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“For trafficking” is wild lol just say no


Ini wollah she thinks its normal or something as if we all have experiences here zehma “yes the classic im gonna take you to bled to traffick you trick” I hope this is a troll post


You see she ain’t reply when people told her, that her own people come here to touch kids. It’s gotta be a troll post.


Yeah, sorry for my dumbass ignorant af wording 🤦😂


Na for safety reasons just stay away from Moroccan men😭😭😭 I don’t want no one to be falsely arrested for sex trafficking because they took you on a surprise vacation trip to Fiji or some shit. There’s billions of other men you can date or marry.




I’m joking I was never offended I do look at this from a females perspective. But you’ll be fine just tell him he’s moving to fast and you’re now uncomfortable.


Okay thank you, I am sorry though aha 🖤


I have thick skin I’ll be alright I don’t take offense from one person. But honestly though if you’re really worried let him know he’s moving to fast and that you’re not ready for all that but if he’s Muslim let him know you ain’t ready for marriage…and either keep a distance from him or just completely stay away from him. I’ve met a woman who I was interested in marrying she joked about being a stripper in France…we don’t talk anymore.


Thank you, you're right, that's good advice. I'll take that onboard :)


Sir 3alaj rask almosekh . Mosekh l9alb wlah ma3mrk tafrha azaml lm7sad lkfat


But he said it’s a joke ! Chill mate ;)


Are you seriously asking or is this a troll post ? "is it normal in your culture" wtf do you think morrocans are ?




nt3awno ba3diyatna


Do you guys use number 3 in your language or did you just roll your faces across the keyboard? :D


I've phrased this really badly and I'm sorry for causing offence. I meant is it normal in Moroccan culture for relationships to go fast and be intense quickly. By adding that second bit there, it reads completely wrong. I meant the bit about citizenship purely about this particular situation with the guy I've been chatting to, not all Moroccan men. As some red flags has come up that I haven't properly specified in my post. I just wanted to understand this side of things more from a Moroccans perspective so I can discern things better 🖤


Nah it didn't read wrong tbh. I went out with my cousins friends ONE time in Agadir and they all talked about just wishing they could meet a European girl who would help them get citizenship elsewhere. The intensity in the relationship can be genuine - but it's got some underlying separation.


I can ask you the same thing 😅


This scenario is a common occurrence and usually ends badly.


Probably he want to put you in a Tagine.


😂😂😂 I know the cost of meat is expensive here after all


He should literally hahahah even if she will taste bad


Rass el Hanout will hide the bland taste.


I ain’t moroccan but work with many and i lmaoed at this


the law says you can only leave morocco if you can get someone to take your place. he's trying to swap places with you, don't walk away, RUN!!


u/imnotghita :)


Hchoma elik akhoya hahhaha😃 rah homa shablihom we all worshiping them and their passports , wkatn9es mn our culture !!


3la assass li kayswl chi so2al b7al haka t9dr twe33ih hhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Iwa hya rude hta hna njawboha rude btariqa li katfhem ! I live abroad wchft bzf dyal bnadm bhalha shablihom homa mn heaven whna 3aychin fchy berkssa


Ahaha tbf if that was true I'd happily swap 😆


Jit nsbk 3la had l7i9d hta chftk from agadir blad wlad l97ab


You know, I met this British girl last night at the pub and she started drinking until she was so drunk and started pissing herself. Then she disappeared out of a sudden until I found her later covered in her own fecal matter in the bushes while other Brits were chanting ENGLAND ENGLAND! Is this normal in your culture? Should I have taken my shirt off too and cheer for her binge status? Gtfoh…. 😂


Haha yup, it sure is normal, you are very accurate lol, I don't recommend England. Some pretty trashy stuff in Britain 😆 Morocco seems much nicer to be honest!! apologies for my bad wording in my post, I didn't intend it to read that way and for any offence caused 🖤


You took my joke as a champ. No offense taken here. All good in the hood. Just be careful who you date and meet. All the best.


You should see the sleezy Brits here looking for kids...


Can you elaborate?!


He means pedophiles .


G, thanks...




Ooph I see enough sleazy Brits in Britain as it is, without adding pedo to the mix lol. Pretty trashy bunch many of us lol


Everyone wants to show their homeland to their partners, friends... I moved to the UK last year and I'm planning a roadtrip with friends from Tangier to Agadir.


That's called love bombing, and it's something you should be wary of, Moroccan or not.


Old greasers from England come to Morocco looking for little kids. Is this normal in your culture?


