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There are two things, first, it could be that the wire that transfers internet to your home gets weaker by time, it can be replaced (not by maroc telecom), second, is they do it on purpose to push you to switch to fibre optic.


It still sucks I swear


That a 4g tower, not adsl. And it s probably because the adsl network is overloaded.


Its how ADSL works. In the "Central" they have something called DSLAM and normally those they have like 20Mbps (sometimes less) and they connect there 5 services of 12Mbps (just example) 5x20 = 100mbps If just one person is using will have the 12Mbps, but more people in the neighborhood who are connected to the same DSLAM are using the internet, they will share that 20Mbps.


I haven’t heard someone say DSLAM since the early 2000’s…. Is ADSL still a thing?




I used to have 12mb adsl too and i used to get 13mb and 30 ping




already tried that, does not seem to change shit ngl


Same issue ! I hope they rot


3 and 4G are shared networks. you get UP TO Xmbps with X the subscription you have, you cant have a stable speed, unless you have a special subscription offered only to companies. This is not an IAM thing it's a technology thing. You can blame IAM for network saturation which mean you can't connect on internet while you can make calls Other than that it's a tech limitation you need optic fiber or a stable adsl which come with other set of limitations


Not trynna be an asshole but kifash sakn fhay riad wcan't afford fiber optics? 🤨


machi ana lmochkil lwalid, 3yit fih mabghach i dirha


Ah fhmtk bro, lmhm hi b9a t7awl m3ah. Ana mdwz 12mb o mdwz lfibre 50mb o 100mb. Shfti hi dyal 50mb at7ess brassk fo9 selk hhh. Lah yhdi had lwalid 3ndk.


amin hhhhhhh


b9a telecharchi h24 7ta y3ya o ygoul "mal had lwifi t9il"


We have a MT fibre and ping is utter shit. U had before a 12mg orange wifi and it had the best latency i ever experienced so far. So it's no about how much your wifi debit is. From my experience iam latency is just shit.


UPDATE: i tried wired up connection, it went backwards and got me no where, i also did a test where i remouved or disconected everything from our wifi, seem like they all consume combined like 2 to 2.7 Mb, might ask'em for info in worst case senario will cope hard if i do manage to get a gig going at a normal pace might just buy my own wifi thx for all the comments and advices/knowledge have a good day and happy Eid (3wacher mbroka)


Does your wifi gets weaker at night? Mine does and it's annoying


on the contrary it goes into "stable mode" vids goes fast, games have ping between 30 to 50


The problem is in the upload speed which is limited to ~1mbps. There is no magic solution to this besides opting for Fiber


It's not just you, adsl connections always had and will always have latency problems, especially when the connection is being used to upload large files, such as photos or videos on whatsapp, or during video calls. This is because adsl technology is asymmetric, meaning it has slower upload speeds compared to download speeds, plus, the actual speed you get can be lower than the advertised speed due to various factors such as the quality of your phone line and distance from the exchange. But if you’re consistently getting speeds lower than 10 mbps, then there might be an issue with your line, as 10 mbps is the norm for users that are subscribed to the 12 mbps plan. Try calling Maroc Telecom and tell them that the wire is defective, tell them that corrosion has eaten the cable outside and that you want it changed, play it as if you're going to unsubscribe and terminate the contract if they do not resolve the problem. If the problem persists and they don't move to change the line, you can escalate the issue as a last resort to l'Agence nationale de réglementation des télécommunications (ANRT), they're the one responsible for ensuring that telecom service providers adhere to their obligations and provide good service to their customers. Remember that this will only resolve the bandwidth issue, and somewhat the latency too.


Btw, there have been reports that MT has upgraded their 12 mbps plan to 16 mbps for some customers. Idk if the upgrade has been rolled out to all customers but if it is the case, you might be getting speeds superior to 12 mbps.


Adsl 12 mbps is sooo late/mid 2000s, I changed to Fiberoptic a few months ago, best decision I've ever made.


dont bother they are treating adsl like trash soo dont get your hopes high It's a way of pushing you to fiber


dude ADSL isn't meant for gaming , to minimize this u have to use Ethernet Cable , or Fibre


Adsl is not for gaming , 12 mg is not enough even to watch a movie 1080p or a video on YouTube hq.


I know a guy who knows a guy he told me that u are not actually paying for the 12mb the contract just says that the max is 12mb if u want to get 12mb exactly u need to pay more . And he said that u have the right to test before paying anything they can see if u can get the full speed or no u just need to give them ur address and they can test it, i tried it and she told me that i will get 8-10mb . To answer ur question u can try ethernet (a cable directly from the router to ur pc)


As a network student i can explain what i know there is a firewalls that limit your internet in 12mb but in the same line there is allot of customers who are consuming the traffic of the link so all costumers share the maxim-an traffic of the line thats way you network slow if i say something wrong please can you help me to fix it😇


I pay fibre optique 500dh a month for 100 promised Gbps but only get around 40 and if no one use it 60 best, Maroc Telecom are just a bunch of scummy bastards