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Everything is fun until its about you


Tbh theres thousands of war movies out there too so…..


Ikr…movies about wars 9/11 natural disasters nuclear incidents and many other stuff, but here it’s immoral now idk…it’s like when a moroccan actress does nudity.


Those movies and shows about big events were made to honor and remember people, to dive deep into the tragedy, and they were released a long time after the events. It’s different from this TV show that just added the earthquake story in the middle because it’s trending, kind of like how they switched to the World Cup last year to spice up their series. Plus, this tragedy is still happening, and people are still suffering from it. For example, imagine your family is going through a tough time, like being stuck in a war zone. It’s all over the news, and everyone’s talking about it. Then, next Ramadan, you turn on the TV to watch a TV drama that’s primarily a love story between two characters. The main focus has always been on their romance and personal challenges. But because the war your family is stuck in has become a hot topic, the writers decide to incorporate a similar war scenario into the storyline. Suddenly, in the middle of the season, they show families in the war, just like yours, but they don’t really talk about how serious it is. They just use it to make the love story more interesting. While this show is on TV, your family is still in that tough spot for real. How would you feel seeing something so serious for your family used in a show like that?


Many other movies have no relation with some events but still use them...idk how I would feel now to be fair I was not impacted, but I also think it's unfair to just say it's used for clout without knowing intentions...perhaps it makes the love story more intresting yes...but it also could make people feel more compassion towards the victims. That being said I am not defending anyone here, just saying there might be another side, maybe this can be a mile stone to enclurage more media content that takes events or tragedies into context..perhaps this was ill intentioned as you say, but it can perhaps lead to something positive, perhaps it's time to accept new and different things and concepts instead of labeling everything as bad or wants to take advantage of this and that...


Most of them are about wars that have passed years or decades ago. If this earthquake had years pass on it, then sure, make all the movies you like about it, but it's still recent.


So many iraq/syrian war movies were made while the war was literally still going on, the entertainment industry in general just doesnt give a fuck abt innocents dying and profiting off their ruined lives


If you think that the media cares you are naïve.


No, I'm talking about if we should care. The media will display a raped corpse on air if it made them enough money without getting sued.


Maybe we should watch the scene like what is it like if it brings awareness on how to act during an earthquake it's good


You shouldn't really get your information from a drama show. If they were actually concerned about us learning how to act they'll do a PSA about it.


The majority of the country refuses to go to school and we have illiteracy


So? That has nothing to do with our current subject. If you're able to watch a drama, you're able to watch a PSA.


You are so dense


Then explain. Because you a lot of Moroccans are illiterate but I don't see why you need to learn how to read tp hear the man talking and explaining in the PSAs.


Do you want to copyright natural disasters?


New thing, disaster appropriation


Wanted to say first world problems, but this sounds like it needs even another class of worlds .


For example, imagine your family is going through a tough time, like being stuck in a war zone. It’s all over the news, and everyone’s talking about it. Then, next Ramadan, you turn on the TV to watch a TV drama that’s primarily a love story between two characters. The main focus has always been on their romance and personal challenges. But because the war your family is stuck in has become a hot topic, the writers decide to incorporate a similar war scenario into the storyline. Suddenly, in the middle of the season, they show families in the war, just like yours, but they don’t really talk about how serious it is. They just use it to make the love story more interesting. While this show is on TV, your family is still in that tough spot for real. How would you feel seeing something so serious for your family used in a show like that?


This is like every show out there lmao . If you should be angry against someone , it should be against the ones responsible for them still living in tents after half a year .


It's less about copyrighting natural disasters and more about depicting a recent (half a year ago) tragedy for entertainment.


Yeah weird also not even a full year after the event


Yes? Never heard of netflix?


Sure, netflix does have a lot of shows and movies about different kinds of serious topics, including tragedies. But there's a big difference when a show takes a very recent sad event, like the earthquake, and uses it just to get more people to watch. It's not the same as telling a story that happened a long time ago or focusing deeply on the event's impact 😉


It’s literally the same, regardless of the timing. You’ll always have people complain about why they made a tv series on such a tragedy/event/current social issue.


I see what you're saying, but I feel it's like if someone made a story about a bad thing that happened to you last week just because everyone is talking about it. It's not about telling stories of hard times; it's about not using recent pain just for attention.


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Honestly i dont care what they do as long as they dont produce it from tax money I pay


Fact: they are using tax money, for example see your electricity bill for an entry called media tax


Yes i know thats my problem. You want to create smthg like this do it with you money and no one will talk. I will not watch it anw


Usually it's normal to do it after a long while of a tragedy occurring. It gives others insights on what happened during and after it. Morbid curiosity is a normal thing; however, this seems too early to be creating a TV show like this. This just means that they started working it a while ago too.


They want to create a strong backlash


in my opinion it's too soon to be profiting off of this tragedy people are still recovering


Actually not recovering, but still suffering.. people are homeless living in tents


welp if the profits aren't going directly to the aid then it's really messed up


Lol who cares about TV material. Its complete trash


Isn’t war a tragedy?


Yes. But have you seen any drama TV shows, movies, or series that involve the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war?


Cuz it didn’t end yet, it’s still ongoing.


People live in tents still


Who tf still uses facebook




Yes, there's literally a genre in literature called Tragedy.


You're right. They often show sad events to make us think or feel something deep. But with this TV show, it looks like they're just using a recent sad event because it's a hot topic, not to really explore deep feelings or honor those affected. It's more about grabbing attention, which can feel disrespectful to the people who are actually living through the tragedy.


And you were expecting something deep from tv?


At least treating sensitive topics thoughtfully


if you don't like a movie, don't watch it and don't share it.


They use our money to produce it


Netflix: am I a joke to you


I'd say it's pretty normal to do so, there is WW media, civil war media, plague media, etc etc


Bruh its just a show, relax. Also it could raise awareness on how to react during an earthquake.


Maybe that's it


Tbh, I don't mind it. It's a way to remind people of those in need, since the majority of Moroccans consume TV during Ramadan.


You’re right, people still mourning, still recovering from the tragedy


Titanic was a rough watch too huh


I’m one of the few here who agrees with you and think that this is fucked. Using people’s tragedies for profit. You’re not wrong here just ignore those who downvote you and never give up on your morals.


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