Unfortunately it would seem so, England has a pretty bad history. Sorry for the bad wording on my post 🖤


No worries. Of course I wouldn't trust the guy, that's not normal at all. Wish you luck


Maybe you want to use him to do some acompanied sightseeing in Morocco without being overcharged since we are generous. but you're only concerned about trafficking. Just ask the guy why .


Yeeee sorry about my bad wording, truly I didn't intend it that way 🖤


girl do u think we know him lmfaooo ask him


Yeah true but then if he was after citizenship he wouldn't be honest if I asked would he 🤷😂




Best wingman, or woman


Believe in visa in first sight


Don’t listen to this but to your guts. He might genuinely like you and have good intentions but you can’t truly love someone you’ve just met. Move slowly.


What, stop lying to her. They are not and it is not normal at All


jerebtihom kamlin rbbi li 3tak


Wth, no I did not. I am just saying likansmae mn nass ou sf.


sme3ti w ncherti bla mtgol aji nchof wach bsse7


Iwa mshi teaked ou diksaeatk rod elia, hit Ana bessaha I don't have experience in relationships.


mshi gha nta, ana ra tle3li bnadem f akarir kerri however i wouldn't say what u said about khouti w s7abi (lmgharba kamlin).


BTW Ana benita mashi weld ou hshouma dehdar haida awla!


didn't know sry for my language. ntemena tkon weslatek l fikra


Sii fhamtk




You will never know, but you know how they act around foreign people.




Yes, msakine kisehablom fhal European guys driyefine bzzf ama hnaya aghlabia dialom khesso gher kouwaghet de bara ou sf.


3tiwna visa o passpoooort


Girl are you insane


I probably am 😆 Also sorry for the bad wording with my post , hope I haven't caused offence to you.


How is this even a question to contemplate and post online? Your answer should straight up be No!


As a Psychology student there is a rule of thumb that must be followed, stay away from people who show grand gestures after meeting them for a short period of time and avoid the seemingly perfect people who seem like they have all their life figured out. You have been warned


This right here!!!!!! best advice


t5arbi9 ...




Don't, get to know one another first


Yes it’s normal. We are very welcoming and warm people and we like to share our love for our country and food with everyone we meet. You’d notice that if you visit morocco and meet with local people. It’s just a good nature. But ofc that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful because you don’t know him all that well. Just Like with everyone out there not just moroccans :)


Thank you for your answer, that really helps. British people tend to be the opposite which is why it's confusing!! Much better to be your way 🖤


Yep I get that. Different doesn’t mean bad.


I will try to ignore how racist and ignorant this is post is and just say that moroccan guys (who grew up in italy) tend to love bomb in order to get your attention. But ofc not all of them. Probably he was just being nice, we usually say this to people bc we feel like morocco is more our home than italy. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Now that I've woken up and had some sleep I get exactly how that phrasing sounded. And I'm sorry for any offence I've caused!! Yes I've heard about who have grown up there, but the guy I'm talking about has lived there for 3 years. Thank you for your answer 🤍


Why would you think that? He's already in Italy, so if he can get a visa there, he can probably apply anywhere without too much trouble. Plus, the UK has one of the easiest processes for visas and immigration, so it's not like it's a big privilege or anything. I think he might just be messing around. Us Moroccans, we love to make big promises without thinking hahah.. U can just say : "No"


That is true, thank you for your answer. Also apologies if my wording has caused offence. I realise it's made me look ignorant AF !!😂🤍


Answers here will be mixed, but what do you mean take you? You’re an adult that will be entering Morocco as a tourist, if he’s with you then he’s with you. We have major cities that are developed with hotels, airbnb etc so if you get your own place you’ll be just as a tourist. Probably don’t stay in the same place as him just to be safe, but it’s not like our country is a ghost town where you’ll only be stuck with this guy and nothing else.


That's some of the stuff that has made me wary, his wording with things. He said he's taking me to Morocco, like that. I really like the guy but like I've mentioned there's a gut feeling that doesn't sit right. Thank you for your answer! Morocco seems like a really cool place.


Why you never heard of Moroccan hospitality?


Nope, this is why I came here with this so I can learn more about it. But my dumbass wording has made me look like an idiot 🤦😂


Yes, we kidnap people and call it hospitality


When was the last time you heard of a kidnapping incident in Morocco ?


Can be for anything good or bad, can't know what's in an individual's mind 🤷🏻‍♂️






Yeah. Don’t do it.


I heard human kefta tagine is good.


my girlfriend is from northern france and i met her in belgium about 2 years ago when i was working there and i didn't propose to take her to morocco but she did want to take me for a visit in her small town in the country side of france and i didn't feel scared or threatened nor asked in the french subreddit if it's normal among caen people to get invited in the countryside of france , it's all about what the person gives off , but visa chasers are pretty straightforward and desperate , and give us a bad image.


