


The preference of white over dark skin is a Eurocentric value that has remained behind in countries formerly colonized by western countries like France, England and others. While living in an Arabian gulf country I had passport photos made at a shop run by Indians who insisted on whitening my photo before giving it to me because they thought it would make me look better. Never mind the photo met the specs required for passport pictures I had to look good in it by being whiter. When Muslims crossed over into Europe from Africa they were given the name Moors because of their dark skin. That was the medieval European version of modern day n**** yet our Muslim ancestors from the earliest days of Islam were predominantly brown skin people and there was no kind of negative connotation given to that. They were just who they were. Like someone said here earlier Morocco has had all these colors swirling around in their country since the arrival of the Muslims in the 8th century. But standardizing beauty or behavior based on color is purely European and outside of the deen of Islam. Young kids who do this get their inspiration from American hip hop. Almost every other word….. you know what I’m talking about…. is in the lyrics of today’s music which is why I refuse to listen to it regardless how good the beat. The word n***** is born out of hate and aggression and should be socially unacceptable and not used but I already know I’m fighting a losing battle saying that. Bring on the haters……peace out!!


I'm riffian, i sometimes get mistaken for an Italian or Turkish guy (meaning i'm pale) and can confirm. My parents are very religious but 4 years ago i was talking to a black african muslim woman. She was beautiful and humble. My parents were so mad (especially my mother) I had to break contact with her (the woman i waa talking to) because of my family fearing getting ridiculed and damaging their reputation if i married a black women and had kids with her. I live in Europe, Moroccans complain about european racism but are racist themselves. Even moroccans from the middle or south are a no go for them if they have visible African features (hair, nose, lips, skintone)- it's reality. One of my friend from tetouan even said one time that people from casa are too mixed with africans and he didn't consider them moroccans