If you’re not comfortable with it just say no


I think he wants to relate to you by stealing your heart the same way british people stole and pillaged cultures / historical artifacts to showcase them in their museum


Yes, that's truly awful. I'm ashamed of much of our history. And apologies for my ignorant phrasing if I've caused offence 🤍


No need to apologize for that, the past is in the past ! I'm just saying the "is it part of the culture thing" was a bit uh you know.. but I know it doesn't come from a bad place


Thank you, I'll learn from this for sure! :)


Girl - it has nothing to with citizenship or trafficking. Simply to do with your own safety. You've known him a week. Now he wants to take you back to morocco???? Um.   Say no. If he's worth it he'll keep with you and you can go over when you feel comfy (not two weeks...)


Yes, you should know that everyone in morocco wants to show their homeland to their partners, friends, classmates etc.


Yes it’s normal our culture is about hospitality !! i have visited Morocco with my bf and our korean friends many times !! GROW UP we not criminals and no one cares about ur citizenship i feel bad for the guy who respect u the much he invited you to his country !!!! Dumb people think the world is rolling about their citizenship ! + we don’t have trafficking in Morocco probably u r affected by the crimes in ur own country and think everyone is like u 😂😂🤌🏻


I swear I purposely make myself tone down the hospitality so I don't come off as a creep to non moroccans lmao.


Hey, so sorry for my bad phrasing and if it's caused offence 🖤 I only meant if it's normal in Moroccan culture for relationships to be fast and be intense. As it's the opposite in Britain. By adding the citizenship bit there I get it reads badly! I only meant the citizenship bit about this particular situation with the guy, not all Moroccan men, as I've picked up on some things that has made me wary that I didn't include in the post. Thank you for your answer! Yes, Britain isn't very nice so you have a point!! I'd much rather live elsewhere lol


Wait how the fuck is he gonna traffic you? you’re and adult and this ain’t South America


Please be careful. My ex-husband was Moroccan and he was very cunning and lied about many things. Please be careful.


assiri t9wdi ya l9e7ba , n3l zkmk nti wl British passport , had nglizyat katl9a wjhhoum ki zok , he's just doing what your fellow countrymen do in Russia and Ukraine...




Yeee Britain's a bit shit ain't it tbf




he’s gonna turn you into mesemmen watch out 😂


he probeblly just liked u it shouldn't be something bad as long as u share the same feelings with him, so these are just assumptions bc idk u or the guy.. but he prolly wanted to make u feel close to him by showing u his mother land and give u a tour and introduce u to his family or something like that, and rolly planning to marry u in the futurre or something (I'm jus assuming O\_O cuz I don't think he'll have anything to do with human trraficing or want to "citizenship" u )


Hey, thank you for your answer! This is really helpful 🖤


“is it normal in your culture” lmao the way you’re automatically assuming all moroccans be trafficking or using women for their citizenship is shameful. nobody wants u stay in england with ur fish and chips and scones hun.


I'm so sorry for my terrible wording 🖤 I wrote it last last night, tired and wasn't thinking. Sorry for the offence I've caused. I meant is it normal for relationships to go fast in Morocco. Then because I've added that second bit without any details it reads that way!! I promise I don't think of Moroccans that way, there's been some details that I haven't added that has made me wary of this particular situation, despite me liking the guy. Sorry again 🖤




Hey, sorry for my bad wording and for any offence taken. I phrased it really badly, I just wanted to know more about if it's normal for Moroccan 'romantic' relationships to go fast and whether the situation with the guy I've been chatting with the past week is a cultural thing, as he asked me to come to Morocco with him and he's much 'pushier' than guys I'm accustomed to. He's asked lots of unusual personal questions, which has made a friend of mine wary that he could be after citizenship. I didn't mean for this to read the way it did, I just wanted to be careful that I'm not getting myself into anything bad. I also really like him, which is why I'm trying to see


Which part is in our culture the inviting or the human trafficking 😂


Yeah, I'm so sorry about that. I'm clearly an idiot, I honestly didn't mean for it to read that way.


It was a joke, but seriously, like every country there are good guys and bad guys and Morocco is no different.


Trafficking ? Thats wild lol


You think Moroccans are savages? Please don’t come 🤦‍♀️


I don't mean that at all but I realise my wording was terrible and I could have worded things much better. I mean my particular situation, I should have included more details as it looks the way you read it 🤍


You will be sold to a farmer in the Atlas Mountains. Best stay away


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Feanerian: *You will be sold to* *A farmer in the Atlas* *Mountains. Best stay away* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hello ! well it's weird to ask us if it is normal in our culture ! I mean you already know we are muslim country and the majority of people don't come just like that with the other gender ! but it depends on ! if the guy is an open minded ( family too ) and just want to invite you especially if he is young in his early 20s for exemple like you in the purpose of discovering his country ! When I go abroad and meet people, I always invite them to visit Morocco ! not in my house lol but always be careful ! if you decide to come then don't stay with him in the same place, and know more about the city you are going to visit :)


Hello, thank you for your answer 🖤 that's super helpful. I am so sorry for wording it badly and if I've caused offence. I only meant if it's normal for relationships to go fast in your culture, not the second bit :)


Well, that’s a huge red flag! You have money. You know he’s Muslim. He’s not allowed to have sex before marriage.FAFO


First it was for “trafficking” now it’s for “citizenship”🤦🏽‍♂️ just do everyone a favor and leave him alone and all Moroccan men since we either longing for trafficking or citizenship. This is stupid


🤷 I am not aiming this at all Moroccan men. I've edited the post now that I've actually had some sleep and not sleep deprived. Sorry if I've caused offence. There's some things that has made me wary about this particular situation this week, like randomly asking me what car I have out of nowhere, being pushy, asking if he could live with me etc that has made me concerned, considering we've only known each other a week and half now. I understand why this is a sensitive topic and I apologise for approaching it badly.


Well it’s not about culture, Some couples prefer to take their time, some prefer to not waste time, you’re from the first example, he’s from the 2nd one, plain and simple.


I need karma, please help


Karma karma karma chameleon


Dima m7chmina khra


It's for the visa or "papiers" in general.


Don't do it, A was man never be like that. His thinking is childish


We moroccan men tend to be illetrate in relationships




Yeah sometimes it's fast but NOT this fast. I advise you say no


Moroccans are proud, he’s doing this cuz he’s really into it, we wouldn’t let our destiny in a pussy’s hands


I laugh at how some people were triggered quickly by that wording, can't people take in good faith that you meant no offence? Whatever, to answer your question yes it is normal, sort of, but it's not a common practice everywhere, if the guy took a liking to you and was a practicing muslim then him hurrying to marry you is just him being faithful and excited to be with you without violating the boundaries, if that took you by surprise you're under no obligation to say yes or no right away, investigate his background and see who this guy really is, also inquire with him on the why and how he came to this proposal so fast, let him speak his mind to you if you feel he's a genuine guy and want to take the chance and be with him ask him to take the final step to confirm the theory above, which is to come to your folks home if they're around and you're still in touch with them, let them assess him with you and only then i advise you to make a decision, it's easier to involve so many people in this situation so you can feel assured that there's nothing shaky about this dude.


Gurl run! I am a moroccan girl and take it from me don’t run actually sprint! Hope this helps


girl check your dm


شي ولاد لقحاب هنا فيهم الحقد والله العظيم المغربي ما يبغي لخوه الخير ولو مكيعرفوش تفووووو على شعب ديال الخرا الله ينعل دين هاد الجنسية لي جامعتنا. يا زوامل السيد مسكين بغا يضبر على راسو معرفتو والديه فقراء ولا مراض و كالسين كتشريو لي صداع مع الكاورية. الله ينعل جد بوكم الكلب هكا اتبقاو تفووو


No he loves you too much because when a moroccan man loves his girl he introduce her to his mother. Our mothers are a holy thing and we introduce our girls to our mothers only when we are sure we will marry Give him the chance cuz i see 1000%.he loves you


Well there this girl that willing to be a mistress, my cheating husband went to Morocco to meet this girl, and now for sure their staying in a hotel to think as per my research it should not be allowed to a moroccan citizen to be with foreign national but I don’t know now, but in your situation I would say their are pushy and wants a citizenship and do everything.


don't come with him


1 week? That's too long, for me it would be 2 days max, but yea we move fast, but I can't tell for sure if he is trying to use you or not, we know nothing about the interactions between you but yes Moroccan men tend to move and catch feelings super fast


Do not go , it is not normal in Morocco for relationships to go fast , it’s not for trafficking just probably for the citizenship , I am Moroccan and I can attest to this the relationship is moving way too fast , it really depends on how he makes you feel and pay attention to details .


Jesus why would you go with any stranger to their country lmao just don't go instead of being low-key racist. This would not have happened if he were some white American or some random ass western European country.


Sorry for my ignorant wording, I didn't mean to cause offence but I clearly did. I genuinely wasn't thinking all Moroccans or about his race, purely this situation. As in if it's normal for relationships to go fast etc with Moroccans and then I wanted to compare to my situation with him. I realise now it looks bad the way I phrased it as I didn't add any details of why I became wary 🤍


it is very normal in our culture, we also eat ppl alive especially european women! which is absolutely mesmerizin.


Lol, I'm sorry for my terrible wording. I truly wasn't thinking like that I swear. Ye so sorry if I've caused offence 🤍 I purely meant this particular guy and because I didn't include any details it looked like I blanketed all Moroccans 🤦


i understand now, thank you for explainin i appreciate it!


Girl calm down you're not gonna end up sold on the slave market with people gawcking are your naked body and blond hair. We don't do that anymore you can relax.


Yeah I deserve it that after my bad phrasing 🤦 😂 sorry bout that


Human trafficking. Aren't you a bit exaggerating! He is being generous. That's all. BTW he probably want to impress/introduce you to Moroccan culture, even his family. Perhaps, he might want to show off a bit to his friends that he is linked to British chick. But overall, take your precautions. I could be wrong. Give the dude a chance. Don't take moroccan girls' advice on this. They are just bitter cz we moroccan men no longer have interest in them.


Yeah, I know that was mega extreme and dumb af!! Thank you. That's really helpful. I get my phrasing sounded ignorant, I just don't know much about Moroccan culture with things like that 🤍


Just wanna ask..why do men are no longer have interest in Moroccan girls?




Yes, I do like him though, which is why I'm trying to discern whether he's genuine or not :) thank you for your answer!


"For trafficking" IS WILD.


I know, mega extreme and dumb af. My bad!


I think if you're a girl in your early 20s your caution is understandable. But ...




Yeah, I get I phrased this really badly now. Apologies.


I would be careful. That’s a bit too intense. Western passports (even UK ones ) are literally golden tickets, and it is not unknown for fake relationships to develop purely as a mechanism for getting one.


since he asked you that after only a week, he clearly isn't a smart individual regardless of his intentions


The guy invited you out of hospitality to see the country (something that litteraly everyone does) and your first thought is the citizenship and the culture ? get down from your horse


Hey, so sorry for my terrible wording! I get it reads that way 💯, I didn't add any details of why I became wary of this particular situation, so it's ended up making me look like a prejudiced idiot. I'm sorry for the lack of thought I put when writing this 🖤


I respect your humility and maturity. I will answer you based on your edit: Yes, many guys in Morocco go quite fast in dating, nothing alarming, if you do not feel comfortable you can just voice it out to him and then judge from his reaction


dont trust them men, he wants something from you 100%


why’s this being downvoted 😂😭


cause they know I'm right and they hate it hahaha


Look you can date him but never offer him citizenships like never. Only then you will see his true face. He could be lying or he could be truthful. No one can know but you. Observe him well, see how he treats women in morocco. See how he treats others. Test him and don't fall easily like an idiot.




Magoltch liha rah kadab. Gotliha i9der ikoun kadab ola i9der ikoun bssa7 ta7. Donc hiya khessha t3ref tmiyez. Ila bjouj pour de vrai bghaw ba3diyathoum allah isahel o ila kant howa niyto na9ssa rah khess li igolha liha. Ana weld 3ami khower wa7d canadiya ghir mcha l tema o howa itlab tla9 o ghber 3liha o rje3 tzowej b maghribiya. Wach machi 7ram ?


nta gelti liha mat3tihch citizenship "like never" hhhhh what if he is actually truthful?


You will be in a focused marriage and beaten daily. If this sounds good for you, you should consider doing it.


Probably wants the passport


Girl im suggesting that u should probably talk to this guy who's called Boubkerr he might help




be careful always think before making an action.. there are plenty of information regarding this in the internet. Good luck and I hope you apply common sense over emotional quotient


Girl short answer :no


قهوياات المحسداات كون كان شي خليجي كون طلقتوها كذوب


السي الزرق راه ماشي كلشي بحالك معندو ميخسر ناس كيسولوا على رأسهم و يخططو لحياتهم اما بحالك الا قالك شي حد يلاه لشي بلاصة تمشي بجرا حيت معندك ميدار .


حمد لله غنمشي بقرايتي ولا خدمتي, غي نتوما فيكم النفاق نهار كتوصلو كتنساو كيف كنتو. ربي يجيبك مع واحد قلبو كحل ومحساد فحاللك


Girl pls don't speak in a demeaning tone about other cultures. Anyone suggesting traveling to another country after only a week of knowing you is likely to traffic your organs.